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Ahenakew Hate Crime Trial, Part Deux


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Perhaps in a big city like Toronto it's normal but outside the city it's decidedly abnormal. Gays make up 1% of the population. That's 1% of the population pushing their views on 99% of the population. Well gays and their lefty cronies.

I don't live or hang around areas where gays are normal so to me in my life they are some sort of anomaly. Perhaps where Charter.rights lives homosexuality is rampant and therefore normal. I don't choose to live in those areas any longer.

That's an interesting invented statistic. Is it a lie, or do you have a reputable source for it?

Actually, you do hang around areas where gays are normal. It's just when they see knuckledraggers approaching, who advertise their blind hatred, they fear for their safety and hide their sexual proclivities. The Charter rights you deride are those which promise everybody in this country the freedom to do pretty much what they like, so long as they don't bother other people. The first such charter was in fact the Magna Carta, which was the first in a very long chain of events that led to democratic, and free form of government under which we live. You go by the name of Mr. Canada, I guess your' pride has nothing to do with our way of life though. No-one is locking you up for your' homophobic views. I will even defend your' rights, as my forbears did at the point of the bayonet. At the same time, I'll happily exercise my right to call you a bigot, and sundry other things.

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That's an interesting invented statistic. Is it a lie, or do you have a reputable source for it?

Actually, you do hang around areas where gays are normal. It's just when they see knuckledraggers approaching, who advertise their blind hatred, they fear for their safety and hide their sexual proclivities. The Charter rights you deride are those which promise everybody in this country the freedom to do pretty much what they like, so long as they don't bother other people. The first such charter was in fact the Magna Carta, which was the first in a very long chain of events that led to democratic, and free form of government under which we live. You go by the name of Mr. Canada, I guess your' pride has nothing to do with our way of life though. No-one is locking you up for your' homophobic views. I will even defend your' rights, as my forbears did at the point of the bayonet. At the same time, I'll happily exercise my right to call you a bigot, and sundry other things.

Homophobics, as well as other religious nutbars are hardly ever concerned about the rights of others. Their whole purpose is to tread on your rights and make you inferior to them. If Jesus were alive today he would commit suicide for all the Satanistic ways that nutbars have made Christianity a disease.

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Homophobics, as well as other religious nutbars are hardly ever concerned about the rights of others. Their whole purpose is to tread on your rights and make you inferior to them. If Jesus were alive today he would commit suicide for all the Satanistic ways that nutbars have made Christianity a disease.

As soon as Jesus and Christianity are mentioned the left get really crazy but this reaction is also for told to us believers. It's normal for the sodomites to attack us and to hate us. We represent everything the left isn't. Principled, morally and ethically sound and have faith in something that we cannot physically see.

You see, to the left, if you cannot see it, it must not be real. They cannot fathom a God that loves them yet does not show Himself. The mere mention of Jesus Christ will cause them to spew all sorts of bile. It is us who remain strong and principled who will be rewarded. I feel sorry for them and I truly hope that one they will let God into their lives, it's never too late to ask for forgiveness.

If you're going to start bashing Christianity and try to tell me what it is and isn't you'd better check your facts buster. Acting out homosexuality is a sin and says so in the Bible, so on that count he'd be thrilled that so many hold the proper views. Being gay in and of itself isn't a sin it's the act that is a sin. One can be homosexual and not sin but once one engages in homosexual acts then it becomes a sin. That is paraphrased from the Catechism which I'm holding.

This thread is about hate speech and what this native guy said wasn't hate speech. Simply stating that one agrees with Hitler doesn't make that hate speech. If you didn't know who Hitler was you wouldn't know what he was talking about.

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This Ahkenew dude is one sick fella.

However much I disagree with what he said, I do think he had the right to say it and he deserves all of the negative attention he has been getting sans the hate crime charges.

He has disgusting views on WW2 history, he did not, however, tell people to go out and kill Jews.

That is the difference.

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If you're going to start bashing Christianity and try to tell me what it is and isn't you'd better check your facts buster. Acting out homosexuality is a sin and says so in the Bible, so on that count he'd be thrilled that so many hold the proper views. Being gay in and of itself isn't a sin it's the act that is a sin. One can be homosexual and not sin but once one engages in homosexual acts then it becomes a sin. That is paraphrased from the Catechism which I'm holding.

The Catechism isn't God's Law. It isn't the doctrine handed down by Christ. It is the Catholic Church's law and I would suggest it was laid out to control the urges of the Priests and not the followers. That said, the New Testament of the Bible - Christ's direction for Christians, does not mention homosexuality, nor does it condemn it. Oh and by the way.....There is no sin.

Matthew 7:1-5 (KJV)

Judge not lest ye be judged. For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again. And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye? Or how wilt thou say to thy brother, Let me pull out the mote out of thine eye; and, behold, a beam is in thine own eye? Thou hypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.

One's belief in sin binds them to be sinners. That is not of God's making but of their own error in thinking.

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This Ahkenew dude is one sick fella.

However much I disagree with what he said, I do think he had the right to say it and he deserves all of the negative attention he has been getting sans the hate crime charges.

He has disgusting views on WW2 history, he did not, however, tell people to go out and kill Jews.

That is the difference.

I agree.

This thread is about hate speech and what this native guy said wasn't hate speech. Simply stating that one agrees with Hitler doesn't make that hate speech. If you didn't know who Hitler was you wouldn't know what he was talking about. The charges should be brought but I am hoping that they are beaten.

If they go through then it's going to set a precedent where a direct comment on the genocide of a group no longer need to be made but the mere mention of the group who holds these views will now be hate speech and that's going too far.

So if this wins saying things like 'Hitler had some good ideas but went too far with many of them' would be hate speech. Israel must have thought that he did as Israel has adopted many things and ideals that the Nazi'z used.

I wish that a Christian nation would be set up where only Christians could go as we have no homeland either and have suffered far greater loses than the Jews have.

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I wish that a Christian nation would be set up where only Christians could go as we have no homeland either and have suffered far greater loses than the Jews have.

What the F are you talking about? Christians have been a vicitim of genocide?

I highly doubt you are talking about the Darfur region of the Sudan (I also doubt that your new 'Christian Nation' would let the black Darfur refugees into your 'Christian Nation' either, but that is another subject I suppose).

The Jews have been the single most persecuted minority for the past two thousand years, probably without equal in thw world. While some 'Christians' may have legitimate gripes about today and their treatment, to compare them to the tribulations of Jews is to make a mockery of your argument and reputation.

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What the F are you talking about? Christians have been a vicitim of genocide?

I highly doubt you are talking about the Darfur region of the Sudan (I also doubt that your new 'Christian Nation' would let the black Darfur refugees into your 'Christian Nation' either, but that is another subject I suppose).

The Jews have been the single most persecuted minority for the past two thousand years, probably without equal in thw world. While some 'Christians' may have legitimate gripes about today and their treatment, to compare them to the tribulations of Jews is to make a mockery of your argument and reputation.

Yes massive ones throughout history. During the Oktober Revolution which brought communism to Russia over 100 million Christians were killed. That's one instance.

All Christians would be welcome regardless of colour.


You mean like democracy? oops.

I mean, a fair and equal judiciary.. oops!

Just what DO you mean, or are you even sure?

Here are two policies used by Israel that Nazi Germany also used.

Israel is xenophobic and doesn't allow outsiders to settle there.

Israel displaces races other then there own to settle their own people.

I could go on and on.

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Yes massive ones throughout history. During the Oktober Revolution which brought communism to Russia over 100 million Christians were killed. That's one instance.

All Christians would be welcome regardless of colour.

Here are two policies used by Israel that Nazi Germany also used.

Israel is xenophobic and doesn't allow outsiders to settle there.

Israel displaces races other then there own to settle their own people.

I could go on and on.

You mean Israel has a immigration policy? oh my goodness!!!

Israel also has 20% of it's population that is Arab.. WOW, what Nazi's they are!

But they are xenophobic right? You are the one railing about Arabs coming here when they make up about 2% of the population of Canada. Who's xenophobic again?

Please do, go on and on....

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Yes massive ones throughout history. During the Oktober Revolution which brought communism to Russia over 100 million Christians were killed. That's one instance.

All Christians would be welcome regardless of colour.

Here are two policies used by Israel that Nazi Germany also used.

Israel is xenophobic and doesn't allow outsiders to settle there.

Israel displaces races other then there own to settle their own people.

I could go on and on.

Arabs are not allowed to move freely like Jews are and are second class citizens. I notice you didn't comment on my second point which is fact. You know I'm right so just agree with me and let's move on.

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Yes massive ones throughout history. During the Oktober Revolution which brought communism to Russia over 100 million Christians were killed. That's one instance.

All Christians would be welcome regardless of colour.

Here are two policies used by Israel that Nazi Germany also used.

Israel is xenophobic and doesn't allow outsiders to settle there.

Israel displaces races other then there own to settle their own people.

I could go on and on.

Canada and the US welcome all Christians regardless of colour. What we don't do is exclude other beliefs and ideologies. Christ taught that love and acceptance spans all boundaries and that refusing to see others as our equals leads us to personal destruction. And of course we can't let the fact slip that if Christianity is such a tried and true ideology and belief system, how is that it can;t stand up to questioning and challenges?

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Arabs are not allowed to move freely like Jews are and are second class citizens. I notice you didn't comment on my second point which is fact. You know I'm right so just agree with me and let's move on.

Well that is wrong. Israel Arabs ARE allowed to move freely. LOL

Palestinians (you know, people who aren't citizens of Israel), of course have to cross a border (you know, as in nation) to get in. Too bad you are too mind numbingly stupid to be able to discern the difference and to see your own hypocricy.

Your second point? Israel displaces people? Like who exactly?

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Canada and the US welcome all Christians regardless of colour. What we don't do is exclude other beliefs and ideologies. Christ taught that love and acceptance spans all boundaries and that refusing to see others as our equals leads us to personal destruction. And of course we can't let the fact slip that if Christianity is such a tried and true ideology and belief system, how is that it can;t stand up to questioning and challenges?

Israel does exactly that. Gives Judaism priority over all others. Jews dominate the governemnt there as well. Even though there are Arabs and Christians in Israel as well. Israel is apartheid, plain and simple and seem to have policies that back that up and were inspired by Nazi Germany.

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Israel does exactly that. Gives Judaism priority over all others. Jews dominate the governemnt there as well. Even though there are Arabs and Christians in Israel as well. Israel is apartheid, plain and simple and seem to have policies that back that up and were inspired by Nazi Germany.

Utter BS.

All citizens of Israel are free to vote for who they wish.

Not Apartheid and certainly not fascist.

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Well that is wrong. Israel Arabs ARE allowed to move freely. LOL

Palestinians (you know, people who aren't citizens of Israel), of course have to cross a border (you know, as in nation) to get in. Too bad you are too mind numbingly stupid to be able to discern the difference and to see your own hypocricy.

Your second point? Israel displaces people? Like who exactly?

You cannot beat me, I know far more about Israel than you could ever hope to but keep trying.

Arabs who live in Israel are not permitted to leave or enter Israel at certain times and are subject to border checks that Jews are not. It's very simple, if you think that ISrael is a fair and just society you are diluted sir.

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You cannot beat me, I know far more about Israel than you could ever hope to but keep trying.

Arabs who live in Israel are not permitted to leave or enter Israel at certain times and are subject to border checks that Jews are not. It's very simple, if you think that ISrael is a fair and just society you are diluted sir.

Israel's Declaration of Independence called for the establishment of a Jewish state with equality of social and political rights, irrespective of religion, race or sex.[95]

The rights of citizens are guaranteed by a set of Basic Laws (Israel does not have a written constitution).[96] Although this set of laws does not explicitly include the term "right to equality", the Israeli Supreme Court has consistently interpreted "Basic Law: Human Dignity and Liberty"[97] and "Basic Law: Freedom of Occupation (1994)"[98]as guaranteeing equal rights for all Israeli citizens.[99]

I have been subject to 'border checks' when I leave Canada. You have as well (assuming you have seen fit to see some of the world)

You are wrong. Arab Israeli's are full citizens of Israel. Is there racial profiling going on in police agencies in Israel? Perhaps there is, and perhaps there is in the Toronto police force, but that is a different subject.

So far your self proclaimed vaunted knowledge of Israel has been shown to be severely lacking. But please do continue to regale us with your superior knowledge.

Once your union memo notes runs out, you will have to actually go and do some research on the internet. I'm sure the Aryan Brotherhood's website would be a good place for you to start.


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I have been subject to 'border checks' when I leave Canada. You have as well (assuming you have seen fit to see some of the world)

You are wrong. Arab Israeli's are full citizens of Israel. Is there racial profiling going on in police agencies in Israel? Perhaps there is, and perhaps there is in the Toronto police force, but that is a different subject.

So far your self proclaimed vaunted knowledge of Israel has been shown to be severely lacking. But please do continue to regale us with your superior knowledge.

Once your union memo notes runs out, you will have to actually go and do some research on the internet. I'm sure the Aryan Brotherhood's website would be a good place for you to start.


I'm not a racist at all quite the opposite. I'm a firm believer in equal rights but the problem is that there will never be equal rights. As minorities who have equal rights will demand special rights as is happening in Canada. Or those in the majority will treat minorities as second class citizens as we have in Israel. They didn't even want to let in African Jews when they came a few years ago.

I know that my sheer brilliance and lightning wit are overpowering but try to control your venom.

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I'm not a racist at all quite the opposite. I'm a firm believer in equal rights but the problem is that there will never be equal rights. As minorities who have equal rights will demand special rights as is happening in Canada. Or those in the majority will treat minorities as second class citizens as we have in Israel. They didn't even want to let in African Jews when they came a few years ago.

Israel is a pluralistic society that has it's own share of 'kengs' and Mr. Canada there too.

'They didn't want' is you ascribing a view of the minority as to the will of the majority - that's how you got in all this racist mess in the first place.

Anyways, guess what? Not only do they allow African jews to immigrate, they have begged and pleaded for them to be allowed to immigrate to Israel and have pulled off some big actions to bring them to Israel.

The grim prospect of thousands of Jewish children growing up separated from their parents in Israel almost became a reality. Little could be done to persuade the Mariam government to increase the trickle of Jews leaving Ethiopia in the years between Operations Joshua and Solomon. But in November 1990, Ethiopia and Israel reached an agreement that would allow Ethiopian Jews to move to Israel under the context of family reunification. It soon became clear, however, that Mengistu was willing to allow Ethiopian Jews to leave outside of the guise of reunification. November and December, 1990, showed increased numbers of Ethiopians leaving for Israel. The Ethiopian Jews were finally ready to come home.

That means that you are wrong again.

Are you to the end of your union notes on Israel yet?

I can correct you line by line if you like.

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Israel is a pluralistic society that has it's own share of 'kengs' and Mr. Canada there too.

'They didn't want' is you ascribing a view of the minority as to the will of the majority - that's how you got in all this racist mess in the first place.

Anyways, guess what? Not only do they allow African jews to immigrate, they have begged and pleaded for them to be allowed to immigrate to Israel and have pulled off some big actions to bring them to Israel.

That means that you are wrong again.

Are you to the end of your union notes on Israel yet?

I can correct you line by line if you like.

They finally bowed to world pressure but at first there was a huge outcry and many of the Jewish public were against it. It is very much a pluralistic society. Only Jews have the right of return. Meaning that if the remaining Arabs and Christians do not reproduce they will become extinct as they aren't allowed to relocate there.

I applaud your efforts though, you never give up and keep on trying.

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They finally bowed to world pressure but at first there was a huge outcry and many of the Jewish public were against it. It is very much a pluralistic society. Only Jews have the right of return. Meaning that if the remaining Arabs and Christians do not reproduce they will become extinct as they aren't allowed to relocate there.

I applaud your efforts though, you never give up and keep on trying.

The Ethiopians returned and they continue to return. Judging the whole of Israel on some not wanting this to happen would be like judging Canada from the views of one poster named 'Mr. Canada'. Sane people do not use that criteria and thank goodness.

(assuming that there was a huge outcry, so far you have offered nothing to back up your claims)

The right of return is immigration policy. So what? You are the one on here arguing for tightening immigration policy in Canada. What colour is the sky in your world?

Give us all more union talking points on Israel will ya? We are having a grand old time.

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The Ethiopians returned and they continue to return. Judging the whole of Israel on some not wanting this to happen would be like judging Canada from the views of one poster named 'Mr. Canada'. Sane people do not use that criteria and thank goodness.

(assuming that there was a huge outcry, so far you have offered nothing to back up your claims)

The right of return is immigration policy. So what? You are the one on here arguing for tightening immigration policy in Canada. What colour is the sky in your world?

Give us all more union talking points on Israel will ya? We are having a grand old time.

So you agree with this statement then. Good cause it's a fact sir.

Only Jews have the right of return. Meaning that if the remaining Arabs and Christians do not reproduce they will become extinct as they aren't allowed to relocate there.

It is therefore a homogeneous society and you said it wasn't. One more for Mr.Canada!

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Who said it wasn't a pluralistic society?


LOL, well at least you now admit you have no idea what you are talking about.

You can't even follow a simple internet conversation.


I suggest you look up the4 meaning of pluralistic. lol

That's the only thing I can gather from your post. hahaha

here's a hint, pluralistic isn't a bad word.


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