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Not really in the end they are all made up of the same basic elements.

And all basic elements are made out of the same electron soup. Thus we come full circle.

Regardless if it is theoretical physics it is science and much more than a simple connection between God (as the Alpha and the Omega) is being drawn from it. The point is science changes and our current skepticism does not qualify one to suggest that God and the Universe, God and us are not connected. The fact is that ~some~ science does support the theory of God, just as it supports the theories around Quantum physics.

Given the connection.....the Bible could be used to search for support for the physics - understanding that we do not currently possess but some wise ancient might have found through either self-realization or some other miracle of the day.....just like the physicists who look to the Navajo to explore what turns out to be an advanced understanding of the universe.....

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And all basic elements are made out of the same electron soup. Thus we come full circle.

Regardless if it is theoretical physics it is science and much more than a simple connection between God (as the Alpha and the Omega) is being drawn from it. The point is science changes and our current skepticism does not qualify one to suggest that God and the Universe, God and us are not connected. The fact is that ~some~ science does support the theory of God, just as it supports the theories around Quantum physics.

Given the connection.....the Bible could be used to search for support for the physics - understanding that we do not currently possess but some wise ancient might have found through either self-realization or some other miracle of the day.....just like the physicists who look to the Navajo to explore what turns out to be an advanced understanding of the universe.....

Yes, full circle. Depends on how you define God. God has been defined by the OT/NT that god is a Sentient being. What you are describing is not sentient. There is no sense arguing with True Metis he has an axe to grind.


Rational enough for you?

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Guest TrueMetis

And all basic elements are made out of the same electron soup. Thus we come full circle.

Regardless if it is theoretical physics it is science and much more than a simple connection between God (as the Alpha and the Omega) is being drawn from it. The point is science changes and our current skepticism does not qualify one to suggest that God and the Universe, God and us are not connected. The fact is that ~some~ science does support the theory of God, just as it supports the theories around Quantum physics.

Given the connection.....the Bible could be used to search for support for the physics - understanding that we do not currently possess but some wise ancient might have found through either self-realization or some other miracle of the day.....just like the physicists who look to the Navajo to explore what turns out to be an advanced understanding of the universe.....

You really need to look into what theoretical physics deals with. God and Science are not compatible because God is supernatural and science only deals with the natural. Science says a lot of things but it makes no comment on the supernatural. understand?

Oh and people did use the bible to try to find knowledge of the universe that time was known as the "dark ages". Most people would rather not be dragged back to that hell-hole.

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Depending on what toys you are willing to sacrifice there is nothing stopping you. There are many who do just what you say you want. Just don't expect to be issued a government permit. If government "permits" you then they are responsible to rescue you by some twist of bureaucratic logic, so they won't. However if you go far enough and just do it, the odds of government bothering you are slim. There are many remote areas where this is common.

YAH you guys would just love to get rid of irritating me...I'm not going anywhere - I love you to much to leave you to your own device. Besides I would not want to repeat history..My grand father migrated across all of Asia to the east and ended up living just north of Mongolia..He set up a buisness with 70 employees and about 2000 acres...all was well and he had escaped what was then modern society that he did not appreciate..but eventually they come for you - It took the communists a few years to spread as far as eastern Siberia...and it took them a few years to find a conviction that would stick...then they executed him...so I learned my lesson - I like a child will cuddle up to my abusers - stay close to my enemy and just make the best of it...like an abused child that holds on close to the abuser so the creep does not have the room to take a swing.

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You really need to look into what theoretical physics deals with. God and Science are not compatible because God is supernatural and science only deals with the natural. Science says a lot of things but it makes no comment on the supernatural. understand?

Oh and people did use the bible to try to find knowledge of the universe that time was known as the "dark ages". Most people would rather not be dragged back to that hell-hole.

Really? Have you read the Bible? It's doubtful. As for the dark ages, it was when the vatican church held onto the words of the Bible and you only got to hear what you heard at church. That changed with the Release of KJV as it was pushed out to the world. Define Supernatural? This God is sentient. All science is doing is opening up the hood of the Car and trying to understand Life's genius. Afterwhich, man is embarking on Genetic Engineering and creating vehicles to carry us to destinations unknown. Where in the Bible does it say to not try and understand the world? The bible pushes man towards Knowledge and understanding. The only ones getting in the way of science is Christians and their delusion you are intruding on God's domain. Not really, knock yourselves out. Anyone who has read the book will realize it is a complete coherent epic. Even if it allegorical. It covers cradle to death and absolute obliteration. There is nothing left to be said or done. Like a painting its complete. Read and interpret the book anyway you want.

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Guest TrueMetis

Really? Have you read the Bible? It's doubtful.

A few times.

As for the dark ages, it was when the vatican church held onto the words of the Bible and you only got to hear what you heard at church. That changed with the Release of KJV as it was pushed out to the world.

Every version is the same crap in a different wrapper

Define Supernatural?

not existing in nature or subject to explanation according to natural laws; not physical or material

My link

Hence it can not be examined scientifically.

This God is sentient.

Sure he is.

All science is doing is opening up the hood of the Car and trying to understand Life's genius. Afterwhich, man is embarking on Genetic Engineering and creating vehicles to carry us to destinations unknown.

Yep and it's also improving our standard of living more than anything else in the history of man has. Science FTW.

Where in the Bible does it say to not try and understand the world?

Never said it said that, although it does seem to have a tendancy to lead to book burnings.

The bible pushes man towards Knowledge and understanding.

I'd say it pushes man towards hatred and genocide hence:

Samuel 15 verse 1: Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not; but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling, ox and sheep, camel and ass.

Hosea 13 verse 16 (King James edition): Samaria shall become desolate; for she hath rebelled against her God: they shall fall by the sword: their infants shall be dashed in pieces, and their women with child shall be ripped up.

Numbers 31 verse 17-18: Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman that hath known man by lying with him. But all the women children, that have not known man by lying with him, keep alive for yourselves.

The only ones getting in the way of science is Christians and their delusion you are intruding on God's domain. Not really, knock yourselves out.

And the ones who don't stand in the way of science don't take the bible seriously.

Anyone who has read the book will realize it is a complete coherent epic.

:lol: You're deluded.

Even if it allegorical. It covers cradle to death and absolute obliteration. There is nothing left to be said or done. Like a painting its complete. Read and interpret the book anyway you want.

If that is "complete" someone isn't paying attention.

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DEFINE SUPERNATURAL? Natural exists - so does super! All super natural is, is a further extention of the natural. The natural is familiar with us because it is close and familiar..the super...is just a little less familiar and less understandable..just because we do not fully understand something or articulate it with ease does not mean it does not exist...It is a case of degrees..but in the end it is ALL defined as real and natural. Some laws of physics which is natural law is understandable to most of us - take the theories of Steven Hawkins..they are super natural and not understood by most.

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You really need to look into what theoretical physics deals with. God and Science are not compatible because God is supernatural and science only deals with the natural. Science says a lot of things but it makes no comment on the supernatural. understand?

Oh and people did use the bible to try to find knowledge of the universe that time was known as the "dark ages". Most people would rather not be dragged back to that hell-hole.

God is natural. He/She is both the tree and that which nourishes the tree; the bug and that which nourishes the bu; the rock and it hardness and softness in the form of sand.

I know what theoretical physics deals with and it is irrelevent to the current discussion, except as an example of somewhat unproven and highly imaginary postulations. That draws a parallel to the nature of God as I described - the entire system of quantum physics interacting, interconnected - the Alpha and the Omega.

Now the parallel is in the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, yet separate. How could that be? Yet we are in that same electron soup indistinguishable from one another at a quantum level, secretive and private in our minds and bodies at a macro level, both as part of the whole and separate. We are gifted by miracles - some through healing and prosperity, others through scientific discovery that are often revealed in accident.

Then we have the whole study of synchronicity - meaningful coincidence - where one thinks about a friend and the telephone rings. Einstein, as well a Jung were intrigued by it and it formed a part of their scientific study.

There are lots of things (least of all God) that science cannot explain, or where the explanations are changing. The idea of God and how He/She works in the universe somewhat defies our understanding. Concepts of miracles, how they are formed and delivered are very much a mystery that science cannot explain. The point is that as science evolves, it creates new opportunities to re-evaluate the conclusions that were previously accepted as truth, but somehow are no longer plausible. And perhaps those who dismiss the concept of a higher power or God don't understand that it requires a higher level of understanding - one that is evolving today - to see how God and science are mutually compatible.

Ultimately, you can dismiss God as an invention of mortal excuses. However, you cannot deny that the understanding of the universe is unfolding and that new understandings do not provide answers to past queries but just add more questions to the whole equation. That is what makes science so exciting and enthralling. The same can be applied to the study of God removed from the influences of religions and self-serving charlatans. One only needs to have an open mind (and it will be filled).

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Edited by charter.rights
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The idea of right as oppossed to sin or sinisterism is very interesting. Righteousness denotes a mode of direction - a flowing natural direction..look at the way vines move - or bugs on a pond..depending on which way you look at them from the lower plain or the higher perspective all moves to the right..this devine direction allows safety to take place where the natural world is not under the constant strain of collision...the right way generates peace and order. Some of the ancient writings also deal with time..with eternity and timelessness. One second is but a thousand years and a thousand years is but a second...I believe that some of the ancient writings dealt with quantum mechanics...real religion is about law, about phyisics but we discount it because it is old.

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Guest TrueMetis

God is natural. He/She is both the tree and that which nourishes the tree; the bug and that which nourishes the bu; the rock and it hardness and softness in the form of sand.

Didn't realize you were pagan.

I know what theoretical physics deals with and it is irrelevent to the current discussion, except as an example of somewhat unproven and highly imaginary postulations. That draws a parallel to the nature of God as I described - the entire system of quantum physics interacting, interconnected - the Alpha and the Omega.

Again Quantum mechanics is a set of scientific principles describing the known behavior of energy and matter that predominate at the atomic scale. It is not what you are describing.

Now the parallel is in the Holy Trinity. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit are one and the same, yet separate. How could that be? Yet we are in that same electron soup indistinguishable from one another at a quantum level, secretive and private in our minds and bodies at a macro level, both as part of the whole and separate. We are gifted by miracles - some through healing and prosperity, others through scientific discovery that are often revealed in accident.

First off I'm confused are you christian or pagan? If you are pagan than saying god is natural makes sense but if you are christian god is firmly supernatural.

Second what you are saying about the quantum level makes no sense. You do know it is physically imposible for atoms to touch outside of a fusion reaction right? Saying everything is connected in the way you say doesn't make sense. Actually it kind of sounds like you are describing the force. Are you a jedi?

Then we have the whole study of synchronicity - meaningful coincidence - where one thinks about a friend and the telephone rings. Einstein, as well a Jung were intrigued by it and it formed a part of their scientific study.

Not science.

There are lots of things (least of all God) that science cannot explain, or where the explanations are changing. The idea of God and how He/She works in the universe somewhat defies our understanding. Concepts of miracles, how they are formed and delivered are very much a mystery that science cannot explain.

God of the gaps is not an arguement

The point is that as science evolves, it creates new opportunities to re-evaluate the conclusions that were previously accepted as truth, but somehow are no longer plausible. And perhaps those who dismiss the concept of a higher power or God don't understand that it requires a higher level of understanding - one that is evolving today - to see how God and science are mutually compatible.

Except they aren't at least not if you are theist then God and Science are on polar opposite sides. And it does not take a lot of understanding to say godidit.

Ultimately, you can dismiss God as an invention of mortal excuses. However, you cannot deny that the understanding of the universe is unfolding and that new understandings do not provide answers to past queries but just add more questions to the whole equation. That is what makes science so exciting and enthralling. The same can be applied to the study of God removed from the influences of religions and self-serving charlatans. One only needs to have an open mind (and it will be filled).

That is wrong new knowledge explains past questions and then open more that is how knowledge works. The more we know the more we realize we don't know.

Example the earth is flat. Why is the earth flat? Gravity. well what causes gravity? The math says the higgs boson. Well were is the higgs boson? lets preform a test to find out. And from that answer there will be many new questions.

Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.

Ya qouteing that travesty of a book is going to convince me.

Edited by TrueMetis
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Didn't realize you were pagan.

Again Quantum mechanics is a set of scientific principles describing the known behavior of energy and matter that predominate at the atomic scale. It is not what you are describing.

First off I'm confused are you christian or pagan? If you are pagan than saying god is natural makes sense but if you are christian god is firmly supernatural.

Second what you are saying about the quantum level makes no sense. You do know it is physically imposible for atoms to touch right? Saying everything is connected in the way you say doesn't make sense. Actually it kind of sounds like you are describing the force. Are you a jedi?

Not science.

God of the gaps is not an arguement

Except they aren't at least not if you are theist then God and Science are on polar opposite sides. And it does not take a lot of understanding to say godidit.

That is wrong new knowledge explains past questions and then open more that is how knowledge works. The more we know the more we realize we don't know.

Example the earth is flat. Why is the earth flat? Gravity. well what causes gravity? The math says the higgs boson. Well were is the higgs boson? lets preform a test to find out. And from that answer there will be many new questions.

Ya qouteing that travesty of a book is going to convince me.

Of course you are lost.

The God of the Bible is a natural God. You just have to know how to read The Book. Unfortunately, your being a heretic makes it impossible to get passed this impasse.

Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

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Guest TrueMetis

Of course you are lost.

The God of the Bible is a natural God. You just have to know how to read The Book. Unfortunately, your being a heretic makes it impossible to get passed this impasse.

Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

The god of the bible is natural? lol thats a good one.

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Of course you are lost.

The God of the Bible is a natural God. You just have to know how to read The Book. Unfortunately, your being a heretic makes it impossible to get passed this impasse.

Titus 3:10 A man that is an heretick after the first and second admonition reject;

The use and abuse of religion over the last few thousand years had put a bad taste in the mouths of most. It's actually evil winning and hopelessness taking hold. As I mature I understand that God does exist and the world needs this intelligent benevolent force to prevail. The books are but a guide line..eventually you must put them down and simplify the concept and the reality of God..the truth is within everyman. As I became enlightened it became difficult..I was cut from the herd and had to rough it alone..eventually I re-adjusted and make a brave attempt at dealing with humanity and it's ignorance of reality...It's a lonely road but once you go into the light you can not go back into the darkness...someone has to do it..few are willing to take the dive into the vortex and swim to the other side..but it is neccesary that some of us do to save the rest.

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I know what theoretical physics deals with and it is irrelevent to the current discussion, except as an example of somewhat unproven and highly imaginary postulations. That draws a parallel to the nature of God as I described - the entire system of quantum physics interacting, interconnected - the Alpha and the Omega.

No it does not. YOu have no idea what you're talking about. Quantum mechanics describes the interactions of particles at the subatomic particles. It is not a garage you can park your claptrap word salad bus in. Quantum mechanics is not voodoo, but in fact probably one of the most successful scientific theories ever developed, and it most certainly cannot be used to prove God.

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Guest TrueMetis

Not only that, it's also very likely a heresy. It certainly defies every notion of the Judeao-Christian God for well over two thousand years. It's much more a Deist position.

Which is funny as hell because he just called me a heretic. (something I consider a compliment)

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No it does not. YOu have no idea what you're talking about. Quantum mechanics describes the interactions of particles at the subatomic particles. It is not a garage you can park your claptrap word salad bus in. Quantum mechanics is not voodoo, but in fact probably one of the most successful scientific theories ever developed, and it most certainly cannot be used to prove God.

...because you have made up your mind it can't? LOL. The point is that Quantum mechanics gives us a whole new look at the world from a quantum level and it isn't as it seems.... What quantum physics tries to prove is the unforeseen and what is God but the unforeseen that we do not understand.

It most certainly can be used to prove the existence of God as I described - the universe of connectedness and collective consciousness. The Bible describes this as "The Christ" - the universal thread that flows through all of us. The fact that quantum physics is still in in infancy as far as our understanding) does not eliminate the possibly that a greater power (in the energy that binds particles and interacts with other particles) could be seen as the role of God. Nor can you exclude any science from proving God exists - even as neurons bouncing around in one's head....

Edited by charter.rights
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The thing is, this is all theoretical physics. There is no testing available to confirm any of this at this time. And when someone finds something, then it has to be peer tested to be validated.

We are all made of stardust regardless.

Leaving that aside for a moment, you seem to really be grasping at things. And are you really saying that we are different from the stuff that makes up the rest of the universe?

"Predictions of quantum mechanics have been verified experimentally to a very high degree of accuracy." Wiki Quantum Mechanics

There are theories that have yet to be tested of course, even if they can be tested, but my understanding corresponds with that of the Wiki article in that quantum mechanics is the real deal. Quantum reality merely extrapolates from the operations of quantum mechanics to provide a model of subatomic reality. The model suggests that we are all a part of the same 'electron soup', all made of the same stuff the Universe is. Therefore "we" have some form of 'interconnectedness.'

However, the question is, how can one describe 'self' within this system? Or can 'self' even exist? It would seem that we exist on one level of reality and yet cannot on another. But paradoxes are nothing new to quantum mechanics are they?

Don't get me wrong. One paradox does not admit all paradoxes, but the concept of self within a co-existing subatomic reality does present some interesting questions don't you think?

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"Predictions of quantum mechanics have been verified experimentally to a very high degree of accuracy." Wiki Quantum Mechanics


One of the worlds foremost experts on quantum mechanics and multiverse theories.

[quite]There are theories that have yet to be tested of course, even if they can be tested, but my understanding corresponds with that of the Wiki article in that quantum mechanics is the real deal.

You are kind of getting it now.

Quantum reality merely extrapolates from the operations of quantum mechanics to provide a model of subatomic reality. The model suggests that we are all a part of the same 'electron soup', all made of the same stuff the Universe is. Therefore "we" have some form of 'interconnectedness.'

By being human we all have an inherent interconnectedness. This happens in the forms of societal constructs.

However, the question is, how can one describe 'self' within this system? Or can 'self' even exist? It would seem that we exist on one level of reality and yet cannot on another. But paradoxes are nothing new to quantum mechanics are they?

Something like the collapsing of wave functions. Things only exist when they are observable. Schrodinger's Cat. Seal up the box, is it dead? Is it alive? No one knows until the box is opened. I equate god to the unknowable in the sealed box. A or B is indeterminable until an observer confirms one way or the other. We have two possible realities in this scenario. The cat is dead or alive. A simple experiment determines the result.

Don't get me wrong. One paradox does not admit all paradoxes, but the concept of self within a co-existing subatomic reality does present some interesting questions don't you think?

Well, it's a hell of a lot more interesting than the bible.

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Leaving aside the former for a minute, are you saying that on the quantum reality 'level,' the 'stuff' you are made of is any different than the 'stuff' everything else in the Universe is made up of?

Of course not.

I'm just a high-school graduate. I'm certainly no expert on quantum mechanics. But I do know enough about it to know that it does not support the claims charter-rights is making.

Quantum mechanics tells me that I don't know where my electrons (and other fundamental particles) actually are. But quantum mechanics also tells me with almost total certainty that my "electron soup" and your "electron soup" are not interacting, whether we're across the country, across the room, or even nose-to-nose. She (he? she? it?) claims that quantum mechanics (or "quantum theory reality" as she calls it) shows we're all part of some interconnected field of energy. The truth is, quantum mechanics proves the opposite.

Despite mentioning the word "quantum" in every message, nothing she has posted corresponds to the actual scientific usage of the term. It's pretty much the opposite. Basically, an attempt to use the Uncertainty Principle to claim that we can't actually know anything, that since God really does play dice with the universe, we can't prove or disprove anything. That's not actually true, as you pointed out this morning.

The fact that c-r keeps using the word "quantum" doesn't actually mean that her theories have anything to do with the field of quantum mechanics. Or, as ToadBrother succinctly put it...

No it does not. YOu have no idea what you're talking about. Quantum mechanics describes the interactions of particles at the subatomic particles. It is not a garage you can park your claptrap word salad bus in. Quantum mechanics is not voodoo, but in fact probably one of the most successful scientific theories ever developed, and it most certainly cannot be used to prove God.

...to which I can only add "Amen."


Edited by kimmy
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...because you have made up your mind it can't? LOL. The point is that Quantum mechanics gives us a whole new look at the world from a quantum level and it isn't as it seems.... What quantum physics tries to prove is the unforeseen and what is God but the unforeseen that we do not understand.

It most certainly can be used to prove the existence of God as I described - the universe of connectedness and collective consciousness. The Bible describes this as "The Christ" - the universal thread that flows through all of us. The fact that quantum physics is still in in infancy as far as our understanding) does not eliminate the possibly that a greater power (in the energy that binds particles and interacts with other particles) could be seen as the role of God. Nor can you exclude any science from proving God exists - even as neurons bouncing around in one's head....

It appears whatever "Religion" - Catholic? you put forward words and concepts not described in the NT. People have to back up and realize words are containers/blocks to weave an understanding. The interconnectness you are describing is the Spirit of understanding, Spirit of Knowledge, Spirit of whatever. In science, these are brainwaves, and the faster your brainwaves, the more connected you become. All of this can be constructed to make up ones state of mind. The bible has to be taken at face value. The words interpreted literally. What you are ignoring is the fact Jesus supposedly existed. If he did, it is impossible for him to be everywhere and anywhere all at once. That is the fallacy of your belief and you ought to rethink the church you belong to. In the OT, this God never claimed to be in all places at all times. If you read through the OT, you will see on numerous occasions, the Children of Isreal Cried out, and if they cried long enough, He heard them, and helped them. The bible defeats your position but like a typical Christian you ignore what doesn't fit into your belief construct. Stop insulting Jesus by infering him as a she when Historical documents show him to be a he, and the bible illustrates him as a he. Because you know this, your continuance is revealing to the fallacy of the so called Religious faiths versus the actual words.

Man is like the children of Isreal being led through the wilderness for 40 years by moses. Many of them were culled off because they were deemed unworthy to continue. In the OT you defile yourself by not abiding by the commandments and statues. In the NT you defile yourself by the words that comes out of your mouth. Regardless, man is surrounded: watch what your actions, what you take into your body, and what you express. Not doing this, only means the God in the OT and Jesus of the NT will ignore your existence. If you piss the God of the OT off you will not be ignored but obliterated out of existence. This God is sentient, and he is portrayed and described as that throughout the OT.

There is no evidence of the God of the OT doing any of his wonders for the last 3000 years. Before 3000 years who knows??? All we are left with are the stories. Understanding the stories and the Bible is not the same as supporting or believing this God is God. Be intelligent and being scientific is to stick to the logic, the facts, and the assertions made. A problem some on this thread have. Another fallacy of so called believers is to abuse the word God to include their concept of God.

Let's look at the salient points of using the God word/concept, shall we? B) This alphabet was introduced by Christian Missionaries to Britannia between the 5th and 7th century AD. The KJV was translated and establish by GB in 1604 and predates and is around the time North America was settled. GOD is a concept which refers and infers to the God of the Old Testament. The son of God refers to Jesus. This is the Origins of the so called English language definition of God. If you want to refer to God that does not fit into the definition of this GOD as defined in the OT and NT you ought to use:


Deus or deity to avoid consfusing your audience. Not doing this only offends the God of the OT and jesus can't help you then. :unsure:

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Quantum theory reality suggests that you are not interacting with the universe but the universe cannot be separated from "self" and therefore we are all part of the same electron soup.
The truth is, quantum mechanics proves the opposite.

How so?

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