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  1. Would it be prudent to contact Judge Gomery, put him on retainer and ask him to keep his schedule clear? Given the LPC campaign co-chair resignation and Liberal traditions, he is going to be needed again pronto.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. scribblet


      If anyone had any doubts that a Trudeau government would be as corrupt as the Wynne Liberals look no further. Too bad the Conservatives haven't been running ads showing Trudeau cozying up to Wynne.

      These crooks couldn't even wait till Election Day to start trying to cash in.


    3. Shady


      Here we go again. And I thought they'd learned their lesson.

    4. scribblet


      Trudeau represents the same old Liberal party which brought you the sponsorship scandal. Selling their influence to the highest bidder – same sh.t different leader.

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