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Gay Rights, why is it even an issue?


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They act as normal, or act as abnormal as anyone else...

Ever been to Berlin? They have the Love Parade. New Orleans? Mardi Gras.

The answers to your question would be legion.

That's fine - but I as a human being have the right to the right of the breeding population that is slowly being internally displaced in my urban centre..I don't care what they do---walk down the street - say you are divorced - or seperated from a mate - and looking to find female comfort - It's almost impossible - because if you are intelligent and fairly good looking most of the woman assume you are gay - this is not fair.

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All I'm saying here is that if gays are normal then they should act normal.

What straight person would go to a straight pride parade naked and depict a sex act to promote heterosexuality?

It's already established that gay pride parade do not promote homosexuality.

Acts of nudity in public should land those who commit them in jail.. Period.

that being said. I would not call the blatent near naked display of heterosexual flesh in Toronto's entertainment district on week-ends "normal behaviour" either.

Edited by CANADIEN
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You ...you...FACSIST!!!! :lol:

toplessness is legal in Toronto

Topless means woman - what they meant was those old aging losers with the leather shorts with the bum cut out - recently I looked across the street at some gay concert at the Opera House on Queen - during intermission..the alley was full of 50 year old guys wearing next to nothing - these are not your sweet femine natural gays - they were aging sodomists - and it was not a pretty sight. Just like I use to think that all blind people were saints untill I rented a room to one - who turned out to be a monster - certain sections of the gay populace are simply horrible people - if we think in stero-typical terms of the soft spoken limp wristed ones - we are at a lost - some are tough sons of bitches that will drug and rape you son if he is pretty enough to destroy - this exists ..not all gays are devine angels.

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Not that simple. If it's illegal, then it should not take place. Parade or no parade.

Obviously it's not considered a problem, gay pride or mardi gras.

I have watched the pride parade, and seen plenty of skimpy costumes, but not actual nudity. I think you have to be really looking for it. I don't see why some people, who have probably not been there and don't want to go should even care, nor why anybody else should care about their opinions.

It's a non-issue, imo.

Edited by tango
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Obviously it's not considered a problem, gay pride or mardi gras.

I have watched the pride parade, and seen plenty of skimpy costumes, but not actual nudity. I think you have to be really looking for it. I don't see why some people, who have probably not been there and don't want to go should care !

I have never been there, so I will take your word that it does not happen.. That being said, if the law is broken, then the law should be enforced.

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I have never been there, so I will take your word that it does not happen.. That being said, if the law is broken, then the law should be enforced.

I've seen lots of lesbain boobs at parades past and for the most part I applaud their boobiness.

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Acts of nudity in public should land those who commit them in jail.. Period.

OMG BOOBS, it's not the end of the world. I'd be more concerned about the violence on TV that promotes killing each other instead of loving and having the rumpy bumpy.

that being said. I would not call the blatent near naked display of heterosexual flesh in Toronto's entertainment district on week-ends "normal behaviour" either.

I guess it would be abnormal if it was on a weekday, considering it normally happens on a weekend.


I've seen lots of lesbain boobs at parades past and for the most part I applaud their boobiness.

I shall applaud their boobiness as well. I hear a Jon Lajoie song playing in the background ...

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NEW YORK — The American Psychological Association declared Wednesday that mental health professionals should not tell gay clients they can become straight through therapy or other treatments.

In a resolution adopted by the APA's governing council, and in an accompanying report, the association issued its most comprehensive repudiation of "reparative therapy" — a concept espoused by a small but persistent group of therapists, often allied with religious conservatives, who maintain gays can change.

No solid evidence exists that such change is likely, says the resolution, adopted by a 125-4 vote. The APA said some research suggests that efforts to produce change could be harmful, inducing depression and suicidal tendencies.

To those who think gays can change without some serious side effects.

The APA task force took as a starting point the belief that homosexuality is a normal variant of human sexuality, not a disorder, and that it nonetheless remains stigmatized in ways that can have negative consequences.

Turns out it is normal after all. Like I mean gays have been around long before the Romans, and I don't see it going away anytime soon.

They are here (clap clap)

They are queer (clap clap)

Get used to it (snap)

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To those who think gays can change without some serious side effects.

Turns out it is normal after all. Like I mean gays have been around long before the Romans, and I don't see it going away anytime soon.

They are here (clap clap)

They are queer (clap clap)

Get used to it (snap)

Yes the self indulgent hedonistic Romans....look where it got them in the end - literally - frankly I don't believe in gay...Yes there are natures mutations and odd little quirks - I don't have a problem with that - what I do not approve of is the social engineering that perpetuates the idea that they "just can't help it" - there IS gay by choice...those ones are disgraceful in the fact that they do not do their duty as human beings and breed and husband a woman - also they seek to dominate society in many ways...as for getting use to it...well....I will tolerate - but I don't have to accept this as an optimum life choice..some of our young men could do better - I see some very nerdish men holding hands - in the old days they were simply the odd ones that could not get a girl - Now we have a system that convinces them that they are "special" and they don't need females...I think that many young men are ripped off for their future by social engineering twits...some are sinsiter - and some are just plain dumb.

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Yes the self indulgent hedonistic Romans....look where it got them in the end - literally - frankly I don't believe in gay...Yes there are natures mutations and odd little quirks -

Alright, so you don't approve of the gays. And there was more than the gay factor that took down the Romans, but we can ignore that fact to make yours valid. There have been gays way before your religious Jesus Christ was sacraficed by his own dad because of your sins. And there are gays today, good job God. :lol:

I don't have a problem with that -

Your posts say otherwise.

what I do not approve of is the social engineering that perpetuates the idea that they "just can't help it" - there IS gay by choice...those ones are disgraceful in the fact that they do not do their duty as human beings and breed and husband a woman - also they seek to dominate society in many ways

By ratio of gays/straigh in our population indicates they will never be able to dominate society. For the simple fact that the population of the human race has been exponentially getting larger in the last 150 years.

...as for getting use to it...well....I will tolerate - but I don't have to accept this as an optimum life choice..some of our young men could do better -

Of course they could do better. I have seen some real handsome guys date some real ugly guys.

I see some very nerdish men holding hands - in the old days they were simply the odd ones that could not get a girl -

Don't confuse loney nerds with gays. Those nerds just happen to BE gay.

Now we have a system that convinces them that they are "special" and they don't need females...I think that many young men are ripped off for their future by social engineering twits...some are sinsiter - and some are just plain dumb.

We are all special in God's eye right? Nah, didn't think so. And if you want social engineering, see the nuclear family of the 50s and 60s. You can go as far back as 1900 to see how much social engineering has been done to our western society as a whole. Religion has been a social engineering tool for CENTURIES. But we can ignore that fact as well. I am sure you are aware of this. For what it is worth Oleg, you have been conditioned as well, just differently.

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If gay is normal then why does it have to be promoted? Nobody promotes heterosexuality because it is natural and assumed.

The same reason black rights and women's rights were promoted, to achieve equality. Of course, equality is not good enough in the eyes of the few that occupy the majority, but that's okay, bigots eventually drown themselves.

All I'm saying here is that if gays are normal then they should act normal.

What straight person would go to a straight pride parade naked and depict a sex act to promote heterosexuality?

Mardi Gras could be equivalent to an overly-sexualized gay pride parade, I haven't heard you complain there...apply standards if you may, but not double standards.

It's almost impossible - because if you are intelligent and fairly good looking most of the woman assume you are gay - this is not fair.

That's not a gay issue, that's an issue you have with women.

I hang out with a lot of women, not because I'm gay, but because (in my opinion) they feel more "comfortable" around a gay man and less-threatened (especially during a night out). You know what they tell me they look for in a man, confidence...not some whiny prick who tries to seduce them with free drinks and self-defeating pickup lines

this exists ..not all gays are devine angels.

And who said they were? I'm gay and have just as much interest in seeing a 50 year old man in leather pants as I do a 50 year old woman in leather pants.

The problem here is not with the majority of homosexuals, it's with a niche you've decided to straw-man and the beat the entire gay movement with. Why don't you ask me questions regarding homosexuality and the gay community? Why do you rely on moronic insinuations with no validity?

I'll be happy to answer your questions, just ask, we're not as scary as you think...

Yes the self indulgent hedonistic Romans....look where it got them in the end - literally - frankly I don't believe in gay...Yes there are natures mutations and odd little quirks - I don't have a problem with that - what I do not approve of is the social engineering that perpetuates the idea that they "just can't help it" - there IS gay by choice...those ones are disgraceful in the fact that they do not do their duty as human beings and breed and husband a woman - also they seek to dominate society in many ways...as for getting use to it...well....I will tolerate - but I don't have to accept this as an optimum life choice..some of our young men could do better - I see some very nerdish men holding hands - in the old days they were simply the odd ones that could not get a girl - Now we have a system that convinces them that they are "special" and they don't need females...I think that many young men are ripped off for their future by social engineering twits...some are sinsiter - and some are just plain dumb.

I accept your right to think however other morons of your caliber think but don't expect me to go down without a fight. This stupid and idiotic conspiracy-like assumption that there exists some form of "gay social-engineering" is hilarious. Any straight guy on this forum will concede that nothing a homosexual does to them will make them "gay", the only ones who think this way are either insecure about their own sexuality or simply bisexual/gay themselves (and haven't accepted it).

And what's with your medieval thinking of people "not doing their duty" and "breeding as husband and wife" - from this I gather that couples with no children and "parents out of wedlock" is some sort of social aberration?

This is the 21st century sir...people are "out and proud" because they're not going to take the shit of the past. I know you hate this, I know the confidence exuded by gay people upsets you but frankly I don't care....I really don't. I don't mean to sound so abrasive in my posts but I'm really a nice guy with a passion for equality and an absolute intolerance for narrow-minded cretins

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This is the 21st century sir...people are "out and proud" because they're not going to take the shit of the past. I know you hate this, I know the confidence exuded by gay people upsets you but frankly I don't care....I really don't. I don't mean to sound so abrasive in my posts but I'm really a nice guy with a passion for equality and an absolute intolerance for narrow-minded cretins.

Welcome to the site Zinc.

People really need to see how gays act in society. For the most part (like any other group) gays act normal in their jobs, leisure and such. They may do it with a little flare, but hey a little flare is good. There are extremes in every group, gays and straight alike. I have had the oppourtunity to work with many gay people. I DJ's a drag show and most of the guys were outright queers. But DAMN the show was awesome and we all had a fantastic time. This is one of my DJ events that is most memorable for me. I was way out of my element, but at the same time, the 'girls' were fun to work with.

'Oh this is your first drag show? Nah, don't worry about it honey, we are going to have a great time tonight, nothing to be nervous or worried about.'

I have had co workers that are gay, and the one gay guy acts more of a man than I do. :) I have done karaoke in gay bars as well. Actually when I come to think of it, I have had a lot of expoure to the gay community and i still have the sole preference for a lady.

You cannot catch teh gay just by being around someone who is gay.

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Turns out it is normal after all. Like I mean gays have been around long before the Romans, and I don't see it going away anytime soon.

Homosexual behaviour has always been common; exclusive homosexuality has not.

I've always doubted that homosexual feelings could be "cured". But I've never seen any reason why someone must remain singularly homosexual.

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Homosexual behaviour has always been common; exclusive homosexuality has not.

I've always doubted that homosexual feelings could be "cured". But I've never seen any reason why someone must remain singularly homosexual.

I have wondered whether exlusive homosexuality might be the end of it. In the past those who leaned that way also married (oscar wilde eg) and had kids, potentially passing on the "gay gene". Now with an entire generation of gay men and women not marrying or having kids....we might find in 50 years that gays are an endangered species.

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I have wondered whether exlusive homosexuality might be the end of it. In the past those who leaned that way also married (oscar wilde eg) and had kids, potentially passing on the "gay gene". Now with an entire generation of gay men and women not marrying or having kids....we might find in 50 years that gays are an endangered species.

And if that is the case, then the Church just has to be patient and wait. Then all will be gold!!


I've always doubted that homosexual feelings could be "cured". But I've never seen any reason why someone must remain singularly homosexual.

And one can ask the same question of remaining heterosexual. Maybe bisexual is the way to go :) double your options !!

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Indeed, one can, and probably should.

No, not really. If you are comfortable in your skin, then no questions need to be raised. And if you are comfortable and confident in your own skin and in your sexuality, then you won't feel threatened by any group out there and you won't feel the need to change anyone else. And you simply won't care, and will live out a happy and productive life. Everyone wins!

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No, not really. If you are comfortable in your skin, then no questions need to be raised. And if you are comfortable and confident in your own skin and in your sexuality, then you won't feel threatened by any group out there and you won't feel the need to change anyone else. And you simply won't care, and will live out a happy and productive life. Everyone wins!

People only "don't care" about things so long as they don't become excessively intrusive, "in your face", demands and demonstrations.

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