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cop shoots person in the back of the head in jail

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What a joke the police are . If he was able to get the person from the arena to the jail; without feeling threatened, then what did he do to aggravate the situation. Was he in handcuffs? A little makeup goes a long way in covering up.

If a cop with a gun can use such an excuse that he thought his life threatened in a jail ;what does he think people without guns feel like on the streets?

Edited by no queenslave
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What a joke the police are . If he was able to get the person from the arena to the jail; without feeling threatened, then what did he do to aggravate the situation. Was he in handcuffs? A little makeup goes a long way in covering up.

If a cop with a gun can use such an excuse that he thought his life threatened in a jail ;what does he think people without guns feel like on the streets?

Can you stop spamming please?

this issue has been discussed before and isn't new.

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Findings on the shooting death of Ian Bush have been released/

Nov, 29 2007 - 9:50 AM

VANCOUVER/CKNW(AM980) - The chair of the commission for public complaints against the RCMP has released his findings on the shooting death of a young man two years ago in Houston, BC.

The report from Paul Kennedy finds the force used by the officer who killed Ian Bush was reasonable, but Kennedy has also made four key recommendations.

They call for the RCMP to install closed circuit recording equipment in every detachment where prisoners are held, improving field training evaluation procedures, developing a policy to provide direction to on-scene officers in major cases involving the investigation of police conduct...and they need to develop a media strategy specifically for police-involved shootings ...recognizing the need for regular, meaningful and timely updates to the public.

Kennedy also found Constable Paul Koester acted in self-defence when he fatally shot Bush and the RCMP investigation of the shooting was done in a timely and unbiased manner.

Some recommendations have already been rejected by the commissioner of the RCMP, but details of the full report are now being explained by Kennedy at a news conference in Vancouver.

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I don't trust the police to tell the truth so I don't trust the findings of this report. Police lie when they need to cover their asses, for expediency. We saw the untruths immediately after the Dziekanski death, I've seen RCMP lie in Court. It gets to the point where we can't trust them even if they are telling the truth. How can you tell?

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A young man is dead in difficult circumstances.

Could you do his family a small courtesy by refraining from this kind of crap?

Maybe the cops should quit murdering people. If they want to understand what the feeling of someone is threathining their life realy feels like they all should do a six month tour in Iraq. or Afghanistan . There Such action would result in them automaticly being charged.

Edited by no queenslave
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Maybe the cops should quit murdering people. If they want to understand what the feeling of someone is threathining their life realy feels like they all should do a six month tour in Iraq. or Afghanistan . There Such action would result in them automaticly being charged.

Bet you know what it feels like to do a tour in Afghanistan. Just like maybe you should try being a cop sometime, then you would have the credentials to shoot off your mouth like you do.

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Bet you know what it feels like to do a tour in Afghanistan. Just like maybe you should try being a cop sometime, then you would have the credentials to shoot off your mouth like you do.

maybe you should die then maybe you would have the credentials to shoot off your mouth like you do.

killing someone and covering it up does not stop others from defending the dead.

Edited by no queenslave
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I am far from a person who automatically trusts police, just becuase they wear a uniform. I have taken some pretty direct runs at police in both criminal and civil cases, so I know quite a bit about what I say on this point.

I also have a police officer client, who I consider a friend, who had to take the life of a man who he was escorting out of a building in what appeared to be a "routine call". Many people called him a murderer...including in public protests at City Hall.

The subsequent Fatality Inquiry proved that he was completely justified and the people who shot their mouths off just went back to their lives as though nothing happened.

His life and those of his family were devastated to the point that he almost took his own life one night due to the stress and the vivid PTSD nightmares that he was suffering.

no queenslave, you know nothing about the case that you are referring to, less still about the officer involved and his family, and really ought to keep your shameful comments to yourself.


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I am far from a person who automatically trusts police, just becuase they wear a uniform. I have taken some pretty direct runs at police in both criminal and civil cases, so I know quite a bit about what I say on this point.

I also have a police officer client, who I consider a friend, who had to take the life of a man who he was escorting out of a building in what appeared to be a "routine call". Many people called him a murderer...including in public protests at City Hall.

The subsequent Fatality Inquiry proved that he was completely justified and the people who shot their mouths off just went back to their lives as though nothing happened.

His life and those of his family were devastated to the point that he almost took his own life one night due to the stress and the vivid PTSD nightmares that he was suffering.

no queenslave, you know nothing about the case that you are referring to, less still about the officer involved and his family, and really ought to keep your shameful comments to yourself.

FTA And you were directly involved and were holding his hand while he shot him, is that what you want us to believe?.. A cop should have enough knowledge to know what he is doing; if he cant handle his responsibility of protecting the prisoner; then he should not be taking him into custody. Reality is not what you want just more police coverup; by people who investigate themselves. Where were the other 3 officers with tasers?Why didn't he call for help before he arrested the person? Look at how they have Shriber in leg irons and handcuffs; and how many police?.He is lucky he is in handcufs or maybe they could shoot him saying they were threthend by him--telling to much.

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Guest American Woman
What a joke the police are . If he was able to get the person from the arena to the jail; without feeling threatened, then what did he do to aggravate the situation. Was he in handcuffs? A little makeup goes a long way in covering up.

If a cop with a gun can use such an excuse that he thought his life threatened in a jail ;what does he think people without guns feel like on the streets?

Why don't you provide links so people know what you're talking about?

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Guest American Woman
The link was posted in post #6 but i guess you can not understand that?


Evidently you cannot understand my question.

I don't care to scroll through your threads to see if someone else provided a link somewhere along the line. When you start a thread, it would be nice if you provided a link so people would know what you are talking about and wouldn't have to wonder if you are just on a rampage. The rules and guidelines say if you are stating a fact that you should be prepared to back it up with a source. The fact that you don't provide links and are so defensive about being asking for them basically tells me where you are coming from.

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Evidently you cannot understand my question.

I don't care to scroll through your threads to see if someone else provided a link somewhere along the line. When you start a thread, it would be nice if you provided a link so people would know what you are talking about and wouldn't have to wonder if you are just on a rampage. The rules and guidelines say if you are stating a fact that you should be prepared to back it up with a source. The fact that you don't provide links and are so defensive about being asking for them basically tells me where you are coming from.

The fact you are so reliable on information only available on the internet ; demonstrates you have been hiding from the real world; and are to lazy to get some practical information on your own. Such as going to tax court to see how they are conducted; information you can not get by your link.


Now read the link and post your link which collaborates the information.

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maybe you should die then maybe you would have the credentials to shoot off your mouth like you do.

killing someone and covering it up does not stop others from defending the dead.

Oh, so you've been dead to. Somehow I think that no matter who did the investigating or who did the oversight, any result that didn't go against the police would be unacceptable to you.

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Oh, so you've been dead to. Somehow I think that no matter who did the investigating or who did the oversight, any result that didn't go against the police would be unacceptable to you.

Maybe you think it would be prudent to have murders investigate other murderers; or thieves to investigate other thieves; or child molesters investigate other child molesters and that would be acceptable to you ? Any results that didn't go against the child molesters would be unacceptable to you.

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Maybe you think it would be prudent to have murders investigate other murderers; or thieves to investigate other thieves; or child molesters investigate other child molesters and that would be acceptable to you ? Any results that didn't go against the child molesters would be unacceptable to you.

So now police departments are composed entirely of murderers, child molesters and thieves. I rest my case.

I don't really have a problem with an independent review of these cases but the people involved would need impeccable credentials to avoid charges of bias themselves and they would have to rely on investigators who have previous experience in law enforcement. Not to use competent investigators who understand police procedures and the law would likely result in much of their evidence being shredded by any decent defense attorney.

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Its dirty business policing. They go to places with feces and blood smeared everywhere, violence is a daily thing. Every move is video taped by some pansy that loves the freedom to walk down the street without being accosted, but hates those making him safe. The media hate them, because bad news is a good story.

Some pansy? You mean the people who videotape and catch , at times, cops behaving badly? Oh yes, how dare they , those pansies.

Gosh, they shouldn't have freedom to do that should they. if we removed that freedom, I am positive that policing would improve greatly.

I would love a little to see half these whining babies protect themselves and their property. They would shrivel up and die like the pathetic government hating wretches that they are. Your flowers and hemp clothes wont keep you from being clubbed down and raped and robbed by those stronger then you. But then again, you will just call 911 from your cell and get the Police to come save your sorry ass.

Smelly hippies all of us huh?. Thanks, sometimes I forget what we are.

Maybe its just me, but cops clean up the mess, they rarely ever stop it from occuring.

How long have you been a cop?

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