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American Facism Continues.

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A simple definition of Facism is a one party system without competators, resistance or oppostion of any sort. What we see at this point in America are the last dying and desperate attempts to maintain Facism though a new front man - who now is in the midst of appointing and incorporating supposed republicans to his "team" - These appointments defy the definition of a two party system - How on earth can any rational person look at Obama seriously when he is now about to hand out plumb appointments to the Clintons who are a prime example of modernist Trotskites of great greed and ambition.

You would think that there would be a seperation of church and state - and in this instance a seperation of parties. There clearly is no seperation of church and state as we saw with Bush who pleaded religiouslity to gain votes but showed no evidence of being a religious man - and you would think there would be a seperation of parties - apparently there is none - so seeing that America for the last 30 years has in effect been run buy a new kind of National Socialism...under the guise of democracy....looks like the old Nazi party is alive and well and still using the tradional secularist Jews in the media to decieve and enthrawl the dumbed down Yanks - who really never will understand that they are not free. How do you translate this new but old order taking place south of the boarder and to some extent here in Canada?

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One your so-called leaders fall totally on their faces and those with character and honour take over - then I will gladly drag my old bones down and across the border to partake in good old fashioned free enterprise and capitalism...and I hope you have a nice guest room and a stocked bar by the window overlooking the ocean...better get out the paint roller and start preparing - a soft pink with lots of plants would be nice - oh yah - and a very attractive and loyal maid would be nice.

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But that doesn't explain the millions who have already done so.....come on down like all the rest...and we don't care if you stay, lay, or pray.

A spark of delight appears in my mind when you come on line my friend - and don't say you don't care...You do not hide your honour and care very well - Americans for the most part are very fine human beings...it's just that money rules you more than morality - because you fear being poor - now I will get biblical on you - "Those who try to save their lives will lose them and those that are willing to lose everything will gain life more abundantly" Para Phrase....... Most people have no hope or faith or confidence - You can not depend totally on money - Mammon is a false god and will betray you - which he is doing with a vengence - you have to have a purpose - money is not a purpose on it's own - to be that materially dependent shows weakness of character and cowardice - small wonder you did not handle the terrorists well.. You are governed by fear - to bad.

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or. like you, are...

I like Bush Cheney a lot - a very informative and generous American - but soon as you get a little to close to the truth he cuts and runs - It seems to be his pattern. The fact that there is a one party system south side really bothers him - and to admit that in effect there is no democracy but a very clever and well funded facism is to much for him to bear. He would have to change his whole belief system and say the words "we were wrong" - and America is not brave enough to utter what must be said to save the empire...You can not become right untill you admit you made mistakes...it's a delema of the American ego - and it will destroy this once great nation...I just wish he would lower his guard and talk...we in Canada love them and are their only true friends.

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The majority of Americans still have a certain distrust of government, although the public education system is bringing up succeeding generations who increasingly perceive their government as the benevolent provider of rights and entitlements. Creeping socialism. Communism is of course international in scope and is about revolution and instant arrival of the total State. Fascism is nationalistic but still socialistic. National pride was the response to the communist one-worlders, not that the national socialists didn't have aspirations of hegemony. Both of these socialist ideologies need one thing in order to continue and that is total domination of the economy, the achievement of which has proven to be an utter failure.

Fascism and Communism are the extremes of socialism, they are authoritarian and totalitarian.

America does not fit the totalitarian mold that describes either although, they are under pressure, as are all nations, to become progressively socialistic increasing the sanctity of the State over the individual.

Many detractors of America call it Fascist but that is one of those pejorative terms that emotionally triggers a negation to gaining a real understanding of what Fascism is or, more importantly, how one ends up in a Fascist totalitarian State.

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You are incorrect - If a candidate for the presidency needs a billion dollars to convince the un-informed and trusting public to vote for them - you must imagine that those putting up the money understand that you can place any person in the position of top representative dog. Logic dictates that this is not the will of the people - the people have no will or real vision or intent - emotion governs them - and with advertizing based in emotion to manipulate - is used - then there really is not any informed vote involved in the process of election. If the voter has no idea how the system works and who is in true control then there is no democracy - To try to sell me on the idea that America actually understands America is a non-starter for me - they don't have a clue...and that is exactly what Facism wants and expects from the people in order to obtain total dominance - The population is to terrified to face the truth - that they are not free....not my problem - IF there is no personal confidence or self worth in the avereage person - I suppose if a slave does not care about being a slave - so be it - let them be slaves to an upperclass of barbarians who view them as animals.

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I like Bush Cheney a lot - a very informative and generous American - but soon as you get a little to close to the truth he cuts and runs - It seems to be his pattern. The fact that there is a one party system south side really bothers him - and to admit that in effect there is no democracy but a very clever and well funded facism is to much for him to bear.

Not quite....it is you (and others) who have foolishly swallowed the false notions of what America is/was. America does not have to live up to your fantasies. "Democracy" for slave and land owners was a good enough first step to boot your king in the ass, and all those who followed. Wars, domination, incarceration, internments, and lots of attitude have made it what it is today. Technically, the US is not a democracy...it is a constitutional republic.

He would have to change his whole belief system and say the words "we were wrong" - and America is not brave enough to utter what must be said to save the empire...You can not become right untill you admit you made mistakes...it's a delema of the American ego - and it will destroy this once great nation...I just wish he would lower his guard and talk...we in Canada love them and are their only true friends.

Wrong again...the very concept of "America" was born of destruction, and grew larger through continued destruction. Stop parsing America into things that you like or dislike, because it's all one package....indivisible. As for true friends.....I think Mexico and the UK have you beat...or better yet...just get a dog.

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Not quite....it is you (and others) who have foolishly swallowed the false notions of what America is/was. America does not have to live up to your fantasies. "Democracy" for slave and land owners was a good enough first step to boot your king in the ass, and all those who followed. Wars, domination, incarceration, internments, and lots of attitude have made it what it is today. Technically, the US is not a democracy...it is a constitutional republic.

Wrong again...the very concept of "America" was born of destruction, and grew larger through continued destruction. Stop parsing America into things that you like or dislike, because it's all one package....indivisible. As for true friends.....I think Mexico and the UK have you beat...or better yet...just get a dog.

OK so I could not con you into submission. I do take great pleasure in lieing to my dog - but he's old and wise and does not give a damn...much like you - so if you don't want to be my pet...how about I just advise you when your ego gets to big and you are about to stumble all over yourself - That car company thing must be embarrassing - so who cut the original deal with Japan and China to flood your own market and detroy your own industry - someone authorized this traitorship...wonder who that is? :lol: You can't even be loyal to your own national extended family so shut up....you are a pirate ..... :lol:

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OK so I could not con you into submission. I do take great pleasure in lieing to my dog - but he's old and wise and does not give a damn...much like you - so if you don't want to be my pet...how about I just advise you when your ego gets to big and you are about to stumble all over yourself -

I think you are very close to getting it....but are holding back. The metrics you choose are false, including egos. Perhaps the macro vs. micro perspective is twisting things a bit....but I am willing to help you out. As your life slips away, think of all those who have come before you, only to perish as did those before them.

That car company thing must be embarrassing - so who cut the original deal with Japan and China to flood your own market and detroy your own industry - someone authorized this traitorship...wonder who that is? :lol: You can't even be loyal to your own national extended family so shut up....you are a pirate ..... :lol:

America existed long before we had an "automotive sector"......and just for fun...I can name native car makes still in production from China, Japan, Korea, even Italy...but not Canada.

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I think you are very close to getting it....but are holding back. The metrics you choose are false, including egos. Perhaps the macro vs. micro perspective is twisting things a bit....but I am willing to help you out. As your life slips away, think of all those who have come before you, only to perish as did those before them.

America existed long before we had an "automotive sector"......and just for fun...I can name native car makes still in production from China, Japan, Korea, even Italy...but not Canada.

Dancer says this is pointless. I beg to differ - It is really getting into the American mind and is most informative....It looks like you are much like me in regards "to your live slips away, think of all those that have come before you, only to perish" - so you feel like a failure also do you? Join the club and welcome aboard....and I am also willing to help you out - a mission failure is a dread - all that youthful idealism gone to waste and no one wanted it in the end..I don't give a crap _ I am still King and so are you...lets forget the world and have a cup of tea - or maybe a strong drink.? Honda makes cars just north of me, not that it matters...all I wanted to do was paint a picture and sing a song to a sweet woman...I did all those things - politic and economics are like the gay lesbian thing - for the masses - I really am only visiting because I am bored.

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Dancer says this is pointless. I beg to differ - It is really getting into the American mind and is most informative....It looks like you are much like me in regards "to your live slips away, think of all those that have come before you, only to perish" - so you feel like a failure also do you?

No silly.....your metrics are distorted. No matter what you do, you will still be shown the door. A mummified child in Peru will be more important in comparison. Embrace your insignificance.

Join the club and welcome aboard....and I am also willing to help you out - a mission failure is a dread - all that youthful idealism gone to waste and no one wanted it in the end..I don't give a crap _ I am still King and so are you...lets forget the world and have a cup of tea - or maybe a strong drink.?

Don't make me tell you another dog crap story....wisdom is easy to find if you know where to look. I don't drink...but please go ahead.

Honda makes cars just north of me, not that it matters...all I wanted to do was paint a picture and sing a song to a sweet woman...I did all those things - politic and economics are like the gay lesbian thing - for the masses - I really am only visiting because I am bored.

Of course.....boredom is better than...well...you know.

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As I embrace my insignificance it feels like a group hug conducted by you. So you don't drink hugh - I can imagine why you don't you lunitic. Imagine if you let go full force and spoke your mind - You would be worthy of a cruxification that I could start a relgion over and be rich! Boy oh boy - you are a piece of work - and I thought I was omni-potent - till the tooth loss set in. Demi-godhood has it's drawbacks...it's called flesh. What was it like living in your skin all that time?....must have been an adventure...boredom? To recite from the tombstone of the great thinker W.C.Fields - "I would rather be in Philidelphia" - The privledge and gift of being given a human life is still the only game in town - and I am thankfull - the best is yet to come...You may even fall in love with an angel and say thanks to the great papa. In the end - the great and sweet female companion and lover is all that is worth while - the rest is filler.

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A simple definition of Facism is a one party system without competators, resistance or oppostion of any sort. What we see at this point in America are the last dying and desperate attempts to maintain Facism though a new front man - who now is in the midst of appointing and incorporating supposed republicans to his "team" - These appointments defy the definition of a two party system - How on earth can any rational person look at Obama seriously when he is now about to hand out plumb appointments to the Clintons who are a prime example of modernist Trotskites of great greed and ambition.

You would think that there would be a seperation of church and state - and in this instance a seperation of parties. There clearly is no seperation of church and state as we saw with Bush who pleaded religiouslity to gain votes but showed no evidence of being a religious man - and you would think there would be a seperation of parties - apparently there is none - so seeing that America for the last 30 years has in effect been run buy a new kind of National Socialism...under the guise of democracy....looks like the old Nazi party is alive and well and still using the tradional secularist Jews in the media to decieve and enthrawl the dumbed down Yanks - who really never will understand that they are not free. How do you translate this new but old order taking place south of the boarder and to some extent here in Canada?

Really? You just made a thread a week or so ago saying that American socialism is dying and that capitalism is being reborn. You seem to have forgotten about that thread though since you haven't responded to my post.

Now, according to your definition you just proved yourself completely wrong. "a one party system without competitors, resistance, or opposition of any sort" What do you call the election 2 weeks ago? There was definitely MORE than one party involved. There was plenty of opposition(look at the popular vote for God's sake). And if there is no allowable cooperation between the two major parties in multi-party government, how the Hell do you expect to get anything done? It's called working together for the country. Give me proof of the Clintons being communist?

Now for this church and state thing. There is NO constitutional seperation of church and state in the US. There is freedom of religion, and the US won't adopt a national religion. Plus, it is completely unrealistic, and, quite frankly, undemocratic, to expect people to seperate the government from religion. You can't tell someone they can't feel the way they do about a certain issue just because they base their feelings on their religious views(which is a part of them). I've already addressed that party bullcrap.

Pardon my language...but where the fuck did you get the Nazis from? America is now Nazi? Americans are now not free? I fail to see any logic whatsoever anywhere here. And if this is a 'new buld old order taking place' then how is it in its last, dying attempts? This is just like the death of the American National Socialists? Another nonexistant group that has dominated America and is now apparently dying out. But this time it's dying out while gaining power?

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It is really quite the mix - :lol: It all depends on your level of perception. For instance if a socialist is defined by those who disperse welfare payments or recieve them - then that is a socialist - IF a massive corporation or bank recieves a "bail out" - that is socialism - on the lower end of the human food chain - the recievers of charity are dispised - on the HIGH end taking a billion dollar welfare check is not dispised - so as far as socialism - those in control of socialism are the National Socialist - Nazis....the elite - those not in control of socialism but a victim of it are not Nazis - they are just the common mass. National Socialism originally was spawned by the German elite - They wanted equality for all - except they wanted to remain rich - and they did - the Clintons are cut from that same cloth.

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It is really quite the mix - :lol: It all depends on your level of perception. For instance if a socialist is defined by those who disperse welfare payments or recieve them - then that is a socialist - IF a massive corporation or bank recieves a "bail out" - that is socialism - on the lower end of the human food chain - the recievers of charity are dispised - on the HIGH end taking a billion dollar welfare check is not dispised - so as far as socialism - those in control of socialism are the National Socialist - Nazis....the elite - those not in control of socialism but a victim of it are not Nazis - they are just the common mass. National Socialism originally was spawned by the German elite - They wanted equality for all - except they wanted to remain rich - and they did - the Clintons are cut from that same cloth.

Apparently you don't have very much perception. Socialism is not fascism. Fascism is a form of socialism. Communism is also a form of socialism. You aren't calling America commies. Don't call us Nazis.

Yes, if you define a socialist as anyone having even one socialist view, Obama is socialist. The majority of America is then socialist. There is nothing wrong with innovation. It's called being open to change that helps the majority, not the minority(the rich 'elite').

Usually socialists are the lower class, the poor people. I don't understand how you even come up with it being the rich that benefit from socialism. The very idea of socialism is eliminating the upper class and making everyone the same.

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Usually socialists are the lower class, the poor people.

I have rarely met a poor socialist or a workling class socialist. They are usually too busy trying to pay off their mortgage and work on their plan of opening up a business of their own. On the otherhand I have met many liberal arts professionals who would call themselves sociialist.

It's far easier to be a socialist when the Volvo is new and the paycheque isn't dependant on company profits rather than when the F-100 needs a brake job and taxes are eating away at the disposable income..

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Apparently you don't have very much perception. Socialism is not fascism. Fascism is a form of socialism. Communism is also a form of socialism. You aren't calling America commies. Don't call us Nazis.

Yes, if you define a socialist as anyone having even one socialist view, Obama is socialist. The majority of America is then socialist. There is nothing wrong with innovation. It's called being open to change that helps the majority, not the minority(the rich 'elite').

Usually socialists are the lower class, the poor people. I don't understand how you even come up with it being the rich that benefit from socialism. The very idea of socialism is eliminating the upper class and making everyone the same.

When leaders conspire to create equality though socialism..those leaders who proclaim that "we are all one and equal" due to human nature all turn out to be liars...Even within the old soviet system - an upperclass of demi-gods always forms - always.....For instance - communist or socialist idealist don't have any money - In order to launch a cause, that agenda must be financed..capitalist have always finance socialism and communism...It creates massive cheap labour - It was the British East Indian Trading Company that destroy the future leadership of old China with opium...Opium was used by the inquisitive and the bright young people - The eventually perished weakening the genetic leadership pool. This opened the door to communism ...whether this was done with planned intent is not at issue - it happened none the less! Now China is a huge labour camp and capitalist benefit - they funded the damn place - Chairman Mao needed guns - who do you think brought in the weapons to take over the place - capitalists...who else?

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