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Fahrenheit 9/11 & Harper

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‘Fahrenheit 9/11’ puts it all together

But put all these approaches together, connect the dots, throw in a few brand-new interviews and never-seen-before clips of President Bush looking especially befuddled, and you’ve got a remarkably powerful narrative — and a movie that communicates an unshakeable sense of non-fiction tragedy. No wonder conservatives are trying so hard to shut it down before it reaches theaters.

The freshest ammunition in Moore’s arsenal is a camcorder tape of Bush’s ultra-delayed reaction to the news that the World Trade Center had been hit by terrorists. On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, Bush was reading to kids at a Florida elementary school. After being informed of the attacks, Bush froze and continued with the classroom lesson — for nearly seven minutes.

This movie is opening in the theatres in Canada Friday, June 25.

How much of an inpact do you think Fahrenheit 9/11 will have on the Canadian election campaign as Harper wanted Canada to go to war against Iraq?

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This movie is opening in the theatres in Canada Friday, June 25.

How much of an inpact do you think Fahrenheit 9/11 will have on the Canadian election campaign as Harper wanted Canada to go to war against Iraq?

I doubt it will have any real effect.......I tend to believe that the majority of Canadians (whatever political views) have the education and the common sense to realize that Moore is full of the brown smelly stuff.......

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I doubt this movie will even be really popular in Canadian theaters. I wonder what your reaction was when you heard the news of 9/11? I had to sit down and think the consequences and as a matter of fact, wonder if it was true. Then I had to relate to my staff the news. The look of disbelief was very evident and people were in shock and denial for quite a while. For pete's sake, he also human. In all honesty, how would your man Layton have handled the situation if this had occured in Canada? Dont you think the US would have been their right beside us if the tables were turned? And the US would definately have backed us if we decided to retaliate against any such factions.

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Gritty truths

Harper's stance almost makes one grateful for an undersized military

By Bill Kaufmann -- Calgary Sun

They may reek of desperation, but there's an element of truth in those Liberal attack ads.

Of particular note is Stephen Harper's stand on the Iraq war.

A year later, the Tory leader's war whoops have died along with G.W. Bush's child-like dreams of a bloodsoaked electoral boost and a happy, subservient Iraq.


Harper still doesn't like to talk about it, and for good reason, given how ill-advised his comments have proven to be --something which should have, in fact, been apparent then.

However, denying he was a stalwart for risking Canadian lives in Iraq is doublespeak befitting the Liberals, or Har-per's kindred spirit, G.W. Bush.

MSNBC has just done an online poll and 80% of Americans are going to watch Fahrenheit 9/11.

Canadians will probably watch it in those high numbers as well.

This really could impact on Canada's election campaign.

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MSNBC has just done an online poll and 80% of Americans are going to watch Fahrenheit 9/11.

Canadians will probably watch it in those high numbers as well.

This really could impact on Canada's election campaign.

This would make the movie the highest grossing movie ever. Not very likely in my opinion.

Dennis Miller said it best when he called Moore an "annoying slug, who deserves to get his ass kicked".

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So now you are going to do exactly as those nasty americans are going to do? Go see it? A lot of Canadians have shown that they do not give a crap about the US and what happened and the ones that do, well they will take this movie for what it is worth, a movie made by Hollywood, not a Natiaonal Geopgrahic documentory that has some semblance of being the truth

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I doubt it will have any real effect.......I tend to believe that the majority of Canadians (whatever political views) have the education and the common sense to realize that Moore is full of the brown smelly stuff.......

Plus this:

MSNBC has just done an online poll and 80% of Americans are going to watch Fahrenheit 9/11.

Canadians will probably watch it in those high numbers as well.

This really could impact on Canada's election campaign.

Prove that MS is not part of the majority........

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also, hopefully those that do see will be reminded of the horrors of that attack and realise that anyone who would support any action whether fincially, spiritually or theoretically needs to be dealt with.

People like Saddam and his sons need to be taken from positions of power in order to not only protect the people of their country but also those in the regions around them and the world as a whole.

Going to the war in Iraq is the best and smartest thing that Canada could have done.

Harper made the right choice in supporting the war in Iraq.

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also, hopefully those that do see will be reminded of the horrors of that attack and realise that anyone who would support any action whether fincially, spiritually or theoretically needs to be dealt with.

People like Saddam and his sons need to be taken from positions of power in order to not only protect the people of their country but also those in the regions around them and the world as a whole.

Going to the war in Iraq is the best and smartest thing that Canada could have done.

Harper made the right choice in supporting the war in Iraq.

If Harper is so proud of his position of sending Canadian troops to the war in Iraq why is he tring so hard to hid it?

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He's trying to hide a lot of things from the Canadian people, MS. His pro-war stance is just one of them. Most politicans tell positive lies to get elected, Harper has to lie about his past like a petty criminal on the lam.

Farenheit 9-11 will do well in theatres and DVD rentals in the US and Canada. Europe too. The fact is that Moore does build a case for his point of view. He does the research. Have you noticed the drive to keep people from seeing the movie? The right isn't opposing it on fact, they are telling people not to watch it because Moore is overweight or makes money from his movies.

This board is slightly better than most places, but I'm still not seeing any facts negating what Moore is saying.

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If Harper is so proud of his position of sending Canadian troops to the war in Iraq why is he tring so hard to hid it?

Because you Liberals try and bait him with it, heck I could list 65 Liberal scandals and you would simply ignore them for Harper's stance on the war and vote the Liberals in again. Your a bunch of bloody hypocrites

He's trying to hide a lot of things from the Canadian people, MS. His pro-war stance is just one of them. Most politicans tell positive lies to get elected, Harper has to lie about his past like a petty criminal on the lam.

All politicians tell lies to get elected, the Liberals have been lying for 4 terms and still you vote for them. I dont trust your judgement on matters like this, you have proven your own inability to learn from the past

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If Harper is so proud of his position of sending Canadian troops to the war in Iraq why is he tring so hard to hid it?

Because you Liberals try and bait him with it, heck I could list 65 Liberal scandals and you would simply ignore them for Harper's stance on the war and vote the Liberals in again. Your a bunch of bloody hypocrites

He's trying to hide a lot of things from the Canadian people, MS. His pro-war stance is just one of them. Most politicans tell positive lies to get elected, Harper has to lie about his past like a petty criminal on the lam.

All politicians tell lies to get elected, the Liberals have been lying for 4 terms and still you vote for them. I dont trust your judgement on matters like this, you have proven your own inability to learn from the past

So are you suggesting the right supports lying to get elected?


Let's deceive Canadians, let's bamboozle them, so they have no idea what policies they are voting for.

How sad!

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Farenheit 9-11 will do well in theatres and DVD rentals in the US and Canada.  Europe too.  The fact is that Moore does build a case for his point of view.  He does the research.

I'm not fan of Bush or the Republicans, and I haven't really looked into their behaviour surrounding 911 - as this "movie" allegedly does. But however critical it is of Bush I hardly see how that would affect people's support for Harper.

I lost a lot of respect for Moore the other day, btw. You say he does research? I caught a clip of him being interviewed by Mulroney's kid. In it he was saying something to the effect "Harper and Bush are the same people, you know. This Harper guy will trash your social services..."

Now call me cynical, but given Moore is an American, and has been frantically busy with his 911 film, then all the interviews around it, Caans, and now the long, exhausting city to city drive to promote it, I find it almost unbelieavable that this guy has taken any time at all to "research" the Canadian political situation, what the state of health care is, what's been happening to it over the last 11 years, what the party leaders positions are, or anything else. At best he leafed through the Toronto Star on his way from the airport to the interview, or at the hotel, or caught some superficial reporting showing the Liberals or NDP claiming the Tories would destroy health care. That's almost certainly the sum total of his knowledge, but he felt entirely free to comment, with a certainty, on what Harper was going to do about health care.

Y'know, I remember watching his Columbine movie, where he came across the border and opened doors to show how Canadians don't lock their doors, and how safe we feel and how we have no fear or worries about crime. I remember thinking at the time "Bulllshiiiiit". What a lot of paternalistic nonsense!

Some of what Moore says makes sense, but I think he can also be a bit of a clod. And I resent some fat-cat multi-millionaire foreigner coming here and after ten minutes of reading a paper telling people how they should be voting.

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If Harper is so proud of his position of sending Canadian troops to the war in Iraq why is he tring so hard to hid it?

Because you Liberals try and bait him with it, heck I could list 65 Liberal scandals and you would simply ignore them for Harper's stance on the war and vote the Liberals in again. Your a bunch of bloody hypocrites

He's trying to hide a lot of things from the Canadian people, MS. His pro-war stance is just one of them. Most politicans tell positive lies to get elected, Harper has to lie about his past like a petty criminal on the lam.

All politicians tell lies to get elected, the Liberals have been lying for 4 terms and still you vote for them. I dont trust your judgement on matters like this, you have proven your own inability to learn from the past

So are you suggesting the right supports lying to get elected?


Let's deceive Canadians, let's bamboozle them, so they have no idea what policies they are voting for.

How sad!

No if you would read my post I supported your point that most politicians lie to get elected, yet I also turned it around and showed that since you re-elected the lying Liberals 4 terms in a row your thoughts on Harper cannot be trusted =p

In regards to that source I referred to (65 scandals) here it is:


Knock yourself out, and vote LIBERAL!! =p

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I'm surprised that there are people who STILL think Hussein had ANYTHING to do with al Qaeda and more specifically, 9/11.

He didn't.

Sheesh... do people read newspapers anymore?

As for the impact the movie will have, I doubt it'll be much here in Canada.

Thank for that almost completely offtopic post bionic, please stay on subject.

I personally think the movie will boost the morale of Liberals everywhere, because it will feed their propogated minds with the enlightened junk that they require to survive. I can GAURANTEE you that this movie will be used as supporting evidence in many debates and arguments, which is completely laughable

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Thank for that almost completely offtopic post bionic, please stay on subject.

I personally think the movie will boost the morale of Liberals everywhere, because it will feed their propogated minds with the enlightened junk that they require to survive. I can GAURANTEE you that this movie will be used as supporting evidence in many debates and arguments, which is completely laughable

How it's offtopic I don't know, but anyways...

As for it boosting the morale of Liberals (I think you meant propagandized BTW ;) ), I don't think knowing that the war was illegal and misguided is an opinion held only by Liberals.

There ARE registered Conservatives who hold the same opinion re: Iraq and 9/11. I know two.

The movie doesn't NEED to be "supporting evidence". It's just another perspective. As for calling it laughable, how would you know, or were you in Cannes? ;)

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As for it boosting the morale of Liberals (I think you meant propagandized BTW ;) ), I don't think knowing that the war was illegal and misguided is an opinion held only by Liberals.

Of course not, I also know Liberals who support the war. But if we are classifying a political ideology and what it is for or against then Liberals are mainly against the war and most Conservatives either are undecided or supportive of the Bush administration.

There ARE registered Conservatives who hold the same opinion re: Iraq and 9/11.  I know two.

As I stated above, I also know Liberals who support the war ;)

The movie doesn't NEED to be "supporting evidence".  It's just another perspective.  As for calling it laughable, how would you know, or were you in Cannes?  ;)

Yes but Liberals and the left-wing tend to take these 'perspectives' as concrete truth and proven evidence... I have debated with people who have used Meyers and his Columbine video as evidence for gun control being needed, the problem is that again Meyers paints his own picture and ignores or blams hard facts in exchange for heart-wrenching stories and 'facts' that feed the left-wing lobbyist flame.

I call it laughable because it IS laughable how gullible some left-wing people are, they allow themselves to be brainwashed by their own media and claim it is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth =p

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Some of what Moore says makes sense, but I think he can also be a bit of a clod.

The man is an utter buffoon. "Bowling for Columbine" was such a complete load it was unbelievable - see here. Goebbels himself could not have done a better job distorting and hiding the truth.

Furthermore, I find a 300lb man who tells Americans they are too fat insulting. I find an extremely rich man who lives in a very exclusive area of New York and is practically a corporation unto himself ridiculous when he rails against corporatism and riches.

I would hope Canadians have more sense than to listen to this hysterical demagogue. But Germany listened to a man who told lies of similar proportions in the 1930s, so you never know.

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