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Send Lord Black Home.

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You are only repeating yourself.

Yes - re-incorporation...it's either justice for all or none - It's either convict all or none - to convict one and let 10 thousand of the same go free just perpetuatates the injustice - because now the injust in a delluded manner see themselves as just..because one un-just is punished - classic scape goatism....or in gangster talk - Black is a common fall guy and he knows it ---- one job he never really wanted - but that was the price..to be the honourary Jew - to be the cruxified one ---what a joke.

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Yes - re-incorporation...it's either justice for all or none - It's either convict all or none - to convict one and let 10 thousand of the same go free just perpetuatates the injustice - because now the injust in a delluded manner see themselves as just..because one un-just is punished - classic scape goatism....or in gangster talk - Black is a common fall guy and he knows it ---- one job he never really wanted - but that was the price..to be the honourary Jew - to be the cruxified one ---what a joke.

Jesus was better than his judges precisely because he was eager to be their scapegoat.

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Enough of this crap benny - You imagine yourself as a revolutionary - and you imagine because you have Conrad in a cage that some how you are a point above - that you have accomplished the first step in the over throw of what you percieve to be the nasty rich...no revolution is successful if it is based in hate..no good can become of it - perhaps in the long run YOU want to be a Conrad of sorts?

Mark my word benny - Mr. Black will be returned to his native land - and he will serve the people whether he or you like it or not! SPITE is not useful - it's self endulgent and crude. IF we are to return to our former glory we must enter a state of grace --- and grace - and I repeat is "the un-deserved mercy of God" - that is called true class and true tolerence - YOU do not deny the poor mercy - nor do you deny the rich mercy....or grace -- you are not very graceful benny..you stumble about in a dance of decadence worse than what you seemingly dispise -

Conrad will be freed - and he will contribute - No way in heaven or hell am I or any other Canadian - going to waste a resourse...I practice true conservation and conservatism --- I will not put down a good horse just because you are jealous of the other little girl who got a pony for her birthday ...He will be free --- and I will tell you why -----------------------BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO - AND AMERICA AND CANADA NOW HAVE FOUND THE WILL TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.

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Enough of this crap benny - You imagine yourself as a revolutionary - and you imagine because you have Conrad in a cage that some how you are a point above - that you have accomplished the first step in the over throw of what you percieve to be the nasty rich...no revolution is successful if it is based in hate..no good can become of it - perhaps in the long run YOU want to be a Conrad of sorts?

Mark my word benny - Mr. Black will be returned to his native land - and he will serve the people whether he or you like it or not! SPITE is not useful - it's self endulgent and crude. IF we are to return to our former glory we must enter a state of grace --- and grace - and I repeat is "the un-deserved mercy of God" - that is called true class and true tolerence - YOU do not deny the poor mercy - nor do you deny the rich mercy....or grace -- you are not very graceful benny..you stumble about in a dance of decadence worse than what you seemingly dispise -

Conrad will be freed - and he will contribute - No way in heaven or hell am I or any other Canadian - going to waste a resourse...I practice true conservation and conservatism --- I will not put down a good horse just because you are jealous of the other little girl who got a pony for her birthday ...He will be free --- and I will tell you why -----------------------BECAUSE IT IS THE RIGHT THING TO DO - AND AMERICA AND CANADA NOW HAVE FOUND THE WILL TO DO WHAT IS RIGHT IN ORDER TO SURVIVE.

America - will never fall to some Trotskite globalist agenda - nor will Britian - nor will Canada - we do not destroy our best so some creepy little useless university professor can live out his book learned dream - men and woman who seek power - who do not even have the ability to have sex with the opposite sex...people who are incapable of defending themselves from the barbarians - yet they attack from their ivory towers...no............we will not give up one of our Canadian sons to be wasted and sacraficed for nothing - I am against wasting young men in Afghanistan - or wasting old men in Florida!

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Oh --- and now for a little bit of humor --- IF Richard Cheney comes up to visit - maybe we can kind of like-----------ummm keep him for a while--- THEN - have a game called prisoner exchange....maybe -Cheney is not the right guy ----any suggestion on who the Canadian government can detain -- for a bit...nice hotel - great room service ---- this is an invitation -----and if that detainee wants to stay ---we can grant him or her citizen ship --- lets see ---Madame Albright? Nawh - to old....who else we got. There must be a high profile Yank that we can bargan with ------------------------------wait....I got it ---Bush Cheney - one of our illustrious members - Hey BC - how would you like to come up and go fishing..... :rolleyes: Have you back in no time at all ----nawh - he's Polish - no one will pay ransom or do a prisoner exchange with a pole --- unless it's a very exotic dancer -----just thinking...maybe babs black ...nawh - to old....damn...I can't think of one American worth detaining..but apparently they don't have that problem ... :lol:

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Read the NY Times (Gretchen Morgenson's columns for example) and you will revise your (false) impression that Black is the only white-collar criminals punished.

The very nature of "white collar" is crimminal. They are the ones that lie and get others to actually do the work for them - then they collect the benefits......during the communist revolution in Russia - The rebels would stop men in the street and look at the palm of their hands. If their hands were un-callused - and mushy soft - OFF they would be taken .... because the commies knew these people were users and did not labour....

I change my mind benny - let them all stew in jail...for as long as YOU see fit...Put it this way - It is just to show no mercy for those that have shown no mercy ---frankly there is no changing these people - they are salvageable. So I concure - and on with the revolution.....and lets toss a few useless soft handed acedemics in the slammer> Those who do nothing and say a lot..those who aspouse freedom and equality...along with sweet socialism..those that would not part with 20 dollars of grant money to feed a hungry man.

In closing benny ----and get a capitial B in there on your name...Benny..all those who live well and don't give a damn if others are alive or dead - are expendable - those that live poor and don't care if you are alive or dead are also quite useless...Here is the difference between the Lord Black set and myself ---- I care for and love humanity ---They don't give a damn if we exist or not - if we suffer - if we live wasted lives because of their thoughtless oppression and usery......so --- Conrad "the keeper of the bread" Black - He can have all the bread and he can eat all the bread - and he can dine alone sitting on his bunk...in fact --- His cell should be filled with so much money that he will be forced to sleep standing up.. :rolleyes:

As for those other ones Benny - I don't care - they did not care for the likes of me - and they can all slowly go to hell in a neat little row....

Hey Benny - we have just retried Mr. Black - and guilty as charged on all counts ---for not caring about anyone other than himself...guilty of the crime of obliviousness.

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The Greek myth of Prometheus was shown to situate hubris and sacrifice as foundational principles of psychological life. Hubris is a principle of excessive pride resulting in narcissism and inflation. Sacrifice designates an attitude of surrender, honoring non-ego entities and relativizing egocentric perspective. Through its pervasive hubris, modern culture has identified itself with one side of this archetypal pairing. Simultaneously, whereas sacrifice may be identified as a psycho-religious pivot throughout history, sacrificial gesture and sensibility have declined in modern culture. Psychological symptomatology over the past century was related to this problem. Responding to this modern condition, depth psychological theories were regarded as reflecting the themes of hubris and sacrifice. (G. A. Slater)

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So our little jail bird is a trained and conditioned socio-path - the legal kind? Benny -these people are trained from childhood to be oppressors..with Conrad - he blew his cover as they say - that's what happened - he got so ego centric that he lost his common sense and forgot if you are going to be an international crimminal you must keep a low profile ---- as the elite say when one of their big dogs shit on the floor and are noticed ---"It is not my dog"....and Conrad is now in the dog pound - with know one to retrieve him or pay his fine - once I saw an old judge laying in the emergency department - he kept on chanting - "abandoned - abandoned" - in the end - all of these people will be abandoned - by their own - by their system - by their loved ones - and by GOD - because he who abandons his fellow humans and hunts them like prey - will be in time abandoned also - as Conrad the almight lord has been...yes - he is now offically a has been - an his friends and associates have gone into their proverbial bunkers-----benny - I just thought it would be neat to surprise and embarrass the dark elite - with kindness---even if it does not change them ----it would shame them - they would never release one of us if captured--but they are primatives with cash - we are noble.

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So our little jail bird is a trained and conditioned socio-path - the legal kind? Benny -these people are trained from childhood to be oppressors.

Nietzsche would have argued that Black was not trained but predestined to be possessed by such an abusive will to power.

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Nietzsche would have argued that Black was not trained but predestined to be possessed by such an abusive will to power.

Nietzshe was not very bright..he was rebel with out any real cause other than being a flighty fellow. No - there is no predestination or a natural predispostion to these types - Conrad would steal exams and the answers and sell them at Upper Canada Colleage - no father reprimanded him - so he assumed that stealing and decieving was acceptable - I don't believe he was expelled either - so I guess that UCC - condoned and reinforced these "buisness practices" _ which I failed to see the purpose of such mischief - his family was wealthy - he did not need to bootlegge exams - what motivated him then --- ?

I would say a thrill that came from deviant behavour - but in his world it was normal -- all the adults around him were scoundrels..family and friend - respectable - but still crooks...He was convicted for being caught in his old age- The reason he is in jail is because he embarrassed his fellow crooks...not because he stole from share holders - but because he got caught - THEY ALL STEAL FROM SHARE HOLDERS - THAT WHAT THEY DO FOR A LIVING - BUT THEY HAVE VERY VERY CONNECTED AND CLEVER LAWYERS....WHO MAKE THEFT LOOK LEGAL---Conrad was a bumbler.

Personally I believe I may have pissed off a few people for giving you all some hard earned insight...so this thread will come to an end unless benny wants to contiune it out of sheer spite...I have vacilated all over the place in regards to free - or not free the grouch....in the end - it would be better to free...and old dog can learn new tricks - but it's up to Obamas handlers to make the decision.

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I would say a thrill that came from deviant behavour - but in his world it was normal -- all the adults around him were scoundrels..family and friend - respectable - but still crooks...He was convicted for being caught in his old age- The reason he is in jail is because he embarrassed his fellow crooks...not because he stole from share holders - but because he got caught - THEY ALL STEAL FROM SHARE HOLDERS - THAT WHAT THEY DO FOR A LIVING - BUT THEY HAVE VERY VERY CONNECTED AND CLEVER LAWYERS....WHO MAKE THEFT LOOK LEGAL---Conrad was a bumbler.

Personally I believe I may have pissed off a few people for giving you all some hard earned insight...so this thread will come to an end unless benny wants to contiune it out of sheer spite...I have vacilated all over the place in regards to free - or not free the grouch....in the end - it would be better to free...and old dog can learn new tricks - but it's up to Obamas handlers to make the decision.

Such broad all-encompassing generalizations cannot be a conclusion; they are not even a worthy opening statement!

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This is about broad and hugely general statements - Black does not have a chance in the world to win back his freedom unless all envolved look at a thing called THE BIG PICTURE.

Because people are controlled by their emotions and manipulated through them - you must ask yourself the the same question that the powers that be ask themselves - Can we use this man as a tool..what is more advantages to us?

To have the public believe in our system and have them believe that the system is just and fair, that we have a system that punishes the rich as well as the poor? Of course those who in their core know that all human systems and power structures are built on deceptions - so it is within their field of investment to keep Black locked up - because it provides a false sense of freedom and justice to the average person - and those that believe they are free and that the world is just are the easiest to control.

IT can be summed up as such " We have punished the bad guy thus we are good and we are to be trusted and confidence in us is strong" Meanwhile every last person involved fully understands that - as I have said repeatedly - are all guilty of usery and deception of the mass....I guess to release Mr Black might lead people to the idea that there is no justice...and keeping him in states that there is justice - this is a blantant non-starter - the reality is that either way there is no justice---so again the scape goat factor..

As for an opening statement - what could be said other than - we are all guilty of everything Black did or neglected to do - that you as a system can not condemn a man for what you yourself have done - this is projectionism...BUT it is overly bold and shocking and absolutely politically incorrect to say - "He who is without sin- let him cast the first stone"

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This is about broad and hugely general statements - Black does not have a chance in the world to win back his freedom unless all envolved look at a thing called THE BIG PICTURE.

Because people are controlled by their emotions and manipulated through them - you must ask yourself the the same question that the powers that be ask themselves - Can we use this man as a tool..what is more advantages to us?

To have the public believe in our system and have them believe that the system is just and fair, that we have a system that punishes the rich as well as the poor? Of course those who in their core know that all human systems and power structures are built on deceptions - so it is within their field of investment to keep Black locked up - because it provides a false sense of freedom and justice to the average person - and those that believe they are free and that the world is just are the easiest to control.

IT can be summed up as such " We have punished the bad guy thus we are good and we are to be trusted and confidence in us is strong" Meanwhile every last person involved fully understands that - as I have said repeatedly - are all guilty of usery and deception of the mass....I guess to release Mr Black might lead people to the idea that there is no justice...and keeping him in states that there is justice - this is a blantant non-starter - the reality is that either way there is no justice---so again the scape goat factor..

As for an opening statement - what could be said other than - we are all guilty of everything Black did or neglected to do - that you as a system can not condemn a man for what you yourself have done - this is projectionism...BUT it is overly bold and shocking and absolutely politically incorrect to say - "He who is without sin- let him cast the first stone"

For the purpose of keeping a positive self-image, those too scared or irresponsible to do something will project that all-powerful evil agents are deciding everything.

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For the purpose of keeping a positive self-image, those too scared or irresponsible to do something will project that all-powerful evil agents are deciding everything.

Benny do you not speak English? "will project that powerful evil agents are deciding everything".....? So who is projecting? It takes a bit of time to get what you are saying..so are you saying that those that want to appear good are bad and that they project and perpetuate the idea that some sinister person or persons decide everything in most important matters? You confuse me benny..are YOU suggesting that "agents" ( those empowered on behalf of someone else) are in control - ? It does not make sense - get the dictionary out benny - and write some thing accurate and concise..If you have something to say - I suggest you say it - but I am starting to believe you are faking some sort of intellectual prowess that you really don't posess.

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Oh --- and now for a little bit of humor --- IF Richard Cheney comes up to visit - maybe we can kind of like-----------ummm keep him for a while--- THEN - have a game called prisoner exchange....maybe -Cheney is not the right guy ----any suggestion on who the Canadian government can detain -- for a bit...nice hotel - great room service ---- this is an invitation -----and if that detainee wants to stay ---we can grant him or her citizen ship --- lets see ---Madame Albright? Nawh - to old....who else we got. There must be a high profile Yank that we can bargan with ------------------------------wait....I got it ---Bush Cheney - one of our illustrious members - Hey BC - how would you like to come up and go fishing..... :rolleyes: Have you back in no time at all ----nawh - he's Polish - no one will pay ransom or do a prisoner exchange with a pole --- unless it's a very exotic dancer -----just thinking...maybe babs black ...nawh - to old....damn...I can't think of one American worth detaining..but apparently they don't have that problem ... :lol:

Cheney has been arrested twice for DD, so he shouldn't be allowed in the country!

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Cheney has been arrested twice for DD, so he shouldn't be allowed in the country!

Should have been arrested a third time for getting drunk and filling his friends face with bird shot....Clinton is allowed - and people pay to listen to him - even though he has a history of lieing --- I don't get that - you pay big bucks to listen to a liar......DD hugh - I did not know that - I guess getting loaded and cruising about is normal for these guys - and to think people like this rule nations and have the power of life and death - wonder if George and Dick were in shape when they made decisions to invade other nations ---- I can see it now - Bush snorting a line - and Dick sucking back a bottle of Jack and saying "lets do it"..

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