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Pope says condoms increase the risk of AIDS


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pitiful and useless penis..

Speaking for yourself I trust?

Lay off the hooch, its a sure fire way for something headed north to go south.

...Sex is the bond between male and female and should be encouraged to last for a life time -

I prefer an hour and a promise to call her soon. If the bond(age) is good, then she gets a phone call in a day or so.

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Speaking for yourself I trust?

Lay off the hooch, its a sure fire way for something headed north to go south.

I prefer an hour and a promise to call her soon. If the bond(age) is good, then she gets a phone call in a day or so.

:rolleyes: Must be nice to be young...I guess that after my over abundance of fun the gods have deemed that I be without - for a while - kind of like the over 50 virgin - I can barely wait for my first time AGAIN... Will I feel 18 again - Yes I will.. :lol:

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:rolleyes: Must be nice to be young...I guess that after my over abundance of fun the gods have deemed that I be without - for a while - kind of like the over 50 virgin - I can barely wait for my first time AGAIN... Will I feel 18 again - Yes I will.. :lol:

So this is the reason Viagra exists ... ???!!??!?!???!!!!

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So this is the reason Viagra exists ... ???!!??!?!???!!!!

If you need to even think about Viagra your a loser..either you are interested in woman or you are not..age has nothing to do with it - but the older you get the more quality you want - but I won't turn down the local semi-retired stripper - after a few drinks..but I will regret it. In the morning.

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- but I won't turn down the local semi-retired stripper -
we are now is monkies with condoms pulled over or pitiful and useless penis..

Before you bed the stripper, tell her how you really feel. Then take the viagra , but only a half dose.

Your kids dont want to be told dad went out shtupping some pole dance. By the way, Im told that the dollar bills will fit in one of her wrinkles or folds in the absence of her g string.

Gosh, have fun and remember, pics or it didnt happen.

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Before you bed the stripper, tell her how you really feel. Then take the viagra , but only a half dose.

Your kids dont want to be told dad went out shtupping some pole dance. By the way, Im told that the dollar bills will fit in one of her wrinkles or folds in the absence of her g string.

Gosh, have fun and remember, pics or it didnt happen.

Already up to the room --- and I won't go back - there was chemistry and a legion of troubles to follow...she comes to watch me play at the local club....nope - not going there again - the woman goes bonkers and ---put it this way - I want long term not some lanky red head that likes to state " I will f*** anyone when I am drunk" - don't need that - I am a sensitive sweet loving high quality guy and have learned the hard way who to bed and who not to. AND - you take the Viagra - I don't need the stuff... :lol:

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Trust me , yes you do.

Yah..shut up.....I have a problem - she lives close - and I reside in a large apartment with my second daugher and her boyfriend..It's on the main strip of the hood --- I have been told that I can not bring her home - because she wants dad to date nice girls - I HAVE NO NEED FOR FRINKING NICE! The kid ran her off last summer - I never thought that Mr. Stud - me ...would become older and child dependent..and be treated like I was 16 years old...This is what happens when you retire at 50 with no money...damn - should have looked ahead - okay - what the heck...,may as well be happy - besides - does not look like the wife is ever coming back.. :lol:

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If you need to even think about Viagra your a loser..either you are interested in woman or you are not..age has nothing to do with it - but the older you get the more quality you want - but I won't turn down the local semi-retired stripper - after a few drinks..but I will regret it. In the morning.

Viagra = loser

Condom = loser

Seems like you have used some of this, because you seem bitter about not having the brains to use them in the first place. Or not having the brain capacity to use them when it is needed.


Gosh, have fun and remember, pics or it didnt happen.

Internet meme's have hit MLW. Much love.

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So, how did this thread go from the pope's crazy claim that condoms cause AIDS to the merits of viagra?

Nevermind! Rather than start a new birth control thread, it would be closer to the original theme to mention an interesting little report from Huffpost blogger Vanessa Richmond, who knocks down the claim that soaring U.S. teen pregnancy rates are caused by an oversexed media culture, with the obvious question why would Canada's teen pregnancy rates be so much lower than the U.S. numbers if that were true? Lots of interesting links in the article...especially the ones that detail the failure of the one and a half billion dollar abstinence education programs.

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Read the article:

"Pope says condoms not answer to fighting AIDS"

He's got a point. Condom was supposed to be one of the leading answers in preventing unwanted pregnancies....did it work???

Instead, we have unwilling mothers galore and legalization of abortion!

The Pope is just stating common sense. Abstinence or monogamous relationship is the only way to fight the rapid spread of AIDS.

Let's face it, no matter how hard you educate people and make them understand about AIDS, there will still be some who'd be reckless and irresponsible who will throw caution to the wind....but if there are not many willing partners, how far will it get?

Yes, what he is advocating is based on faith....nevertheless like it or not, it does makes perfect sense!

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What doesn't make sense is expecting young people to keep it all bottled up until they get married (this approach likely makes them more neurotic and sexually obsessed).

As usual, the pope and the rest of the church hierarchy are out of touch with the real world. If yacking to kids about abstinence actually worked, the 1.5 billion dollars the Bush Administration spent on abstinence education would have done the trick to reduce teen pregnancy and STD rates.

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Read the article:

"Pope says condoms not answer to fighting AIDS"

He's got a point. Condom was supposed to be one of the leading answers in preventing unwanted pregnancies....did it work???

Instead, we have unwilling mothers galore and legalization of abortion!

Condoms do break. If condoms are actually used, and not left in the wallet, they are effective against aids and other VDs. If it helps prevent ghonorea, then it can help reduce the risk of AIDS. Condoms are effective when they are actually used. I can bet a lot of money on the fact that the majority of people who get AIDS are plain out stupid for not wearing a condom when it is called for.

The Pope is just stating common sense. Abstinence or monogamous relationship is the only way to fight the rapid spread of AIDS.

We can live in that fantasy land, or we can deal with it with common sense. Sorry, realistic sense. Even if you are abstinent, and use a condom for the first time, can you guarantee that your partner has done the same things to stay protected from AIDS? Besided there are other ways AIDS can be spread, like in an unsanitary hospital.

Let's face it, no matter how hard you educate people and make them understand about AIDS, there will still be some who'd be reckless and irresponsible who will throw caution to the wind....but if there are not many willing partners, how far will it get?

Educating them on condom use and when to use it is key. Asking a kid to control the hormones is a hard task. We were all teenagers. We were all stupid and thinking it could never happen to us... and at that point you should take a step back to think. Even when my GF at the time got on the pill, I continued to use the condom. You just need to be smart about it.

Yes, what he is advocating is based on faith....nevertheless like it or not, it does makes perfect sense!

I don't have faith in people to actually follow these rules. So slap the condom on and get er dun!!

Edited by GostHacked
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What doesn't make sense is expecting young people to keep it all bottled up until they get married (this approach likely makes them more neurotic and sexually obsessed).

As usual, the pope and the rest of the church hierarchy are out of touch with the real world. If yacking to kids about abstinence actually worked, the 1.5 billion dollars the Bush Administration spent on abstinence education would have done the trick to reduce teen pregnancy and STD rates.

That still does not change the fact that he's got a valid point!

How long did the abstinence education by the Bush administration go on compared to the use-of-condoms program that was promoted also here in Canada, which included giving free condoms?

Keep pushing education on abstinence or MONOGAMOUS relationships. And keep pushing the use of condoms.

Realistically...that's all we can do unless we get sex "police" to enforce and ensure that condoms are actually being used.

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Instead of "pushing abstaintion...we should be pushing marriage - the first person you fall in love with is the one you are meant to marry ---but..we push this idea that you have to "play the field" --- and have a few dozen sexual partners before you marry - then you end up marrying the wrong person. Society has to stop discouraging young love ...If a couple are in love at an early age - support their union..don't disrupt or diswade by passing out condoms and telling them..to go screw other people..as many as you can because it is a good thing. I believe that their is devine love and God puts two people together ..at the begining. AND it does not matter if they are 17 years old - let them be together untill they are 90!

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That still does not change the fact that he's got a valid point!

I'm not even charitable enough to credit him with having a valid point, since as already mentioned elsewhere, he is offering nothing to people who either don't believe in, or don't follow his restrictive sexual policies (remember, he is still teaching that sex should only be for purposes of reproduction, not recreation and enjoyment in its own right.)

I could make a suggestion to people, entire nations of people, that if they are nice to each other and follow the principle of the Golden Rule, there would be no need for guns or bombs or armies! Now, if I said: "everybody! Get rid of your guns!" would that be a practical solution to the problems of crime, violence, war and civil strife?

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I'm not even charitable enough to credit him with having a valid point, since as already mentioned elsewhere, he is offering nothing to people who either don't believe in, or don't follow his restrictive sexual policies (remember, he is still teaching that sex should only be for purposes of reproduction, not recreation and enjoyment in its own right.)

Ha-ha-ha! :lol:

You're making it sound like this AIDS thing is not a life-or-death disease that's transmitted through sex (or needles).

Sex spread AIDS like wildfire. It's spreading so fast....that it's considered critical.

The Pope is offering a very straightforward solution. Abstinence or monogamy.

So he still believes that sex should be for the purpose of reproduction...what's that got to do with this??? We're talking about AIDS, remember? Millions dying...spreading rapidly...the world is in panic-mode, or so I think. I mean really, is this an appropriate time to nitpick on what he believes in and gripe about offending those who still want to pursue their carefree lifestyle?

That comment kinda lessens the gravity of the situation....the reactions to his statement so ludicrously comical....like as if this AIDS crisis is just like a trivial flu-epidemic.

Talk about being out of touch with reality!

If people don't care about faith....why should they care what he thinks or believes?

It almost sound like they want to have his approval!

They don't believe in or follow his restrictive sexual polices that's based on his faith...so why should that bother them?

If they don't want abstinence, then there's another alternative: monogamy.

I guess monogamy is still not acceptable for some, not "recreational" enough I suppose - well that's their call! They know the risk.

What! Are they waiting for the Pope to offer them a miracle? :lol:

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I'm not even charitable enough to credit him with having a valid point, since as already mentioned elsewhere, he is offering nothing to people who either don't believe in, or don't follow his restrictive sexual policies (remember, he is still teaching that sex should only be for purposes of reproduction, not recreation and enjoyment in its own right.)

I could make a suggestion to people, entire nations of people, that if they are nice to each other and follow the principle of the Golden Rule, there would be no need for guns or bombs or armies! Now, if I said: "everybody! Get rid of your guns!" would that be a practical solution to the problems of crime, violence, war and civil strife?

If you don't have sex, you won't get AIDS!

It doesn't matter whether the Pope said it or Hitler said it. It's a fact.

It has nothing to do with the Pope's or Jesus Christ's stand on sexual behaviour.

What do you expect the Pope to say?

They won't like his solution because it will mean they'll have to behave themselves. Shucks. No more promiscuity. No more adultery. No more orgy! No more f--- buddy! No more sodomy for heaven's sakes, what's left in life??? Ha-ha-ha!

Well, if nobody has guns, certainly there wouldn't be gunfights! :lol:

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Condoms do break. If condoms are actually used, and not left in the wallet, they are effective against aids and other VDs. If it helps prevent ghonorea, then it can help reduce the risk of AIDS. Condoms are effective when they are actually used. I can bet a lot of money on the fact that the majority of people who get AIDS are plain out stupid for not wearing a condom when it is called for.

And It is possible to get AIDS from oral sex.

Stupid...thrill-seekers...deathwish...mentally ill...immaturity....feeling invincible...a gambler....the reasons could go on endlessly. It's even used ...or should I say un-used, to commit murder or vengeance.

It depends on the person who is carrying the virus.

I wonder how many sexual encounters did not reach penetration stage....because there's no condom at hand? More likely they'll go ahead, risking "just this once." Same attitude like most who drank quite a bit of alcohol and risk driving anyway. Just this once....

We can live in that fantasy land, or we can deal with it with common sense. Sorry, realistic sense. Even if you are abstinent, and use a condom for the first time,

The moment you use a condom....you're no longer abstinent. Abstinence means no sex.

Educating them on condom use and when to use it is key. Asking a kid to control the hormones is a hard task. We were all teenagers. We were all stupid and thinking it could never happen to us... and at that point you should take a step back to think. Even when my GF at the time got on the pill, I continued to use the condom. You just need to be smart about it.

I don't know if education will help anymore. People who are promiscuous tend to be "adventurous."

Otherwise how can it be so easy for them to trust strangers and do one-night stands? Prostitutes are usually easy target for murders because they deal with strangers.

I assume they read papers and see the danger in that.

Again, it all largely depends on the person who carries the virus. What are his/her morals?

I don't have faith in people to actually follow these rules. So slap the condom on and get er dun!!

And pray the condom didn't leak. :lol:

Cause and effect. Education cannot and will not change that fact.

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Ha-ha-ha! :lol:

You're making it sound like this AIDS thing is not a life-or-death disease that's transmitted through sex (or needles).

No! That's the whole point to teaching people how to reduce the odds that they will contract an STD through sex.

Sex spread AIDS like wildfire. It's spreading so fast....that it's considered critical.

The Pope is offering a very straightforward solution. Abstinence or monogamy.

What lamebrain doesn't know that you can't get a sexually transmitted disease if you don't have sex?
If people don't care about faith....why should they care what he thinks or believes?

It almost sound like they want to have his approval!

They don't believe in or follow his restrictive sexual polices that's based on his faith...so why should that bother them?

For the obvious reason that this man wields an inordinate amount of power and influence, so his bad advice does more harm than bad advice from the average televangelist. What other religion has its own national headquarters and has a leader treated as a head of state?
If they don't want abstinence, then there's another alternative: monogamy.
Most people practice monogamy -- serial monogamy; so there is always the chance of chance of catching an STD and passing it on unless you're among the tiny minority of extremists who are completely abstinent until marriage -- have sex exclusively with their partners afterward, until the day they die, or just get too old to do it anymore..... most normal people are going to have at least some prior sexual experiences before getting married. If they stay married, odds are at least 50% I hear, that there will be at least some infidelity.
I guess monogamy is still not acceptable for some, not "recreational" enough I suppose - well that's their call! They know the risk.
The question I have is why are their people, like the pope, who are trying interfere with efforts to minimize this risk? Once again we are back to the question of whether ethics should be based on rules or actions which lead to the best results, vs. the old religious ethics based on arbitrary rules that don't change even when they increase suffering and misery. In the final analysis, it doesn't matter which solution is chosen, as long as it is the one that leads to the best overall results.
Well, if nobody has guns, certainly there wouldn't be gunfights! :lol:
Right, no guns, no gunfights! But, would that make a ban on handguns or some other gun control legislation the proper solution to gun crimes? Maybe, if it actually led to a reduction in violent crime. But the simple fact that criminals are not going to register or voluntarily turn in their handguns, would have to be considered before declaring that banning handguns is the best solution.

And if the pope started a Church campaign to ban handguns and push restrictive gun control laws, that would be the end of his support in the U.S. conservative movement.....and I suspect, he's smart enough to know that and will not lead that campaign for gun control.

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No! That's the whole point to teaching people how to reduce the odds that they will contract an STD through sex.

The Pope gave two REAL solutions to reduce that odds.

What lamebrain doesn't know that you can't get a sexually transmitted disease if you don't have sex?

Perhaps cousins of the same lamebrains who still don't get the crucial importance of using these condoms...after $$$ of dollars worth of education and programs!

For the obvious reason that this man wields an inordinate amount of power and influence, so his bad advice does more harm ...

Perhaps you should direct your attacks on celebrities and Hollywood....who glorified and promoted promiscuity. And the media that helped promote it.

If there's anyone who wields more power and influence, it's them.

What other religion has its own national headquarters and has a leader treated as a head of state?

Some influence-wielding celebrities are treated like gods and you rant about his headquarters!

Ha-ha-ha :lol:

The question I have is why are their people, like the pope, who are trying interfere with efforts to minimize this risk?

Because the efficiency of condom is hugely debatable! It will only work if it is being used EACH AND EVERY TIME a person have sex!

And it is sending the wrong message. It is encouraging promiscuity among the very young.

Lulling people to false security, because a lot of times...we know those condoms are not being used!

Right, no guns, no gunfights! But, would that make a ban on handguns or some other gun control legislation the proper solution to gun crimes? Maybe, if it actually led to a reduction in violent crime. But the simple fact that criminals are not going to register or voluntarily turn in their handguns, would have to be considered before declaring that banning handguns is the best solution.

Let's not open up a can of worms that would detract from this topic. You might want to start another topic on that instead. I commented on guns simply to correct your logic.

And if the pope started a Church campaign to ban handguns and push restrictive gun control laws, that would be the end of his support in the U.S. conservative movement.....and I suspect, he's smart enough to know that and will not lead that campaign for gun control.

See what I mean? This is not really about fighting AIDS. This is just all about the Pope and what he represents. Too bad. The sufferings and the death tolls are real. ;)

I rest my case.

Edited by betsy
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excerpts from...

Open season on Benedict

Michael Coren, National Post

Published: Tuesday, March 31, 2009

"The attacks upon the Roman Catholic Church in the last two weeks following the Pope's comments about the dangers of condom use in Africa in the attempt to prevent AIDS have been an extraordinary lesson in applied ignorance and the survival of prejudice.

Talk-radio hosts who have long callously and naively blamed Africans for all of Africa's sufferings suddenly become champions of the continent.

Doctors and academics who have shown no previous concern for the plight of Africa are instantly transformed into experts and partisans. It is enough to make one weep. The weeping, however, should be for Africa rather than a bunch of anti-Catholic hypocrites.

Some context first. AIDS had smashed its way through Africa for almost two generations before many people in Europe or North America had even heard of it. It was killing poor black people many miles away and nobody matters less to the wealthy whites than poor blacks many miles away. It was only when the disease was brought into the male homosexual community of the United States that the likes of Elizabeth Taylor became so emotional on television and numerous actors, politicians and public figures made AIDS one of the most fashionable causes in modern times.

Yet it was the Church that was in Africa caring for people with AIDS when Hollywood and the Western media were more concerned with puppies and kittens. Even today, almost half of all Africans with AIDS are nursed by people working for the Roman Catholic Church.

None of this is mentioned when Pope Benedict is attacked for his condemnation of the condom fetish. If we read the man's statements, however, what we see is a sophisticated deconstruction of Western double-standards and a thoughtful critique of the failed attempt to control AIDS.

First, it's not working. In countries where condoms are state-distributed, free and ubiquitous AIDS has not been controlled and is often spreading.

Second, even where AIDS is less of an issue, such as in North America, the increased availability and use of condoms has coincided with an annual increase in STDs and so-called unwanted pregnancies.

Third, one failure of a condom to work -- and the failure rate is significant if not overwhelming --is not a mere mistake but a death sentence.

Fourth, condoms enable promiscuity rather than encourage abstinence. And sexual activity is about more than mere intercourse; a cut finger or a small body wound can allow infection to occur.

Fifth, how dare we treat black people as if they were children. They are capable of self-control and all over Africa, most successfully but not exclusively in Uganda, there are elaborate, empathetic and extraordinarily successful abstinence programs that emphasize humanity rather than lust -- a philosophy that runs directly contrary to the sexual gratification cult so favoured by some of the people in the West now so apoplectic at Pope Benedict's comments.

Paradox and lack of understanding rules the day. We applaud an obscenely wealthy American actress when she takes a black baby from Africa, but forget that the Hollywood values she epitomizes encourage loveless sex and treating one another as sexual objects rather than distinct individuals -- the precise phenomenon that encourages the spread of AIDS.

It appears these days to be open season on Pope Benedict XVI. In that he leads an organization that is supposed to be a mirror held up to the world to reflect society's failures and absurdities, the man must be doing a great deal right."

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That still does not change the fact that he's got a valid point!

How long did the abstinence education by the Bush administration go on compared to the use-of-condoms program that was promoted also here in Canada, which included giving free condoms?

Keep pushing education on abstinence or MONOGAMOUS relationships. And keep pushing the use of condoms.

Realistically...that's all we can do unless we get sex "police" to enforce and ensure that condoms are actually being used.

Some facts:


If the most recent 10-year trends in teen pregnancy rates in Canada for which data is available (i.e., 1992-2002) are examined, a persistent and steady decline in teen pregnancy rates for both younger (15-17) and older (18-19) teens is evident.



Apparently teen pregnancy rates are declining in both countries.

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