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Canada's Next Great Prime Minister


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Hello to Everyone!

I am running in CBC's competition Canada's Next Great Prime Minister. Basically, the contest is centred around having a “great idea” for Canada. My idea for Canada is to strengthen Canadian federalism through increased representation and participation for the municipalities and the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.

By posting here, I thought I would try to get my video out into the larger Canadian political community. I would love it if people would watch my video, and leave me comments and questions that I will respond to. I'm hoping that in this way we can foster a debate about the issues of federalism that I raise in my video.

You can watch the video at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4UdJyZfU_HQ

You can also check out the competition at: http://www.cbc.ca/nextprimeminister/



Edited by Julienne
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Hello to Everyone! I am running in CBC's competition Canada's Next Great Prime Minister. So I thought I would try to get my contest entry video out into the larger Canadian politics community. I would love it if people would watch my video on Canadian federalism, and leave me comments and questions which I will respond to. I'm hoping that in this way we can foster a debate about the issues of federalism which I raise in my video.

You can also check out the competition at: http://www.cbc.ca/nextprimeminister/



:rolleyes: Canada's Next Great Prime Minister competition?.......haven't seen the list,but I bet any one of them have a better chance of becoming PM,yet alone the greatest PM, than Stephane Dion.

Dion wouldn't have a chance since he doesn't even have a policy to debate. :lol:

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:rolleyes: Canada's Next Great Prime Minister competition?.......haven't seen the list,but I bet any one of them have a better chance of becoming PM,yet alone the greatest PM, than Stephane Dion.

Dion wouldn't have a chance since he doesn't even have a policy to debate. :lol:

Yeah well Harper already has "Canada's worst prime minister" and "Canada's most Fascist prime minister" locked up. He wins those two categories by a landslide.

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Yeah well Harper already has "Canada's worst prime minister" and "Canada's most Fascist prime minister" locked up. He wins those two categories by a landslide.

Wow, that's some enlightened political thought there. I';m sure you helped these kids out alot.

Sadly, if one of these kids parroted exactly what you said, they would probably garner 20% of the vote.

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Hello to Everyone!

I am running in CBC's competition Canada's Next Great Prime Minister. Basically, the contest is centred around having a “great idea” for Canada. My idea for Canada is to strengthen Canadian federalism through increased representation and participation for the municipalities and the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.

By posting here, I thought I would try to get my video out into the larger Canadian political community. I would love it if people would watch my video, and leave me comments and questions that I will respond to. I'm hoping that in this way we can foster a debate about the issues of federalism that I raise in my video.



Great effort, Julienne!

I began to watch your video and was immediately struck by your obvious passion for the subject. You give me hope that younger generations actually care enough to get informed and active!

Still, while your goals are laudable there are a couple of real world "snags" it might be worth your while to investigate further.

First off, population disparities have not been addressed because our system does not have a Senate that protects regional interests. Smaller provinces fight tooth and nail against any more seats and power to Toronto, Ontario and Quebec. They fear quite rightly that they are and will be more and more powerless within confederation. In effect, the "big guys" walk all over them.

You might google up info on "Triple E Senate".

Second, pretty well all of what you propose would require constitutional amendment. Many folks don't realize that when our Constitution and the Charter of Rights were rushed through in Trudeau's day the formula for constitutional amendment is such that the chances of getting the necessary agreement to do it are about as high as getting all politicians to keep their promises, which means next to impossible.

This means that our constitution is effectively "carved in stone". Many feel that we may never, ever be able to amend it.

This pretty well renders your proposals moot. Still, you deserve credit for the thought and effort you put into them. A lot of posters on boards like this one don't seem to have thought things out nearly as much!

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Great effort, Julienne!

I began to watch your video and was immediately struck by your obvious passion for the subject. You give me hope that younger generations actually care enough to get informed and active!

Still, while your goals are laudable there are a couple of real world "snags" it might be worth your while to investigate further.

First off, population disparities have not been addressed because our system does not have a Senate that protects regional interests. Smaller provinces fight tooth and nail against any more seats and power to Toronto, Ontario and Quebec. They fear quite rightly that they are and will be more and more powerless within confederation. In effect, the "big guys" walk all over them.

You might google up info on "Triple E Senate".

Second, pretty well all of what you propose would require constitutional amendment. Many folks don't realize that when our Constitution and the Charter of Rights were rushed through in Trudeau's day the formula for constitutional amendment is such that the chances of getting the necessary agreement to do it are about as high as getting all politicians to keep their promises, which means next to impossible.

This means that our constitution is effectively "carved in stone". Many feel that we may never, ever be able to amend it.

This pretty well renders your proposals moot. Still, you deserve credit for the thought and effort you put into them. A lot of posters on boards like this one don't seem to have thought things out nearly as much!


Thanks to everyone who watched the video. Also, thanks in particular to Wild Bill for all your helpful comments. I addressed the issue of the constitution in one of my other videos for the contest. Basically I took the position that the constitution needs to be re-opened to get Quebec’s signature on the document. While I realize that this is a difficult process, I believe it must happen, and in the near future. It would be at this time, when the constitution is re-opened, that I would deal with other constitutional amendments, including my provision of reserved political positions for the Aboriginal peoples of Canada.

Thanks for your comments,


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When you understand what Walter F Kuhl did then you could be Canadas next great priminister.


Have you ever been to a federal tax court; if not why not, as it is the way government raises money? Do you agree with the concept of the taxpayer being guilty; befoe the case starts.

Edited by no queenslave
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It's actually Frank Stronach's money

Yeah it's always someone elses money.. hmm.. who funds our universities and cbc anyway? Yeah.. you and Greg must feel you are 'entitled' to my money I guess.

If I was running I would say that you are the problem: you.

Someone who has never paid taxes, never solidly contributed to Canada. Never paid their due's, and someway, somehow, feel this sense of entitlement to the half of the money I get taken away from me.

It's too many like yourself that are the problem in Canada. We need to block people like from voting actually until you can show that you have paid taxes through a private source for 60% of a 5 year period.

Try to firstly land yourself a private job (not likely to happen), get half your money taken away through taxes, struggle to survive, and then come back after 5 years and now say what your priorities are.

I don't understand why types like you consistently get handed a silver platter for contributing *nothing* to Canada. You are self important in your own mind. But you have never contributed anything meaningful to Canada because you have not paid your share of taxes.

That goes for you, the owner of this webiste, and anyone else who does not, or has not contributed to our country and does us absolutely nothing but cost us all more money.

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and the contest is open to who?And it is limmited because , why? Only indoctrinated may participate.

Yes exactly.

Don't you see how we've lost control of the country?

They eye opener was the funding of this website which was shocking.. and now I have a whole new prespective on how things work here in Canada.

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Yes exactly.

Don't you see how we've lost control of the country?

They eye opener was the funding of this website which was shocking.. and now I have a whole new prespective on how things work here in Canada.

we never had a country . the queen had a colony. Now the ones in control have a corporation- The Queen in right of Canada which indoctrinates political science students to believe they have a democracy.

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Why do people in Canada feel an obligation to public funds?

Is it the same mentatlity of how the Royality felt an obligation that we send our money to them because they are 'elite' and our sole purpose is to fund people in the gov't and their families?

the old slave mentality- we collect in the name of the qween. And the slaves pay because they are scared not to.

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the old slave mentality- we collect in the name of the qween. And the slaves pay because they are scared not to.

I'm so sick and tired of funding these elites and to the point where I'm even contemplating not posting on this site anymore as a sign of protest.

People should never feel entitled to my money.

It's time for Canadians to take Canada back and give it to the people who support it. Not intillectuals who run funding scams and feel a 'greater' entitlement to our society.

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I'm so sick and tired of funding these elites and to the point where I'm even contemplating not posting on this site anymore as a sign of protest.

People should never feel entitled to my money.

It's time for Canadians to take Canada back and give it to the people who support it. Not intillectuals who run funding scams and feel a 'greater' entitlement to our society.

They are not eliites they only think they are. After all they did not have the wherewithall to get into other fields,but just political science classes where they could be indoctrinated withouth too much effort. The less they know the better.Their above post demonstrate how much attention they paid when in class if they attended class.

Edited by no queenslave
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Yeah it's always someone elses money.. hmm.. who funds our universities and cbc anyway? Yeah.. you and Greg must feel you are 'entitled' to my money I guess.

If I was running I would say that you are the problem: you.

Someone who has never paid taxes, never solidly contributed to Canada. Never paid their due's, and someway, somehow, feel this sense of entitlement to the half of the money I get taken away from me.

It's too many like yourself that are the problem in Canada. We need to block people like from voting actually until you can show that you have paid taxes through a private source for 60% of a 5 year period.

Try to firstly land yourself a private job (not likely to happen), get half your money taken away through taxes, struggle to survive, and then come back after 5 years and now say what your priorities are.

I don't understand why types like you consistently get handed a silver platter for contributing *nothing* to Canada. You are self important in your own mind. But you have never contributed anything meaningful to Canada because you have not paid your share of taxes.

That goes for you, the owner of this webiste, and anyone else who does not, or has not contributed to our country and does us absolutely nothing but cost us all more money.

First of all, I don’t understand how you think that the only way to contribute to Canada is through paying taxes. There are many different ways to contribute to society. Engaging in politics is one of them. You cannot tell me that the politicians who run this country have not affected your life.

I also find it curious that you say that I should not be able to vote until I have paid taxes for five years, but you then complain that you have had half your money taken away from you through taxation. Furthermore, I think that upon your next hospital visit, when you are not handed a bill, you might reflect more on where your taxation money goes.

Your suggestion that people like me have things handed to them on a silver platter is completely flawed. First of all, you know nothing about me. Second of all, you clearly know very little about the competition. It is not only for university students, but for anyone ages 18-25 with an idea for Canada. I fail to see how this is elitism. As for myself, I feel I must correct you in your false assumptions. I do not feel self important, and I do not come from a family of privilege. Instead, I have worked to support myself since I was 16 years old, and I put myself through high school in this way. My university education has been paid for primarily through student loans, for which I pay 4% interest. With a student debt load of $35, 000, this will take me about 20-30 years to pay off, after graduation. But yet I have made the most of my university education.

So please, hesitate before you make such lofty assumptions. You are not the only one who has had to work. Instead of blaming this hardship on “people like me”, why not come up with constructive ideas as to how Canada should deal with social stratification. Take your own advice, and do something for Canada.



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They are not eliites they only think they are. After all they did not have the wherewithall to get into other fields,but just political science classes where they could be indoctrinated withouth too much effort. The less they know the better.Their above post demonstrate how much attention they paid when in class if they attended class.

Which posts would those be? Also, I am in History as well Political Science, and I have also taken Philosophy, English, Sociology, Russian and Ancient Greek. Please explain how I am indoctrinated.

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I'm so sick and tired of funding these elites and to the point where I'm even contemplating not posting on this site anymore as a sign of protest.

A very wise decision.

And continue this protest until the funding stops.

We here on the forum will support your method of protest 100%.

Go mikedavid00 Go!

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Which posts would those be? Also, I am in History as well Political Science, and I have also taken Philosophy, English, Sociology, Russian and Ancient Greek. Please explain how I am indoctrinated.

Don't take some posts too seriously, Julienne. As with any venue of free speech, we have some odd and colourful characters.

Try googling for "Hitchhiker's Guide To the Galaxy" and then "B Ark" for an expanded perspective...

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