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Naked teens on web

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she is still in the process.  What are you; someone who like to look at naked young girls?

It depends how young. :P

Good answer. Seriously, if a girl is allowed to have sex at 14, or rather, if a man can legally have sex with a consenting girl of 14, then why would it be wrong to look at a nude picture of a girl that same age???

Nudity itself does not imply sexuality. In our culture many people see it that way, though.

There are paintings by some of the old masters of nude children, including prepubescent, and barely pubescent girls.

These are not "sexual" pictures.

Many European cultures have a very relaxed attitude towards nudity. Many of these same countries have some of the lowest incidences of rape in the world. When nudity becomes de-mystified, then the simple sight of a woman's breast does not arouse sexual feelings in the observer, he/she has, after all, seen it all before, on a regular basis.

In our own culture, sex has been put on a pedestal as being something "special", while at the same time being somewhat of a taboo topic between parents and their kids.

How often have we seen parents who dread giving their kids the old "birds and the bees" talk???

As a kid, I had many questions about sex, but was afraid to ask them at home because of the upbringing I received, and the silent messages I got regarding sex and nudity. So, like many kids before me, I learned all the wrong things through heresay from other boys. Most of the information was, of course, wrong.

Sex "education" dealt with nothing more than the mechanics of how to make babies. "When the penis is erect, it is inserted into the vagina. The sperm travels up the fallopian tube to..........yadda yadda yadda".

So then, why would I sometimes get an erection when there was no vagina present waiting to have anything "inserted"???

I firmly believe that if our society were more open about sex, and taught kids that there is nothing "dirty" or "unhealthy" about the act itself, but that measures should be taken to prevent unwanted pregnancy or disease, then we would have a healthier, happier culture.

What's the difference between a 25 year old and a 60 year old pervert. 

That's easy to answer; 35 years. :P

Seriously though, women in many arab countries are not allowed to make decisions about whom they are marrying. They come to the west, marry who they please, and no the sky doesn't fall. 

And sometimes they die at their families hands but that has little to do with this issue. Neither do people who run around in the Amazon with no clothes. Different cultures

Different cultures, indeed. But which culture has a healthier attitude towards sex, one where it considered "dirty" to look at nude pictures, or one wherein the human body is considered to be a normal sight???

The girl in question wants to flaunt her body on the internet.  Do you know how stupid and dangerous that is.

While I personally do not want to post nudes of myself on the internet, I do enjoy looking at some tastefully-done nude pictures, and see nothing wrong with people who enjoy being seen in the buff.

Stupid??? I'm not so sure. It's not a crime to see, or be seen.

Dangerous??? I don't know about that either. Do you think her webcam will get all excited and rape her??

As for the girl's right to make her own decision on this, consider the fact that age of consent is fourteen. Legal driving age, where we lisence kids to drive large metal ground-hugging projectiles which can easily be turned into killing machines, is sixteen. A person is considered an adult under the law at age eighteen. We don't allow them to drink alcohol until they are nineteen.

Does anyone else see anything slightly askew in this combined picture???

Age laws are largely arbitrary, and change semi-regularly at the whims of politicians depending on the mood of the day.

And to address the age issue once again, only a couple hundred years ago a girl of 14 or 15 was considered to be of marrying age. An unwed woman of 20 was often considered "too old" to find a husband.

These days, it's a rarity to see a woman married even by age 20 or 25.

Mood of the day.

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could see some concern with the young woman's views if they were influenced by some 60 year old purve who just wants them in the sack. If these are truely her ideas then what is the big deal?

What's the difference between a 25 year old and a 60 year old pervert.

Seriously, just what is perverted about being attracted to the naked bodies of breeding age females? I mean, isn't it genetic? Age is a cultural issue, and while we might obey it that doesn't affect instinct. Tracy Lords was a pretty damned hot looking 15 year old when she appeared in Penthouse. Do you think just because her true age was revealed every adult male suddenly had zero interest in looking at her? Get real.
The girl in question wants to flaunt her body on the internet.  Do you know how stupid and dangerous that is.
Exhibitionism is a pretty normal human trait, especially among young females. They're told over and over again by every cultural institution but the Church how hot and sexy and attractive and desirable it is to look like they look. Why wouldn't they get a thrill out of showing it off from the safety of their own home? Stupid? Maybe. But the young are known for doing stupid things. Dangerous? Unlikely. Not compared to going to a bar and getting drunk.
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I mean yes her behavoir and views may be seen as deviant but the fact that she can read a newspaper let alone reads the newspaper and then rights a response to it, indicates she is already a leg up on any other kid in her age group (14-22?).

You sure must know children with little intellect. My granddaughter is 12 years old and can read at a college level. My granddaughter was invited to meet the governor general after the Kelowna fires as she set up and organized a school bake sale to make money to go to rebuilding the trestles. She was 9 years old. Kids need to get credit when they do good; not for trying to flaunt their bodies.

Yes and obviously you are proud of your Granddaughter, and for Good reason, she herself is a few legs up on most kids her age. I was just pointing out that people my age don't read newspapers, let alone respond to them. So the fact that this girl does, would indicate she is probabley going to achieve more then a graduation from prostitot to prostitute. Considering most prostitutes are ill literate, raising the fact that she can read, would be very relavent to a situation in which such an ending for her life was slightly hinted at. I am not going to say this behavoir is great, but I certianly think there are worse things kids could be doing.

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"What are you; someone who like to look at naked young girls?" could be taken as an insinuation of paedophilia.

It suggested no such thing. I just do not think a young girl should be encouraged to show off her body on the internet. Don't let your imaginations run away with you.

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agree. I believe we should all be careful to debate each others arguments rather then taking shots at each other. I realise that to a certain extent members will end up making digs at each other but the question "What are you; someone who like to look at naked young girls?" could be taken as an insinuation of paedophilia.

Placed in context I don't think WageSlaves comments could possibly be interpreted in this light.

You are the one who has gone too far. Looking at naked girls is a far cry from being a pedophile. Otherwise 99% of all men would be considered pedophiles. My thoughts are that wageslave is probably not much older than the girl in question if he thinks she is old enough to make such foolish decisions that can be utilized by those who are pedophiles and which happens much too often.

Don't let your imagination run away with you or put words or meanings in my posts that definitely were not there nor suggested. We are not even talking about porn; so that was quite a stretch of my comments.

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I stand by my post. Your comment could very easily be interpreted in that light. It is certainly not difficult to interpret as an attack on character.

If you did not mean it that way then perhaps you should take greater care in the way you construct your posts. It is still difficult for me to believe, when reading the question, that it was not meant in such a way.

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As for the girl's right to make her own decision on this, consider the fact that age of consent is fourteen. Legal driving age, where we lisence kids to drive large metal ground-hugging projectiles which can easily be turned into killing machines, is sixteen.

At least with a driver's license ; she is tested to see if she has the ability to handle the situation. Nude pictures in a magazine is much safer than those being distributed on the internet. Parents are always looking for children who have been lured away by a internet contact. Males and females. Some people at 16 are much more mature than others.

As for the age of consent; that should be raised; especially if the partner is much older.

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  At least with a driver's license ; she is tested to see if she has the ability to handle the situation. 

If by "handle the situation" you mean she can keep the car between the white lines and read the road signs, you are right.

But the driving test does not take into account how she might react after having the "worst breakup ever" with little Johnny down the street. She may, in a fit of pique, decide to run him over. If she's only 16 at the time, she wouldn't even by tried in an adult court.

Nude pictures in a magazine is much safer than those being distributed on the internet.   

Nudity is safer when it's published in print??? I don't see how you can prove this. I am sure the family of Dorothy Stratten would disagree.

  Parents are always looking for children who have been lured away by a internet contact.  Males and females. 

Just as they are always looking for kids who have gone missing while walking home from school, or the playground, or the park, or just about anywhere else you can name.

  Some people at 16 are much more mature than others.

I agree 100%.

As for the age of consent; that should be raised; especially if the partner is much older. 

*sigh* Age of consent is an arbitrary number chosen by guys in suits. Do you honestly believe that this "law" is going to be observed by a young girl who has decided that she is ready to have sex, and is actively seeking a partner??? Additionally, do you think it is going to discourage said partner??? Admittedly, many men WILL back away from sex with a girl who is beow age of consent. Many will not. Also, if the girl claims to be 16, or better yet, 19, then what is the male to do??? Should wwe be asking for photo ID before having sex with someone???

I agree that we need to have guidelines in place to protect the young, but the age of consent law, as it currently stands, is a two-edges sword. Many lives have been ruined by the stigma of "child abuser" when the older participant has been unaware of the true age of the younger. This has happened to men and women both.

Unfortunately, at the moment, I have no better ideas for addressing the issue.

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Admittedly, many men WILL back away from sex with a girl who is beow age of consent. Many will not. Also, if the girl claims to be 16, or better yet, 19, then what is the male to do??? Should wwe be asking for photo ID before having sex with someone???

That is why I would like this law to allow a certain age difference ao that it doesn't snare young males who are close to the same age. Say 5 years. Ay least it gives the parents a tool to keep older guys away from their young children.

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Women seem to make a conscious effort to suppress and destroy their own sexuality. This teen wants to capitalise on sexual liberation and make a public spectacle of a "problem" women know only too well. It is called suppressed sexuality, sensuality, whatever.

Look at the teen sexual liberation this way. The teen wants to take to nudity and reshape her sexuality, to make it more manageable using pictures instead of unleashing the real power of sex in herself.

I mean women are technically insatiable. I mean they can have multiple orgasm, continual orgasm, clitoral orgasms, orgasms on demand and so on. Women's capacity of orgasms is theoretically inexhaustible. Would you rather release these insatiable cunts instead of pictures?.

I read somewhere that a perfect picture of women's superiority is one that showed the perfected woman naked, her back arch, her eyes shut, she lies prone pressing down on her pelvis, her mouth open and her nipples erected. Its just a picture.

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Women seem to make a conscious effort to suppress and destroy their own sexuality. This teen wants to capitalise on sexual liberation and make a public spectacle of a "problem" women know only too well. It is called suppressed sexuality, sensuality, whatever.

Look at the teen sexual liberation this way. The teen wants to take to nudity and reshape her sexuality, to make it more manageable using pictures instead of unleashing the real power of sex in herself.

I mean women are technically insatiable. I mean they can have multiple orgasm, continual orgasm, clitoral orgasms, orgasms on demand and so on. Women's capacity of orgasms is theoretically inexhaustible. Would you rather release these insatiable cunts instead of pictures?.

I read somewhere that a perfect picture of women's superiority is one that showed the perfected woman naked, her back arch, her eyes shut, she lies prone pressing down on her pelvis, her mouth open and her nipples erected. Its just a picture.

While I agree that sexuality is suppressed in our culture (for both males and females), I can only :rolleyes: at the rest of your post.

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She is too young and it should not be on the internet where who know who may find it and stalk the girl.

I know at 16; they think they know what they want and what is right for them but they are still working on defining themselves. This could be something that could cause her problems down the line.

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CAESAR: I have been refuting you throughout this thread.

In all reality, I sort of agree with you. Here's how; I think it's a bad judgement call on the kid's part. Yes, these pictures could come to have a somewhat detrimental effect on her future life vis-a-vis job hunting and so forth.

But that would only happen if the employer was aware of the pictures. If he IS aware, odds are that he saw the pics firsthand.

Let's face it, with the immense number of girls posing nude online, individually, they fade into anonymity.

At worst, it seems to me an inexpensive way for the girl to learn a lesson that she will not forget in later life.

At best, it'll be a fun little adventure for her, and most likely a phase she'll quickly grow tired of.

But the only thing I see wrong with it is that it shows questionable judgement.

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