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Posts posted by kactus

  1. On 9/24/2019 at 4:10 PM, Rue said:

    Truthfully it caught me by surprise. They could have gone the other way. Don't get me wrong it is important for democracy but I could have seen the courts refusing to get involved and saying to the politicians to simply call a vote to condemn what he did and throw him out that way. Courts are very reluctant to wade into political manouvers on the floor. This is a new one. and it has very strong implications for future moves by any politician trying to do the same in countries similar to Britain like Canada, Australia, New Zealand.

    Fact is the court didn’t refuse to get involved in condemning BoJo and he has lied to the Queen and the country suspending the parliament. The decent thing he can do now is to resign....

    Look we can argue the merits of Brexit but if you asked people now who voted Brexit in 2016 that they will face a predicament of a hard Brexit with a Irish back stop you can bet your bottom dollar they will have a different view about the whole Brexit.

    it is not a surprise to me at all knowing that BoJo has consistently lied and misled the public. Whether it was his pledge for the £350mil NHS campaign or the prorogation of the parliament...There is lie after lie and now this...



  2. The sad thing is the Irish will be worse off if the deal falls thtough. 

    it doesn’t surprise me at all that the supreme court has ruled out the prorogation. The signs were there when BoJo suspended the parliament. Thos is the same guy who lied About NHS and keep repeating the lies and deceit. Even worse is his handling of the Brexit that he has made his personal mission instead of thinking about what is best for the country.

  3. That encapsulates everything in that statement....Only if.... 

    Bearing in mind that in first referendum the margin was 52:48 the brexitiers will have one hell of a time to get more votes for a hard Brexit. it is indeed a coolcooland fantasy that some may wish to dream or an utopian idea to toy with. But of course they are entitled to that with their narrow margin...



  4. 11 hours ago, JamesHackerMP said:

    What be the effective consequences of a "hard Brexit"?

    Britain will be fu*#ed and I mean it in the most literal term...

    Hell we talk about 2016 referendum where people voted Brexit. Democracy in action....A large proportion of these Brexitiers were elderlies who thought voting Brexit will save jobs for their grandchildren. They never envisaged the day they will exit EU without a deal. They would not have expected this predicament. Some of them are no longer alive. The millennials and youth who are now eligible to vote have inherited this mess and have to put up with it.

    Let’s hold another referendum now and we will see if that 52% who voted Brexit in 2016 will vote Brexit again.....

    Don’t tell that to the ex-pats though. They may still think that Britania rules the ways.....Because those days are truely gone....

  5. 14 hours ago, Dougie93 said:

    The inflection point was the Iranian Revolution in 1979.

    That is where and when the enemy shifted from being Godless Communist to Islamic Terrorists.

    Like the Communist Bloc rubric, the Terrorists are treated as if they are a monolith too.

    The Dominoes will fall one by one to the Terrorists, if Jimmy Cartuh doesn't stop them.

    In actual fact, like the Communists, the terrorists are not a monolith, so will actually all just start fighting with each other, as they have since America pulled out of Iraqi-Nam.

    Not really...The 1979 Iranian revolution was the penultimate architect by Carter to create that enemy. The struggle between the Tudeh party (communists) and the clergists elites (islamists) gave the clergies the upper hand... Prior to that Iran was a monarchy and an ally of US. In fact the Shah of Iran before the 1979 revolution warned of the rise of the evil forces taking over Iran. He referenced them as Reds (the communist or Tudeh party) and the Blacks (the islamists). Many of the Iranian jews were actively involved in Tudeh party

    Fact is post Soviet Union collapse and the end of cold war the West needed an enemy to justify arms sales. A fictitious enemy that turned into reality. Then revitalised the concept of  my enemy’s enemy is my friend. 8 years of war ensued between two neighbouring middle eastern countries and resulted in millions of casualties....That manifested the theory.


  6. 31 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:

    NATO will always seek a reason for post Cold War relevance....Gulf War...Kosovo...A-stan....Libya, but Trump doesn't play the game the same as in the past.

    So he clashes with DC and the Pentagon.     Trump is neither a hawk or a dove.

    Oddly enough the balkanisation of The former Yugoslavia pretty much resembles the balkanisation of Iraq by Bush Junior into Sunni, Shia and the Kurds. 

  7. 32 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    ???   I said the exact opposite...Trump campaigned in 2016 on no more stupid (expensive) wars.  

    And yes...the Gulf War was a stupid war only mitigated by the fact that Iraq's local enemies paid the tab.

    Ok. It’s clear!

    56 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    No need to argue at all....Trump said he would not engage in more stupid wars like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama...and  so far he hasn't. 


    When you wrote the above I thought you were implying that Trump’s no engagement in wars is exactly the same stance both Bush have taken.

    I still think the allies invasion of Kuwait was a strategic move and Margaret Thatcher played a pivotal role in engaging the US to defeat Saddam. US got rewarded handsomely by the Arabs...

  8. 9 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

    In terms of Fake News Agitprop?

    That's the Know Nothings.

    Russia Collusion?

    America Firsters.

    Interesting that the America Firsters is part of Trump fusion paradigm and fake news agitprop!

    I think starting another war with Iran when the consequences are unknown has more leverage than the argument that the US was going to invade Iran. The cold war argument has more gravitas IMO

  9. 7 minutes ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    No need to argue at all....Trump said he would not engage in more stupid wars like George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush, and Barack Hussein Obama...and  so far he hasn't. 


    First of all both Bush senior both engaged the US in a war. In what way are they similar to Trump?

    Second of all are you saying that Iraq war started by Bush senior was a stupid war?

  10. 41 minutes ago, Dougie93 said:

    Apparently the reason Bolton was fired is because he's so gung ho to bomb Iran and Trump is smartly trying to dodge those quagmires to wage trade war instead of shooting war.

    At the strategic level Trump is trying keep himself at the center of everything, not letting any clique take control,

    He hires people as short term expedients, with Bolton he needed to appease the Neocons about Venezuela.

    The whole Venezuela thing is sputtering out, so Bolton is not longer of any use.

    You could also argue that with the election next year Trump does not want to start another war. But I agree with your assessment in essence that he wants to show the world that he is the one who made the deal. Quite ego centric but then again we know these idiocincracies in his character. It is about being Trump....

  11. 6 hours ago, dialamah said:

    Woman who protested Iran's ban on women watching soccer dies after setting herself on fire in protest of jail sentence. :(

    Iran is a terrible place.

    It’s a very sad news indeed. Unfortunately, Iranians of all walks of life have been taken hostage by the current mullah regime. Unless they are mercenaries or paid by the regime which is very few...

    You do have to make a distinction though. Iran is not a terrible place as you stated. The current government is.

  12. There is no credible opposition to Tories despite the bismal performance of BoJo in the house of commons.

    Jeremy Corbyn with all the issues around anti semitism in his party and lack of credibility is not going make it. Furthermore, the prospects of a General Election with no deal by 15th October makes it hard for the leader of the opposition to join the race. A bit of a catch 22...

  13. 5 hours ago, Argus said:

    Really? What's the ransom?

    Oh, pardon me. Here you were talking about democracy and somehow I thought that would require following the will of the people.

    Really? What if parliament is refusing to carry out the democratically expressed will of the people?

    The 52% who voted Brexit in 2016 didn't know they will be presented a "no deal" on a plate by BoJo...The very fact that he has suspended the parliament to not stop him with his no deal scenario on 31st is undemocratic.



    Too bad for parliament. They also voted to leave on Oct 31st. They did not set any terms for that.

    How totally undemocratic of him!


    What are you talking about? The parliament has consistently voted AGAINST a no deal on Oct 31st. What terms is the parliament meant to set?


    Good riddance to bad rubbish, as they say. When you run on a platform of having a referendum and obeying whatever that referendum decides, then refuse to do so I'd think the party SHOULD throw you out.

    Boris's failure to deliver Brexit and win the support even from his own party clearly shows that the current government is in disarray. I reiterate people who voted Brexit did not expect a no deal as Boris is pushing in with that agenda on Oct 31st...

  14. 1 hour ago, Argus said:

    Trying to enforce the will of the people as expressed in a referendum goes against the principles of democracy?

    Read again...You are deliberately changing my words. My post clearly referenced parliament being held at ransom and nothing nothing about "the will of people". And yes trying to suspend the parliament for 6 weeks prior 31st October deadline is committing an offence against the democratic values. This action by BoJo has prevented the parliament from holding the government to account at the time of national crisis.  



    Ah, you can mind read! What an amazing talent!

    It seems to me his party has really only ever said that if you're not prepared to leave without a deal then the EU will never give you one. And so far they've been proved completely correct.

    The parliament has voted AGAINST a no deal Brexit. Despite his rhetorics BoJo does not have a clear agenda on Irish Back Stop.



    Oh I see. He's going against the principles of democracy by asking for an election? Okay, got it now. I guess.

    BoJo has asked for a General Election because he was defeated in the parliament.

    21 of his own Tory MP's voted against him and were sacked including Churchill's grandson and the heavy weights Kenneth Clarke... Shifting the General Election before 31st October was a political move by BoJo that will put any government at a precarious position to negotiate with Europe. This is why no other party including Labour is keen to form a government  before 31st October. 

  15. 10 minutes ago, taxme said:

    Everything that has gone wrong can be blamed on the others. Johnson just inherited the problems that have been left for him by the anti-Brexit traitors in Britain. It's hard to keep ones promises when your own people in your own party turn traitor on you. Trump knows all about that. It would appear as though the word democracy today has no more meaning anymore. The word democracy might as well be removed from the dictionary. It is taking up space. :(

    Far from it....What BoJo has done goes against the principles of democracy by holding the parliament at ransom. His party has always wanted to push for a no deal Brexit and since he didn’t get the vote in parliament yesterday he wants a general election. He created this whole mess because he just wanted to play the general election game before 31st October...

    To start with he should have sacked Dominic Cummings for getting him into this terrible mess. The Tory party is one hell of a confused party right now.

  16. 53 minutes ago, -TSS- said:

    After losing the vote in parliament Johnson is now practically a lame-duck PM. He carried out his threat and kicked out the Tories who voted against the government making his government now a minority-government. 

    His stay at no10 may be very short. The obvious way out would be early election but parliament probably can't agree on that either. That would require 2/3 of votes. Too many MPs are afraid they would be kicked out and they are probably right. 

    BoJo has always been a lame duck but not  be realised because of his quirky look.... He has made many promises he couldn’t keep and guess what now he is going to blame everything gone wrong on others....

    • Like 1
  17. 9 hours ago, scribblet said:

    It's not just Sharia courts operating and judges using a form of Sharia, but it's judges excusing Muslims or giving lesser sentences because of 'cultural differences'.  It's also the cover up of rape gangs in the U.K.  and the ongoing accommodations for Muslim traditions and culture. 

    Like these 12 Israeli boys who raped this british woman???

    We fear 'creepy' Israelis, say UK women in Cyprus hotel at center of rape case




    It’s interesting there are british ex-pats on this forum with head stuck in the sand and only favour muslim bashing at any cost to draw a conclusionon someone’s religion....

    It is about sick individual mentality that that drove these people to act “gang rape”

  18. Boris Johnson makes lots of false promises. This is the  man who started a false campaign about £350 million a week for NHS by luring british voters into Brexit and then quit his job as a foreign minister and left the May’s government in disarray. How quickly we forget...

    Now he claimed he could withhold the £39 billion divorce bill the British Government had agreed to pay to cover obligations the UK had committed to during membership. His whole speech is baseless and just on patriotic sentiments to win voters. Indeed he is a politician and a good entertainer but not a businessman like Trump, which is where this double partnership will fail.

    • Like 1
  19. 10 hours ago, Michael Hardner said:


    Donald's views on blacks have been published before.  Though some will turn a blind eye, his racism is well known.

    I've got black accountants at Trump Castle and at Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys wearing yarmulkes.... Those are the only kind of people I want counting my money. Nobody else... Besides that, I tell you something else. I think that's guy's lazy. And it's probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks.

    Thanks for sharing.


    What I find quite astonishing is that during his rally Trump said those democrats should go back to their “crime infested places”. There was a frigging 13 seconds pause in his speech when the crowd cheered “send her home”! In other words he was tacitly approving the racist chants by the crowd and then pretending he didn’t approve of it. And then his supporters say oh he didn’t mean to say that, his words were taken out of context defying any rationality.

    3 of the democrats were born in the US! The more pertinent question is this where are these 3 non white democrat representatives meant to go as suggested by Trump? 

    The POTUS himself is of Scottish origin. Doesn’t these policies confirm divisiveness he has pursued for some time now?

  20. 2 hours ago, taxme said:

    That sure does look like a bit of racism coming from you alright? Maybe you should go back from whence your ancestors came from? Just saying. 

    3 of the congresswomen Trump asked to "go back" to "the crime infested places they came" were born in the US!!!

    Where are they meant to go back!?;)


    Maybe you should go back from whence your ancestors came from? Just saying

    And maybe since you seem to see your entitlement to this opinion you should go back to where you and your ancestors came from and let the natives run the country! Just saying how hypocritical you sound....

  21. On 5/27/2019 at 2:31 AM, bcsapper said:

    Current EU elections in the UK seeing an almost 50/50 split between pro Brexit and anti Brexit parties.  It would have been interesting to see an actual "Remain" party form in the way Nigel Farage put together the Brexit party to focus the opinion more.  Nevertheless, Jeremy Corbyn has come out in favour of either a second referendum or a general election based on the performance of the two main parties.

    Liberal Democrats is an actual remain party although never been a serious contender to Tories and Labour. Corbyn is a too complex character and quite frankly one doesn't know what his policies stand for.

    With May gone in June, Boris and Jeremy Hunt are the only serious contenders for prime ministerial role but I don’t think anyone is capable to handle the Brexit situation. IMO, the best way forward is a second referendum.

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