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Solving 99% of Canadas problems

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There's been talk about what democracy is about of late. From Pakistan, to our own Liberal convention, both prove that any democratic system is easily exploitable.

But some systems are less exploitable than others.

People exploit the system, the system does not exploit people. In theory communism works if un- exploited and managed properly. Capitalism works, Anarchy works. They all work if not exploited by special interest.

So lets take a look at who exploites these systems. They are typically the usual suspects: they are quite simply people who don't pay taxes. The outcome of the Liberal convention was from a group of poeple who does not pay taxes. The Lawyers and judges in Pakistan are all civil servants more or less and do not pay taxes. Buttro does not pay taxes. Divid Suzuki does not pay taxes. Civil servents do not pay taxes. CBC 'journalists' do not pay taxes. Most immigrants and refugees do not pay taxes.

What we need to do is have a voter card. The voter card will entitle you to vote. But it would be manditory.

You would be allowed to vote if you met the following:

-Have paid taxes for over 60% of the total time within the last 5 years. Thus young people could not vote for the most part.

-Are of old age, but are collecting a private pension from a lifetime of work.

-Be employed by a private employer. Civil servants of any kind are not allowed to vote due to conflict of interest.


There would most likely be around a 55% voting turn out. But the people who supply the money to the gov't should be the only ones having a say on how it's spent.

That's all you need to do. Things would drastically change after that. Every problem facing Canada would be solved fairly quickly.

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Honestly MikeDavid I'm not sure if you are a socialist dreamer or a hardcore commie.

Mike Wrote: Most immigrants and refugees do not pay taxes. What we need to do is have a voter card. The voter card will entitle you to vote. But it would be manditory.

Where do you get your stats from? Immigrants pay taxes, as for refugees we usually let them settle in before they start seeking employment. Refugees are usually suffering from PTSS and need a period of time for adjustment.

The voter card is already in use, it the big ole paper thing they send you in the mail. So Mike in your version of Canada (where those immigrants and nar-do-wellers refugees can't vote) will we all have chips inserted in our forheads? Will it come with Onstar?

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Honestly MikeDavid I'm not sure if you are a socialist dreamer or a hardcore commie.

Neither I am afraid.They say a little intelligence is a dangerous thing, and he is not dangerous. But that "bliss" thing?.........he has that downpat.

That pile of horse puckey was brought to you by the same guy that has not voted in the last two elections.

The last election?...............it was raining was his excuse.

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Yes, obviously members of the Canadian Military do not deserve the right to vote.

We can work out the logistics later.

I worked at the Department of National Defense as a student and the building was 90% useless. It was a tax sink. Nothing more. The whole building filled with make work projects.

I would wager that 60% of our military expendatures goes to the civil service and make work projects. Legal theft.

You can go to the military, but you will not be allowed to vote becuase again it's a conflict of interest.

I was leaving work when i posted my post so I didn't get to explain WHY it would fix most of our problems.

But what political platform do you think would win if everyone voting was a contributing tax payer?

The first thing you'd see is gov't workers and unions getting shafted. The $70,000 jobs at the Ontario Power Union to basically work 4 day weeks would be over.

The $73,000 a year for Toronto firefighters and their union would be a thing of the past.

Realize that most of our taxes in Canada go into other peoples pockets.

The $5,000,000,000 a year we spnd on 'culture'?

Haha... that's done and over with.

The gov't can govern, but they better check with us first or their asses are getting voted out.

And no, most immigrants and refs would not be voting becuase their numbers would be severely limited in voting turn out.

The CBC wouldn't be ended completely, but it would be drastically downsized and have a new mandate.

Medical industry and hosptials would finally come to Canada.

Right now what's happening in Pakistan is no different then what's happened here in Canada: a minority of people have corruptly hijacked our political system.

We have board members playing God and voting whether they will open a black school. Hold on there. I"M THE FCKING TAX PAYER. THEIR OUR SCHOOLS. WHO GIVES YOU THE RIGHT TO PLAY GOD AND DECIDE THESE THINGS.

Guyser. You must admit, a board of trustee elites who get paid through you and me should NOT be voting privately if we are going to be living in a society with racially segregated schooling.

Atleast Tory gave us an option. The school board just wants to do this behind closed doors with no vote fromo the people who fund all this.

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On behave on my dying occupation as a housewife, I totally can not and will not agree with you!! As it was said in Parliament today in the debate about Elections Canada.. EVERY CANADIAN has a RIGHT to vote and the government had better fix the 1 million people who aren't on the voting list for the next election!

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There's been talk about what democracy is about of late. From Pakistan, to our own Liberal convention, both prove that any democratic system is easily exploitable.
Here are two thoughts for you MikeDavid.

First, "democracy" means that a leader voluntarily and peacefully gives up power. (Countries where leaders change by violence are not "democratic".)

Second, "democracy" means that people generally pay their taxes. (People truly vote when they pay taxes - not when they put an X beside a ballot.)

I think these two criteria define so-called "democracy". Am I wrong?

Edited by August1991
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On behave on my dying occupation as a housewife, I totally can not and will not agree with you!!

Yet you'll also be the first one to say that we need more women in politics and be for status quo's.

Don't you see? You are PART of the problem with our political system. You yourself hijack it.

I know it sounds harsh and unfair.

But if this was the system we grew up with, we would find it perfectly logical.

In this day and age of equality and feminism, if you aren't paying taxes, you should not have a say on how the money is spent. And I did say 60% in the last 5 years meaning that you can still vote on meternaity leave.

So why do you demand to have a vote for? I'm just curious. Do you.... WANT something out of the gov't? Do you WANT us to pay for something that might help and benefit you?

Do all the Shareholders get to be on the board of directors? No. There's good reason for that.

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This would apply to the rest of the world too. So yes, the elimination of militant and military activity would solve 99% of the world's problems.

Look at Pakistan.

How would the voting turnout be if the massive military wasn't allowed to vote?

Don't you see, ANY civil servant is simply a conflict of interest.

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Here are two thoughts for you MikeDavid.

First, "democracy" means that a leader voluntarily and peacefully gives up power. (Countries where leaders change by violence are not "democratic".)

Second, "democracy" means that people generally pay their taxes. (People truly vote when they pay taxes - not when they put an X beside a ballot.)

I think these two criteria define so-called "democracy". Am I wrong?

First, those are ideoligies and not reality. I'm a realist. In the real world people tamper and exploit well intended systems of policy.

Second, more ideoligy. It was recently said here on the forum that 42% of Quebec recieve a form of social welfare and benefits. Please explain why they have a right to decide how the money is spent?

Everyone in a communist country 'pays their taxes' through work so is that ultimate democracy?

Facts are there is a system that needs a balance. We need to look after our own. Not everyone is rich, not everyone is able bodied. People aren't goign to let our own die on the street. Everyone knows we need socialism, but things in Canada have gone way too far these last 30 years to the point that our system is turning 3rd world and becoming hijacked.

When you are the benefactor of tax dollars, you should have no right to say how the money is spent becasue it's a conflict of interest.

Question: David Suzuki has single handedly made our gov't pass legilation becuase of his lemmings protesting to our gov't. Tax Payers never had a discussion on these issues and had to give into pressure in fear of losing votes. But Mike, David Suzuki pays taxes! He then is a taxpayer that holds clout!

Answer: No. Mr. Suzuki heads a non-profit organation and gets his money through donations and public tax dollars. Thus. Mr. Suzuki, his employees would not be eligeable to vote. Also, his followers would most likely not be able to vote because they typically do not fit the description of a tax payer.

Question: What about all the University profs, intellectuals and ideologs who are political hacks and well read. Just like in the 3rd world, don't these intellectuals have the right to vote.. just.. cuase... umm.. their smart?

Answer: While I do appreciate their interest in politics, it's this special kind of interest (pun) that is bad for us and trying to run a muck in our political system. They may be interested once they are in the cold hard real world and paying taxes. But something tells me they wont be spending our days writing news papers and reading books.

Question: I still dont' get it. A civil servant pays income tax on their cheque. How come they aren't allowed to vote. That is very demeaning to people who are working full time and who went to school!

Answer: Well, maybe we'll see less people wanting to become civil servants and more outsourcing to private firms in order to avoid this ;)

Wow. The more I think about it, the more I convince myself that this is the ultimate policy we should implement and things will just look after themselves.

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Question: I still dont' get it. A civil servant pays income tax on their cheque. How come they aren't allowed to vote. That is very demeaning to people who are working full time and who went to school!

Answer: Well, maybe we'll see less people wanting to become civil servants and more outsourcing to private firms in order to avoid this ;)

Wow. The more I think about it, the more I convince myself that this is the ultimate policy we should implement and things will just look after themselves.

No taxation without representaion is a time tested principle in western society. I think the cue for civil posts will lengthan if on top of good pay and benefits they will be exempted from personal and property taxes.

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No taxation without representaion is a time tested principle in western society. I think the cue for civil posts will lengthan if on top of good pay and benefits they will be exempted from personal and property taxes.

They would still have to pay taxes or it wouldn't work.

The only + to working for the gov't would be they hire the dumbest idiot who couldn't get a job in the private sector or people that feel a greater good.

They can loby all they like, but they won't be voting.

The tax payer would be the descision maker.

I think people really underestimate the amount of people who are not private tax payers. Public tax payers is a moot point.

I would say less than 50% of us are working in the private sector and paying taxes.

Think about it, I give away half of money to put it in 2 other pepoples pockets: whether they work or otherwise. That's where the money is going. Thus, since we are the sole provider of these funds, then I should be the only one having a say on how it's spent.

The tax payer would then vote to fix things including our political system and unions.

Did you know we have far more unions in Canada than we do in France?

I'm tired of sponsoring immigrants and civil servants and loby groups. It's destroying our country and political system.

The only way to fix NS is to let the tax payers of NS vote and watch the changes.

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There's been talk about what democracy is about of late. From Pakistan, to our own Liberal convention, both prove that any democratic system is easily exploitable.

But some systems are less exploitable than others.

People exploit the system, the system does not exploit people. In theory communism works if un- exploited and managed properly. Capitalism works, Anarchy works. They all work if not exploited by special interest.

So lets take a look at who exploites these systems. They are typically the usual suspects: they are quite simply people who don't pay taxes. The outcome of the Liberal convention was from a group of poeple who does not pay taxes. The Lawyers and judges in Pakistan are all civil servants more or less and do not pay taxes. Buttro does not pay taxes. Divid Suzuki does not pay taxes. Civil servents do not pay taxes. CBC 'journalists' do not pay taxes. Most immigrants and refugees do not pay taxes.

What we need to do is have a voter card. The voter card will entitle you to vote. But it would be manditory.

You would be allowed to vote if you met the following:

-Have paid taxes for over 60% of the total time within the last 5 years. Thus young people could not vote for the most part.

-Are of old age, but are collecting a private pension from a lifetime of work.

-Be employed by a private employer. Civil servants of any kind are not allowed to vote due to conflict of interest.


There would most likely be around a 55% voting turn out. But the people who supply the money to the gov't should be the only ones having a say on how it's spent.

That's all you need to do. Things would drastically change after that. Every problem facing Canada would be solved fairly quickly.

Like the discript under the title of the thread "What democracy means to me" - What democracy? You take a cause all the way to the Supreme Court and draw back the curtain and there is no one there..not even an old man pulling levers and running a smoke machine - nothing - and when they are done insulting the litigant - they twist out a ruling that has nothing to do with the original issue..just a straw man argument posted on the "offical site" by some lacky law firm that is told what to do. THEN your "democracy" if you please...will just recycle you downward at the end of this "process" to a human rights tribunal that is also a paper tiger - face it folks - we are in the matrix called corporate internationalism - or globalism---- the high ambition of of old farts who don't have a loyal bone in their body. Democracy is theatre and even the particpant players don't have a full copy of the script.

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The only + to working for the gov't would be they hire the dumbest idiot who couldn't get a job in the private sector or people that feel a greater good.

How long have you been a civil servant then? I mean, someone who won't go vote because it's raining, you would either be in public works or canada post eh what?

Edited by M.Dancer
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How long have you been a civil servant then? I mean, someone who won't go vote because it's raining, you would either be in public works or canada post eh what?

I was a civil servant for 8 months at the department of national defense in ottawa.

Why did I need to vote when my riding is visible minority riding who will always vote Liberal.

See, my tax contribution is greater than any vote at the ballad box on election day (under out current system of course).

Another thing tax payers could control if we were able to vote would be worker rights, maternity leave, benefits, vacation time, etc. I never even thought of that.

I know that you need medical care, if only us tax payers voted, US hosptial corportations would finally come here and there would be so many jobs it would be insane. Litterally there would be a huge increase of Canada's wealth. The HMO system would have the latest machines, all private run, healthcare and jobs for everyone whethere you have insurance or not.

And do you thinn tax payers are going to give our HMO's to people who wander out of Pearson Airport?

Lol.. laughable.

The HMO's would go to our Canadians. The sick, the unfortunate, the low income, etc.

Not immigrants with health dissorders wandering out of an airport. (pun?)

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