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Sir Paul McCartney to play on Quebec City's Plains of Abraham

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Basically because they do not share the same heritage/language and shared values relating to the historical relationship between Great Britain and the U.S. and other English speaking countries.

Writiing drivel the way you do is not the norm. Should we conclude you're not white? :lol:

Edited by CANADIEN
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These countries as I posted previously "pertain to the Anglosphere to various degrees".

You don't have to be of the White race to be part of and enjoy the benefits of the White Anglosphere culture. And you will not find a definition of the 'White culture of the Anglosphere' as I used that terminology to differentiate it from other White cultures.

Jamaica is a colony of Britain, is mainly Christian and has some British traditions.

India is a former colony of Britain but more importantly was welcomed into the Anglosphere by George W. Bush.

Which tells us what the "Anglosphere" really is. A term used by the Bush administration for political purpose, with little consideration for what culture is.

And jamaica is a sovereign country... we all know that facts are not your specialty, but try them once in a while.

Edited by CANADIEN
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I did say the U.K. is not independent.

And we already know it is in a personal union with 15 other countries

What I said was:

The U.K. technically is in a personal union not only with 15 other countries but with itself as it cannot do what it wishes since itself is a creation of four separate entities, each with powers if their own.

BTW- provide a link that proves the U.K. has a single written constitution.

I know that isn't what you said and don't come back with the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights etc. because this is not a single written constitution.

It has no single written constitution.

That the United Kingdom has no written constitution has no bearing on it being a sovereign (independent) country. Since (like Jamaica) it is a member of the UN, which only independent countries can be, it is, indeed, independent from the other countries they share a queen with.

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Back to Sir Paul in Quebec.

Looks like Leafless is not the only who doesn't want to see a British singer in Quebec City this summer... A group of Quebec politicians and artists oppose his show because it "proves the federal government is Canadianizing the 400th anniversary event" (with a BRITISH singer? :lol: ). Others don't want him there because his lyrics are in English. They need to get a life.

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Back to Sir Paul in Quebec.

Looks like Leafless is not the only who doesn't want to see a British singer in Quebec City this summer... A group of Quebec politicians and artists oppose his show because it "proves the federal government is Canadianizing the 400th anniversary event" (with a BRITISH singer? :lol: ). Others don't want him there because his lyrics are in English. They need to get a life.

My daughter who will be starting grade four French ommersion believes her and her friends invented Franglais....I didn't have the heart to tell hert I invented it.

Michelle, ma belle.

These are words that go together well,

My Michelle.

Michelle, ma belle.

Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble,

Très bien ensemble.

I love you, I love you, I love you.

That's all I want to say.

Until I find a way

I will say the only words I know that

You'll understand.

Michelle, ma belle.

Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble,

Très bien ensemble.

I need to, I need to, I need to.

I need to make you see,

Oh, what you mean to me.

Until I do I'm hoping you will

Know what I mean.

I love you...

I want you, I want you, I want you.

I think you know by now

I'll get to you somehow.

Until I do I'm telling you so

You'll understand.

Michelle, ma belle.

Sont les mots qui vont très bien ensemble,

Très bien ensemble.

I will say the only words I know that

You'll understand, my Michelle.

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I did say the U.K. is not independent.

And we already know it is in a personal union with 15 other countries

What I said was:

The U.K. technically is in a personal union not only with 15 other countries but with itself as it cannot do what it wishes since itself is a creation of four separate entities, each with powers if their own.

I know you did not say the UK is not independentl; hence, I said that if I was correct in my reading of your words, you would have to say that the UK is not independent. I'm not sure you're really clear on what you're trying to say, anyway. I think this especially because of what you've just claimed above. The UK itself is not a personal union; it exists under a single crown. Even though there are devolved parliaments in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, the situation isn't even the same there as for Canada and its provinces; all the constituent countries of the UK remain under the authority of the parliament at Westminster.

BTW- provide a link that proves the U.K. has a single written constitution.

I know that isn't what you said and don't come back with the Magna Carta, Bill of Rights etc. because this is not a single written constitution.

It has no single written constitution.

Why ask me to prove what I didn't say?

Besides, the point of this discussion was for you to affirm that Jamaica is not an independent kingdom. We're all still waiting...

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There is no sense in denying anything.

The imperialist were in fact White and successful.

So what?

Are you denying some groups posses the ability to be more successful then other groups.

Indeed, so nobody is denying anything, except you, it seems, when it comes to the question actually put to you: Do you then believe that Caucasians possess a greater ability to develop an advanced culture? I will take it, though, from your above statement that you do. Interesting, when one considers what "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race" defines.

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Indeed, so nobody is denying anything, except you, it seems, when it comes to the question actually put to you: Do you then believe that Caucasians possess a greater ability to develop an advanced culture? I will take it, though, from your above statement that you do. Interesting, when one considers what "a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race" defines.

I believe Whites posses the ability and perseverance to achieve important linked objectives.

Name me an advanced country/race that has achieved the same level of success as the White race.

The trick is to initially develop a society that harbours all the objectives of a successful society.

No one has developed this type of society other than the White race who then educated and shared their success with the less fortunate.

Anyone with half a brain can learn anything that is taught and this is proven at the expense of the White race.

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I know you did not say the UK is not independentl; hence, I said that if I was correct in my reading of your words, you would have to say that the UK is not independent. I'm not sure you're really clear on what you're trying to say, anyway. I think this especially because of what you've just claimed above. The UK itself is not a personal union; it exists under a single crown. Even though there are devolved parliaments in Scotland, Northern Ireland, and Wales, the situation isn't even the same there as for Canada and its provinces; all the constituent countries of the UK remain under the authority of the parliament at Westminster.

Why ask me to prove what I didn't say?

So you are saying the U.K. is a fully sovereign country?

Besides, the point of this discussion was for you to affirm that Jamaica is not an independent kingdom. We're all still waiting...

Jamaica, like Canada is a slave to the Queen.

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She sure is a harsh and demanding slave mistress. You sound like a hard core Quebecois.

Don't kid yourself.

Quebecers love the Queen as it gives PM's the power of a king.

To-day due to the abuse of federal power, relating to cultural and immigration concerns, I would like to see Canada a republic so Canadians would have more control on what the feds can do.

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In the end, Leafless may be the only one who doesnt want to see Sir Paul. They are expecting 200,000 to show up.

But that 200,000 includes the guy who doesn't want Sir Paul to show up. He's going to hand him a letter of protest. I wonder if it will be in English or French.

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Don't kid yourself.

Quebecers love the Queen as it gives PM's the power of a king.

To-day due to the abuse of federal power, relating to cultural and immigration concerns, I would like to see Canada a republic so Canadians would have more control on what the feds can do.

:lol: The Queen is loved so much in Quebec she hasn't been invited to visit there since the 1976 Olympics. And not two months ago you were singing the praises of the Monarchy and how Canadian it is.

We already knew you don't know what you are talking about. So that you contradict yourself is no surprise :P

Edited by CANADIEN
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:lol: The Queen is loved so much in Quebec she hasn't been invited to visit there since the 1976 Olympics.

Many Quebecers hate her but love the Monarchy for the system of government Quebec uses against Canada.

We already knew you don't what you are talking about. So that you contradict yourself is no surprise :P

You must be French.

You and your gang.

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probably crayon....with mispelled words.

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I found it in my computer.

Your name is in it.

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Many Quebecers hate her but love the Monarchy for the system of government Quebec uses against Canada.
You must be French.

You and your gang.

Yep... Quebecers love the Monarchy so muuuch they changed the name of Victoria Day because it reminds them of the Monarchy. Try to get a clue once in a while.

And we all remember how not that long ago you were praising British institutions (which includes the system of government we have in Canada), and that you were admitting that I am a Canadian.

Keep contradicting yourself :lol:

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Yep... Quebecers love the Monarchy so muuuch they changed the name of Victoria Day because it reminds them of the Monarchy. Try to get a clue once in a while.

I thought Quebecers dumped religion.

Go figure why they would honour some patron saint who through their own admission don't why this is.

But legend says it was adopted it as the name of the national society of French-Canadians.

What a slap in the face to Canada and the Queen.

It is not known why St-Jean-Baptiste came to be considered the patron saint of French Canada. One legend has it that a great many French-Canadians bearing that given name persuaded the journalist and patriot Ludger Duvernay to adopt it as the name of the national society of French-Canadians which he founded in 1834.


And we all remember how not that long ago you were praising British institutions (which includes the system of government we have in Canada), and that you were admitting that I am a Canadian.

Keep contradicting yourself :lol:

You are just confused with anarchy and treason and have no respect for English speaking Canadians and will try anything to justify your twisted position.

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I thought Quebecers dumped religion.

Go figure why they would honour some patron saint who through their own admission don't why this is.

But legend says it was adopted it as the name of the national society of French-Canadians.

What a slap in the face to Canada and the Queen.


You are just confused with anarchy and treason and have no respect for English speaking Canadians and will try anything to justify your twisted position.

So, French-speaking Canadians managed to slap the Queen in the face BEFORE she became Queen and Canada BEFORE Confederation.

And I will your position non-sense and a pile of m"nure, but anarchy or treason is a bit much, isn't it? But your lack of respect you show towards other English-speaking Canadians throught the way you use the English language is at least entertaining. So is the way you twist your own non-sense to the point of yourself do not say what you're saying

"Monarchy is a great thing... no it's the source of our problems... don't you dare speak ill of the Monarchy"

"You're French... No you're Canadian... No you're French" :lol:

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But your lack of respect you show towards other English-speaking Canadians throught the way you use the English language is at least entertaining.
So is the way you twist your own non-sense to the point of yourself do not say what you're saying

Does anyone else see the magnificent irony inherent in these quotes?

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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