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Can't compete with immigrants.

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This is the same guy who wouldn't go out to vote because it was raining.

Since 1995 right wingers had always preached "do more with less." Well, that's unless they themselves have to do with less. I suppose one solution to prevent all that cheap labour is to have them all unionize to get reasonable pay. But then the right-wingers would just find something else to whine about because now, we're not competitive enough.

Welcome to the paradox of neo-liberal economics.Milton Friedman must laughing his a$$ off at us all right now with the con he,and his Chicago School of Business cronies have perpetrated on us all.

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interesting article in the G&M today in regards to a meat processing plant in Brandon, Canadians didn't want the work..they experienced high turnovers in personnel...the company (Maple Leaf I think) had to recruit outside the country, China, Mexico, Honduras, Ukraine and now they have a stable work force and the workers are buying homes as soon as they gain landed status and putting down permanent roots into the community...

and I know of two busineses locally that shut down because labour shortages, not that there is a shortage but no one wanted the work which I can understand it's an expensive city and entry level jobs don't pay enough to survive on...

This is the kind of trash views that is an offense to world decency. Canada does not need to create Canada in China's, Mexico's.. image. Labour can be replaced by technology to serve Canada's domestic requirements.

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or mikedavid00 could do what millions upon millions have done before him...move...

my parents immigrated looking for a better opportunity, started from scratch with $2, took menial jobs and worked very very hard...

I've done the same with more cash within Canada, when times are bad you can whine and complain or you can do something about it, sell everything and move to where the work is...and be prepared to take a job that is beneath your abilities until better times return...

moving within your own country is a piece of cake compared to what immigrants have to go through, new language, strange customs, hostile weather, hostile hosts...

I can't imagine how my parents coped with a huge family no job and down to their last $2, that's fricken scary...his first job was pushing wheelbarrows of cement in his only interview suit for .50 per hr...

Why should he have to move and sell everything? Immigrants should be moving, not him.

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This is the kind of trash views that is an offense to world decency. Canada does not need to create Canada in China's, Mexico's.. image.

this is kind of idiotic view that is an offense to any intelligent Canadian, they do need to hire immigrants since Canadians like you turn their noses up at the work, I doubt corporate Canada is going to close their doors just so not to offend the picky unemployed who didn't want the job...
Labour can be replaced by technology to serve Canada's domestic requirements.

and if technology could butcher pigs without humans a coporation like Maple Leaf would have done so years ago...

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It also tears me apart to see young families getting paid next to nothing and spending 70% of everything they make on a stupid mortgage that is bubbled un-naturally high due to immigration housing bubble prices.

Kudos to you for establishing another salient fact of immigrants. :)

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Why don't you apply at WalMart or some such similar job? I worked there for almost a year when I got laid off. It was a crappy job, to be sure, but it was a steady paycheque while I looked for better work.

And it's mildly embarassing...because so many people are derisive of grown men "falling" from better positions into that line of work. Especially the more conservative-minded folks: they WILL deride you.

But it's better than being broke.

Seriously, if your benefits are going to run out, I would think desperation the better part of valour.

What's wrong with Walmart? It appears to be clean and easy work. If you are in Ontario the Liberals got your back. If you wait long enough mcguinty will push the minimum wage to 15 dollars and you will be smiling all the way to the bank.

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Sure, no problem. I was working at the Canadian Space Agency (their headquarters are in Saint-Hubert, about a 1 hour commute from where I lived in Montreal). My job involved data analysis from a set of experiments conducted on a number of space shuttle flights a few years prior to that. The job was nominally advertised as "bilingual preferred", however, despite me being unable to complete even one sentence in French during my telephone interview, I got hired. When I got there, my supervisor recommended that I learn French, since employees at meetings and such could speak in whatever language they preferred and it would be beneficial if I understood both the English and the French speakers. So that's what I did.

WAS? Sounds like a good job. Imagine if an immigrant was hired for the job in place of you although you applied and were qualified.

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Guest TrueMetis

Buddy, read and understand. It was suggested David sell and move. I said why should he have to, the immigrants should.

I'm saying the immigrants have already sold and moved. They did and now they've got the job. Seems like it's David's turn.

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WAS? Sounds like a good job. Imagine if an immigrant was hired for the job in place of you although you applied and were qualified.

Yeah it wasn't a bad job, but it was a 1 year contract, and to be honest the data analysis wasn't that interesting anyway. I far preferred the next job I had (also past tense, 16 month contract), working at our national particle and nuclear physics laboratory in Vancouver, where I got to do a lot of hands-on work and design, not just data analysis.

I'm not really afraid of immigrants taking over these kinds of jobs. There are relatively few individuals in the world with the knowledge necessary, meanwhile advanced facilities of this type keep getting built, expanding demand. My supervisor at my last job commented how they could not find a single person anywhere in the world with the experience and education necessary for a position they had been trying to fill for over a year.

Plus, in the end, it's all about networking. Personally knowing a former director of a NASA lab, a lead engineer at ITER, a project scientist in charge of a department at the LHC, and the founder of a startup company in the field of electric space propulsion, among other contacts, I'm in good shape. Some random dude from India or China isn't gonna know any of these people and so won't be taking over these kinds of jobs if the employers have applicants that they personally know to choose from.

Point is, sitting and complaining about immigrants isn't gonna get you a job. Learning new skills and networking, on the other hand, will.

Edited by Bonam
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This is the same guy who wouldn't go out to vote because it was raining.

Since 1995 right wingers had always preached "do more with less." Well, that's unless they themselves have to do with less. I suppose one solution to prevent all that cheap labour is to have them all unionize to get reasonable pay. But then the right-wingers would just find something else to whine about because now, we're not competitive enough.

half of Alberta are migrant Canadians or immigrants, few people like to leave the safety and comfort of the world they know but that's what you do if you must, if the work isn't where you are then you need to go to where the work is...I compete for work with immigrants everyday that's just the way it is I have to be better or cheaper or both than my competition or I don't get the work...

and isn't that the right wing way? a free market economy?...how ironic me a pinko, leftist, socialist, tree hugging, commie, immigrant is accepting the right wing ideal...

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The technology exists. They are not motivated to seek it out because they have the chinese solution available.

BS..the most automated system in the world in Denmark still requires humans to cut the meat...if MapleLeaf like any corporation thought it could save money by automation it would do so as much as possible, profit is always the bottom line...coincidently the Danish plant has about the same number of employees as the Brandon plant...
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Yeah it wasn't a bad job, but it was a 1 year contract, and to be honest the data analysis wasn't that interesting anyway. I far preferred the next job I had (also past tense, 16 month contract), working at our national particle and nuclear physics laboratory in Vancouver, where I got to do a lot of hands-on work and design, not just data analysis.

I'm not really afraid of immigrants taking over these kinds of jobs. There are relatively few individuals in the world with the knowledge necessary, meanwhile advanced facilities of this type keep getting built, expanding demand. My supervisor at my last job commented how they could not find a single person anywhere in the world with the experience and education necessary for a position they had been trying to fill for over a year.

Plus, in the end, it's all about networking. Personally knowing a former director of a NASA lab, a lead engineer at ITER, a project scientist in charge of a department at the LHC, and the founder of a startup company in the field of electric space propulsion, among other contacts, I'm in good shape. Some random dude from India or China isn't gonna know any of these people and so won't be taking over these kinds of jobs if the employers have applicants that they personally know to choose from.

Point is, sitting and complaining about immigrants isn't gonna get you a job. Learning new skills and networking, on the other hand, will.

come on you went from Montreal to Vancouver! If you bought a home in montreal, force to sell and rebuy in Vancouver, you know how much that would cost!! I am sure Full Time Employment with a Future and expanding on your Education and work experience is what you want. The fact is, you should not be competing with people outside of Canada for jobs you are qualified and experienced to do. As a Canadian If you lack what they are looking for, the company is obligated and required to train you to know what they are asking for. We have Univesities and Colleges that are suppose to prepare you to do ANY job advertised by a company or government. If the Universities and Colleges are not doing this, is it the fault of the Canadian looking for work? No company should be given the means to step on Canadians the way they are getting away with by the Conservatives.

This is the governments fault!!

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Yeah it wasn't a bad job

Yeah I'm sure it wasn't a bad job at all.

You know.. despite MY paycheck being deducted to fund you little fun and games in a gov't make work project.

Strange.. I didn't know Canada was in space. Oh well. Regardless I had to fund you and your entire workplace.

No problems though. I did 8 months at the Department of National Defense in Ottawa. My hometown is Ottawa. We had types like you in and out all the time. Many were my friends. The private sector tax payer had to pay for me to work, and all my friends in Ottawa.

When you said you went to Montreal for a year, I called you on it. I can smell it a mile away.

You do NOT have real life, real private sector experience. You have NO idea what it's like to compete with immigrants. Countless immigrants. I've lost jobs to Russians, Pakistani's, Chinese.. oh yes.. that last lady I lost my job to. It still makes me upset thinking about it.

You know NOTHING about these sorts of things because you are detached from the real Canada. When I was working at the gov't it was like a dream. A fantasy. Sitting at each others cubes for 45 min chatting about nothing to pass by the day. Shopping at the Rideau Center during work hours at the Eatons. Oh those days. Just not showing up to work. Coming in at 10am. Wow was I ever wrong about the real world. I learned my lessons when I got out to the private sector.

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half of Alberta are migrant Canadians or immigrants, few people like to leave the safety and comfort of the world they know but that's what you do if you must, if the work isn't where you are then you need to go to where the work is...I compete for work with immigrants everyday that's just the way it is I have to be better or cheaper or both than my competition or I don't get the work...

and isn't that the right wing way? a free market economy?...how ironic me a pinko, leftist, socialist, tree hugging, commie, immigrant is accepting the right wing ideal...

The labour market is not a free market. The market is saturated by immigrants looking for employment. Employers are keen on this fact. The real unemployment rate is not 8 or 9 percent. The real unemployment rate is upwards toward 30 percent. That is government and political party failure of monumental proportions. The only way for Canada to be righted is through a heavy hand. In these times, Government departments have to be contracted and Revenue Canada expanded. Tax Agents have to be vigilant and investigate small and large businesses alike to identify the cheaters. Afterwhich, a revised tax system will surgically target these businesses cheating costs and giving them an unfair advantage over legitimate businesses doing the right thing.

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BS..the most automated system in the world in Denmark still requires humans to cut the meat...if MapleLeaf like any corporation thought it could save money by automation it would do so as much as possible, profit is always the bottom line...coincidently the Danish plant has about the same number of employees as the Brandon plant...

In case you haven't been paying attention they are regions of Canada that have high unemployment. If the technology does not exist, they can set up shop in those regions. I will await how you worm yourself out of this one.

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How does that prove your point?

It means that in order to get a job in Montreal without speaking French, it wasn't a real job. You were there for fun and games and the tax payers expense.

You see.. when you collect your paycheck from tax payers (examples would be teachers, policemen, firemen, and civil service.. basically 1 in 4 full time working Canadians), you are then NOT a tax payer. You get money FROM the true tax payer. Only the private sector pays taxes and runs the country.

If you had a real job that matters (a private sector job), then you would NO WAY IN HELL get away with working in Montreal without speaking French. That is how I was able to call you on it.

The fact is, my job at DND and your job at this 'Space Agency' was a joke. We both got paid for make work projects and gov't empire. We did nothing. We contributed nothing. The tax payers supported gov't make work projects that employed us.

And I apologize to those here on the forum that were FORCED against their will to pay for my salary. I feel guilty. I worked on this crazy stupid make work project regarding an organizational chart for the Department of National Defense.

They wanted.. get this.. a photo based org chart of the entire building posted in color, in a glass frame, outside of each elevator. That was my project. We had a huge plotter to do print outs, we had a fancy digital camera (for back then it was like wow!), and we had another guy going around taking pictures of staff to make this org chart.

After 3 years and 4 different co-up students, they managed to print out one version of the huge chart that quickly went out of date and it never saw the light of day. It was a civil servants pet project.

I can write a small book about the things I did and saw there. I'll never forget my experience at the civil service. It was white collar welfare. That's the best way I can describe it. We were a building full of people living a lie and on welfare.

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You know NOTHING about these sorts of things because you are detached from the real Canada. When I was working at the gov't it was like a dream. A fantasy. Sitting at each others cubes for 45 min chatting about nothing to pass by the day. Shopping at the Rideau Center during work hours at the Eatons. Oh those days. Just not showing up to work. Coming in at 10am. Wow was I ever wrong about the real world. I learned my lessons when I got out to the private sector.

1. I have indeed worked in the private sector as well, though not in Montreal. Actually, I prefer work in the private sector. It is much more fast paced and things actually happen. I do agree with your characterization of government work, chatting at work or there simply not being a lot of work to do. That definitely happened plenty :)

2. If you so prefer government work, describing it as a dream or fantasy, then feel free to look for work in that sector. You are not forced to work only in the private sector.

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The labour market is not a free market. The market is saturated by immigrants looking for employment. Employers are keen on this fact.

that is a free market, supply and demand...product is too expensive, make it cheaper or better or go broke..too many fishermen then retrain, too many butchers, retrain..the good get jobs those who aren't retrain or get kicked to the curb...
The real unemployment rate is not 8 or 9 percent. The real unemployment rate is upwards toward 30 percent.
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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