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I think most Canadians would frown on any minister of government ,saying this crisis could create a gain for them personally. The PMO is saying that the PM thinks both women are doing a good job. Well, Mr. PM, if that is so, then you can't agree with Raitt when she said that the minister of Health is not doing the job and it looks like Harper doesn't really expect much from his ministers, even though he stresses he does. All talk no action!

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I think most Canadians would frown on any minister of government ,saying this crisis could create a gain for them personally. The PMO is saying that the PM thinks both women are doing a good job. Well, Mr. PM, if that is so, then you can't agree with Raitt when she said that the minister of Health is not doing the job and it looks like Harper doesn't really expect much from his ministers, even though he stresses he does. All talk no action!

Never underestimate ANYONE EVER> The Canadian public is for the most part MORE aware - and have more natural intelligence then almost all politicans - Those that run for public office are always those of slightly less intelligence - a bright person finds the game distasteful and a waste of life and time ----------------Politicals should submit to the cold reality that the public are superiour to them - and you must serve your superiours as a proper, dutiful and diligent SERVANT...................................Any politician that imagines themseves to be of superiour quality as compared to the average citizen is delluded - all those living in dellusion should step down...when a person says that a certain issue is SEXY ...............................this is not a person fit for office. This person is ready to f**k the master from behind instead of servicing him from in front - don't need these types - they should be fired.

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Never underestimate ANYONE EVER> The Canadian public is for the most part MORE aware - and have more natural intelligence then almost all politicans - Those that run for public office are always those of slightly less intelligence - a bright person finds the game distasteful and a waste of life and time ----------------Politicals should submit to the cold reality that the public are superiour to them - and you must serve your superiours as a proper, dutiful and diligent SERVANT...................................Any politician that imagines themseves to be of superiour quality as compared to the average citizen is delluded - all those living in dellusion should step down...when a person says that a certain issue is SEXY ...............................this is not a person fit for office. This person is ready to f**k the master from behind instead of servicing him from in front - don't need these types - they should be fired.

These people live in glass houses. They don't seem to understand that as the representative of the people they are subject to intense scrutiny.

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The sad thing in all of this is that nigh on three years later the CPC is STILL trying to blame the Liberals. When will they put this rather sorry diatribe to rest? Can the Liberals still realistically be blamed for the Isotope issue since the CPC has been in government since 2006. Talk about beating a horse that’s been dead for three years.

I also like that Ms. Raitt took the opportunity to try and stick it to Ignatieff. While Ignatieff not being in the country is certainly an excuse for not being aware of what’s going on in Canada. However, this of course begs the question as to why she, who by implication was in fact in Canada, didn’t know about the issue and failed to act to correct it.

Waldo also did an excellent job of summing up the CPC paranoia. I guess if you try hard enough you really can blame everything on the Liberals.

While I favour solutions to the blame-game, I think it's very accurate in this case to remind the electorate that the Liberals - through 3 majority governments - allowed an aging Chalk River facility to fall into disrepair - while at the same time throw money into replacement Maple reactors that were so far off the mark, the project has been scrapped.

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While I favour solutions to the blame-game, I think it's very accurate in this case to remind the electorate that the Liberals - through 3 majority governments - allowed an aging Chalk River facility to fall into disrepair - while at the same time throw money into replacement Maple reactors that were so far off the mark, the project has been scrapped.

I'm not disputing that, that is in fact the case. However, let us not forget who currently is in charge and heretofore apparently has done nothing to remedy the situation. Who caused it is immaterial, when it is in fact your job to fix it. If the facilities were in such ill repair when the CPC took office, why have they done nothing to rectify the situation. They are all to quick to blame the Liberals for their own inaction and three years after the CPC took office the excuse is becomming thin indeed.

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While I favour solutions to the blame-game, I think it's very accurate in this case to remind the electorate that the Liberals - through 3 majority governments - allowed an aging Chalk River facility to fall into disrepair - while at the same time throw money into replacement Maple reactors that were so far off the mark, the project has been scrapped.

While you would wish it otherwise the above is not what the public will take away from this episode. When was the last time the word "sexy" appeared in the same sentence as "cancer"? This college dorm prattle is unbecoming a cabinet minister and the longer Harper defends the author of those crass words the greater the damage to his party.

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The truth is the truth. Harper walks the same path as BUSH.

1) Wreckless tax cuts (just like Bush)

Like Bush, Like Iggy

2) Increased military funding (just like Bush)

Like Bush like Iggy

3) Increased drug war (just like Bush)

Like Bush Like Iggy

4) Increased national debt (just like Bush)

Like Bush, Like Iggy

5) Republican style attack ads (just like Bush).

Like Bush, Like Iggy and the Liberal Party

6) False, hypocritical claims of "fiscal conservatism" (like the Republicans).

Like Bush, Like Iggy...

7) Failed attempts at banishing party moderates (just like Cheney tried with Powell).

Like Iggy.. as if there could be a difference...

8) Let (CPP) CEO's keep huge bonuses while their corporation LOSES money (something Bush-like for sure).
Ignatief took his marching orders from Bay Street. You are digging deeper and deeper.
9) No boosting of the social safety net (EI) during recession (like Bush).

Liberals did more dismantling of the EI system then any government in the history of Canada. On top of this the Liberals diverted $46 BILLION from EI and the people who need that money during the worst recession since the 1930s. Don't give me any bullshit that Iggy is going to do anything different when in power then Harper is currently doing regarding EI reform. Its like waiting for the Liberals to remove the GST, Renegotiate the Free Trade Agreement and implement a universal childcare system. All hat no horse, and the record of 13 years proves them full of it, when it comes to pre election promises and electioneering.

Liberals STOLE from EI and GAVE it to those CORPORATIONS you mention above. Rich CEOs that are friends, and financial backers of the Liberal Party and just as importantly they are backers of Ignatief.

10) Little or no plan for environment (just like Bush).

Like Bush Like Iggy.

What you believe and want to believe is not the goal or direction of the Liberal Leader.

However, you have foolishly done and excellent job of diverting attention away from Raitt-Gate.

Meanwhile, it is through RAITT GATE that we find that Mr. Ignatief strings are attached to Bay street bankers and he doesn't make a decision for the people, instead... when the bankers say jump, he says How High?

Ignatief frightens me more then Harper. I know where Harpers faults are, and he can't hide them. He wears them on his sleeve. Ignatief has one to many faces.

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damn! That's so sexy... so smokin hot sexy!

Small hospitals run out of isotopes this week

Smaller hospitals across the country will run out of medical isotopes this week, leaving many cancer and heart patients scrambling to find alternatives.

but don't worry! Harper is on the case... chastising anyone who might dare to comment on the "sexy" nature of the shortage of isotopes as engaging in "cheap politics". Stephen Harper - so sexy!

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Waldo, I can understand and accept that you question the competence of Harper and Raitt. That is your right. But I must say, it doesn't help to make jokes about such a serious subject as the lack of isotopes in hospitals. Read over your post above. Are you any better than Raitt in your attitude about this serious matter?

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Waldo, I can understand and accept that you question the competence of Harper and Raitt. That is your right. But I must say, it doesn't help to make jokes about such a serious subject as the lack of isotopes in hospitals. Read over your post above. Are you any better than Raitt in your attitude about this serious matter?

your keen analysis always seems to hit the mark :lol:

was there a... joke? I mean other than Raitt's own "sexy" labeling, her reveling in a self-enhancing opportunity, her denigration of the Health Minister... and, of course, another example of her complete incompetence... with it all followed up ever so predictably with Harper's "cheap politics" rebuttal.

since you're - apparently - so acutely aware of the seriousness of the lack of isotopes, your favoured party has had 3.5 years to fix it... so... fix it! Oh wait - perhaps that's the real joke here!

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But I must say, it doesn't help to make jokes about such a serious subject as the lack of isotopes in hospitals. Read over your post above. Are you any better than Raitt in your attitude about this serious matter?

It doesn't help to silence the public servant's early warnings about Chalk River, fire those who made them, then manipulate the impending crisis, months later, to sell privatization and look `sexy'.

That is really dirty, Harper.

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Latest minister to get pulled into the mess:


Sources familiar with the five hours of audiotape obtained by a Halifax newspaper say Raitt suggests her colleague is pandering to Alberta's oil sands.

Two sources say Raitt is heard speaking dismissively about the environment minister, and one says she refers specifically to policy that favours oil companies.

It would be a particularly surprising observation because Raitt is responsible for defending the oil sands, while Prentice is responsible for reducing Canada's carbon emissions.

I wonder what the next caucus meeting is going to be like.

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Another Tory MP disparaged.


But she also makes disparaging remarks about Winnipeg Conservative MP Joy Smith.

Raitt said Smith had made a bad move by introducing a private member’s bill that would bring in mandatory minimum sentences for the human-trafficking of children.

"Speaking of career-limiting moves, I’m in shock that MP, Joy Smith, brought forward private member’s legislation on human trafficking," Raitt says on the tape.

Smith had just introduced the bill that week.

"She’s on Canada AM. And the reason being, is that there’s no way any of us should be introducing anything around justice issues or finance issues right now. You just can’t touch those two things."


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but don't worry! Harper is on the case... chastising anyone who might dare to comment on the "sexy" nature of the shortage of isotopes as engaging in "cheap politics". Stephen Harper - so sexy!

I missed something when I first read your post. The tape was made in January 09. To be clear, at that time the reactor was operational and there was no shortage of isotopes. So the "sexy" comment was not made in relation to the shortage of isotopes, because no such shortage existed at the time. Of course, the media and the opposition completely ignored this information from the story.

The supply of medical isotopes has dwindled since May 15, when a nuclear reactor at Chalk River, Ont., was shut down after inspectors detected a heavy-water leak.


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So the "sexy" comment was not made in relation to the shortage of isotopes, because no such shortage existed at the time. Of course, the media and the opposition completely ignored this information from the story.

The sexy comment was it was good to be a minister's file that dealt with cancer.

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Linda Keen was a good public servant...

"The Conservatives should have listened to Linda Keen's warnings about Chalk River in 2007, but instead used her as a scapegoat, fired her from Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission, and then did nothing," said David McGuinty, Liberal Environment Critic. "Instead of taking responsibility, now they propose to put the management of the reactor responsible for 50 per cent of the global medical isotope supply in private hands, which will further dilute the government's ability to ensure nuclear safety."

Leprechaun wants to sell assets again....

obviously Harper's Thugs were planning to privatize from the start.

Edited by Radsickle
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I missed something when I first read your post. The tape was made in January 09. To be clear, at that time the reactor was operational and there was no shortage of isotopes. So the "sexy" comment was not made in relation to the shortage of isotopes, because no such shortage existed at the time. Of course, the media and the opposition completely ignored this information from the story.

which had been the main point of departure (deflection) taken by "blogging tories" yesterday... whereas the actual sequence of the Raitt/MacDonell conversation was in the context of isotopes, particularly how, from a public relations perspective, "the isotope crisis is difficult to control"... you know... the underlying theme at Chalk River since the initial failure in 2007 and the firing of Keen in Jan 2008.

... so, yes... most certainly: in the context of the Raitt/MacDonell conversation where they are discussing why the isotope crisis is difficult to control from a public relations perspective:

MacDonnell: “...because it’s confusing to a lot of people.”

Raitt: “But
sexy -- radioactive leaks, cancer.”

MacDonnell: “Nuclear contamination.”

Raitt: “
But it’s only about money

and since it's "only about money" we should look to the most substantive issue of them all here... why the Conservatives bailed on the (Liberal government initiated) Maple Leaf replacement design/reactors... if it's "only about money".

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since Raitt claims her career enhancing opportunity to resolve the isotope shortage is simply "only about money", it's worth a trip down memory lane to reinforce exactly what the Conservatives have done/influenced, starting with that joint statement concerning the replacement MAPLE reactors, issued May 16, 2008, by Gary Lunn, (then) Minister of Natural Resources and Tony Clement, (then) Minister of Health:

The Government of Canada accepts the decision of the Board of Directors of Atomic Energy of Canada (AECL) to terminate the MAPLE reactors project which was initiated in 1996 to produce medical isotopes. After 12 years, these reactors have never worked and never produced medical isotopes.

Today's decision has no impact on the supply of medical isotopes.
The existing NRU facility will continue to provide a reliable and consistent supply.
The Government is contacting provinces and territories and key medical experts to assure them there will be no disruption of supply.

The decision to terminate the MAPLE reactors is the result of a complete due diligence process by AECL's new management team and Board
that our government appointed
in January 2008.
As part of this due diligence, the MAPLE project was subject to thorough testing including one in April 2008,
which all failed
. The Board has concluded that there is no sound reason to continue the MAPLE project.

The project has long been crippled with both technical and economic impediments, which remained unresolved. Among the many factors are:

* Regulatory challenges and commercial disputes which so far have cost hundreds of millions of dollars in private and public funds;

Technical malfunctions that could not be resolved
; and

* Reviews conducted by the Auditor General which revealed significant concerns about the costs, the delays, and the technical issues.

AECL has been asked by the Government to pursue an extension of the NRU operation beyond its current license to ensure the ongoing supply of medical isotopes.

The decision to terminate the MAPLE project is in the taxpayers' best interest and will allow AECL to focus its efforts on its existing commercial business operations that are more financially viable.

As part of a commitment to good governance, the Government of Canada is continuing with its review of AECL. This review is intended to give us the information we need to make the right decisions for the long-term future of the company.

oh my! Are we watching another Conservative "Avro Arrow" debacle in the making...

as Dr. Harold J. Smith, the ex-Manager of the MAPLE Nuclear Commissioning, states:

That this bowing could take place was
an engineering issue that was easily solvable
. The Korean research reactor Hanaro is based on Maple technology. Hanaro has a negative PCR of the value that we calculated for Maple. The Hanaro fuel is also produced by AECL. There are, however, subtle differences in the two fuel designs that arose due to early fuel vibration concerns in the Hanaro design. The fuel vibration issue had been solved by one means for Maple while for Hanaro the fuel was modified and made stiffer. The stiffer fuel bundle design plus a slightly different distribution of the fuel meat, led to a reduction in the amount of fuel element bowing combined with a reduced impact of any fuel bowing that might take place.

I repeat: the tests did not fail.
The tests were measuring contributions from various sources and
the test series was interrupted and terminated prematurely
. The Maple reactor design is probably the safest reactor design in existence since it actually has three shutdown systems, two fast and one slower. In the strange world of reactor licensing, credit in safety analysis is taken only for the second trip on the slowest shutdown system, thus ignoring the two fast systems completely. The Maple reactor operated like a dream and was/is fully capable of meeting all objectives. All you have to do is finish the last test or put Hanaro-design fuel in it.

Some may regard this assumption as speculation. They are entitled to their opinion. However, my group had calculated the potential contributions from the bowing of LEU elements for Maple and Hanaro and the reduced impact of bowing of elements of the Hanaro fuel design is not speculation. How much bowing actually takes place is an extremely difficult calculation and the result depends strongly on assumptions of the end restraints. Furthermore, it would have been possible to improve the early calculation that under-reported the amount of LEU bowing that takes place.
This work also was in progress. In the end, the only definitive measure, when you are at the edge of what is possible to calculate, is to do the test.

just what is it about advanced technology that has Conservatives turning tail (again)... if it's only about... mo' money!

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My take on this is that it is a perfect example of why so many people are turned off of politics, and why they dismiss all politicians as lying, self-serving slime.

And no, I'm not talking about Raitt, who, so far as I've been able to see so far, hasn't really done or said anything wrong. The sheer rank hypocrisy of the opposition, and the ignorant yapping dogs on forums like this is enough to make anyone with integrity turn away from politics.

When you have the likes of Warren Kinsella, a man so steeped in the darkest muck of the political sewers, a man who knows no ethical or moral boundaries when it comes time to winning, piously and pompously denouncing Raitt for talking about the politics of a reactor it just makes you want to gag. How to handle issues with regards to how that makes them look is at the heart and soul of virtually every politician's day-to-day conversations. Iggy certainly does it several dozen times a day on every issue. So does Layton. They all do.

As for what Raitt actually said - it's interesting to note that in five pages of dreary, poorly formulated ideological drivel by people who write like they shouldn't be trusted to sweep a floor, no one has bothered to actually post her words. Instead they post headlines and commentary that "interprets" what she says - because that's so much easier to attack and make self-righteous pronounciations upon.

All that happened here was a fairly typical conversation on an issue which happens hundreds of times a day in Ottawa among senior bureacrats and politicians in cars, elevators, bathrooms, board rooms, offices and hallways. The opposition certainly know that, even if the baying hyenas on this forum don't, but it's a chance to score political points, so who cares about honesty. Again, Ignatief loses points in my mind, and moves further away from any hope that he might be that principled leader that Canadians long to embrace.

As for the people at the Halifax Chronical; they do their part to fulfil the public's expectation of the media - a pack of slimey opportunists without any comprehension of what ethics ought to mean.

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