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Posts posted by kactus

  1. 3 minutes ago, ProudConservative said:

    Yea... and create thousands of new terrorists. Look how angry Iran is right now. This can't be good.


    To be honest if the US could have taken the no 1 guy in Iran as well then it would have opened a window of opportunity for people to topple the regime. Sadly with mullahs still in power the killing of general and the fear of attack by the west will bolden people’s support behind these backward mullahs as they have no other alternatives

  2. 1 hour ago, Rue said:

    Now then, Cpl. Klinger, Iran has been threatening to wipe out Israel for over 20 years. The fact you find this irrelevant speaks to your actual agenda. Psst, you forgot you originally came on to discuss how you hate Iran. Remember. Pinnichio had his nose keep growing when he did that.

    You are a no different in ideology than Iran when it comes to the West. Your dispute is not with Iran hating the West, it's in its interpretation of Islam and authority of Muhammed and you are willing to kill fellow Muslims over that. This is why people need to understand Muslim on Muslim war fuels ME instability and forced Jews to create their own country and persecutes non  Muslims as well n.v as Muslims across the ME. It is a pond of quick sand that can pull anyone into its never ending hatred.

    Your tactic of isolating people who have different opinion to yours and then portray them as anti west doesn’t wash with me Mr Cohen. Go and try that on some sheep....


    There is alot I don’t agree with the ideology and the system that Iran has found itself for the last 40 years but to accuse me of hating Iran is a lie and I have seen you doing this consistently on this forum. Go and read your OP on the other thread where you have accused the only language “Iranians” can understand is a missile up their ass....The fact that you have used such a generalised term speaks volume about a mindset that manifests racism and bigotry and the fact that you cannot see this speaks volume on how you perceive the world around you...


  3. 21 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


    Still you...you won't answer.

    So what's the difference between Heydrich and your General friend?

    Both have murdered swaths of people.

    Jeez are u guys being deliberately obtuse or just framing the conversation?  Soleimani fought the ISIS. The fact that ISIS didn’t get to Iran under his leadership is a good thing. That is the only thing I hold him accountable for. 


    Again your analogy of comparing apple and orange is baseless. 


  4. 13 minutes ago, Rue said:

    Now then, Cpl. Klinger, Iran has been threatening to wipe out Israel for over 20 years. The fact you find this irrelevant speaks to your actual agenda. Psst, you forgot you originally came on to discuss how you hate Iran. Remember. Pinnichio had his nose keep growing when he did that.

    You are a no different in ideology than Iran when it comes to the West. Your dispute is not with Iran hating the West, it's in its interpretation of Islam and authority of Muhammed and you are willing to kill fellow Muslims over that. This is why people need to understand Muslim on Muslim war fuels ME instability and forced Jews to create their own country and persecutes non  Muslims as well n.v as Muslims across the ME. It is a pond of quick sand that can pull anyone into its never ending hatred.

    Just to clarify incase it us difficult to get into the thick skull of some individual I do not hate Iran. I have repeated that I have no love for mullahs and it should have been clear if you were not acting stupid that it is no love for their government but I do love Iran and Iranian people.....ffs Rue de cue even if you were trying to propagate for Israel you could have done a better job.

  5. 1 minute ago, Rue said:

    This is between me and you and of course I challenge your Islamic terrorist fundamentalism or as we say in couched terms flavored nostrils.

    .....Challenge me all you like. Maybe that flavoured nostrils needs to adapt to other people's way of thinking instead of spewing hatred and prejudice against others which you often do indiscriminately against a hole nation.


    2 minutes ago, DogOnPorch said:


    I see no difference between two butchers wearing uniforms.

    You apparently do.

    So was it wrong for the Czechs to assassinate Heydrich? Or do I have you far too afraid to answer that one?

    Who is the one with paint brush now? 

    Like I said, I have no love for mullahs and as I have said repeatedly a regime that murders its own citizens indiscriminately for their own survival has its days coming.

    But we have moved on abit since 1930's. There are international laws circumventing assassinations and as such it may violate those rules especially of a high ranking officer. 

  7. 1 minute ago, DogOnPorch said:


    You're the one in a corner with the paintbrush.

    So assassinating Heydrich was the wrong thing for the Czechs to do? 


    I am talking about assasination of Gen Soleimani as a high ranking officer but you are obviously so fixated with the German ranking officer that is clouding your judgment. 

  8. Just now, Rue said:

    No but I call you out directly as having an extremist pro terrorist agenda based on extreme Islamic fundamentalism as evidenced by previous posts so your anti Iranian position means sweet phack all to me. Unlike you I support moderate Iranians and other nonvSiite Muslims you hate.

    Clear enough?

    .....But who gives a pack what you think or stand for Rue...I certainly don't...Get a Kleenex to rub that big nose

  9. 13 minutes ago, Moonlight Graham said:

    Ya maybe that would have worked with the Nazi's too?  How about tell them to go to hell.

    Obama tried to reach out to Iran and Russia, hit the "reset button".  Didn't take him long to find out how these scumbags operate.  They only respond to sanctions and bombs, not hugs and handshakes.


    Actually, BiBi is not exactly mother Theresa either ML....He travels to US to brown nose the congress and complain how inept he is to deal with Iran and spend the American tax dollar to get the job done. Israel has meddled in the Iranian affairs too by committing a terror act and murdering the Iranian scientist few years ago....Now imagine if that happened the other way round....

  10. Just now, Moonlight Graham said:

    Ya maybe that would have worked with the Nazi's too?  How about tell them to go to hell.

    Obama tried to reach out to Iran and Russia, hit the "reset button".  Didn't take him long to find out how these scumbags operate.  They only respond to sanctions and bombs, not hugs and handshakes.


    Actually the nuclear deal package worked pretty well ML under Obama before Trump decided that he will thrash it....

  11. 1 minute ago, bush_cheney2004 said:


    ???   Trump will still be U.S. president...and Trudeau will still be a weak ass, blackface prime minister.

    I know you have no love for Trudeau and that is clear. But Trudeau is still the prime minister. Trump on the other hand has a lot to answer for and after all an impeachment is still going on 

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