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Isn't it time to slow down immigration?

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You know you have just pissed me off - why is it that our best are brain drained out of the nation..? Answer that! Why do we exault the worst to the highest positions and crush the people that generate life and prosperity for all including YOU -

Our best are not all brain-drained... I am still here, and others who are also very talented in their field.

But I concede that it was an insult when I used the word Bigot to describe your views, although I disagree with much of what you write and no moderator has contacted me, in the interest of being fair I will go back and change it. No need to be obnoxious when in Rome

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Don't submit so easily. Loyality my be misinterpreted as bigotry - I am not a bigot. I love all those from all lands - it's just that I must love my family more - and this nation is my family - enter if you will as an immigrant but you had better love me as much as I love you or no way are you getting into my house and lower the quality of life of the ones I care for.

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What you just said above is sad, but not for the reasons you think.

So it is wrong for me to want a homeland now?

Even though every non European person has a country to call their own where only their kind live.

Ever notice it's only Western Euro and NAmerican nations that are having this forced integration thrust upon them?

Edited by Mr.Canada
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So it is wrong for me to want a homeland now?

Even though every non European person has a country to call their own where only their kind live.

You do have a homeland. Its called Canada. If you weren't born here, then its wherever you happen to have been born. I was born here. My homeland is Canada. there's nothing sad about that.

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Soon immigrants will be able to walk into our homes and make themselves a sandwich and get some juice from the fridge.

If we complain or call the cops they will just state that we are racists and impeding his human rights.

That is where we're headed.

When I lived in a rural gated community - one Scillian decided to be king. He started to buy up properties around our little lake and rent them out. With in his lease he actually had a clause where he could come over and sit in you living room and lounge...not kidding - He was a supposed environmentalist socialist. His favourite thing was saying "We are all one" - He failed to tell the towns folk that they were all one and he was the master. This creep caused the break up of many families - he would take seductive liberty with the wives of foolish trusting men. Point being - dictators - under the guise of liberalism will enter your realm....and within immigrant population are dictators - they learned from the best - some may escape dictatorship and see an opportunity in free Canada to be what they left.

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Soon immigrants will be able to walk into our homes and make themselves a sandwich and get some juice from the fridge.

If we complain or call the cops they will just state that we are racists and impeding his human rights.

That is where we're headed.

Ummmm....no. That may be where you think we're headed, but I see nothing to show that. Immigration isn't a scary thing and its not going to stop. Get used to it.

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Ummmm....no. That may be where you think we're headed, but I see nothing to show that. Immigration isn't a scary thing and its not going to stop. Get used to it.

Most immigrants don't even like Canadians at all. Go to Jane/Finch or Lawrence heights at night and ask around if they like white people.

Canada is going to become a bunch of self segregated ghettos.

Get ready for freedom of so called "minorities" to walk in your home and help themselves under the protection of Barbra Hall.

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Most immigrants don't even like Canadians at all. Go to Jane/Finch or Lawrence heights at night and ask around if they like white people.

Canada is going to become a bunch of self segregated ghettos.

Get ready for freedom of so called "minorities" to walk in your home and help themselves under the protection of Barbra Hall.

You are a Torontonian! :lol: I met Hall one day - and suggested that I take my Kleanex and remove the lipstick from her teeth - she did not think it was funny. The media have created fear and loathing between the whites and blacks - You have to be careful about looking the wrong black guy in the eye by accident or he may just pop you with a couple of caps.. :P The few black guys that I know who hang out at the club across the street - where I jam - are intrigated - It takes a while for them to trust you - but eventually they figure out that you are a good man once you explain to them that you are not white - and I was born with green eyes and blonde hair - it depends on the man - and the effort you want to put into bridging the gap - Mayor Miller does not have the charisma or manhood to gain black respect - still with some blacks - I approach slowly and with caution - I don't know how liberally programed they are and to what degree of resentment they may be at over the liberal destruction of their family.

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You are a Torontonian! :lol: I met Hall one day - and suggested that I take my Kleanex and remove the lipstick from her teeth - she did not think it was funny. The media have created fear and loathing between the whites and blacks - You have to be careful about looking the wrong black guy in the eye by accident or he may just pop you with a couple of caps.. :P The few black guys that I know who hang out at the club across the street - where I jam - are intrigated - It takes a while for them to trust you - but eventually they figure out that you are a good man once you explain to them that you are not white - and I was born with green eyes and blonde hair - it depends on the man - and the effort you want to put into bridging the gap - Mayor Miller does not have the charisma or manhood to gain black respect - still with some blacks - I approach slowly and with caution - I don't know how liberally programed they are and to what degree of resentment they may be at over the liberal destruction of their family.

I have lived in every most area's of the city at one time or another. I have seen it first hand. These small town Liberals can disagree with me all they want I have seen it up close. Had guns pulled on me more than once.

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Most immigrants don't even like Canadians at all. Go to Jane/Finch or Lawrence heights at night and ask around if they like white people.

Canada is going to become a bunch of self segregated ghettos.

Get ready for freedom of so called "minorities" to walk in your home and help themselves under the protection of Barbra Hall.

I'm sorry, but you don't know what your talking about. first of all Canadian does not equal white. Second, a great many immigrants love this country. Third, just, no.

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I was walking east on Queen east...passed under a railway bridge and turned suddenly at the sound of the clattering train as it passed - I thought for a moment they were gun shots - I have never done this before - A club futher east on Queen was shot up last night...I asked some of by black associates if it was going to spread in our direction - The knowledgable black guy said to me of the club "Have you ever been to Barrie" - "That is what the Duke is like" and he continued that it was a white trash cocaine bar - and that they play black gangster rap real loud to the white trashers - who also are begining to carry pistols....It's sad - but I put the blame on liberal social policy from twenty years ago and a corrupt selfserving family law sytem - the white elite have brought this upon them selves - liberalism now is paying the piper.

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I'm sorry, but you don't know what your talking about. first of all Canadian does not equal white. Second, a great many immigrants love this country. Third, just, no.

Ok, you live in a homogenous town. What do you know about it? Nothing is the answer. You know what the CBC tells you. I've lived it.

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I was walking east on Queen east...passed under a railway bridge and turned suddenly at the sound of the clattering train as it passed - I thought for a moment they were gun shots - I have never done this before - A club futher east on Queen was shot up last night...I asked some of by black associates if it was going to spread in our direction - The knowledgable black guy said to me of the club "Have you ever been to Barrie" - "That is what the Duke is like" and he continued that it was a white trash cocaine bar - and that they play black gangster rap real loud to the white trashers - who also are begining to carry pistols....It's sad - but I put the blame on liberal social policy from twenty years ago and a corrupt selfserving family law sytem - the white elite have brought this upon them selves - liberalism now is paying the piper.

The sad part is that kids are taught from a young age that being white and proud isn't permitted. Self pride is racism according to the Liberal minds. Other races can have pride except whites. I agree. It isn't "minorities" who are whining, it's Liberal Elites. I agree with you there.

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The sad part is that kids are taught from a young age that being white and proud isn't permitted. Self pride is racism according to the Liberal minds. Other races can have pride except whites. I agree. It isn't "minorities" who are whining, it's Liberal Elites. I agree with you there.

You are also taught that your father and mother are evil and not to listen to them or absorb their wisdom - which leaves these people without roots or a heritage - I am white and I am proud - and I expect the blacks to hold up their heads and be men- When a black grabs a gun he is behaving like a hetro-f*g...and a coward...the liberal social engineering caused more damage to the vulneralbe blacks than the whites - The talk about self esteem but do not mention honour or manhood or fatherhood or honesty - or ancient justified Christian love...It is said that a conservative is one who understands evil and eccepts it - and a liberal is person who wants to exchange one evil for another .. I believe that the indiviual is valuable - and old fashioned tribal manhood is not that bad - BUT in toronto - being a man is illegal...for whites and blacks.

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The sad part is that kids are taught from a young age that being white and proud isn't permitted. Self pride is racism according to the Liberal minds. Other races can have pride except whites. I agree. It isn't "minorities" who are whining, it's Liberal Elites. I agree with you there.

Welcome to the new Canada.................according to some we can't even call a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree...lol they prefer we call it a Holiday tree...........Immigration is going to destroy this country if we are not careful...better screening is needed, and yes i know we were all immigrants but from European Countries..........look at what has happened to Toronto, its only going to get worse much worse this has resulted from not screening who gets in. Australia has announced they are slamming the door on immigration for awhile.......and your right about the White thing, God forbid you say your proud to be white......you will be labeled a racist pig...............However they have black pride month....and gay pride and what else have you ...which is fine...............but i don't see equal rights when if you dare to say your a proud white Canadian you are look at in disgust that is just plain wrong.........and although i don't support it in any fashion this gives an excuse to groups like the skin heads to cause trouble and recruit more people.......and we certainly don't need that.......you can thank Liberals for all of that....equal rights.. means equal rights, everybody is the same right acrossed the board no matter what race or colour but that is not what is happening!!

Edited by wulf42
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Welcome to the new Canada.................according to some we can't even call a Christmas Tree a Christmas Tree...lol they prefer we call it a Holiday tree...........Immigration is going to destroy this country if we are not careful...better screening is needed, and yes i know we were all immigrants but from European Countries..........look at what has happened to Toronto, its only going to get worse much worse this has resulted from not screening who gets in. Australia has announced they are slamming the door on immigration for awhile.......and your right about the White thing, God forbid you say your proud to be white......you will be labeled a racist pig...............However they have black pride month....and gay pride and what else have you ...which is fine...............but i don't see equal rights when if you dare to say your a proud white Canadian you are look at in disgust that is just plain wrong.........and although i don't support it in any fashion this gives an excuse to groups like the skin heads to cause trouble and recruit more people.......and we certainly don't need that.......you can thank Liberals for all of that....equal rights.. means equal rights, everybody is the same right acrossed the board no matter what race or colour but that is not what is happening!!

100% correct They don't want equal rights, they want special rights. So called "minorities" and special interest groups like the gays. They call them that even though in TO they out number whites. Whites are the new minorities. I wonder if they will give us special rights?

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100% correct They don't want equal rights, they want special rights. So called "minorities" and special interest groups like the gays. They call them that even though in TO they out number whites. Whites are the new minorities. I wonder if they will give us special rights?

lol..........Don't count on it...we will be lucky if we are still allowed to live here in a few years......your right we are the new Minorities.

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Ok, you live in a homogenous town. What do you know about it? Nothing is the answer. You know what the CBC tells you. I've lived it.

The two years that I lived in Winnipeg, the fact that I right now live beside two metis settlements and a reserve, that all must count for nothing. When people stop thinking like you, society will get on a whole lot better.

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The sad part is that kids are taught from a young age that being white and proud isn't permitted. Self pride is racism according to the Liberal minds. Other races can have pride except whites. I agree. It isn't "minorities" who are whining, it's Liberal Elites. I agree with you there.

Define pride??

Modern Pride means being happy with an accomplishment or success. Medevil pride is based on Lofty highmindness, Arogance, an inflated Self - based on nothing. The pride conundrum is one of semantics. Pride is a word of duality of negative and positive connotation.

I myself have come across many "proud" people. They are easily spotted because they are the vain types who act as they are better than everyone else. These vain types often lable themselves as the so called "middle class". It is so because they have postured themselves as so. They are the elite and the pillars of Canada and they are to be bowed down to. Canada for the most part is a nation of talkers and little doers. So where is the modern pride? Oh, Canada is a proud Country that is for sure, and not in the positive sense either.

When Canada get's its head of its Ass, Canada can start building and rewarding success instead of rewarding titsucking trough feeding parasites.

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The two years that I lived in Winnipeg, the fact that I right now live beside two metis settlements and a reserve, that all must count for nothing. When people stop thinking like you, society will get on a whole lot better.

That's why I live in a smaller community. More people think like me. Not so many treasonous persons.

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Yes, acceptance of others is treason....

At the destruction of your own country. Every person living in Canada is supposed to be for the advancement of her majesty's people and country. Failure to do so is treason. Trying to bring down the country is treason, like Guy Forks. A traitor.

Edited by Mr.Canada
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At the destruction of your own country. Every person living in Canada is supposed to be for the advancement of her majesty's people and country. Failure to do so is treason. Trying to bring down the country is treason, like Guy Forks. A traitor.

Wishing to be ethnically diverse isn't treason. This view you have that all immigrants hate Canada and are detrimental....that view can't even be applied to a large minority. There is nothing wrong with ou ethnic diversity. White people aren't necessarily better.

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