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Everything posted by CANADIEN

  1. You'll find out very quickly that Oleg doesn't make much sense most of the Time, but he is harmless.
  2. ... it's because there's nothing to grasp. News to you: the proof that Jesus was the emboidement of the messianic prophecies is to be found in His life and His deeds, not in the fact the text of those prophecies were transcried and re-transcribed with no significant variations over a large period of time. Yo0u mean, you will no longer try to "help" me? This confirms that there is a God. You cannot keep up with a lot of things already, no surprise you cannot keep up with things that do not exist.
  3. Did I blame CEO's? On the contrary, I have clearly demonstrated that private sector employees can do their part by helping CEO's make more money through reduced salaries in benefits, which in turn lead to more money being spent, more tax revenue, and less government relience on foreign loans. Don't you want to help Chinese workers? And I am sure that you will agree with me that Chinese workers should get decent wages and livng and working conditions.
  4. No, so what? Is that your contention that only those who pay a salary or rent an apartment should be allowed to speak on the issue? If that's the case, that says a lot about your idea of freedom.
  5. If the idea that rents should be at a level that a person on a minimum wage can afford to live in an appartment fit for a human being is being a socialist, then I'll sign on it. And I thought that was simple common sense and decency. Let me know when somebody actually advocates that, will you?
  6. Nice play on semantics. Whether I employ people or not does not change the necessity of decent salaries and working conditions. The question remains. How little would you pay if you could get away with it?
  7. ¨And I thought it was to make money. Thanks for showing that it is to screw workers as much as possible.l
  8. What wages would ipay? At a minimum, enough that someone working a full week doesn't have to go to the food bank,and has a living space that actually fitfor a human being to live in. Now, you will probably come up with some assine statement like "you don't understand economy, you'd think differently if you owned a business, yada, yadda, yada". Actually, I do not think I would. Because real freedom cannot exist for a person who doesn't have the bare minimum needed to live. Now, your turn. How little would you pay if you could get away with it? I am tempted to believe that you would have no problem with handing a loaf of stale bread and a glass of water a day and give a pillow and a sheet to sleep on the floor, but feel free to prove me wrong.
  9. On the contrary. Don't you your Reagonimcs. Everyone knows that lower salaries in the public and private sector means higher salaries for CEOs, who then generously let it trickle down, which is good for everyone. Plus that means they buy more, which raises tax revenues, which in turns means less reliance on government borrowing. Where is your compassion for Chinese workers? 4th Reich society. :lol: Keep on with terms like that. You'll be a good source of entertainment and won't be taken seriously.
  10. What I find interesting is that the last time the proposal to increase reproesentation for underrepresentated provinces, there was opposition by people in the Atlantic provinces (which are over-representated). But of course, noboby would dream of dumping on them for that.
  11. Do you actually believe I give any credence to who you think I am? Was clear enough for everybody else. And so was the fact that I have said all I need and all I want to say to you about my faith. Obviously, the English language is yet another thing you don't understand.
  12. Question for you. Will you voluntarily accept a reduction of your salary and working conditions out of concern for Chinese workers? In other words, do you actually believe that anyone will buy the cr*p you just wrote?
  13. The solution is decent wages and decent working conditions.
  14. If his name was Peter and he agreed with you, wouold his first name even be an issue? Of course it wouldn't. And I doubt very much that you would question his expertise. The man's trqack record speaks for itself when it comes to his expertise on issues pertqining to the elctoral system. I, for one, can still ackowledge that while disagreeing with him.
  15. Oh yes, it's the fault of the union. A lot of employers give 2 or 3 weeks because they can give as little as 2 to 3 weeks. If they could, there are many wthat would give none at all.
  16. Of course, you didn't realize that I was mocking your non-sense. So-called "freedom" to be exploited is no freedom at all.
  17. Why stop there? Let's re-instate slavery. After all, people should be free to be treated like belongings, right? The problem is not that there are laws to provide for decent working conditions. It's that attitudes like yours make those laws necessary.
  18. Well, Thorn is unable to avoid showing his prejudices. That being said, repsentation in the House of Commons should be proportional to population. Period, end of story.
  19. Except that the parrot doesn't claim he knows what the Word means.
  20. Correction. I am determined to debunk misrepresentations of the Bible, sicence and faith such as yours. I have. Your claim that I haven't proves that your are either a liar, or lacking in understanding of the English language. :angry:
  21. Whatever. And science has proven their is a historic fundation to the Illiad and the Odyssee. Still, faith tells me that the Greek Gods didn't exist. Then will you kindly explain why a quick google led me to four different threads where you claimed that evolution is a de-bunked theory?
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