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Canada In the Bible ?


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Im new to this forum ,today is actually my first day .

So how good is the Bible as a future telling Crystal ball , is it good enough to tell Canadas Future ?

I have strong conviction that we can know Canadas Future with a Bible , but ill hold off until i see what others think first .

Is our Nations Future told in the bible?

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OK , I beleave

Canada i know is now a melting pot of nations and peoples . And i also know first nations was here first .

But im going to claim that our destiny was fortold and that mainly the english canadians have brought this blessing with them . Our french actually had a blessing also but not like those of Our English speaking ancestry .

Canada is part of ephraim , Ephraim was told he would be a multitude of nations (gen 48:19 ) the british commanwealth is ephrium , america is manasah .

Ephrium and Manash are Josephs boys , Joseph being the tribe of the bible with the greatest blessing (gen49 22-25) Joseph Also being the tribe that Carries the name of Josephs father ISREAL .

So not only is Canada in the Bible its one of the main subjects wrote about in the bible . TOGETher with England , Australia ,New zealand ,south africa we are ephrium .

Manasah is America , when the BIBLEs prophets Say HERE YE HOUSE OF ISREAL , they are speaking to these countries . and yes our future is all told in scripture .

Isaiah 3 tells me we got little hope of good election results tomorow night .

Ezekiel 5 tells us our final fate if we fall behind other nations in morals and values .

Whats making Canada Sick ? read hosea 4 , Harlots= false churches

I know most of you will not agree with this , but yes we Canada are in there . And we got a bad future coming if we Throw away our God because of these counterfiet churches .

to unlock the bible you need to know jerm 33 2 families of the earth are chosen to be exsamples for the rest . The house of Judae = jews and the house of Isreal = English ,,,,, Most of western europe are lost tribes of isreal , But the English speaking got the big responsibility .

Unlock the bible and you will want to keep it .

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Never seen Chariots of the Gods. I doubt the Bible says anything about ET. At least never read anything about it, and I make it a point to study my scriptures very thouroghly.

Look Digby, I'm not sure about all that you say about Canada and America, New Zealand, etc. I've actually got my own beliefs about those passages about Jacob, Ephraim and Manasseh. However there are two things that I do believe that may line up with what you say. #1. The Scriptures can definitely tell us things about the future, regardless of place and time (If God knows all things, why wouldn't he know of a our lands, even if his Prophets didn't always understand what he is talking about). Those who don't believe this need only have patience. #2. The Scriptures can have a profound effect on our lives when we apply them to our own lives. Go ahead with your beliefs, pray about them for confirmation, and live your life by what you learn, and keep your heart and mind open for what you may be taught.

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Never seen Chariots of the Gods. I doubt the Bible says anything about ET. At least never read anything about it, and I make it a point to study my scriptures very thouroghly.

My point exactly, Elder. You should make a point of seeing Chariots and reading Van Donniken's (I've pledged never to spell his name right) books and watching the TV shows though. They aren't accurate, or even sensible, but they are entertaining and represent an odd search for spirituality in our society. It's really quite intriguing.

He uses your religion and myths from all over the planet to support his claims. In a lot of ways he is responsible for a lot of the "new age" beliefs that keep popping up. You'd be doing well to look into it.

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I believe in the Bible. I believe its God´s word to us, however I do not believe it was meant to be some sort of crystal ball whos secrets are to be ´´unlocked´´. Yes, the Bible does hold predictions about the future, however I do not believe you can predict, lets say, an election base on sentences taken out of context. I could take sentences out of context from all over the bible and twist them to mean things that they were never meant to mean. Be careful that you don´t twist the words of God, Digby. You obviously know your BIble, so you know what God has to say about people who twist the Word of God.

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Here a little ,there a little Line apon line precept upon precept .

Maybe im not out of Context ..

What are the jews doing the first time the word jew is used in the bible?

Fighting a War against isreal ?

Are there 2 Families ?

Are there 9.5 lost tribes ? ne of these lost tribes being Joseph the greatest blessed of all peoples of the earth ?

From thence is the sheperd the stone of Isreal HMMM ?

What is that rock they put under the throne of England every time they crown a king or Queen ?

Who would eprium and mannasah be if i am wrong? Is the bible true . does Gen 48 and 49 happen ? Does Manasah become a great nation ? Does Ephrium become a multitude of nations .

Does their blessing in gen 49 happen ?

Should i Like most christians chose to ignore these scriptures of my bible .

Ezekiel wrote to modern day america and british comman wealth according to ezekiel 22 God has been noticeing Jerry Springer .

Are the Jews still seperate from Ephrium at the return of Christ ? Isaiah 11 we had that second exodus yet ?

Is Mystery Babalon (confusion) the great here ? 1000 doctrines of christianity all trying to hide the needle in the haystack .

ever read rev 5 : 9-10 how many kings we need ? Maybe thats why its a needle in a haystack , you get the drift ... only the kings and priest in the spring harvest the great harvest comes in the fall .

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Digby, I´m a Christian. I believe in the Bible. However, you are taking things way too far. (Revelation 22:18- ´´If anyone adds anything to what is written here, God will add to that person the plagues described in this book.´´) You are completely twisting everything said in the Bible. Though I completely disagree with you, if you really wanted people to believe your ideas, you should present your them logically and thoughtfully, not by going off into unintelligible rantings that no one understands.

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remember taking away the words of the book is worse then adding . For adding Plages are added to you ,For taking away you lose your place in the book of life .

You left out that part .

Most churches Ignor Gen 48 and 49 even though its clearly end time prophecy .And any body that thinks they can Explain it , they try to make out to be a fool . Could it be they are trying to hide something.

maybe i am posting things in a little to silly of a fashion but i do think my beleafs do have scriptural as well as historical backing .

i would not buy a koran ,but thats my opinion . the koran don't impress me much . the bible does though .

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  • 5 weeks later...

That stuff is silly, there is a cause and effect for everything.

And as I take man's last step from the surface, for now but we believe not too far into the future. I just like to say what I believe history will record that America's challenge on today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And as we leave the surface of Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and god willing we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.

Gene Cernan, the last man on the moon, December 1972.

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That stuff is silly, there is a cause and effect for everything.

Why are we here?

The beaver, which has come to represent Canada as the eagle does the United States and the lion Britain, is a flat-tailed, slow-witted, toothy rodent known to bite off it's own testicles or to stand under its own falling trees.

-June Callwood-

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And as I take man's last step from the surface, for now but we believe not too far into the future. I just like to say what I believe history will record that America's challenge on today has forged man's destiny of tomorrow. And as we leave the surface of Taurus-Littrow, we leave as we came and god willing we shall return with peace and hope for all mankind. Godspeed the crew of Apollo 17.

Gene Cernan, the last man on the moon, December 1972.

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  • 2 weeks later...

-from the Globe's Morning Smile today

Q. Who was the greatest female financier in the Bible?

A. Pharaoh's daughter. She went down to the bank of the Nile and pulled out a little prophet.

I thought this might fit in here. ;)

An education isn't how much you have committed to memory, or even how much you know. It's being able to differentiate between what you do know and what you don't.

Anatole France

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Why are we here?

To perpetuate life.

If we don't then there is no life.

The purpose sometimes is not the goal but the process. Much like skiing down a hill. The purpose is not to be at the bottom but to enjoy the process of getting there.

When we look at the processes of life we see that organisms are constantly changing and mutating to adapt to a fluctuating enviroment. There could not be an end result because the end result would mean that the enviroment or Universe was then stagnant.

So to claim a purpose other than the process is tantamount to saying that our goal in life is to die.

And if a God did create us with an end result in mind then they as an omnipotent entity should have just started with the end result and saved everyone alot of time and smoting.

that only works Blair if there is no God , If there is one we better buy his Book

I have always wondered about the fact that God created everything yet he only wrote one book. Are not all books by-products of God if you subscribe to that ideology of a anthropomorphic book publishing God?


Aristotle called it indemonstrable premises. YOU have to make certain unprovable assumptions in order to make logical deductions.

If you use premise one and premise two to make conclusion one you can never use conlcusion one to prove your first premises. The whole science of math is considered arbitrary so when Quinn's Indespensbiity of Math in Natural Sciences stands unopposed it clearly idicates that it is not just the Bible that is built on an indemonstrable premise.

Science itself is a faith in the first assumptions which can never be proven.

Never be fooled in thinking that science is less than an art than religion.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Depending on how you read them, you can prove almost anything with either the Bible or Statistics.

The trick lies in that “Depending on how you read them”. If you read them in their context as normal language, that ability to prove almost anything disappears. That’s why all the various denominations of Christians agree in 95% (at least) of their beliefs.

If you grab a line here, a word there, to fit your desires, you can prove anything. But the same is true of any encyclopaedia, and probably most extensive collections of biology texts. It does not mean the Bible is open to that, but only that people can twist it into a pretzel, if that’s what they want to do.

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