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More Conservative thuggery...Liberal supporters property attacked

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As soon as I saw the orange and the NDP banner I closed the page. Real unbiased opinion there.

The Fiscal Reference Tables are produced annually by the federal Department of Finance. The report for 2008-09 was released on Friday

Budgetary surpluses or deficits by party

(1986-87 to 2008-09)Party Years in

government Years in

deficit Years in surplus

(as percent)

NDP 53 26 50.94

Conservative 124 61 50.81

Parti Quebecois 8 4 50.00

Liberal 91 64 29.67

Conservatives: Unless it comes from the CPC/RNC websites, Sun, Fox News, WND, etc. etc. it's biased MSM liberal socialist crap.

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Jack is a nice guy....someone you'd want to have a beer with....but not to trust with finances.

He represents socialism. By nature, anti-corporation. Even if he does intend to soften his socialist view.....if he becomes PM he'll scare off business investors just because of the Party he represents.

Bad for our economy. Bad for you and me. Bad for Canada.

He'll make a good official opposition, though.

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A Liberal Party volunteer has been dismissed after removing Green Party campaign flyers from mailboxes and replacing them with Liberal materials while door-knocking with Toronto incumbent Joe Volpe.

The actions of an unidentified man canvassing with Mr. Volpe, who has long represented Eglinton-Lawrence, were captured in a series of photographs by a Green Party supporter on Friday.

The Greens don't even cry foul.

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Your posting is a brilliant example of your infant-like logic and your rabid attempts to convince people of things they don't agree with you about. Shouldn't you be starting another topic about something equally idiotic right now?

You don't want to defend YEGmann, lest ye become guilty by association. I haven't bothered to take him on only because he never sees when he is outgunned and out-argued, and completely out of his depth, so his lame retorts go on, and on, and on... Too easy to get dragged into the muck with that one.

You do not want to be branded the same as him.

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I took the liberty of contacting the mother ship for the source of your partisan arguments:

" [clop clop]

ARTHUR: Old woman!


ARTHUR: Old Man, sorry. What knight lives in that castle over there?

DENNIS: I'm thirty seven.


DENNIS: I'm thirty seven -- I'm not old!

ARTHUR: Well, I can't just call you `Man'.

DENNIS: Well, you could say `Dennis'.

ARTHUR: Well, I didn't know you were called `Dennis.'

DENNIS: Well, you didn't bother to find out, did you?

ARTHUR: I did say sorry about the `old woman,' but from the behind

you looked--

DENNIS: What I object to is you automatically treat me like an inferior!

ARTHUR: Well, I AM king...

DENNIS: Oh king, eh, very nice. An' how'd you get that, eh? By

exploitin' the workers -- by 'angin' on to outdated imperialist dogma

which perpetuates the economic an' social differences in our society!

If there's ever going to be any progress--

WOMAN: Dennis, there's some lovely filth down here. Oh -- how d'you do?

ARTHUR: How do you do, good lady. I am Arthur, King of the Britons.

Who's castle is that?

WOMAN: King of the who?

ARTHUR: The Britons.

WOMAN: Who are the Britons?

ARTHUR: Well, we all are. we're all Britons and I am your king.

WOMAN: I didn't know we had a king. I thought we were an autonomous


DENNIS: You're fooling yourself. We're living in a dictatorship.

A self-perpetuating autocracy in which the working classes--

WOMAN: Oh there you go, bringing class into it again.

DENNIS: That's what it's all about if only people would--

ARTHUR: Please, please good people. I am in haste. Who lives

in that castle?

WOMAN: No one lives there.

ARTHUR: Then who is your lord?

WOMAN: We don't have a lord.


DENNIS: I told you. We're an anarcho-syndicalist commune. We take

it in turns to act as a sort of executive officer for the week.


DENNIS: But all the decision of that officer have to be ratified

at a special biweekly meeting.

ARTHUR: Yes, I see.

DENNIS: By a simple majority in the case of purely internal affairs,--

ARTHUR: Be quiet!

DENNIS: --but by a two-thirds majority in the case of more--

ARTHUR: Be quiet! I order you to be quiet!

WOMAN: Order, eh -- who does he think he is?

ARTHUR: I am your king!

WOMAN: Well, I didn't vote for you.

ARTHUR: You don't vote for kings.

WOMAN: Well, 'ow did you become king then?

ARTHUR: The Lady of the Lake,

[angels sing]

her arm clad in the purest shimmering samite, held aloft Excalibur

from the bosom of the water signifying by Divine Providence that I,

Arthur, was to carry Excalibur.

[singing stops]

That is why I am your king!

DENNIS: Listen -- strange women lying in ponds distributing swords

is no basis for a system of government. Supreme executive power

derives from a mandate from the masses, not from some farcical

aquatic ceremony.

ARTHUR: Be quiet!

DENNIS: Well you can't expect to wield supreme executive power

just 'cause some watery tart threw a sword at you!

ARTHUR: Shut up!

DENNIS: I mean, if I went around sayin' I was an empereror just

because some moistened bint had lobbed a scimitar at me they'd

put me away!

ARTHUR: Shut up! Will you shut up!

DENNIS: Ah, now we see the violence inherent in the system.

ARTHUR: Shut up!

DENNIS: Oh! Come and see the violence inherent in the system!

HELP! HELP! I'm being repressed!

ARTHUR: Bloody peasant!

DENNIS: Oh, what a give away. Did you hear that, did you hear that,

eh? That's what I'm on about -- did you see him repressing me,

you saw it didn't you?"

Thank you!

The best part is that this excerpt can be used equally well to support either side of the "Harper is a tyrant" fight.

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A Liberal Party volunteer has been dismissed after removing Green Party campaign flyers from mailboxes and replacing them with Liberal materials while door-knocking with Toronto incumbent Joe Volpe.

The actions of an unidentified man canvassing with Mr. Volpe, who has long represented Eglinton-Lawrence, were captured in a series of photographs by a Green Party supporter on Friday.

The Greens don't even cry foul.

Have you seen the pictures? Volpe was right there beside him when he did it. Volpe didn't do squat until the pictures came forward then he passed all the blame onto the guy who was standing next to him. SHAME on Volpe. He should have told the guy right then there it was wrong instead he watched him do it.

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I think the story here is how many Liberals across the country are playing the victim because Canadians wont just accept that they are the best. They have run real campaigns that the Conservatives and NDP have run for years. Our signs get up rooted, or voters targeted we are just use to it, now the Liberals for the first time in many ridings know what a campaign feels like and are running to the media to tell them it is tough.

No, no, no. This behaviour is unacceptable no matter who is doing it. I don't care if it's a Liberal, a Conservative, an NDP, an independent, a Green or a Marijuana party member, if any at all.

Uprooting signs is one thing. It's an annoyance. Slashing tires? Let someone try that on my car where I can see them... someone will be calling 911 and it won't be for the police to come fill out an after action report.

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More Voter intimidation by Harper's goon squad ....

History shows that it's the far left that actually promote violence and fear in people.

Conservative supporters have lives and jobs. They pay taxes.

It's the far left (NDP) that has always throughout history promoted political violence. The left movement always have.

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No, no, no. This behaviour is unacceptable no matter who is doing it. I don't care if it's a Liberal, a Conservative, an NDP, an independent, a Green or a Marijuana party member, if any at all.


Remember Canada is not a civilized first world country like many here think. We are a group of animals. Savages. We have separatists, terrorists (and politicians making friends with them), and voter intimidation.

This is NOT the country you think it is. The reality speaks for itself.

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No, he's not, he's just out campaigning arm in arm, with Ignatieff.

You mean the imaginary disgrace you gutter dwellers keep flinging up like muck hoping desperately some of it will stick?

Talk about dishonesty...

If you don't have anything better to say than "when you guys are assholes, you're just assholes, but when we're assholes, it's perfectly justified", then please, don't say anything. I have better things to do than listen to childish shit. That's why I left the Globe blog to come here to discuss issues.

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No, no, no. This behaviour is unacceptable no matter who is doing it. I don't care if it's a Liberal, a Conservative, an NDP, an independent, a Green or a Marijuana party member, if any at all.

Uprooting signs is one thing. It's an annoyance. Slashing tires? Let someone try that on my car where I can see them... someone will be calling 911 and it won't be for the police to come fill out an after action report.

I agree so to have a MP standing there next a volunteer doing doing said thing means that MP should issue an immediate apology not just look to his scapegoat volunteer.

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History shows that it's the far left that actually promote violence and fear in people.

Conservative supporters have lives and jobs. They pay taxes.

It's the far left (NDP) that has always throughout history promoted political violence. The left movement always have.

Plus, they control the media. Also, Stalin was bad. And, they hate the rich. Don't forget, Layton's bald. Further, they overgeneralize. Finally, they're mean about the Right. In conclusion, better dead than red. (Well, orange.)

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I'm aware of that. I'm not making a statement about whether it is or isn't right to raise the minimum wage at any given point in time. That's dependent upon a number of factors. I'm just using it as the kind of simple solution the Left tends to come up with for all society's ills. Poverty? No problem! Just give poor people more money! Raise taxes on those who work hard, and give it to those who don't! There, problem solved! Oh, there's still poverty!? Well, give them more money, and introduce a whole bunch of free education and skills training programs? Still poverty? Geeze, well, gotta raise taxes again!

Personal responsibility? What? What's that? Don't understand. You can't hold poor people responsible for anything. It's not like anything is their fault!

And yes, I'm aware there is a somewhat similar reverse sentiment among a minority of the Right, but it's not nearly as sweeping and widespread and doesn't (other than in the US) usually make its way into government policy.

"The Left" is usually campaigning against more and more corporate tax cuts and de-regulation, particularly on workplace safety issues, and that informs its arguments. It's not like "The Left" is relying on money to fall out of trees.

Bloodyminded said it best in a previous post. Talking about "The Left" and "The Right" and all the horrible bullshit policies they have is a red herring. Let's please discuss the actual issue rather than argue about how we discuss the issue!

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The Greens don't even cry foul.

Your link says the Greens are filing a complaint with Elections Canada.

325. (1) No person shall prevent or impair the transmission to the public of an election advertising message without the consent of a person with authority to authorize its transmission.


Offences requiring intent — summary conviction

495. (2) Every person is guilty of an offence who,

a. ..

b. contravenes section 325 (removal of election advertising).


One to follow.

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Your link says the Greens are filing a complaint with Elections Canada.

Just Liberals Lying again because they have nothing else to go on. A green canvaser actually confronted Volpe about this when it happened because he was right there next the guy trashing fliers. Volpe said they were lying, but they got him because they had pictures.

The Green candidate tweeted he did file a complaint. Must suck for Liberals that people no longer have to rely on the media for their news, they can't lie right to your face and get away with it anymore.


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If you don't have anything better to say than "when you guys are assholes, you're just assholes, but when we're assholes, it's perfectly justified", then please, don't say anything.

I think it's perfectly reasonable to point out the astounding hypocrisy of people who want to vilify a candidate because she was in the same room with a guy who had terrorist sympathies while remaining silent about their own leader deliberately meeting with a man with terrorist sympathies.

And by the way, you don't get to give instructions on what I or anyone else say.

I have better things to do

I'm doubting that.

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"The Left" is usually campaigning against more and more corporate tax cuts and de-regulation, particularly on workplace safety issues, and that informs its arguments. It's not like "The Left" is relying on money to fall out of trees.

No, the Left is relying on getting its money from ME. There are two main problems with the Left. One is it likes to take as much money as possible away from productive workers in order to encourage non-productive people to be even less productive.

The second is their habit of presuming their superior morality, and insisting on bringing in laws to make people conform to that 'superior' morality.

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Your link says the Greens are filing a complaint with Elections Canada.


One to follow.

Sort of. They filed a complaint with Elections Canada, but not the electorate.

Is there a CBC article? Front page of google news Canada? I thought it would be CBC worthy.

Rick isn't crying about it so obviously it isn't an issue.

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They filed a complaint with Elections Canada, but not the electorate.

There's been plenty of commenting and complaining on political blogs.

Is there a CBC article?

DirtyTrickWatch: Joe Volpe canvasser's anti-Green Party leaflet shenanigans caught on film?


I like how CBC's O'Malley calls an alleged contravention of Elections Canada legislation "shenanigans".

Here's one from the Globe.


Rick isn't crying about it so obviously it isn't an issue.

The Rick that started this thread? The only person who takes Rick seriously is Rick. :lol:

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I like how CBC's O'Malley calls an alleged contravention of Elections Canada legislation "shenanigans".

Yeah....brand new story not to be found on the Canada Votes page. Have to google search it to find 1 of 5 articles.

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