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Military to Apologize toe Mohawks (once again)

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I realize English isn't your first language; but for your education, your sentence here has an implied "you" which is exactly as if you had used it. So, maybe checking the mirror before lobbing comments isn't a terrible idea.

"realized"? Only because I said so. Try not to take it personally and stay with the issue.

I said "imagine, for a moment, posting without the word "you".

From the post above; "your..... your.... your..... you...."

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Or how about all the little losers, terrified of honest debate, who throw around "anti-semite" if someone opines the rdical view that Israel's behaviour might be bad?

Imagine debating Jamaicans and their crime rates. Which is also imported here.

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I can't tell you how many discussions I've been involved in about the wars in Afghanistan or Iraq in which some wag starts throwing tantrums about improperly "supporting the troops."

Yep. You already mentioned that.

who throw around "anti-semite" if someone opines the rdical view that Israel's behaviour might be bad?

Oh I agree. The slur of anti-semite has been used far too much. Especially in the past. Started primarily by leftists. But that was before the rise of radical Islam. The left has since dumped defending Jews, and has now picked up the cause of the defense of Muslims.

The left can be terrible about it, I agree.

surely you're aware that few people are more PC-oriented than is the political Right.

Good to hear. Because earlier you were asserting something quite different.

Yes, I understand you've got a "war on Christmas"

Yes, the constant attack on Christmas perpetrated in the name of political correctness.

you've got some PC propaganda to spout about the terrible victimization of white poeple

Yes, the victimization based on political correctness. Just ask the firefighters who passed their test but weren't hired because of the colour of their skin. In the name of diversity.

It's entertaining that you think people fighting back against you and your ilk's political correctness is somehow an example of political correctness. It's Orwellian.

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Y'know, you might have realized this by now, if you were smarter, than when you think something is 'obvious' it's because of your unique viewpoint. That is to say, your talking out of your ass again.

When you tell me I'm not smart, I feel warm. Given the genesis of the intended pejorative, I can take it as a compliment.

LOL Like I need to use something like BROWN PEOPLE to excite the rabble of the Left. :lol:

I said nothing about what you "need to use." I was talking about what you do.

In point of fact, the term has been used on this site for some time, invariably in reference to the weeping and gnashing of teeth people of your ilk go through whenever anyone dares criticize any action or behaviour of anyone not deemed to be White.

Or when anyone deigns point out the fact of racism against non-whites, in which Argus stands up to defend the Master race.

Nope. I mean bleeding heart snivellers who are so wrapped up in guilt for the presumed horrible actions of their ancestors they are like those castrated male feminists who cringe every time a woman glares at them.

That was a caricature in 1991 (the "pc" era you imagine is still ongoing, unchanged, even as the society marches along ahead of you). It's unrecognizeable now.

Now why would that astonish me given the depths of ignorance and stupidity the Left evidences on this site each and every single day?

LOL Again we see this insinuation from the Lefties


"The Left! The Left! The Left! The Left!"

This is your political philosophy entire, when we break it down. It makes Mark Steyn appear sober and insightful.


who lets face facts, are not exactly known to be a physically robust and indimidating bunch

:) Hmmm. You took umbrage at this sort of thing elsewhere, and yet you use it routinely yourself. I understand your masculine self-image is quite precious to you, but I don't quite get how it inspires such hypocrisy.

If it makes you feel better, I fully believe you're a big, strong, ruddy-faced male who enjoys nothing better than smacking around women and "BROWN PEOPLE."

- that I must be somehow physically weaker than they are in order to be disagreeing strongly with their self-righteous noble opinions!

I used "effete" and "little" to describe your moral and intellectual character, not your physical presence.

Once you gain a more sophisticated understanding of the English language, you probably won't make these kinds of errors in comprehension.

I wonder if it's some universal trait of the delicate wine and cheese set,

Hmmm. I do enjoy the way elitist conservatives natter on about liberal elites. "Wine and cheese" are always summoned (these are awful things, evidently...unless we're talking about Moody Blue wine and processed cheese slices, which are "foods of the people.")...as you borrow even your caricatures from the hypocrisies of American (elitist) Rebublican campaign politics.

so righteously opposed to militarism, and guns and violence and all, that they reflexively have to strut their 'manliness' on-line - the only place they can without drawing a frown from a nearby female that causes their testicles to shrivel up inside their groin?


Your back's up so far now that you're getting sorrowfully ridiculous. Bloodyminded looooves the ladies, and the ladies loves him!

Also, I have nothing whatsoever against the basic tools we call "guns." Not a thing.

I'm sorry if this disappoints.

As for "militarism," I'm only a bit glum about the right-wing fetishization of all things military, and the way it revs up their adolescent fantasies and their politically-correct tendencies.

Yeah, that's pretty much the standard bleat of the PC stormtroopers of the far left. "WE aren't PC! OH NO! IT's those horrible NEO CONS who insist that just because we feel a sense of smugness every time a western soldier dies we're somehow not patriotic! They're the PC ones!"

I've never even suggested that the Left doesn't have a problem with political correctness. In fact, that's self-evident enough that I take it for granted.

No, the only substantive disagreement you and I have on matters of political correctness is that you remain unaware--or rather unwilling to admit--the obvious truism that the political Right (and the centre, and any point on the spectrum you could find) are similarly beset by their own peculiar brands of it.

Dream on tin soldier. Wave your imaginary muscles on line and sneer at the morally depraved and "efete" conservatives who dare challenge your manly view of the world! Then get back to the real world - and crawl. It's what you do best, after all.

Relax, big fella. No need to take such perceived slights to your holy manhood quite so seriously.

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"realized"? Only because I said so. Try not to take it personally and stay with the issue.

I said "imagine, for a moment, posting without the word "you".

From the post above; "your..... your.... your..... you...."

Again--and since you're not understanding very basic English, I'll alter things a bit to make it more clear:

When Saipan posted about my use of the word "you," he too was using that word, in its implied form.

Which is no different--at all--from writing the word out.

This is (exactly) what Saipan's sentence means: "[You] imagine, for a moment, posting with out the word 'you.'"


"[You should] imagine, for a moment, posting without the word 'you.'"

See, Saipan? There are a few other possible variations...but all of them, by definition, contain the implied "you."

Don't argue language with those who undestand it better. That is sincere advice.

A good way to start is to eschew useless and trivial arguments like the one Saipan proposes here.

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Yep. You already mentioned that.

Oh I agree. The slur of anti-semite has been used far too much. Especially in the past. Started primarily by leftists.

That may well be true, particularly since Jewish people themselves largely tended (and still do, by the way) towards the political Left.

Nowadays, it is used willy-nilly to shut down discussion about Israel.

But that was before the rise of radical Islam. The left has since dumped defending Jews, and has now picked up the cause of the defense of Muslims.

right, because one has to choose: Muslims or Jews. You can't defend them both.

:) Wow.

Yes, the constant attack on Christmas perpetrated in the name of political correctness.

You enjoying your self-imposed status as victim? what's so enjoyable about it, I wonder?

It's entertaining that you think people fighting back against you and your ilk's political correctness is somehow an example of political correctness. It's Orwellian.


Nice try, Shady. Your posts generally, as well as your dishonesty and (albeit crude) attempts at manipulation underline Orwell's continued significance.

You simply don't wish to admit that you use political correctness. You do it all the time. That you feel you can justify it merely raises another point for debate; it doesn't alter the fact that you make use of it.

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Yes, I've seen the simpleton argument before. Some of the police Mohawk Warriors acted up here or there, and therefore, all police Mohawk Warriors are bad. They're all bad because, well, they're mostly white BROWN people, and they have guns and wear uniforms and stuff, all of which is horrible. You know this because, well, who else would want to wear a uniform but someone horrible and depraved?

But that doesn't change the facts. It doesn't change the eyewitness reports, or the media reports. Your friends enemies are vermin. And the fact you rush to their defense is simply an indication of your own lack of morality and judgement.


What exactly does a "pussy" argue like?

Duh. Like you dummy, a pussy argues like you. And a dumb pussy I might add, since you had to ask.

Maybe you could write up a little list of traits you think "pussies follow. Would it include pretending you're somehow more masculine than other people on-line? Would it include constantly bragging about how you "own" or how you "pwn" other people? Would it include not being able to actually discuss any issue without resorting to personal attacks? Just wondering.

Oh now the crybaby schtick is it? Gawd, what a pussy. :lol:

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It's still on the indians getting away with almost anything while sucking our resources.

"our resources" another head-in-the-sand attempt at an appeal to popularity. You don't even do French or English very well, who said you can belong to "our" country?

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You don't understand "largely tended," Saipan?

It doesn't mean everyone. Just as all right-wingers are not dishonest debaters.

But certainly, Jewish people--especially in the diaspora--tend more towards liberalism and leftism than any other self-identified ethnic, cultural or religious group.

Read some conservative Jewish voices on the subject: Norman Podhoretz on "Why Are Jews Liberals"; David Horowitz has lamented this obvious truism as well; William Kristol and Michael Medved, while they hate the fact, don't deny it. Hell, Podhoretz has said he "gives up," that there will be no serious change in this phenomenon in the foreseeable future.

Read up on your conservative opinion before you deign to talk about conservative opinion.

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"our resources" another head-in-the-sand attempt at an appeal to popularity. You don't even do French or English very well, who said you can belong to "our" country?

Being in Canada longer than most Canadians, I make those decisions.

And as for not doing French or English very well that would be Jean "Hillside Strangler" Chretien who was probably educated in Canada. What a shame, eh :)

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But certainly, Jewish people--especially in the diaspora--tend more towards liberalism and leftism than any other self-identified ethnic, cultural or religious group.

Must be why they don't give a shit about Obama :)

We can go back to Chretien's ignoring His Holiness the Dalai Lama, later honored by Stephen Harper.

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Being in Canada longer than most Canadians, I make those decisions.

And as for not doing French or English very well that would be Jean "Hillside Strangler" Chretien who was probably educated in Canada. What a shame, eh :)

Being "in" Canada doesn't make you Canadian. So who decided eh?

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Being "in" Canada doesn't make you Canadian. So who decided eh?

Being in Canada with ONLY Canadian citizenship is how I decided makes Canadian. Which rules out beings, like for instance, Stephane Dion, former G.G. etc.

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Being in Canada with ONLY Canadian citizenship is how I decided makes Canadian. Which rules out beings, like for instance, Stephane Dion, former G.G. etc.

Canadian "citizenship?" Who said you could have "our" Canadian citizenship? I didn't. I didn't get the right to approve you or not. So I think your "citizenship" must be a mistake, a sham, a piece of paper with no weight to it.

Unless you would like to attempt to prove otherwise, you are just another foreigner with a passing knowledge of "our" language.

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Canadian "citizenship?" Who said you could have "our" Canadian citizenship? I didn't. I didn't get the right to approve you or not.

'Cause you don't count. I already explained.

you are just another foreigner with a passing knowledge of "our" language.

Foreigners have citizenship of other countries, like Stephane Dion or former Governor General.

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Being in Canada longer than most Canadians, I make those decisions.

And as for not doing French or English very well that would be Jean "Hillside Strangler" Chretien who was probably educated in Canada. What a shame, eh :)

That does'nt change the fact that you came here from some Eastern European sh!+hole...

Sadly,my Grandfather fought in AND my Dad's cousin did time in a NAZI POW camp for a complete twit such as yourself to come here.

I assume you most likely PAID for that priviledge???

If your the example of that hard fought freedom,it is starting to look like a wasted effort...

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That does'nt change the fact that you came here from some Eastern European sh!+hole...

I lived more West than Vienna. Would Austria be also an Eastern European shithole? One who came from real shithole of shitholes is former Governor General :D

Czech Republic is one of the most developed European countries. Always was.

Sadly,my Grandfather fought in AND my Dad's cousin did time in a NAZI POW camp for a complete twit such as yourself to come here.

I was liberated by Americans - after being sold to Hitler by French and British.

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I lived more West than Vienna. Would Austria be also an Eastern European shithole? One who came from real shithole of shitholes is former Governor General :D

Czech Republic is one of the most developed European countries. Always was.

I was liberated by Americans - after being sold to Hitler by French and British.

You've said in the past you came from Czechoslovakia...A Warsaw Pact satellite...

Eastern European sh!+hole...

Again,I assume you paid to come here...A Canadian of convenience...

And I could'nt care less who liberated the likes of you...A wasted effort...

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When you tell me I'm not smart, I feel warm.

Well, I could have suggested you were a liar, but I was being kindly.

Or when anyone deigns point out the fact of racism against non-whites, in which Argus stands up to defend the Master race.

Argus simply likes to point out the hypocrisy of people imputing imaginary racist motives for everything which involves BROWN PEOPLE.

:) Hmmm. You took umbrage at this sort of thing elsewhere, and yet you use it routinely yourself


In point of fact, unlike you CA, and your comrades here, I think it's pretty pointless to suggest physical defects in people I've never met or seen. But what the hell, let's have a few examples of my routine use.

If it makes you feel better, I fully believe you're a big, strong, ruddy-faced male who enjoys nothing better than smacking around women and "BROWN PEOPLE."

And if it makes you feel any better I fully believe you're a prancing little fairy who likes to molest little boys whenever he gets the chance.

I used "effete" and "little" to describe your moral and intellectual character[/q, not your physical presence.

Oh that's just sad. I mean, I've seen some pathetic efforts at backpedaling in my years here, but that's just embarrassing.

No, the only substantive disagreement you and I have on matters of political correctness is that you remain unaware--or rather unwilling to admit--the obvious truism that the political Right (and the centre, and any point on the spectrum you could find) are similarly beset by their own peculiar brands of it.

This is merely a denial without the honesty to make one. It's similar to the leftist tactic of defending all the worst examples of militant and extremist Islam by attacking Christianity or Judaism instead. Of course, they'll deny they're doing any such thing, merely pointing out how fanatical and violent Christians are, too.

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Yes, I've seen the simpleton argument before.

It must be sad that you're so lacking in imagination all you can do is echo other people's words. I suppose it wouldn't occur to you it's about on a par with "I know you are but what am I!?"

No, I suppose not.

Duh. Like you dummy, a pussy argues like you. And a dumb pussy I might add, since you had to ask.

Oh now the crybaby schtick is it? Gawd, what a pussy. :lol:

You kmow, I don't even need to offer up a response to this. You make yourself look more pathetic than I could ever manage.

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