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Everything posted by geoffrey

  1. How do kids ever get to this point though? Where the hell are the parents? Some of these social network sites (I'm not talking Facebook... I'm talking the freaky vampire ones and stuff) need to be investigated more throughly. The Dawson college killer was one of these vampire types. As were the two murders in Medicine Hat that killed the girls parents and brother because she wasn't allowed to date her 24 year old boyfriend (she was 12). Seriously. If your kids are social degenerates, it's time to start doing something. How do people let it get so bad?
  2. I've never worked directly in tax and I'm not interested in doing so. No, it's a matter of efficency. And it's much more complex then that. It is very fair in nearly all situations. The fact that the CRA doesn't have money that you owe is pretty clear evidence. Now tell the judge why you didn't pay. Like I said, the CRA loses the vast majority of cases that go to tax court. In the end it's not biased whatsoever. If Income tax was eliminated tomorrow, I'd still have a job. I'm an accountant but I don't touch tax, ever. I understand the law and how it applies though. That's a confidential matter. However, the taxpayer was challenging a CRA ruling. The taxpayer won when it successful demonstrated a certain CCA deduction was applied correctly within the Tax Act. You keep repeating that, but it doesn't make it anymore true each time you say it.
  3. Do you really think Quebec cares? The Senate does nothing anyways, really, it's not like it actually gives Quebec more power. The change can pass without Quebec. I'm unconvinced that those planning to vote CPC in Quebec are the types that viciously defend the Senate.
  4. Sask Party is essientially the political equal to the Liberals in BC.
  5. I had a family member that had a heart attack and their care was excellent. Another had a chronic condition that caused alot of pain and discomfort. Essientially stalled her teenage years. Canadian doctors said it wasn't worth doing anything about it, they gave up. A week in Minnesota and she no longer has problems. Public servants can't determine the value or priority of services, it's never been demonstrated that they can ever. Let the market decide and ensure that no Canadian is without adequate insurance coverage. We don't have to adopt the US model. There are hundreds of other mixed delivery systems out there that work very well. Why not look there. Why are Canadians so aggressive towards the defense of their very poor health care system? We're not even top 10 in the OECD. Why defend a failure? Let's change and progress!
  6. The said thing is that this hack is touching on a very important issue regarding provincial authority. Why Alberta has to follow Ottawa's rules to get their own tax money back to fund hospitals makes zero sense. It's certainly unconstitutional. Unfortunately this loon just rants about Queens and slavery-control and is responsible for Alcan's share price increase over the last few weeks.
  7. Because we only have the moral advantage when we act with reasonable force. Let's not become the trash we want locked up. That said, this seemed reasonable.
  8. You can't just make an assumption. It's not ultra vires so your wasting your time discussing the what ifs.
  9. I save in the ballpark of the same on normal spending. If I buy a new house, which I may soon, it would benefit me. It would be a second property (I'd rent out my condo), so GST affects this. What's your car worth Dobbin? $100 savings per $10,000 in car cost. A $30,000 car adds $300 to that GST savings, perhaps spread over 3 years. It all adds up. Eliminating all GST on house purchases would be a big step towards having young people get into ownership faster. It would also lower rental costs indirectly. What are you proposing? A 5% Income tax cut? That would save you $1,500. I personally think that a 5% cut to the lowest rate would require cuts to the upper brackets as well. I haven't looked at the numbers either, but I figure a 5% Income tax cut would be way more costly than a 1% GST cut.
  10. Well you still will have to go to the provinces, which poses an issue. However, it gives a massive chunk of leverage in the House when you have a referendum backing your position for change, whether that is reform or abolishment. My opinion is that the Senate has become what Harper wants as his legacy. He wants his name behind killing the terrible institution that it is now, whether through reform or abolishment. Either way, one of the two should happen and happen now. The status quo is simply not acceptable any longer, not really sure why it was ever tolerated.
  11. Got to love Tommy Douglas. Personally, I want choice. I'm sure there could be some hospitals that actually treated you like a human if they had to compete for your health care dollars. Canadian hospitals are a mess. The whole system is determined as churning out people quickly, without proper care. My family has had to use American hospitals more than once in order to receive proper care and to have quality of life restored. I fear for the rest of Canadians that can't afford private US insurance. I know I probably couldn't now that I'm on my own. I'd like to buy Canadian private insurance and spend my health dollars here though, in places with decent care. Two-tier is already here, US and Canada. We should level the playing field by offering private options within Canada.
  12. Yes, he stated he favours reform but it's unlikely to happen. Opening up the issue to democratic process is always a good compromise position. When a minority government is stalled on an issue, a referendum actually makes sense.
  13. None. Customs charges it when I import anything on top of any duty. I really don't think you'd have done better Dobbin. Consumers saved $6b. I tend to believe that your making decent cash, neither of us is likely consuming less GST applicable goods than the average. Meaning we're getting more of a share of that $6b.
  14. Believe it or not (if you read academic lit and some MSM stuff), there is two sides to that argument. The CBC won't tell you that, but there is. There are ways of proving incentives to invest other than income tax cuts and consumption tax hikes (RRSPs are one... it turns Income tax into a VAT). The bottom line is that we have $6b more. I don't think it matters in what form it comes as long as it does.
  15. I do, I have been a witness in Tax Court for a client I did work for. Your full of shit. No, they use it to collect taxes that are owed.... Innocent until proven guilty still applies in tax court, but like speeding tickets, the government has to prove very little because much of it has already been accepted as fact. This is x tax law, you made y dollars, and should pay z amount. We didn't get any money. We want our money. Show us you either don't owe it or paid us. That's how it works. The government loses the vast majority of tax cases brought before the courts. This wouldn't be true if your flawed thinking were true. BS. If you don't pay your taxes, your going to have trouble. Slavery control? Please. What the hell does that mean? Should I get my tin foil out?
  16. The CBC management that made this decision should resign immediately. Actually, the head of the CBC needs to take responsibility and stop selling out to a communist agenda. The Board should be dismissed. There must be ABSOLUTELY ZERO tolerance for this in a public broadcaster. My tax dollars must never fund the political agenda of China. Showing factually empty pieces like Bowling for Columbine and endless anti-Bush shit flicks are fine apparently, but a well researched and produced documentary by a well respected journalist is sent back to be censored and editted so it doesn't offend the flipping Chinese? If the CBC existed during the '30s, do we think they should have censored a documentary on the human rights violations against Jews and other groups for the fear of discouraging trade with Nazi Germany? What is happening in China is a flithly display of human rights violation, religious motivated murder, torture and organ harvesting. This needs to be front page news. Especially for a country that is hosting an Olympics. I've never been so disgusted at the journalistic integrity of the CBC. It has now proven to be way overly biased towards socialist and communist viewpoints, covering up genocide as not to be offensive under the pressure of foreign governments? It's time to cut the funding. I'm sure the Chinese government will pick up the tab.
  17. I don't want more spending. Weston's ideas are all about more ridiculous transfers to individuals that by and large shouldn't get them (students, seniors, ect). It's not the government's money to handout. They collect billions extra to what they plan to spend. It's time to have that returned to those that pay it. I don't write a blank cheque to the government, I expect them to write a budget and stick to it. Extra-program spending is completely absurd and unacceptable for a government.
  18. The problem is that your love of marijuana gets in the way of all those other noble causes you mentioned above.
  19. 2.4%??? Your kidding me? Your celebrating 2.4%. I love how pathetic the Green party is in Canada. And how pathetic it will remain. It wasn't even 2.4%. It was 2.0% Sad. Sad. Your agenda doesn't sell. Face it. You are anticipating all of these gains that simply never will materialise. Most Canadians have more important things on their mind than getting high 24/7. Your doing a major disservice to a party that's already struggling to be credible.
  20. I'm pretty sure they were dead people that were donating to Joe. Perhaps children too. The Liberals should know better, dead people aren't great long term supporters. On the other hand, if you've got 5 year olds giving thousands, your on the right track. What else does a 5 year old have to spend their $5k in disposable income on! Duh.
  21. I can use whatever currency I want in my daily transactions. I've done more business in American currency over the last couple of weeks than Canadian. Do you think Canadians have a monopoly on the use of Canadian money? Nah. Look at Mexico. There is nothing you could do to prevent us from using the dollar and no reason for you to.
  22. Great news for Saskatchewan. Hopefully you guys will quickly join us as the resource power that Calvert never would let you be! The oil doesn't end at the Alberta border.
  23. What would the advantage be anyways? A collective tax hike to make things equal? If Harper did that, he'd lose the support of anyone with the economic sense of the average 12th grader. If small disparities between sales taxes are causing grief, then Alberta's must be destroying the whole market. Suprise. It doesn't. Harmonization of tax is ridiculous. Alberta should have none of it, and I'm not sure the Federal government can constitutionally force it's hand here. Raising the GST to 13% and returning 8% to the provinces could do it, but that would be a direct tax hike specifically on Albertans (nothing new). I'd have nothing to do with Canada again if that were the case. Ottawa needs to learn it's role, and that's to get the hell out of the way of the much more effecient and representative provinces. This smells like a typical Federalist tax grab. Neither Alberta or Quebec will bite here. The CPC can't dream of an election win pissing off either. Having more money flow through Ottawa to be handed back (with strings, as usual) is unacceptable. "You don't get your PST unless you comply with the Canadian Health Act." I can see it now. And I want no part in such a scam.
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