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Face veils banned for citizenship oaths

Guest American Woman

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She's a manager making over $100k. She's gone up eight rungs of the ladder since being hired as a clerk about nine years ago. That's almost a promotion a year, and none of it was due to her looks. Btw, one of her bosses is a man, one a woman. The boss over THEM is a woman.

That's all very nice. Meanwhile, women, who make up more than 50% of the population, make up less than 10% of the board members in major corporations in the United States.
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hmmm for once it's not me making that observation....

and godwins law is meme for people to hide behind so they can keep spouting their questionable morality...

Why does the Left always equate political opinions with morality? It's like you guys assume (without thought) that anything you believe in is CLEARLY for the betterment of society, and so anyone who disagrees for any reason is morally delinquent. It's a brainless, moronic position.

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i recall this typical "canadian" farm girl i worked with some years back her parents thought it was a great idea for her to marry their neighbours boy...she didn't however and moved to the city and dated my friend, a good beating from her ex who stalked her with her parents approval showed her the errors of ways...

Yes we do reproduce our own idiots,so why bring more in???
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Cyber, just because society puts a premium on woman's hotness value doesn't mean women aren't appreciated for anything else. I certainly love when a woman looks hot, but I have a number of female friends, few of them hot. You see, in the end, no matter how hot a woman is, if she can't hold a decent conversation, she and I aren't likely to be friends. And I don't think I'm that different than most men. Yes, we're lookists. Yes, we appreciate hot women. But we're also fathers, husbands, sons and brothers, and we recognize there is more to women than their looks. Btw, most young men are as obsessed with their looks as women are nowadays. The media sexualizes both genders. It's just that women are, to quote one of my female friends, simply more beautiful than men. They have more attractive bodies than men. And no, she's not the least bit into girls. :) She's a wife and mother of three.

It's about a woman's value being tied to her sexuality first before anything else. When you see a news reporter ask Sarah Palin about her breasts, do you hear them talking to Barack Obama about the size of his penis in the next segment? When they say Hillary is looking "haggard" and like "a 92-year-old," do they use the same language about John McCain? They might say he's looking "tired" or something, but not "haggard." These are two of the most powerful women in America. As was said in the video, if the most powerful women in America are treated this way, what does that say about how society is treating rest of them?

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Nah. That's not their style. They just like to oppose anti-bullying legislation so they can torment people into killing themselves.

Bullying legislation is one of those nanny state ideas thought up by people long divorced from reality. It's a feel-good waste of time, money and effort.

As a columnist pointed out in the paper last week, if McGuinty really cared about doing something about bullying he'd take off the shackles he placed on teachers and administrators and let them establish discipline in the classrooms and schoolyards.

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Indeed........I read and own a (Translated) copy of Mein Kampf.....aside From the actual opinions in which the author expressed, his way in conveying his ideas and his usage of various literary devices, not to mention his numerous contradictions of himself, reminds me of a great many of olp1fan's posts.

Just because a book is translated does not mean it can be understood without wisdom or judgement.

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Why does the Left always equate political opinions with morality? It's like you guys assume (without thought) that anything you believe in is CLEARLY for the betterment of society, and so anyone who disagrees for any reason is morally delinquent. It's a brainless, moronic position.

derek L is on the left? he'll be surprised to here that :rolleyes: ...

when the political opinion involves morality...then that's what it is! it's not rocket science, well maybe for some on the right it is...

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If you check into the pressures on young men to be 'hot' these days, you'll find they're far higher than they used to be. They're expected to work out now, expected to have the 'right' haircut, to shave their body hair, to have the right jewelery, wear the 'right' clothes. Woe to the guy who doesn't match up on the scale.

Please. Since when does a man become a whore or a skank for the way he dresses? Or when is he a prude for covering himself up too much? It's not at all even remotely close to the same thing.

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I find appalling how many canadians in this forum have views that would fit right in the Third Reich

I find it appalling how utterly uneducated and ignorant so many posters on this forum are about the Nazis, about Fascism, about history, and indeed, about politics, law, economics, or society. Yet we let them post anyway! :rolleyes:

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I couldn’t agree more……and they can be found in all political parties, ethnic backgrounds and religions……..My spidey senses tingle when any one group of people, wish to restrict or regulate another group, that is not in anyway affecting them…….Governments included.

Maybe if you got your judgement and wisdom out of something other than a comic book it would be better placed to actually judge behavior and opinions... :rolleyes:

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Men and women are both victims of Hollywood cliches. Yes, women are required to be hot and sexy. Men are required to be hot and macho. You don't recognize it because you don't see that all the big male stars now are "hot" and are required to perform acts of macho violence in the movies to demonstrate how incredibly tough and badass they are. It's just a different kind of sexual cliche.

Yeah. Men are required to be in roles of power and women are required to be subservient to them. That's why it's discrimination. We're encouraged to keep playing these stupid roles that treat women as second-class citizens.

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I find it appalling how utterly uneducated and ignorant so many posters on this forum are about the Nazis, about Fascism, about history, and indeed, about politics, law, economics, or society. Yet we let them post anyway! :rolleyes:

my direct family lived under nazi terror/occupation for 6 years I'm far more qualified to speak on it than most here...
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a statistical search will reveal far more non muslim native born canadians kill their kids each year

And rape them, and make pornography with them, and....

Yeah. There's sick bastards out there regardless of their culture. But, like you said, those news stories don't play into these people's stereotypes.

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what's silly is making blanket statements as to the "lot" of women in muslim countries, you have no idea what they think of their "lot", it's just you making assumptions about cultures/societies you know nothing about...

I've seen, read and heard enough to make an informed judgement on the lot of women in Muslim countries. But thanks for playing... :rolleyes:

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But the state will let you walk around naked. Nude beaches have been a discrete if not common fixture in Canada for decades now.

Nitpicking doesn't address the point. You cannot walk around naked. Why does the state forbid that? Because it offends people. Right?

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if I remember a quote from my poly sci class 40 yrs ago "one person's freedom ends when it infringes upon anothers freedom" ...someone wearing too much clothing in no way hurts me or you, whereas the same cannot be said of wearing too little...which is why police do nothing about known nude locations, participants are there without the intention of hurting anyone...

How is my walking naked through a mall hurting you? It might offend you. You might find the sight of me distasteful, right?

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Are those the kinds of Muslims that would be looking for Canadian citizenship?

We know from some polls, some of which have been posted previously, that a number of the Canadian Muslim population are Islamists. I have also read that younger Muslims are, in the main, more religious than their immigrant parents. Many of them wear the religious gear their parents rejected out of a political/social statement of their dedication to Allah.

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That's all very nice. Meanwhile, women, who make up more than 50% of the population, make up less than 10% of the board members in major corporations in the United States.

There are a lot of social and cultural reasons why women often aren't willing to put the time into work men are. It isn't just that "society" expects them to have and look after kids. It's that, for many of them, they WANT to have and look after kids. That takes time away from work, and makes it very difficult to demonstrate the same dedication those idiot A type personalities do when they throw away their lives and work 14 hours days all the time...

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How is my walking naked through a mall hurting you? It might offend you. You might find the sight of me distasteful, right?

for one it offends others religious beliefs on modesty...which is what you're advocating these women go through...

I personally don't care I'd just find you gross...

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