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G Huxley

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Everything posted by G Huxley

  1. "Yes, but how do you enforce that?" We already have a lower birthrate than 2 children per family. All that has to happen is that we don't allow immigration beyond spouses and the rare exception for excellence. Also people beyond a certain number of children should be sterilized e.g. the mormon with 133 kids, but that's not actually necessary even, merely enforcing strict immigration as immigrants have much higher family sizes.
  2. One doesn't have to be reduced to lower the population. One must simply have a rate no higher than 2 people per family and defend one's territory.
  3. If anyone cared one iota about the planet we lived in, we'd be reducing the population.
  4. Please quote that. I made no mention of Eurocentrism. In fact I would prefer Canada embraced its indigenous heritage over that of importing newcomers into indigenous lands for profit.
  5. I have multiple problems with what is happening. My main problem with the Chinese is their inability to control their population and their massive takeover of world resources and space. There are 38 Canadians to every mainland Chinese. The Chinese should demonstrate their ability to find balance with nature in their own country before overrunning the rest of the world and turning it into an industrial wasteland like they have China.
  6. This is silly. How is encouraging more people to come and destroy the environment equal to progress?
  7. We need more immigrants? Why do you loath Canada's environment and people?
  8. There are lots of picks of people who have messed up their countries beyond recognition. Maybe we should start considering how good Canada is now and preserve that instead of recklessly, irresponsibly and unwisely bringing other people's problems here.
  9. That person would be descended from those who who built this country, so they are continuing the legacy, cultures and traditions of this country. If you think the Chinese would do a better job. Go live in China for awhile. "In any case immigration policy is driven by population control, which is an important part of managing wage and price stability. This kind of thing should be monitored, and if it becomes necessary the policy should be changed or capped to a quota." No immigration policy is currently driven by the State's desire for population increase. This is disastrous, short sighted and insane. Meanwhile the limousine liberals are riding fat on the hog again: http://news.nationalpost.com/news/canada/canadian-politics/liberal-health-minister-spent-1700-in-one-day-on-limousine-service-to-travel-around-greater-toronto-area
  10. http://www.canadianbusiness.com/business-news/canada-aims-to-spread-chinese-immigrants-across-country-john-mccallum/ I'm not allowed to express what I actually think of this here. We are already becoming China.
  11. And Canada's red party are busy kowtowing to their masters. http://www.huffingtonpost.ca/2016/08/10/liberals-increase-chinese-investment-migrants_n_11434858.html
  12. Its pretty obvious how it works. You book a birthing home in Vancouver fly to Canada give birth to a kid and then fly back to your home country.
  13. The ID you got by giving a couple mortgage bills and a hydro bill without a birth certificate?
  14. "I don't think there is such a thing as 'citizenship papers' unless you're an immigrant." Its called a birth certificate. How you not have a birth certificate being born here?
  15. How did you get a drivers license and health card without having citizenship papers and a birth certificate?
  16. How can you call it "our society" when you said that you don't have any citizenship papers and you won't even say whether or not you live in Canada?
  17. "Huxley you have clearly stated that you fear the yellow hordes." I'm opposed to all population hording, it is a crime against mother nature. "Everyone else here so far have not resorted to your racist claptrap. Except you. " You have revealed your racism in that you claim Canadian citizenship is as worthless as a piece of paper and yet you care nothing at all that China is protectionist of its citizenship. Why are you racist and discriminatory and demeaning towards Canadians and our citizenship? "Me and you got nuthin to talk about." Of course not, you just admitted that you don't have any citizenship papers at all. So I ask do you live in Canada?
  18. "I don't have any citizenship papers at all. " Do you live in Canada?
  19. "Canadian citizenship IS candy!" But you said it had no value. Candy has value. "China can confer citizenship on whoever they want for whatever reasons please them and I do not care in the slightest how the chinese government determines those things." So you consider Chinese citizenship more valuable than Canadian citizenship, since they don't give it away like candy.
  20. Peter F: Canadian Citizenship is a paper tiger. It has no value other than the paper its printed on. If Canadian citizenship has no value, why do people go to such great lengths to get it?
  21. If that's all you consider your citizenship to be worth, then you shouldn't have any problem using that paper as fuel for a fire to keep warm.
  22. All Peter F cares about is that more mainland Chinese get Canadian citizenship.
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