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Moderate B.C. party holds first convention

Last Updated Sun, 16 Jan 2005 11:04:01 EST

CBC News

WHITEROCK, B.C. - A political party staking the middle ground on the political spectrum in British Columbia has held its first policy convention.

Democratic Reform BC, a coalition of small parties, intends to run a full slate of candidates in the May 17 provincial election.

MLA Elayne Brenzinger, who attended Saturday's convention, says the new party will offer an alternative to left- and right-leaning parties.

"Everyone is working toward having a fiscally responsible socially progressive moderate party," she said.

A choice

Maybe a party that will get my vote. We need a moderate party like this in BC. I will be listening and see what type of leadership they come up with

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Canada is overun with moderate shit for brains politicians, all that seems to do if throw us deeper in the pockets of the Americans

Not here in BC. The ruling "liberals" are extreme right wing with all the breaks going to the rich. The NDP are too left and blow all our tax money on the poor and those include those too lazy to work.

Those of us in the middle to upper working category end up giving to the rich or giving to the poor. A true middle of the road party does its best to balance both. It does its best to be fair to the business sector that gives us jobs ; yet still have compassion for those down on their luck or with conditions that prevent their being gainfully employed and able to foot all their own bills.

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Yes the liberal extreme right bother's me. But the NDP are moderate center. More liberalism is not gonna help the situation. I can't speak for the rest of BC, but Vancouver has get it's sights on liberating itself fron Canadian colonialism, if we ever want to have control over our lives.

But you can speak for the rest of Vancouver?

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As a Vancouverite who has lived the experience, I can speak for those in Vancouver (except maybe Shaughnessy, or the BP's) alot better than I can for the rest of BC. And no, I don't believe in freedom of speech for the rich, so thier concerns fall on my deaf ears, continually.

Don't speak for me or other Vancouverites. While I do not like the extreme right wing Liberals (Conservatives in every way but name) we do not want to break the bank under the LEFT wing NDP as before. There are a lot of us stuck in the middle just paying the bills; either to the rich or the poor including the lazy. We do need to help the handicapped or those with other health problems but just how much do we need to help the lazy or unmotivated. What's the point in working and trying to get ahead if we are to give out hard earned money to those who have no motivation or desire to make an effort?

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Don't speak for me or other Vancouverites. While I do not like the extreme right wing Liberals (Conservatives in every way but name) we do not want to break the bank under the LEFT wing NDP as before. There are a lot of us stuck in the middle just paying the bills; either to the rich or the poor including the lazy. We do need to help the handicapped or those with other health problems but just how much do we need to help the lazy or unmotivated. What's the point in working and trying to get ahead if we are to give out hard earned money to those who have no motivation or desire to make an effort?

The NDP are capitalist and are therefore,on the right side of the political spectrum. There are no viable options for the left in Canada.

The middle class is a myth, we are all bieng robbed of our existences by the rich.

You must be a complete fool to believe that anyone is without a job because of being lazy. Most people don't have ties to the establishment, or parents that can provide them a post-secondary education. As for unmotivated, it would be foolish for anyone to be motivated to work at McDonald's or 7/11. The poor are part of this "we" you speak of, no matter how much you'd like to marginalize them. What's the point in working to get ahead if there is no way to enjoy your wealth? Education is for the rich. Health Care is deteriorating. Acsessories seem to be outdated the minute you buy them.

Are you actually against the Liberals? or are you just jumping on the banwaggon?

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Don't speak for me or other Vancouverites.  While I do not like the extreme right wing Liberals (Conservatives in every way but name)  we do not want to break the bank under the LEFT wing NDP as before.  There are a lot of us stuck in the middle just paying the bills; either to the rich or the poor including the lazy.  We do need to help the handicapped or those with other health problems but just how much do we need to help the lazy or unmotivated.  What's the point in working and trying to get ahead if we are to give out hard earned money to those who have no motivation or desire to make an effort?

The NDP are capitalist and are therefore,on the right side of the political spectrum. There are no viable options for the left in Canada.

The middle class is a myth, we are all bieng robbed of our existences by the rich.

You must be a complete fool to believe that anyone is without a job because of being lazy. Most people don't have ties to the establishment, or parents that can provide them a post-secondary education. As for unmotivated, it would be foolish for anyone to be motivated to work at McDonald's or 7/11. The poor are part of this "we" you speak of, no matter how much you'd like to marginalize them. What's the point in working to get ahead if there is no way to enjoy your wealth? Education is for the rich. Health Care is deteriorating. Acsessories seem to be outdated the minute you buy them.

Are you actually against the Liberals? or are you just jumping on the banwaggon?

The right side of what? the communist party? Relatively speaking everyone is on the right side of something, but then that being said, the conservatives are ont he Left side of the political spectrum as the are further left then the Nationalist Party of Canada (I don't know if they still run). But we are not speaking in terms relative to political extreme we are using a standard right left assignment based on political views and the NDP sit Left of center. The Left is normally used ot describe Reformed Liberals or modern liberals, Progressives, social democrats and the more Radical groups like the Marxists. that being said, being a radical socialist is not what it takes to be on the left, and unless you can actually proove me wrong with something more then Dogmatic Bullshit you don't have a basis to make such a claim.

The middle class is not a "Myth", The middle class as th emodern definition goes is distinct formt eh Burgoise as it does not own "Capital" but is distinct from the working class in that it is fairly well to do, your white collar workers..so clearly such a group exists, now not in the Marxian terms mind you, that being said in Marxist terms the conditions of the Workers should have continually deterioated, and not have becoem better off..and that is partially what caused the emergence of Social democrats.

Now As for caesar being a complete fool, perhpas you should go back and read over the post again. hopefully you will then note that caesar never said the poor were lazy, caesar said we our all paying bills either to the rich, poor, and the lazy...not the rich and the lazy poor. But while we are on the matter, I know a guy who sits on his couch all day doesn;t go to school, doesn;t work, and sponges off his parents I woudl consider him un-employed because he is lazy. As wel I know people who are motivated to work at Mcdonalds, as they view it as a wise investment in their future, and in all honesty people who plan ahead and invest in their future are far from foolish, now people who bitch about the fools who work for $8 an hour, are the un wise ones...because technically you are just digging your own grave, and by the way I work for $9 an hour and actually have two Jobs...to pay may way through school. Now do i get to enjoy my wealth now, well I am on a computer now, I just finished a milkshake, and I am about to crawl into bed...yeha the glas can always be half empty but maybe it can be Half full as well? Now is education for just the rich, for peopel whose parents can pay for it, well I am paying for my own education and agian the government actually covers 80% of the cost for post secondary education only 20% of the cost is passed on to students through tuition, so actually the government is paying my way through school.

Now onto that last blurb about accessories, does it matter? Does it matter that my computer is only 1.4 Ghz? Or that it runs on windows 2000 and not XP? The fact is it works, and really that is all that matters, I don't need or want the latest gadget or version, version works just fine, but if people will buy it good for them, it doesn't affect me, in a bad way. The government doesn't need to be my everything and onlything...it jsut need sot supply a saftey net, and a helping hand..and yes that coudl use some work. That being said...that work can be done under a CAPITALIST system, I highly doubt it could be done under a centrally planned economy. And Like caesar, as a vancouverite I would ask that you refrain from telling me what I want,a nd like caesar I am very pleased at being presented a moderate centrest choice...as I couldn't see myself voting Liberal or NDP.

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But the NDP are moderate center

I do believe; they are considering moving more to the center but we certainly do NOT want any party more left than the NDP. You seem to lean towards Communism without the contol. /Sounds like you want to sit on your butt; do nothing and get paid for doing nothing. Get a life and get a job. Life is more interesting and fun when you are a contributing member of society.

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I'm not sure we need a 29th political party in BC. What I do find interesting here is that someone who accuses another politician of sexual harassment, then withdraws it, should not be even allowed to run again.

I'm no fan of the Liberals, but you can't go around accusing people then withdraw that claim and then claim to be a serious contender. My guess is people of Surrey will not want her back.


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But the NDP are moderate center

I do believe; they are considering moving more to the center but we certainly do NOT want any party more left than the NDP. You seem to lean towards Communism without the contol. /Sounds like you want to sit on your butt; do nothing and get paid for doing nothing. Get a life and get a job. Life is more interesting and fun when you are a contributing member of society.

The NDP have no more moved in to the centre than a thirsty man see's water in the desert. A lot of people want the NDP to move in to the centre but to be honest they are not really capable of it. The NDP are capable of making themselves look like they are moving into the centre, in the same way they can make themselves look they have a strong environmental platform - looks are not everything and not everyone will be fooled by this.

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The right side of what? the communist party? Relatively speaking everyone is on the right side of something, but then that being said, the conservatives are ont he Left side of the political spectrum as the are further left then the Nationalist Party of Canada (I don't know if they still run). But we are not speaking in terms relative to political extreme we are using a standard right left assignment based on political views and the NDP sit Left of center. The Left is normally used ot describe Reformed Liberals or modern liberals, Progressives, social democrats and the more Radical groups like the Marxists. that being said, being a radical socialist is not what it takes to be on the left, and unless you can actually proove me wrong with something more then Dogmatic Bullshit you don't have a basis to make such a claim.

The middle class is not a "Myth", The middle class as th emodern definition goes is distinct formt eh Burgoise as it does not own "Capital" but is distinct from the working class in that it is fairly well to do, your white collar workers..so clearly such a group exists, now not in the Marxian terms mind you, that being said in Marxist terms the conditions of the Workers should have continually deterioated, and not have becoem better off..and that is partially what caused the emergence of Social democrats.

Now As for caesar being a complete fool, perhpas you should go back and read over the post again. hopefully you will then note that caesar never said the poor were lazy, caesar said we our all paying bills either to the rich, poor, and the lazy...not the rich and the lazy poor. But while we are on the matter, I know a guy who sits on his couch all day doesn;t go to school, doesn;t work, and sponges off his parents I woudl consider him un-employed because he is lazy. As wel I know people who are motivated to work at Mcdonalds, as they view it as a wise investment in their future, and in all honesty people who plan ahead and invest in their future are far from foolish, now people who bitch about the fools who work for $8 an hour, are the un wise ones...because technically you are just digging your own grave, and by the way I work for $9 an hour and actually have two Jobs...to pay may way through school. Now do i get to enjoy my wealth now, well I am on a computer now, I just finished a milkshake, and I am about to crawl into bed...yeha the glas can always be half empty but maybe it can be Half full as well? Now is education for just the rich, for peopel whose parents can pay for it, well I am paying for my own education and agian the government actually covers 80% of the cost for post secondary education only 20% of the cost is passed on to students through tuition, so actually the government is paying my way through school.

Now onto that last blurb about accessories, does it matter? Does it matter that my computer is only 1.4 Ghz? Or that it runs on windows 2000 and not XP? The fact is it works, and really that is all that matters, I don't need or want the latest gadget or version, version works just fine, but if people will buy it good for them, it doesn't affect me, in a bad way. The government doesn't need to be my everything and onlything...it jsut need sot supply a saftey net, and a helping hand..and yes that coudl use some work. That being said...that work can be done under a CAPITALIST system, I highly doubt it could be done under a centrally planned economy. And Like caesar, as a vancouverite I would ask that you refrain from telling me what I want,a nd like caesar I am very pleased at being presented a moderate centrest choice...as I couldn't see myself voting Liberal or NDP.

To believe in the destruction of all competetive organs of society is to be left wing. The NDP are not left wing.

To believe in the "freedom of competition" is to be right wing.

The middle class does not exist, on the level that most people think. There are workers and bosses, those that own small businesses and do well at it are the only ones worthy of being considered middle class.

No, in marxist terms the conditions of the workers would likely have deteriorated if such instances as the union movement had not come into existence.(notice how conditions are getting worse as the unions whither ;) ) How have working conditions improved since the 50's? All I see is more "freedom" to buy junk that doesn't last.

I am sorry for calling ceasar a fool, the fact is that the vast majority of poor people are poor from the conditions in which they live, it has little to do with lack of effort. Anyone who is a happy worker at minimum wage is as foolish as a serf being happy under a king, or a slave being happy to a get slab of meat from the mansion. You sir are clearly one of those fools.

"Now is education for just the rich, for peopel whose parents can pay for it, well I am paying for my own education and agian the government actually covers 80% of the cost for post secondary education only 20% of the cost is passed on to students through tuition, so actually the government is paying my way through school. "

^^Lie, show me some stats.

All that being said you are clearly a right wing slave and you'd probably be quite happy in North Korea with you dreaded centrally planned economy, they'll provide for you exactly what you "want". :D

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But the NDP are moderate center

I do believe; they are considering moving more to the center but we certainly do NOT want any party more left than the NDP. You seem to lean towards Communism without the contol. /Sounds like you want to sit on your butt; do nothing and get paid for doing nothing. Get a life and get a job. Life is more interesting and fun when you are a contributing member of society.

Yes I belive in communism, however I only see capitalism as a reason by which I ever want to sit around and do nothing.

I would love to be able to work with animals, I would love to work with childern, there is all kinds of work I would love to do but am unable for lack of wanting to "slave" to buy the education. In a communist society, that education would be free and flexible.

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Yes I belive in communism, however I only see capitalism as a reason by which I ever want to sit around and do nothing.

Good luck with those ideals!! You are sure to make it far in todays world.

In my little world, I would be an F1 driver, too bad I am 6'4 and too big to fit in the cockpit. I could find thousands of things to cry about, but I guess I ll deal with it and go on living without complaining about the how bad the world treated me. We are born into this world to deal with what we are given, I think the sad thing about this world is that too many people expect sunshine to be pumped up their butt from day 1.

Guess what communism will never happen, so I guess we will see you in the welfare line, since you are paralyzed with inaction due to those dam capitalist ideals you were born into.

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Yes I belive in communism, however I only see capitalism as a reason by which I ever want to sit around and do nothing.

Good luck with those ideals!! You are sure to make it far in todays world.

In my little world, I would be an F1 driver, too bad I am 6'4 and too big to fit in the cockpit. I could find thousands of things to cry about, but I guess I ll deal with it and go on living without complaining about the how bad the world treated me. We are born into this world to deal with what we are given, I think the sad thing about this world is that too many people expect sunshine to be pumped up their butt from day 1.

Guess what communism will never happen, so I guess we will see you in the welfare line, since you are paralyzed with inaction due to those dam capitalist ideals you were born into.

You clearly missunderstood my point. He was claiming that communism without a command and control economy is unrealistic and that it means living a greedy life without ever lifting a finger. I was pointing out that it actually gives people more of a chance to be envolved with the world.

Do you actually think I sit here all day and cry about capitalism? No, I do get on with my life, however I see it as very important that I take a look at how this world can be a better place.

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How exactly do you think communism allows for more involvement by the people. You have to be kidding, whether its communism or capitalism there will be rich and poor, there will be decision makers (PRIVLEDGED) and the followers(MASS POPULATION). At least capitalism allows you to get yourself ahead with ambition and hard work. Communism holds you back, the only way communism could be governed in Canada is by having 32,000,000 MPs. Talk about inefficient and silly.

People have all the ability to be involved in the world, its just whether or not you get involved and speak through your actions rather than sitting on the sidelines complaining.

Do you actually think I sit here all day and cry about capitalism? No, I do get on with my life, however I see it as very important that I take a look at how this world can be a better place.

No I think you obviously do more with your life than sit around, but please communism is a notion that cannot be brought over from paper into reality. Capitalism works, if you work.

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I would love to be able to work with animals, I would love to work with childern, there is all kinds of work I would love to do but am unable for lack of wanting to "slave" to buy the education. In a communist society, that education would be free and flexible.

Where in any communist country do you believe that any education is free and "flexible" I am pretty sure that the authorities would decide if you have enough potential and there are jobs available for any select training. Your wages would be controlled and would not rival wages in a capitalistic country where you control your own fate and earning power. Help paying for an education is available in Canada. If you have excellent grades in school ; you can get awards, bursaries or grants towards your education. You can take out student loans to pay for your education.

You can choose to take out a more minor degree; prove yourself to a company and there are many who will pay for your furthuring your education.

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What I do find interesting here is that someone who accuses another politician of sexual harassment, then withdraws it, should not be even allowed to run again.

I'm no fan of the Liberals, but you can't go around accusing people then withdraw that claim and then claim to be a serious contender. My guess is people of Surrey will not want her back.

A claim withdrawn from legal prosecution does not mean that the act did not happen; just that she has no solid proof. That happens often.

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Well so much for the surplus here in BC. According to the papers; BC is heading towards increasing the deficit by 4 billion if the Liberals get in next term. Thought they were supposed to balance the budget by law

Which papers?

Hansen touts 'golden' B.C. blueprint

The budget forecasts surpluses of $220 million in 2006-07 and $200 million in 2007-08.

Economic growth in British Columbia is projected to grow by 3.1 per cent in 2005 and three per cent in 2006 and 2007.

Projections for gross domestic product growth indicate British Columbia will outpace Canada in 2005 and 2006.

Canada's GDP growth is forecast at 2.7 per cent for both years.

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As for unmotivated, it would be foolish for anyone to be motivated to work at McDonald's or 7/11.

If that is all you are qualified for; that's where you must start. You need some work experience to put on a resume. Show you are worth something and you can move up in the company and then apply elsewhere. Sitting on your duff; expecting everyone else to support you gets you no where. Quit making excuses; most of us didn't have rich or connected parents to get our jobs; you have to go out and keep applying for work until you get hired. You can work your way through college and get student loans to help. All I hear from you is poor excuses

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