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Harper Condones Making Tapes

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Although a few Conservative party members do not agree with Grewal taping people seems their leader does.

Harper is willing (I tell you) to do anything to gain power. :angry:

What Grewal did is frowned upon by his own party members not to mention it is borderline law breaking YET Harper supports that? <_<

Oh and by the way tell me again about these Conservatives being united will ya? It seems they are not "ALL" on the same page going by this story. :P

Yes indeed Harper is scary just how far will he go! I wonder if maybe he got Grewal to do this?


Grewal's ethics questioned


OTTAWA (CP) - Gurmant Grewal's Conservative colleagues privately castigated him Wednesday but Stephen Harper publicly defended his MP's controversial tactics in exposing alleged Liberal skulduggery.

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Although a few Conservative party members do not agree with Grewal taping people seems their leader does.

Harper is willing (I tell you) to do anything to gain power. :angry:

What Grewal did is frowned upon by his own party members not to mention it is borderline law breaking YET Harper supports that? <_<

Oh and by the way tell me again about these Conservatives being united will ya? It seems they are not "ALL" on the same page going by this story. :P

Yes indeed Harper is scary just how far will he go!  I wonder if maybe he got Grewal to do this?


Grewal's ethics questioned


OTTAWA (CP) - Gurmant Grewal's Conservative colleagues privately castigated him Wednesday but Stephen Harper publicly defended his MP's controversial tactics in exposing alleged Liberal skulduggery.

Harper has 2 things he could do with Grewal, Boot him from the Conservatives or defend him. He chose to defend him, giving him the benefit of the doubt. Apparently he told Harper about the talks before the confidence vote. Nobody is proud of this in the Conservative party and I think Grewal realizes how bad it makes politicians look. I doubt that Harper put him up to it, but if he did, it shows very poor taste on his part. It also shows what the Liberals were willing to do to STAY in power.

If Martin offered him anything, he should be charged and I think that both Grewal Dosanjh should step down until the matter is solved, if in fact Grewal deleted some of the tape to protect his true intentions of defecting.

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If Martin offered him anything, he should be charged and I think that both Grewal Dosanjh should step down until the matter is solved, if in fact Grewal deleted some of the tape to protect his true intentions of defecting.

Heard some analysis today of some pieces of the tape that sound like three seperate sentences spliced into one. If the Conservatives have manipulated the tape in any way they will have lost what ever moral high ground they think that they have. If find it hard to beleive that it was not manipulated - why else would it take 13 days to release the tapes.

What pisses me off is that Conservatives know that they would do exactly the same thing if they had a shaky minority gov't and were falling in the polls - just look at how they behave in opposition and their willingness to go to an election at time which gives the BQ a huge electoral advantage.

Harper, Martin, Duceppe and Layton - all the same in their willingness to maniupate and deceive people in order to push their agendas.

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Although a few Conservative party members do not agree with Grewal taping people seems their leader does.

Harper is willing (I tell you) to do anything to gain power. :angry:

If that were true he'd have joined the Liberals.

So how much are you guys selling judgeships for these days? How much for a senate seat?

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Liberals don't have the market cornered when it comes to power tactics. It is not just that party that has shown a shocking lack of moral principles and ethics; the Conservatives under Harper have shown that they have just as devious minds as Liberals. That's what happens when party (and personal) power becomes more important than the country it is (they are) supposed to run. And what's worse is that people buy into this party thing and start acting as though the actions of these mongrel parliamentarians (and I use parliamentarians loosely to fit those sitting in those all so important seats) are acceptable. And as long as we, the voters, accept it from any of these yahoos they will continue to act as they are.

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Although a few Conservative party members do not agree with Grewal taping people seems their leader does.

Harper is willing (I tell you) to do anything to gain power. :angry:

If that were true he'd have joined the Liberals.

So how much are you guys selling judgeships for these days? How much for a senate seat?

The only member of the COnservative Party who was willing to do anything for power was Belinda Stronach.

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Harper, Martin, Duceppe and Layton - all the same in their willingness to maniupate and deceive people in order to push their agendas.
Sparhawk, apparently in your view, that's what politics is all about. The Liberals are just doing the normal thing. According to you, Canada is just BS.

I strongly, strongly disagree with this view.

IMV, if Canada exists and we have a federal government, it is because ordinary people benefit. No federal government will survive on BS alone, it needs other votes. (I think Frank Stronach was really dumb when he chose his daughter's name - why not Patricia?)

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I happen to think that there are politicians who tell the truth.

Sometimes, I do to - and those people include a number of Liberals that are being unfairly tarnished with the sponsership scandal. Now those same people are running around in desperation trying to salvage something from this mess and now making mistake after mistake - an then trying to deceive people to cover up the mistakes.

I did believe that Harper was honest - my trouble has always been I don't agree with his politics so I can't vote for him. But his reaction to Stronachs departure and now this doctored tapes issue have shown him to be manipulative and dishonest too.

Layton tries to be honest - I will give him credit for - can't vote for him though.

Decuippe has always manipulated and destorted facts in an effort to prove that Quebec is getting screwed by Canada. He has to be the most dishonest of the lot - but most Quebequers think he is honest because he tells them what they want to hear.

Things are pretty bleak.

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