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Good News: Deficit to be $30 Billion says Bloomberg

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pro-tip: if you have a short-timer intent, keep on your current track; however, if you wish to avail yourself of the privilege of future waldo attention, you will need to temper your "passion/enthusiasm" for personalization.


Pro-tip : If you vote Liberal expect your fellow Canadians to pay higher taxes for your mistakes then take it out on you verbally . Like most Liberals you have failed miserably to answer even one of the questions , you offer up platitudes and excuses like our pathetic PM.

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30 + Billion dollar deficit . . . no explanation

Unemployment up to 7.2 % . . no explanation

Middle class tax cut not offset by tax increase to Canada's wealthy , deficit hole of 1.2 billion . . no explanation

Delegation of 388 to Paris , larger than the UK and US combined . . no explanation

Liberals will be sent packing in 2019 because Canadian tax payers don't like being mistreated and abused !

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30 + Billion dollar deficit . . . no explanation

initial attention focused on falling oil price impact on revenues, infrastructure spending... refugees, etc. Wait until tomorrow for the actual budget. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! The majority of Canadians chose the enlightened path to increased spending during an appropriate period of lower costs on borrowing - go figure.


Unemployment up to 7.2 % . . no explanation

duh! Unemployment was at 7.1% when the new Liberal government assumed office... typically, results/numbers of some number of months of a new government are traditionally attached to the prior government. Surely you knew this - no? :lol: By-the-by, I understand there's been some kind of a decline in oil prices that has had significant impact on resource focused economies... surely you're aware - yes?


Middle class tax cut not offset by tax increase to Canada's wealthy , deficit hole of 1.2 billion . . no explanation

explanation fully provided;


Delegation of 388 to Paris , larger than the UK and US combined . . no explanation

3rd time you're repeating this in just the past hour or so... your nonsense has already been addressed:


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initial attention focused on falling oil price impact on revenues, infrastructure spending... refugees, etc. Wait until tomorrow for the actual budget. I'm sure you'll enjoy it! The majority of Canadians chose the enlightened path to increased spending during an appropriate period of lower costs on borrowing - go figure.


duh! Unemployment was at 7.1% when the new Liberal government assumed office... typically, results/numbers of some number of months of a new government are traditionally attached to the prior government. Surely you knew this - no? :lol: By-the-by, I understand there's been some kind of a decline in oil prices that has had significant impact on resource focused economies... surely you're aware - yes?


explanation fully provided;


3rd time you're repeating this in just the past hour or so... your nonsense has already been addressed:


38% of Canadian voted for a promised 10 billion dollar deficit and to the surprise of the 38% the Liberals delivered 30 plus billion when we are not in a recession or even a downturn economy. The other 62% of Canadians where smart enough not to vote for these incompetent imbeciles for that exact reason , we are smarter and seen this routine before . The young adults of Canada have saddled themselves with soon to be mountains of debt and loads of broken Liberal promises and all the 38 % while receive is a Canada that resembles Ontario because of their stupidity ! Lets see how many Canadians are impressed with the little dullard tomorrow , best of luck spreading the bad news Sunny Ways supporter ! !

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38% of Canadian voted for a promised 10 billion dollar deficit and to the surprise of the 38% the Liberals delivered 30 plus billion when we are not in a recession or even a downturn economy.

What planet are you living on?


This talk hasn't gone away. Canada actually HAD a recession, worse than the one it had in the early 00s.

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What planet are you living on?


This talk hasn't gone away. Canada actually HAD a recession, worse than the one it had in the early 00s.

What planet are you living on?


This talk hasn't gone away. Canada actually HAD a recession, worse than the one it had in the early 00s.

To claim Canada is in a recession you will need to provide numbers from Canada not Germany and Japan , hope this helps ! Lol

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To claim Canada is in a recession you will need to provide numbers from Canada not Germany and Japan , hope this helps ! Lol

You said there wasn't even a downturn. I showed you evidence of worry of a worldwide recession. We are in the middle of a world wide slowdown. Canada had a recession less than a year ago:


As the article says, there is evidence we exited recession, but only technically. To say there's no downturn is to ignore reality.

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You said there wasn't even a downturn. I showed you evidence of worry of a worldwide recession. We are in the middle of a world wide slowdown. Canada had a recession less than a year ago:


As the article says, there is evidence we exited recession, but only technically. To say there's no downturn is to ignore reality.

Canada's economy is experiencing low growth , the Conservatives faced the recession. The Liberals have so far dropped over 18 billion with no economic plan , brilliant . Tomorrow is D Day and the Liberals would be wise to explain what their plan is to create jobs at home and maybe . . just maybe try spending some of those billions on job creation . " We will grow the economy from the heart outwards. " Justin Trudeau What a laugh this dullard is and most Canadians are losing their patience while he offers up lousy quotes and platitudes !

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Canada's economy is experiencing low growth , the Conservatives faced the recession.

And you think the effects of that just - what - disappear? Why did Harper continue to run a deficit after Canada returned to growth in 2009?

The Liberals have so far dropped over 18 billion with no economic plan , brilliant.

That's the baseline deficit (Harper's deficit) with a $6B contingency built in, and about $2B in Liberal spending. That means $10B of that would have been faced by the Conservatives.

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And you think the effects of that just - what - disappear? Why did Harper continue to run a deficit after Canada returned to growth in 2009?

That's the baseline deficit (Harper's deficit) with a $6B contingency built in, and about $2B in Liberal spending. That means $10B of that would have been faced by the Conservatives.

The Liberals have wasted 18 billion on everything but Canadians so far . . how does that help Canada's situation ? Like I said before , Canada is now on the same path as train wreck Ontario . Trudeau Jr and Gerald Butts are following their friend Wynne's lead with wreck less spending and no clear plan. Our reward will be higher taxes and mountains of debt for our children . Think the Liberals have succeeded in Ontario ?

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The Liberals haven't spent anywhere near $18B.

Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced an $18.4-billion deficit Monday morning, blowing past the government’s campaign promise of keeping the bill below $10 billion. Your right . . 18.4 billion ! This group of misfit toys has plundered Canadian tax payers dollars and tomorrow will bring about a new round of soon to be broken promises , what a bunch of incompetent clowns ! Canadian tax payers will gladly send them back to third party status . . AGAIN !

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Liberal Finance Minister Bill Morneau announced an $18.4-billion deficit Monday morning, blowing past the government’s campaign promise of keeping the bill below $10 billion.

That's before almost any Liberal spending, and with a $6B contingency built in. Do you not understand?

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No convincing needed. I could show you that grass is green and if you don't want to hear it then you won't.

The talking points are all there. Harper received a Masters in Economics. I don't care what you or anyone else says....that shows intelligence and commitment to a point that not many people can do it. He went on to use his education as the President of the NCC which has a mission of reducing government involvement. I can understand that not everybody would agree with this basis of this group or what it stands for but you can't tell me his involvement here is equal to being a camp councillor or even a drama teacher.

No offense to teachers, but its not extremely difficult to become a teacher. Its difficult to be a good teacher and to have the perseverance to remain teaching. However, Trudeau showed that he didn't as he quit three years later. He tried getting and Engineering degree and quit that two years later.

JT has shown more pizazz in a few months than Harper did in all his 9 years. Harper had trouble dealing with Peter Mansbridge while Trudeau had no trouble with the POTUS. What a nice change.

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Harper received a Masters in Economics. I don't care what you or anyone else says....that shows intelligence and commitment to a point that not many people can do it. He went on to use his education as the President of the NCC which has a mission of reducing government involvement. I can understand that not everybody would agree with this basis of this group or what it stands for but you can't tell me his involvement here is equal to being a camp councillor or even a drama teacher.

No offense to teachers, but its not extremely difficult to become a teacher. Its difficult to be a good teacher and to have the perseverance to remain teaching. However, Trudeau showed that he didn't as he quit three years later. He tried getting and Engineering degree and quit that two years later.

such a lovely spin you have there! Trudeau actually has 2 four-year degrees; a BA in English Literature from McGill and a BEd from UBC... and yes he worked as a teacher for 3 years in Vancouver and opted to pursue other education... completing 2 years of a BEng at École Polytechnique de Montreal before shifting from that into starting a Masters in Environmental Geography from McGill... before his final shift towards running for MP in 2007 for the Montreal riding of Papineau. Most of that is either a 'single-guy' finding himself... or a trust-fund guy with the means to try out a lotta stuff! Your choice. Care to draw a comparison between a teacher for 3 years and Harper's only other job before politics... in the mail-room at Esso? Interesting waldo factoid: as a part of the McGill debating team, Trudeau ran up against a member of the Princeton debating team, one 'Ted Cruz'!

your summation does lack the typical denigrating attachment some give to Arts/Education, although you're borderline with your "not extremely difficult" platitude. When that does come forward I like to offer a reminder that Economics is typically a department within University Arts faculties! As for the difficulty in receiving an Econ degree, well... the course load is pretty light in relation to most Science/Engineering based pursuits... and Harper's "Master's" is just a one year extension at UofC where he took it. That being said, your spin is quite humourous in suggesting his fallback from his big-time split with Preston Manning to that gifted position at the NCC was an opportunity to leverage his Master's degree! Most with a Master's in Economics use that analytical and critical development cycle to leverage actual positions/work as... you know... real economists, not lobbyists from a Conservative think-tank! :lol: Hearing Harper forever touted as "an economist" was and remains gold, real gold!


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This talk hasn't gone away. Canada actually HAD a recession, worse than the one it had in the early 00s.

We are NOT in recession now.

and in any event, you might have drunk the kool-aid but most of us can see that the huge new deficit is going to mostly be made up of program spending, with very little related to 'economic incentives'

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As the article says, there is evidence we exited recession, but only technically. To say there's no downturn is to ignore reality.

We were only very technically IN a recession in the first place, for a couple of months.

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And you think the effects of that just - what - disappear? Why did Harper continue to run a deficit after Canada returned to growth in 2009?

Because the opposition demanded it. And once you ramp up spending it takes some time to ease back down.

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That's before almost any Liberal spending, and with a $6B contingency built in. Do you not understand?

And with accounting games to build up the numbers... but don't worry, that will help shield them when they're still running $40 billion deficits next year and the year after and the year after...

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JT has shown more pizazz in a few months than Harper did in all his 9 years.

Yeah, because 'pizazz' is what mature adults look for in leaders.

Harper had trouble dealing with Peter Mansbridge

Well, so does Trudeau! Every time Mansbridge gets near him he tries to hump Trudeau's leg!

while Trudeau had no trouble with the POTUS. What a nice change.

And what exactly has Trudeau gotten out of POTUS thus far other than dinner?

Edited by Argus
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We are NOT in recession now.and in any event, you might have drunk the kool-aid but most of us can see that the huge new deficit is going to mostly be made up of program spending, with very little related to 'economic incentives'

Most of the deficit comes from a worse baseline. Most of us don't need to make things up.

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They need to surround themselves with the right people, and get them to work together, and they need to be able to articulate a vision to stakeholders and be good at convincing others.

What happens when those people who surround that leader realize he or she doesn't actually know what they are talking about. Charisma will get you through the gates but there has to be some substance after that.

That's why putting subject matter experts into leadership/management positions often results in Epic failure. We learned this the hard way in my industry.

What industry are you in? The only failures I've seen in my industry are when outsiders come in and don't take the time to learn the industry thinking their rah rah corporate speeches are enough.

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such a lovely spin you have there!

waldo....welcome back. How was your most recent suspension? I am a bit shocked that you would choose to engage me so shortly after your recent Montreal sewage dump fiasco. Good on ya!

Trudeau actually has 2 four-year degrees; a BA in English Literature from McGill and a BEd from UBC...

Do you ever get tired of being wrong? The BEd offered at UBC is similar to most institutions in that it can take four years OR one year if you already have a previous degree. It may have taken him four years to complete it but that's a different story :lol:

Completing our 12-month program leads to a Bachelor of Education (BEd) degree and recommendation for teacher certification by the Ministry of Education Teacher Regulation Branch (TRB). You will be qualified to apply for certification to teach in the province of British Columbia. You can also apply for certification in other provinces and countries—each province and country has its own certification requirements.

To be eligible for the BEd degree, individuals must have completed a Bachelor’s degree including relevant academic preparation. Applicants must also have volunteer or work experience in a group setting with children or youth, preferably at the age level you wish to teach.


and yes he worked as a teacher for 3 years in Vancouver

Maybe your famous waldo googly skills can help me out. They say he worked as a teacher but I can't seem to find anything that proves he was a full time teacher versus a substitute teacher (which I have numerous references too). Now....one can claim it is difficult to get a full time teaching gig and they would be correct. One could also claim that at that time Trudeau was going through a tumultuous time in his life with the loss of his brother and father in a short period. This would be correct too. However, I can't say that one should put any credence to idea that he has solid teaching experience. In a short three year window he may have only taught half that time.

completing 2 years of a BEng at École Polytechnique de Montreal before shifting quitting

Masters in Environmental Geography from McGill... before his final shift towards running for MP quitting

I corrected your statements for you. You're welcome.

I mean seriously, did he ever finish anything that he started? I wonder if he'll last the four years as PM.

Care to draw a comparison between a teacher for 3 years and Harper's only other job before politics... in the mail-room at Esso?

You forgot the part where he advanced to a position where he was working with the company's computer systems. Of course, this was job he had after high school and before university. Not bad compared to a bouncer/snow boarding instructor.

Trudeau ran up against a member of the Princeton debating team, one 'Ted Cruz'

You're using a US Republican to make Trudeau look better? Interesting.

your summation does lack the typical denigrating attachment some give to Arts/Education,

Almost every PM has had an Bachelor of Arts. Its a prerequisite to get to higher things like Law or Masters degrees in say Economics. Of course, I don't know what one does with a Literature major compared to other departments in the faculty like Psychology or Political Science or Economics. Let me rephrase that, I'm not certain that I would be excited if I spent thousands of dollars on my kids education if they got a degree with a Literature major. But hey trust fund kids don't worry about that sort of thing, right?

As for the difficulty in receiving an Econ degree, well... the course load is pretty light in relation to most Science/Engineering based pursuits...

How about compared to Literature?

and Harper's "Master's" is just a one year extension at UofC where he took it.

Like JT's After Ed Degree....only this is a Master's program. Right....gotcha.

That being said, your spin is quite humourous in suggesting his fallback from his big-time split with Preston Manning to that gifted position at the NCC was an opportunity to leverage his Master's degree! Most with a Master's in Economics use that analytical and critical development cycle to leverage actual positions/work as... you know... real economists, not lobbyists from a Conservative think-tank! :lol: Hearing Harper forever touted as "an economist" was and remains gold, real gold

It was. The NCC may be a lobby group however it is a group that lobbies in regards to government actions that affect the ECONOMY. You know...little things like taxation, free enterprise, accountability, etc.

Again, compare this to a part time teacher/bouncer/snow board instructor/actor.

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