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Toronto - the centre of finance - the center of poverty.

Oleg Bach

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As you know I have taken a dive into poverty. Mostly it was of my own doing I suppose - but the re-search has been very fulfilling and will be used at a latter date. All experience breeds wisdom, so I may join forces with the poor and speak on their behalf - God knows that the rich don't want me...the average middle class chump resents me..so - Standing on my own and addressing ignored and hidden issues regarding the poor is something I should involve my self with.

To me - it has been a game - I played it well and bounced about in the so-called social saftey net to see if it was safe. Apparently it has rips and holes and is not well designed..now with a force depression looming on the economic American horizon - prepare to see things get worse. Like I have said of the corporate world as it grows like a disease - that it is filled with the simplist and most base persons including the ones that run the mega companies that are now in effect our unelected government...Problem is - they have all the money are are not that bright - and bottom line survivalizm has infected their ranks.

The system they so ambitiously created out of sheer greed has become totally unmanageble and to complex of the human mind to comprehend and deal with in a proper fashion - some would call it rule of the collective beast - and remember the term beast means extremely stupid..and heartless - If you look at the man that holds high office - of the biggest now private company on earth - the USA - and you look closely at the so-called leadership - they have a person and persons of limitied intelligence running the place....money and power does not equal intelligence - the retards have taken over and all of society is about to pay the bill for their horrific ineptness.

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You keep chirping about people being dumb and you being intellectually superior..

Yet most people at your age are getting ready for retirement or are already retired, not living off the generosity of your children, not to mention the government. How does it feel to be a financial drain on society at your age?

Just how smart are you again?

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Yeah, as WD said...you don't seem to have much to back up this claim of intellectual superiority. You claim it's all too complicated to understand, yet most everyone else understands it just fine. You claim you remained intentionally uneducated so as to keep your mind unsullied by the propaganda of the Man, yet all you produced as a result of this careful shielding is atrocious spelling and grammar, and the same mumbling about the "gubmint" and some banking cabal, that people used to moan about in the 30s; at least the ones who had shielded themselves from education, like you.

In effect, you got yourself into trouble and are now gnashing your teeth and spitting vituperation at everyone else because, doncha know, it's all their fault and not yours. Yet you have the gall to say this: "...the retards have taken over and all of society is about to pay the bill for their horrific ineptness." No, that's not quite right. Society is about to pay the bill for your ineptness. You're not going to starve to death unless you refuse to eat. You're not going to freeze to death unless you refuse a roof. You'll survive because you live in the west, in a society where all that "greed" has produced an ethic and the surplus to act on the ethic, instead of somewhere else, where they wouldn't help you even if they could. But you just keep snapping and snarling at the hand that feeds you...that horrible "bottom line survivalism" that will be paying your bills for the rest of your life, since you apparently have no intention of doing so yourself.

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You keep chirping about people being dumb and you being intellectually superior..

Yet most people at your age are getting ready for retirement or are already retired, not living off the generosity of your children, not to mention the government. How does it feel to be a financial drain on society at your age?

Just how smart are you again?

Look - I worked hard all my life and took care of my children - now that I am pushing sixty and having sacraficed the last 25 years in the upkeep and the protection of my children - by the way - this was an arranged breeding - there was no courtship - the children just came naturally like all have for thousands of years - Yes I am smart. And have been offered a few good positions with major companies - but I will not go against my ethics and harm the lower onces to support myself..or to be rich. You are a drain on society - I did my good work and encourged and supported many - You don't understand - I have never been part of the mainstream - My life has been spent outside the system - Yesterday I gave a hungry man money-----that I could not afford - I am an old Christain - and for someone to take care of me who has been in service to others all his life is not a crime - you just resent anything or anybody that is different than you. I took great risks and chances following my dreams.......................did you?

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Yeah, as WD said...you don't seem to have much to back up this claim of intellectual superiority. You claim it's all too complicated to understand, yet most everyone else understands it just fine. You claim you remained intentionally uneducated so as to keep your mind unsullied by the propaganda of the Man, yet all you produced as a result of this careful shielding is atrocious spelling and grammar, and the same mumbling about the "gubmint" and some banking cabal, that people used to moan about in the 30s; at least the ones who had shielded themselves from education, like you.

In effect, you got yourself into trouble and are now gnashing your teeth and spitting vituperation at everyone else because, doncha know, it's all their fault and not yours. Yet you have the gall to say this: "...the retards have taken over and all of society is about to pay the bill for their horrific ineptness." No, that's not quite right. Society is about to pay the bill for your ineptness. You're not going to starve to death unless you refuse to eat. You're not going to freeze to death unless you refuse a roof. You'll survive because you live in the west, in a society where all that "greed" has produced an ethic and the surplus to act on the ethic, instead of somewhere else, where they wouldn't help you even if they could. But you just keep snapping and snarling at the hand that feeds you...that horrible "bottom line survivalism" that will be paying your bills for the rest of your life, since you apparently have no intention of doing so yourself.

May be a dramatist - and my so called "superiourity" is not intellectual - it is creative and spiritual - for you to use the world superiourity - if very telling - you actually believe you are better than me - and you judge success monitarily - you are a mammon worshipping type - who respects and bows to any who have wealth - be it an arms dealer or dope dealer - or a corporate head - I look at them as the same and do not respect them - It is not so much my intellect - it is fate - my expereince over the years has had the effect of informing me fully - I know - how the so-called superiour rich operate - how they got started and where the money and power came from - I saw it first hand - and I know how the poor are created also - it's just wisdom from living - like I said - I have seen those on top - and I mean those that influence government - and I have seen those in the bottom and all in between -

I have experience and as far as intelligence - that manifests it self in art and music ----there was time when "artists" were listed by the federals as "dead beats" - because the rich could find no use for them other than the more compliant ones that would glorify and give class to the rich ----so call me smart call me stupid - does not matter - in the end we are all dirt...Just like the Johnny Cash Tune "Hurt" - "You can have it all, my empire of dirt ...I have just evolved right out of society - and now I have to deal with that evolution - and all will be well and adjustments will be made by myself for myself...so hate the artistic soul if you want..

If you really believe with the way things are going that you will have a safe and secure old age - you may have another thing coming - the system could and probably will collapse - Years ago I spoke to a young lawyer who worked in the gov pension dept - he said - there will be no money for you and yours - you in the end will end up as I have - and I will be adjusted and laughing and you will panic - you trusted an untrustworthy system - I know what it is - and you are dreaming.

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If you really believe with the way things are going that you will have a safe and secure old age - you may have another thing coming - the system could and probably will collapse - Years ago I spoke to a young lawyer who worked in the gov pension dept - he said - there will be no money for you and yours - you in the end will end up as I have - and I will be adjusted and laughing and you will panic - you trusted an untrustworthy system - I know what it is - and you are dreaming.

Well, you see, part of understanding is recognizing and preparing for possible change. I, for example, have savings. Not only in various financial instruments, but I've made a practice of buying ounces of silver, and occasionally gold, everytime I have a few extra dollars...and by now I have bucketloads of the stuff. Even if everything collapsed, I still have the hard value of a universal currency. That's being prepared, so no, I won't likely end up where you are, even if there's a major collapse. Following your logic, the best way to prepare for a war is to blow up the parlour with a hand grtenade and learn to live in it thereafter in anticipation of more bombs to come. My way would be to leave the parlour alone and build a bomb shelter. I think my way of preparing is better than yours.

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Oleg, you know that there are things you can do don't you?

Personally I don't like the Social Safety Net at all. I've found it helps breed a belief in an entitlement to a good life with no positive contribution towards that end. I have never been unemployed for any length of time except for a period when I was a teen. I would take any job available and use it as a stepping stone to a better one.

I noted that in another post you stated that you didn't "like" to do certain kinds of work, in my opinion that is the wrong attitude. If you are unemployed and destitute then any work would be preferable to such a life. Granted I did spend 20 years in the military, however I had a job upon retirement and used that job to provide a base of sorts while I looked for another.

Age can not really be used as an excuse either. At 45 years of age I hopped on a bus with two cardboard boxes a backpack and $100.00 and headed out to Alberta. Now I have a great job with excellent "perks" (such as a $55,000 truck and gas card for it) and a very nice position within the company I work for. This is just a year and a half later, I'm sure you could find something to turn your hand to if you really wanted to.

In case you're thinking that I dont understand poverty I must tell you that as a teen I spent a year on the streets of London Ontario, it was rough, no programs for the homeless back in the seventies. It was I who decided I'd had enough. I took the job I could get (working in a junk yard) and accumulated enough to get myself a room. Once I had that it was much easier to find a better job. A year or so later I decided to join the forces, best decision of my life.

The point being that there are things people can do to elevate themselves if they only desire to do so enough. Choosing the life of an artist and then approaching everyone and everything with condescension are not the way to do it in my opinion. Try doing something other than playing songs or whatever, I mean, hell, out here Tim Hortons is paying counter people $15.00 an hour to start, not a fortune but certainly enough to live quite well.

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Yes, Oleg....spiritual superiority trumps intellectual, emotional and physical priority. It even trumps financial superiority! They don't get that, nor would they because they are stuck in the lower order of human existence. And as you know they would need to shed their reliance on those lower levels in order to obtain such freedoms.

I would suggest that poverty is merely a state of mind - one that temporarily usurps faith and allows conditioning to dominate the world. If you have truly attained the level I think you have then you need only see the illusion for what it is - an attempt by the ego, and those poor souls stuck in mediocrity to keep you down with them....

And what have you experienced here but that same mediocrity.........

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Yes, Oleg....spiritual superiority trumps intellectual, emotional and physical priority. It even trumps financial superiority! They don't get that, nor would they because they are stuck in the lower order of human existence. And as you know they would need to shed their reliance on those lower levels in order to obtain such freedoms.

I would suggest that poverty is merely a state of mind - one that temporarily usurps faith and allows conditioning to dominate the world. If you have truly attained the level I think you have then you need only see the illusion for what it is - an attempt by the ego, and those poor souls stuck in mediocrity to keep you down with them....

And what have you experienced here but that same mediocrity.........

So am I to take it from the above that you are unemployed and prefer to leach off society then?

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So am I to take it from the above that you are unemployed and prefer to leach off society then?

Actually, I am extremely wealthy and work when I want to. I research a lot write a little at a time, go for walks when I feel like it and generally enjoy all that life has to offer.

I live on a self-sufficient estate worth about $750g's, with my family, have a six figure income and no need or want that isn't fulfilled. People pay to hear me speak, and my research has taken me to many wonderful places, helping out at archaeological investigations or participating in some altruistic community events.

Do you guys actually work for a living or does the company donate its time, money and patience to allow you to troll discussion forums all day and answer personal emails? Ummm did someone say something about leeches?

Edited by Posit
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Actually, I am extremely wealthy and work when I want to. I research a lot write a little at a time, go for walks when I feel like it and generally enjoy all that life has to offer.

I live on a self-sufficient estate worth about $750g's, with my family, have a six figure income and no need or want that isn't fulfilled. People pay to hear me speak, and my research has taken me to many wonderful places, helping out at archaeological investigations or participating in some altruistic community events.

Do you guys actually work for a living or does the company donate its time, money and patience to allow you to troll discussion forums all day and answer personal emails? Ummm did someone say something about leeches?

:lol::lol::lol: Yup. Saw a herd o' pigs flap by yesterday, until they were lost in the clouds...

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Actually, I am extremely wealthy and work when I want to.

HAHAHAHA!!! Wooo! You're the best Posit! (NOT!!)

So I thought you were a Captain in the Army? What happened to that? Within the space of a month or two you quit the military and became an independently wealthy speaker? Holy shit man, you're my hero!

Actually you aren't my hero. I've got you pegged buddy. It's my opinion after reading your posts that you're just another fabricator of truth (thats a nice way to say bullshit artist isn't it?).

I certainly don't believe you're involved in any kind of academic research since you're incapable of posting anything with a smidgen of truth involved.

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HAHAHAHA!!! Wooo! You're the best Posit! (NOT!!)

So I thought you were a Captain in the Army? What happened to that? Within the space of a month or two you quit the military and became an independently wealthy speaker? Holy shit man, you're my hero!

Actually you aren't my hero. I've got you pegged buddy. It's my opinion after reading your posts that you're just another fabricator of truth (thats a nice way to say bullshit artist isn't it?).

I certainly don't believe you're involved in any kind of academic research since you're incapable of posting anything with a smidgen of truth involved.

I'm retired from the Armed Forces and went on to work on my profession in anthropology. While in the CAF I was able to go to many places overseas (at the expense of our so gratious CAF) and participate in middle east excavations, as well as some in South America. I taught for a while but decided to drop out of that scene and write and pursue other interests. However, I still receive a 6 figure income, not including my pension.

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While in the CAF

That being true would you care to explain to me why you didn't know who killed the Somali boy during the Somalia op? Everyone with any time spent in the Forces knows who it was, you didn't though. When I pointed out that his name is Clayton Matchee, a New Brunswick Native you just clammed up.

So how long were you in the mob? Not long if you didn't know the name of the guy who single handedly destroyed the Airborne Regiment. I call you Posit, you're full of the brown stinky stuff.

By the way, what were the names of the ops you participated in where we sent our people overseas to partake in the joys of archeology?

Man, you really are so full of it. You do have great entertainment value though.

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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By the way, what were the names of the ops you participated in where we sent our people overseas to partake in the joys of archeology?

Anyone could search those.....but he didn't say he was an archeologist....he said anthropologist....

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No, not a grunt, an engineer. So what was your MOC? C'mon Posit, enlighten us.

Once again you put your foot in your mouth and display your ignorance proudly for all to see.

Oh, by the way Posit you didn't answer my question. I've said before how long I served, how long did you serve?

Edited by AngusThermopyle
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