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Religious Right in Canada

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Thankfully the Religious Right in Canada aswell as the US aren't as strong as they once were. I'm sure as long as they keep electing old white males in Canada, the RR will be happy.

Once a non-white comes in and contests in the Conservative caucus, I'm sure all sorts of questions will start popping up. The politicians NEED the moderates to win and good luck getting them with a fundaMENTAList hypocrisy of electing anyone that praises Jesus and gets dumbed down populace's votes. Preston Manning and Stockwell Day are prime examples.

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Thankfully the Religious Right in Canada aswell as the US aren't as strong as they once were. I'm sure as long as they keep electing old white males in Canada, the RR will be happy.

Once a non-white comes in and contests in the Conservative caucus, I'm sure all sorts of questions will start popping up. The politicians NEED the moderates to win and good luck getting them with a fundaMENTAList hypocrisy of electing anyone that praises Jesus and gets dumbed down populace's votes. Preston Manning and Stockwell Day are prime examples.

I'll be happy remaining behind the scenes influencing policy and pushing the agenda.

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I'll be happy remaining behind the scenes influencing policy and pushing the agenda.

:rolleyes: Not surprisng. The agenda of hating any other religion but theirs including down to the denomination of the specific religion but blaming the "secularists" for being non-religious. Sounds quite hypocritical.

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:rolleyes: Not surprisng. The agenda of hating any other religion but theirs including down to the denomination of the specific religion but blaming the "secularists" for being non-religious. Sounds quite hypocritical.

Secularists are pushing for the banning of religion. Even the mention of Jesus Christ in public draws their fury. They go into uncontrollable frenzy.

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Secularists are pushing for the banning of religion. Even the mention of Jesus Christ in public draws their fury. They go into uncontrollable frenzy.

On the other hand, the mention of "Allah" who is the same God the Christians worship draws uncontrollable fury.

In fact, forget the Muslims, how about the Hindus who have done nothing really wrong?

Maybe you need to see what the "Religious Right" does to them:

Funny how the tables change when this is brought up?

The Religious Right is the most hypocritical base ever. I've studied and experienced their school of thought that is very rigid and is anti every religion but Christianity. Sort of like the Muslim fundamentalists only less vocal.

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The Catholic Church is the one true Church started by St. Peter as instructed by Jesus Christ. Do you deny this?

Yes I deny it. You mistake Christ using Peter as the rock of his church with the council in Jerusalem starting what would become the Catholic Church some 16 years later. How many Churches did Christ himself create? The answer is none, he spoke in open air and preached where he was needed. I highly doubt that he would have approved of the "Mother Church". His whole focus was about a personal relationship with God, and all the responsibility and accountability that went with this difficult choice to walk a path similiar to his own.

Are you contending that Protestantism isn't based on Sola Scriptura?

No I am not, I am suggesting that Luther was right and the church was wrong. Selling salvation was what sent him on his quest to reform the church in the first place. He did not believe that what the church was doing was right. To that end neither do I. A Catholic priest has no authority to grant me forgiveness by such a simple act as prayers or repentance. God can forgive, Christ can forgive, but I certainly don't think that priests are empowered by God to do it for them.

Edited by Jerry J. Fortin
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Secularists are pushing for the banning of religion. Even the mention of Jesus Christ in public draws their fury. They go into uncontrollable frenzy.

What a load of crap. No one is banning religion. What's being fought against is narrow-minded bigots like you trying to use the state as a tool of indoctrination. It's you who despises all other faiths (or lack thereof) and thinks that Canada should have some sort of a Christian country. You are the enemy of freedom, the enemy of independent thought, the enemy of civil discourse. You're so damned backwards I think you'd make the Roundheads shiver with your intolerance and ignorance.

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What a load of crap. No one is banning religion. What's being fought against is narrow-minded bigots like you trying to use the state as a tool of indoctrination. It's you who despises all other faiths (or lack thereof) and thinks that Canada should have some sort of a Christian country. You are the enemy of freedom, the enemy of independent thought, the enemy of civil discourse. You're so damned backwards I think you'd make the Roundheads shiver with your intolerance and ignorance.

Christianity is Canada's unofficial faith. Canada should have more of an identity with it. It would help to foster good relationships.

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Christianity is Canada's unofficial faith. Canada should have more of an identity with it. It would help to foster good relationships.

Good relationships with who? And what do you even mean "more of an identity with it"? Be clear here. State precisely what you want done. This pussy-footing double-talk of yours is tiring. It's impossible to even debate this sort of moving target. So what exactly is it that you want changed?

Edited by ToadBrother
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"Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true."-Richard Feynman try to pretend you are smarter then him.

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"Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true."-Richard Feynman try to pretend you are smarter then him.

This essentially sums up Catholics and christians. Some plus(s) about the new testament over the old Testament is that Jesus defines and talks about Hell in length. Hell is essentially a Furnace of fire where your soul is destroyed. There will be alot of gnashing of teeth. Whatever that is, it sounds painful before you are obliterated out of existence. Hell is mentioned in the Old Testament but not really described other than God threw Satan out of Heaven and into Hell. Later, in the OLD testament Satan was out of Hell and was being restrained by the Angel of the Lord. It appears Satan is able to move in out of Hell or is able to be released from Hell by the Angel of Lord. Only God and this Angel can answer that.

So I am sleeping Good tonight knowing all you lying christian aholes will get your just desserts. :o There are two types: Hard workers and Cheaters. Christians are the cheater types, they think Heaven is going to be served up to them on plate without doing anything to deserve Heaven. This is so just because you beleive in Jesus. Aha, Aha, yeah whatever.

If you people really, really think about it, Jesus is along the same lines as the Children of Isreal creating a gold calf to worship while moses was up on the mountain getting gods commandments. The Children of Isreal were impatient to wait for moses so they created a golden calf to worship. Christianity is similar as it is contradiction to moses and is a new Idol for man to worship.

What did God do to all who worshiped the Calf? I think they all got obliterated by fire. So what will this God of Moses do to you who go whoring after Jesus?? Probably throw you into to that furnace of Fire Jesus was talking about. B)

So Christians, dress light :D:D

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"Looking back at the worst times, it always seems that they were times in which there were people who believed with absolute faith and absolute dogmatism in something. And they were so serious in this matter that they insisted that the rest of the world agree with them. And then they would do things that were directly inconsistent with their own beliefs in order to maintain that what they said was true."-Richard Feynman try to pretend you are smarter then him.

I see, so everyone who chooses to live an immoral life being drug addicted, sexually deviants, alcoholics, thieves, murderers and other who are unrepentant are actually doing society a great service? And that all the people who live good, wholesome Christian lives are dragging society down? This is the position you are defending above. I have to say it's quite bizarre punked.

Whowhere, that is one of the most bizarre tracts I have ever read. Did you life it right out of chick.com or what? You sound like Jack Trick. I do enjoy a good laugh though keep it up.

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Of all the extremist special interest groups the Christians are the tamest and most civilized. They are harmless for the most part, the radical ones are not really Christians at all.

Are they all dingbats? Not hardly, but they are a special interest group and they are very powerful, and that is not such a bad thing. Its not bad, because they only want what they believe is in all our best interests, but they are intolerant.

I certainly don't want the religious to take over the nation, but we could do a lot worse than them.

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I see, so everyone who chooses to live an immoral life being drug addicted, sexually deviants, alcoholics, thieves, murderers and other who are unrepentant are actually doing society a great service? And that all the people who live good, wholesome Christian lives are dragging society down? This is the position you are defending above. I have to say it's quite bizarre punked.

Whowhere, that is one of the most bizarre tracts I have ever read. Did you life it right out of chick.com or what? You sound like Jack Trick. I do enjoy a good laugh though keep it up.

It wasn't me who said it was one of the smartest men who every lived. I would not want to put words in his mouth but he probably said becuase he assumed it would get through to those who understood and those who didn't would assumed it meant that drug addicts were awesome I assure you he did not mean that. You however can keep thinking of yourself as an intellectual equal to Richard Feynman and I will keep laughing.

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It wasn't me who said it was one of the smartest men who every lived. I would not want to put words in his mouth but he probably said becuase he assumed it would get through to those who understood and those who didn't would assumed it meant that drug addicts were awesome I assure you he did not mean that. You however can keep thinking of yourself as an intellectual equal to Richard Feynman and I will keep laughing.

Relgious extremists view intellectuals as the Devil's pawns.

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Of all the extremist special interest groups the Christians are the tamest and most civilized. They are harmless for the most part, the radical ones are not really Christians at all.

Are they all dingbats? Not hardly, but they are a special interest group and they are very powerful, and that is not such a bad thing. Its not bad, because they only want what they believe is in all our best interests, but they are intolerant.

I certainly don't want the religious to take over the nation, but we could do a lot worse than them.

When you're dealing with religious extremis...they're all dingbats, whether Muslim, Jewish or Christian. Moderate members of all faith groups will tell you the "extremists" aren't truly members of their faith group....whichever one it is.

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It wasn't me who said it was one of the smartest men who every lived. I would not want to put words in his mouth but he probably said becuase he assumed it would get through to those who understood and those who didn't would assumed it meant that drug addicts were awesome I assure you he did not mean that. You however can keep thinking of yourself as an intellectual equal to Richard Feynman and I will keep laughing.

Theres a big difference between you and me. You just talk. I walk my talk.

I'm not a religious extremist. I live my faith. I don't pick and choose which of Gods Laws to follow I follow them all.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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Theres a big difference between you and me. You just talk. I walk my talk.

I'm not a religious extremist. I live my faith. I don't pick and choose which of Gods Laws to follow I follow them all.

No you don't. Mosaic law says if one causes a Miscarriage they should be punished but to a much lesser extent then if they were to plant two different crops beside each other. Are you fighting against these terrible farmers? No! You don't walk your walk you are a blind fool. The difference between you and I is I have read my bible.

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No you don't. Mosaic law says if one causes a Miscarriage they should be punished but to a much lesser extent then if they were to plant two different crops beside each other. Are you fighting against these terrible farmers? No! You don't walk your walk you are a blind fool. The difference between you and I is I have read my bible.

I'm not a Jew therefore I don't rule myself by the first 5 books of the Bible.

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I'm not a Jew therefore I don't rule myself by the first 5 books of the Bible.

Then you throw out your opposition to gay marriage. Great good to see you coming to the progressive side becuase that is where you find all the opposition to gay behaviour.

No you are a hypocrite who choses what passages to live his life by and what not due to which is easiest for you. See I am a Christians who has read the bible and understands the larger ideas and that is how I live my life. By what Jesus taught not what some bigot says he said today.

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No you don't. Mosaic law says if one causes a Miscarriage they should be punished but to a much lesser extent then if they were to plant two different crops beside each other. Are you fighting against these terrible farmers? No! You don't walk your walk you are a blind fool. The difference between you and I is I have read my bible.

Christians can be funny punked, God is God but the laws in the OT don't apply...well, some of them do and some don't. God made a new covenant, so some of the old unchangeable laws of the Almighty were...well not changed, uhm...just amended.

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Then you throw out your opposition to gay marriage. Great good to see you coming to the progressive side becuase that is where you find all the opposition to gay behaviour.

No you are a hypocrite who choses what passages to live his life by and what not due to which is easiest for you. See I am a Christians who has read the bible and understands the larger ideas and that is how I live my life. By what Jesus taught not what some bigot says he said today.

Homosexuality is directly against Jesus Christ. Cannot be argued sorry. Would you like the passage? I live my Catholic faith everyday. I'm not being bigoted, I'm using the Bible and the Law of the Holy Catholic Church.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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