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Everything posted by CANADIEN

  1. Nothing in there that talks about a curved universe, even metaphorically.
  2. And I could take these texts as meaning that the Bible is proof of the existence of ghosts.No scientist worth even a high school diploma would argue the Bbile was providing a description of atoms. No honest theologian would either.
  3. Anyone (besides betsy that is), I say anyone sees any reference to undersea trenches and mountains? There is none. What there is, however, is a powerful image of what it feels when one thinks that God has abandoned him. No need to add stuff that is not there.
  4. Hebrews at the time of Isaiah were hardly the only ones, or the first ones, to know that the Earth was round. The same view can be seen in texts by Homer, in early Egyptian texts, antique India texts. Besides, the Earth is not a circle. But then, the shape of the Earth is not the point of the text. It is about God, and His Majesty.
  5. Was thinking about telling my friends at CHURCH about it last Sunday, but that wouldn't be very Christian.
  6. You got to admire how she so blatantly misrepresentated what you wrote. No point in reminding her that defending the faith must include intellectual honesty.
  7. I thought it would be fun to revisit some of the most ahem interesting parts of the "catalogue of facts". Here we go. Since the Earth is not held, it is not suspended. The writer of Genesis had the fact of Creation right, but the mechanics wrong. Not even close. But it doesn't matter. The point of the Bible is that God created the Universe, not how He make it work. Besides, we also have 1 Samuel 2,8. Hardly a description of gravity.
  8. Excuse me while I burst out laughing.
  9. That's what you do. Generally, the sign of a sensible argument.
  10. Translation. betsy has come out of a valid argument (again).
  11. Now now, it's not cowardise. Facts that do not match a litteral interpreration of the Bible do not exist. Cause betsy said so.
  12. And why not? War is a tragedy, and WWII more so. He hasn't.The only thing Ms. Blatchford has shown is her own cynicism.
  13. Don't blame anybody but yourself for the gibberish. You write it.
  14. Indeed. Boards after boards where you display you misunderstanding of the Bbile, science and faith.
  15. I know I should have added the tongue in cheek emoticon.
  16. I get it. Though faith. A word that is strangely not one of betsy's most used words.
  17. What is not clear to you, has never been clear for you, and will never be clear to you, is that all that archeological discoveries prove is that the writers of the biblical texts used events, or their interpretation of events, in their narratives. That in itself doesn't tell me that the Bible is the word of God. For that you need faith. Yet, one would be hard press to find the word faith in what you wrote. All we get for you is quote mining, with hysterical screams of "Here's the proof! Here's the proof!". Expert each new instalment of your "catalogue of facts" to be meant with the same answer, "And". Like "And how this proves to me that this is the Word of God?". If someone were to tell you "Help me to become a Christian", you would hand them the Bible, then send them post after posts saying. "Don't you see, science proves the Bible". I would hand the Bible, and tell them,`"Read it, and seek people who live the call to serve God and others". Needless to say, I wouldn't send them to you.
  18. There is nothing a right wing commentators hates more than somebody who is rich and fails to be a member of the "the rich need to be richer, so who cares if the poor get poorer" club. They view it as some form of treason.
  19. You don't get it. That's not phony, that's human nature. Unless one is dealing with an Adolf Hitler, a Pol Pot, a Ted Bundy, an Osama Bin Laden, or someone who has done us huge personal harm, most persons choose to remember the good side of someone who has just died. part of how we cope? I am not sure. But that's not phony (even if some overdid it). As fpor the rest of what you wrote, suffice to say that it takes a very small person to engage in a person attack and innuendos against a dead person who cannot respond and is not even buried yet, the way you did.
  20. Interestingly, most people who have three week vacations (at least those I know) don't go to France. They're more likely to spend their time with their families. Good to know that this type of family values is something you don't want to ser encouraged. You mean people with minimal work conditions are also not paid too well? How could that be?
  21. Lest we Forget. The lower the salaries and benefits, the more money workers spend. And I thought you might be so lacking in compassion towards the Chinese that you want them to have better working conditions and wages. So sorry.
  22. The real hypocrisy is from those who yelp "How about the Africans?" when they actually couldn't care less about them.BTW, the NDP (and even the Conservatives) have advocated for increases in foreign aid.
  23. Defending faith through reason includes using reason, by acknowledging facts such as evolution.
  24. Nothing wrong with ignorance, willful or othewise, unless it is imposed on others.
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