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Religious Right in Canada

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I want to thank you for this thread.

People are waking up to those in the religious right.

Your views need to be open and spread out to a larger audience.

The CPC is going to have to openly stop pandering to the religious right or get active and support its agenda.

Its time the CPC poop or get off the pot.

Keep up your hard work. Your passionate vision will determine the success or failure of the CPC.

So you support hookers on your streets? You support crack dealers and gun violence on your streets?

Well, it's good to know where you stand max.

I stand on the side of citizens who are sick and tired of being held prisoners by the hookers, johns, pimps and crack dealers who are armed most of the time.

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I had no idea Halton Hills had such issues. Thank god you are here to warn us.

I lived in downtown TO for years. It has only gotten worse and will continue to get worse until politicians grow a set and actually do something to protect the citizens. Instead of protecting hookers, pimps and armed crack dealers. The people of his fine country deserve better and it's about time they got it!

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Make prostitution legal, regulate it and tax it. Clean it up, stop the spread of social diseases, get rid of the pimps and dope.

Most of these women have fallen into the trap of selling their bodies, that is what it is a trap. It should not be a crime.

If prostitution was legal, imagine what we could do in terms of sex crimes? Look at the benefits of making it legal.

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Make prostitution legal, regulate it and tax it. Clean it up, stop the spread of social diseases, get rid of the pimps and dope.

Most of these women have fallen into the trap of selling their bodies, that is what it is a trap. It should not be a crime.

If prostitution was legal, imagine what we could do in terms of sex crimes? Look at the benefits of making it legal.

Isn't only the solicitation of prostitution illegal. I think there are many "massage" parlors that are doing "business" right now and aren't really bothered. It's like selling tickets on Ebay (A pin costs 500 bucks, who knew :sarcasm:)

I don't see how making it legal would improve working conditions at all, considering they are still on the street and at the mercy of their customers and their "bosses".

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Well these whores need to find something else to do in order to make money. Breaking the law to this extent is not likely to be tolerated for very long. There are jobs everywhere if one is only to look but the problem is that most if not all of these whores have substance abuse problems to one or several substances. Throw them all in jail without bail on sight and lets clean up our streets.

This in response to Molly's :

According to news reports, there are about 300 child prostitutes in the city of Regina. (And God only knows how many in the rest of Canada.)

How very Christian of Mr C. Remind me again what party is it that you christians think have the best chance of bringing such enlightened policy to Canada?

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This in response to Molly's :

How very Christian of Mr C. Remind me again what party is it that you christians think have the best chance of bringing such enlightened policy to Canada?

I have caught another one.

So you support hookers on your streets? You support crack dealers and gun violence on your streets?

Well, it's good to know where you stand PeterF.

I stand on the side of citizens who are sick and tired of being held prisoners by the hookers, johns, pimps and crack dealers who are armed most of the time.

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I have caught another one.

So you support hookers on your streets? You support crack dealers and gun violence on your streets?

Well, it's good to know where you stand PeterF.

I stand on the side of citizens who are sick and tired of being held prisoners by the hookers, johns, pimps and crack dealers who are armed most of the time.

Hey Its always good to know where people stand. Now wich party is it that is most likely achieve your goal of tossing child prostitutes in jail?

The NDP?

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Children being forced in to prostitution need to be rescued and receive the very best care and therapy to try and regain some self respect and go on to become profitable taxpayers, no doubt about it.

Their pimps caught and jailed for life, no exceptions. A clear message must be sent to the pimps, if you victimize our children be prepared to go to jail for the rest of your life.

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Children being forced in to prostitution need to be rescued and receive the very best care and therapy to try and regain some self respect and go on to become profitable taxpayers, no doubt about it.

Their pimps caught and jailed for life, no exceptions. A clear message must be sent to the pimps, if you victimize our children be prepared to go to jail for the rest of your life.

How about jailing the parents for failing to protect the child from that Fate. Obviously if there are children in prostitution they come from a broken home. If the childs immediate family is broken the extended family should have stepped in to help. Woe, the extended childs family did nothing to help as well? How about the schools, the teachers, the guidance counsellors should they not also be held accountable for not recognizing children in distress.

You should be going after the real criminals - the childs piece of shit of family and those school officials who should have recogize this.

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Mr. C,

I should be sad when I see a crack dealer get shot? A crack dealer who cares only for money and not the lives and neighborhoods they destroy?

This attitude is what's wrong with Canada. Bleeding hearts for a drug dealer

I just wanted to point out Mr. Canada that the "attitude" you refer to, isn't an attitude at all. Loving sinners is supposed to be a tenet of Christianity.

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I want to thank you for this thread.

People are waking up to those in the religious right.

As evidenced above, Mr. C isn't really a Christian though he thinks that he is one.

It's very important for people to realize that just because somebody says that they belong to a religion, it doesn't mean they're following the religion properly. This goes for Islamic terrorists as well as misguided self-defined Christians.

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Mr. C,

I just wanted to point out Mr. Canada that the "attitude" you refer to, isn't an attitude at all. Loving sinners is supposed to be a tenet of Christianity.

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As evidenced above, Mr. C isn't really a Christian though he thinks that he is one.

It's very important for people to realize that just because somebody says that they belong to a religion, it doesn't mean they're following the religion properly. This goes for Islamic terrorists as well as misguided self-defined Christians.

Forgiving is paramount but nowhere is it implied that we should be held hostage by crack dealers and pimps. Not to mention have our goods stolen by crack heads in order to be a Christian...LOL. Being Christian doesn't mean taking crap from everyone and letting others run our lives.

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Actually, being a Christian means turning the other cheek Mr. Canada.

It involves loving those who hate you, and not having these types of feelings:

"I should be sad when I see a crack dealer get shot?"

As is the case with many outspoken and angry types who call themselves Christian, you are clearly not one.

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Actually, being a Christian means turning the other cheek Mr. Canada.

It involves loving those who hate you, and not having these types of feelings:

As is the case with many outspoken and angry types who call themselves Christian, you are clearly not one.

So instead of responding to the post, you've attacked me instead which is against the rules.

You obviously support hookers, pimps, drug dealers and crack heads in your neighborhood. Many others don't. Perhaps ask your neighbors if they support these things being peddled next to their kids as you do. Report back with their answer.

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Mr. Canada,

So instead of responding to the post, you've attacked me instead which is against the rules.

You obviously support hookers, pimps, drug dealers and crack heads in your neighborhood. Many others don't. Perhaps ask your neighbors if they support these things being peddled next to their kids as you do. Report back with their answer.

I did respond, by explaining to you that your assertion that you don't need to take "crap" proves that you are not a follower of the Christian philosophy. It's not an attack. Christianity is a philosophy as well as a religion. If someone was professing to be a Darwinist but didn't believe in evolution, then they'd be incorrect as you are with your false belief that you're a Christian.

And I don't support crime, no.

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Mr. Canada.

Here, in plain gospel English, is proof that you're not a Christian.

From Mathew 5: 38

You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.' But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, turn to him the other also. And if someone wants to sue you and take your tunic, let him have your cloak as well. If someone forces you to go one mile, go with him two miles. Give to the one who asks you, and do not turn away from the one who wants to borrow from you.


Note that it doesn't show Jesus saying: "Do not take crap from anyone." The Christian philosophy is based on the opposite practice, which is golden rule, and as such you're just not a Christian.

I'm sorry to tell you, but I can't believe that I'm the first.

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Mr. Canada.

Here, in plain gospel English, is proof that you're not a Christian.

From Mathew 5: 38


Note that it doesn't show Jesus saying: "Do not take crap from anyone." The Christian philosophy is based on the opposite practice, which is golden rule, and as such you're just not a Christian.

I'm sorry to tell you, but I can't believe that I'm the first.

I love when people point out how Mr. Canada is not a Christian I have been saying it for it a while now.

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I'm a strong conservative Christian. I believe in strong family values.

I live my life by my faith. If that's hard for you to swallow, tough.

I'm not feeding you anymore Mr. Hardner.

Judging by that response I think we can surmise you have been pantsed. Now be a good pseudo christian and keep on feeding mr H.

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Mr. Canada

I'm a strong conservative Christian. I believe in strong family values.

I live my life by my faith. If that's hard for you to swallow, tough.

I'm not feeding you anymore Mr. Hardner.

What you fail to understand is that it's not enough to declare yourself a Christian. To declare that "you live by your faith". People expect you to actually follow what the gospel says.

It's not tough for me to swallow, though. Unfortunately, there are many people in the world who are under the mistaken belief that they're Christian.

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You three must have quite the crush on me to follow me around the board and post right behind me constantly. It's very flattering, thank you. You've made this very Catholic family man very happy. I'll pray for you misguided fellows today. God bless you.

The religious right in this country of Canada is waking up to the hypocrisy of the socialists and is starting to gain ground on the grassroots level of the Conservative Party. Very soon the religious right will be able to more directly direct and influence policy of the moral majority. Canadians have had enough of the immorality of the socialists and their Godless ways, time after time ignoring the will of the silent majority....the silent Christian majority which make up 77% of Canada. God Bless Canada!

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You three must have quite the crush on me to follow me around the board and post right behind me constantly. It's very flattering, thank you. You've made this very Catholic family man very happy. I'll pray for you misguided fellows today. God bless you.

The religious right in this country of Canada is waking up to the hypocrisy of the socialists and is starting to gain ground on the grassroots level of the Conservative Party. Very soon the religious right will be able to more directly direct and influence policy of the moral majority. Canadians have had enough of the immorality of the socialists and their Godless ways, time after time ignoring the will of the silent majority....the silent Christian majority which make up 77% of Canada. God Bless Canada!

33% of Canada goes to church. Meaning 77% of Canada is the silent non Christian majority.

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Forgiving is paramount but nowhere is it implied that we should be held hostage by crack dealers and pimps. Not to mention have our goods stolen by crack heads in order to be a Christian...LOL. Being Christian doesn't mean taking crap from everyone and letting others run our lives.

Actually Jesus came for the sinners and those are who he preferred and loved. Why are you attacking your brothers??

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33% of Canada goes to church. Meaning 77% of Canada is the silent none Christian majority.

I find this hard to fathom.

People are returning to the church is greater and greater numbers. Our Church is filled to capacity and standing room every week, hardly seems like Christianity is on the decline. People are in need of hope and God provides Canada with hope. The hope of a better today, the hope of a better tomorrow and the hope of a better mankind. Through prayer and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ anything and everything is possible.

God loves us all. Rich, poor, drug addicted or homeless. It doesn't matter you can be forgiven all you need to do is repent before Him

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I find this hard to fathom.

People are returning to the church is greater and greater numbers. Our Church is filled to capacity and standing room every week, hardly seems like Christianity is on the decline. People are in need of hope and God provides Canada with hope. The hope of a better today, the hope of a better tomorrow and the hope of a better mankind. Through prayer and the love of our Savior Jesus Christ anything and everything is possible.

God loves us all. Rich, poor, drug addicted or homeless. It doesn't matter you can be forgiven all you need to do is repent before Him

Regardless of your beliefs it is true. Church attendance has been declining steadily for 50 years now.

Infact only 10% of Canadians attending Church once or more a week. Welcome to the minority Mr. Canada can we persecute you now?

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