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Posts posted by kactus

  1. I tend to agree with the sentiment that if Putin goes we cannot expect a miracle.

    Look the problem with Russia today is that there is corruption at every level almost embedded in their culture. No one can change such system dramatically. Equally, we cannot just remain oblivious to their contributions. Whether it is art, music or medicine.

  2. 12 hours ago, SpankyMcFarland said:

    Only joking. The British are unique in soccer in fielding four ‘provincial’ teams from one country, hence the confusion. 

    Croatia had superior ball control. As fatigue set in that made the difference. English soccer culture still has a way to go to compete with the best. When a country of four million can field a player like Modric and one of 65 is relying on the likes of Henderson and Lingard, there’s a problem. 

    You can think of it as lack of experience at this stage. The English squad is full of fresh blood with several trophies under their belt.

    But I do agree with the narrative that their football culture still has some way to compete with the best.

  3. 20 hours ago, Goddess said:

    It's sad when women participate in their own oppression.

    I related a story here once from a friend of mine in Canada who worked with a lot of hijab'ed ladies.  One didn't wear the hijab (she had to pray an extra 5 times a day to make up for her sin of "vanity") and my friend supported her when all the other hijab'ed ladies in the office harrassed her daily for not wearing it.  I was told here that my friend is a liar and Muslim women don't do this to each other because it's a "choice". 

    But they do.  And they do it here in Canada, too.

    I agree with everything you said here except that in Iran women have no choice but to wear this piece of garment or face punishment by those who set the rules. I don’t want to get into semantics of defining this as a cult vs. Islam that adheres such doctrines. I don’t want to offend anyone either. However, can only rationalise such behaviour by these women as being “brainwashed” to punish Iranian women who do not agree to such strict dress codes. Resentment of such doctrines is what an imported religion has achieved over the last 40 years.

    I do not think the comparison to Canada is justified since in Canada and other  western countries women have a choice on what to wear. Sadly, In Iran under this barbaric regime that won’t be the case...

    • Like 1
  4. 35 minutes ago, OftenWrong said:

    Yes exactly. Sorry if I offended anyone as I thought we were living in a new post-national era. This tournament proves just how out of touch with reality that idea is.


    But they do show a lot of promise. At this level (semi-final) I would expect all the teams to be quite skilled, but the format of single-game elimination doesn't sit well with me. One game is not really a good test of a teams true worth, it all depends on who shows up to win for the day. England did have some great chances and dominated the field during the first half, good shots on goal throughout. They were shut down by a team with a more conservative style.

    They could have gone further, if they had made the right adjustments. Hardly anyone expected Croatia to be in the final.

    Hardly anyone expected Brazil, Germany, Spain and Argentina to be out at this stage.

    Well look we all know that the England were romanticising a dream of winning the WC beating France but for what it’s worth they got the mileage coming this far. Croats were simply a better team with more resilience.

    • Like 1
  5. This is just the way football goes...

    Croatia was by far a better team especially in the second half. Sure one can bargain on the premise that their players would be tired after playing 120 mins against the russians in their last game but they still won on penalty in front of home crowd. Well done Croatia! From the lacklustre second half game displayed by England nothing better was to be expected! Self inflicted....

    28 years legacy revived but this time football got on the way of getting home. Literally...

    Looking forward to Croatia vs France in final.

  6. 3 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Iranian woman sentenced to 20 years in jail just for removing her imposed forced hijab!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Another reason out of millions of State of absolute dictatorship which must come to an end by ANY MEANS.



    Actually she was given two years jail sentence and 18 years on probation for protesting the mandatory veil requirements earlier this year. Nevertheless it’s very sad news....


  7. Croatia did play really well and as for Russia imagine if they had beaten Croatia. No doubt Putin would have definitely politicised the win and made a big deal out of it.

    Besides it would have killed the spirit of WC fever and literally 'choked' fans after the Novichok saga...

    I am kind of thinking that Belgium might just win over France but then again I was wring about all my other predictions....Let's see!


  8. On 7/4/2018 at 5:10 PM, capricorn said:

    In my defence let me say that I'm a soccer novice. :lol:  There have been notable upsets ie Germany, so perhaps I have a chance.

    I like beer. Win or lose, enjoy.

    Cheers and congrats!

    Oh dear I have to do something about that beer girth drinking all those pints....:P

    I saw a video where Putin played on piano “it’s coming home its’ coming home football’s coming home” 


  9. With all the big teams already out it makes it easier for weaker teams like England to have a chance and revive their 1966 WC dreams. Although have to be said said that some of their fans act like a complete jack a$$ and bunch of to$$ers...

    So far all my predictions turned out wrong...Germany, Spain, Brazil are all out. Croatia is definitely one of those teams to watch out. To me Belgium Vs. France already looks like a final even though it is semi final. The WC title is still up for grab by any of the 6 nations including the minnows Russia and England.

    • Thanks 1
  10. 20 hours ago, bcsapper said:

    That's not a stretch.  Anything can happen of course, but England would be the favourites against Sweden and the winners of Croatia vs Russia.  (As an England fan still reeling from the Iceland game I know that's made of glass)

    France are the best team I've seen so far at the WC, and more than capable of seeing off Brazil in the semis, which I think will be the lineup for that game.  (Look for a sending off or two in that game)

    Do not underestimate the Swedes! If England continues the complacency tactic (score one and sit back) they have no chance....Best of british to You :)

    France vs. Uruguay will be an interesting one. Prediction: Either a tight match with a goal difference or one with too many goals.

  11. 48 minutes ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    You are both evading a direct question. None of you gentleman proposed an alternative to mullahs and it seems to me you advocate mullahs staying in power. as you both oppose all the alternatives. Opposing the US and Trump or MEK or US invasin is not prposing a solution.

    I have preference and that is the returm of monarchy but what I want doesn't count since a solution has to be practical. The return of monarchy only possible if a democratic election is held in Iran under UN and that is impossible for mullahs to allow unless there is a US invasion which as I said is very unlikely or MEK take over and that is only if they allow free elections if they keep their promise to be democratic but in my view that is very unlikely too. But under MEK Iran will be China and under mullahs which I think you are advocating to stay Iran is North Korea in short term and will not exist in the long term and under monarchy Iran will become South Korea and Japan. So it is not hard to guess what my solution is.

    My solution is ANYTHING but mullahs. What I want is Japan or South Korea (monarchy) but what I relunctantly prefer is China (MEK) over North Korea (mullahs) and what I do not want is status quo of North Korea leading to complete descruction of Iran.

    ....Once again, I reiterate I have proposed my solution which is change must be initiated by people....I have said this several times now! Unfortunately, there is no solution and quick fix to your liking and you are not receptive to other people's opinion and suggestions. One wrong decision to achieve democracy will have far greater consequences. I guess if you had your family members or loved ones inside Iran you wouldn't want them to becomes pawns in the military strikes....

    The Tudeh elements of MEK are the same cults that advocated communism known by Shah as 'reds' and islamists 'blacks'...MEK are a bunch of rascals/ traitors and terrorists. They are the enemies of Iranians. I have no idea where you get your information from that reinstating MEK in power will somehow achieve miracles that resembles today's China! I am sorry to say this but that is a total hogwash no matter how much disdain one has for these god damn mullahs you cannot brush MEK's as progressives even relatively speaking...If there was a choice I would have loved Iranians to have a referendum on what type of government they like to have not to shovel them with stick (MEK) and stick again (western military invasion). Of course having a western friendly government and monarchy system works in favour of the nation of Iran and a win win scenario for everyone. That is a given. But this is not likely to happen. To achieve the means to re-establish democracy requires expertise and strategists to formulate the possible outcomes and scenarios. Frankly none of us are qualified to make a suggestion but one can look at the records of history of events in the last two decades post 9/11.... If the politics was that simple and one dimensional we could have achieved peace and democracy in every god damn country that was invaded...But we cannot and that's why the military model wouldn't work for other countries including Iran! Let's consider the military option shall we? The thing people fail to realise is that there must be a 'leverage' for US and western nation to liberate these countries. For Americans to deploy troops and machinery it costs money!!!! Consider all the countries that have been invaded. They have one common denominator and that is oil, political influence and financial implications.  Look at Kuwait, Iraq, Libya, Syria, etc. But did we ever think about going to Zimbabwe to get rid of that dictator Mugabe???? Nooooo! That didn't serve the interest. But let's look at the countries like Iraq and Libya that did serve the western interest. They are a total mess now. Before you react and reply consider the situation in Libya that is nowhere near Iran to excuse Ayatollah's meddling...Are you telling me that Libya today is the shining model of democracy Iran can emulate post mullahs!?!? Seriously!?!? 

    I do know for certain that having Iranian people on our side (which they clearly are) is the most important weapon the West can use to challenge the Ayatollahs...I do somehow find myself in agreement with Marcus that open free market and the access to social media is a great platform to reach an audience where 65% of population is under the age of 35! The Ayatollahs may censor certain sites to public for sure. But Iranians can access these sites by breaking the filters. You want to look at site censorship check out Mainland China!  The irony is every god damn speech that comes out of the mouth of these Ayatollahs these days is raising the rate of inflation. They are digging their own graves by exacerbating the economics and financial situation in the country. Heck, that's why they are clergies and should stay in a place for worshipping not politics... This is why we are seeing the exponential drop in currency against dollars in the last few months. Young Iranians are exposed to all these information through social media and they certainly know where the source of the problem is.

    Change for Iran now must Evolve not Revolve!

    • Thanks 1
  12. 13 hours ago, CITIZEN_2015 said:

    Sorry kactus but you have not given a direct practical response.

    You oppose and oppose but have not said what is the alternative to mullahs that can practically overthrow mullahs and take over and establish guaranteed democracy in Iran.

    You said MEK is very bad. You oppose US military interference on the grounds that democracy cannot be exported and has to be developed from within Iran. All I see in your comments is opposition to proposed solutions but no proposed solution from you. Mullahs to stay in power is your solution? (not that you want this of course) until the time that they totally and completely destroy Iran and civil war breaks out? and amillion more die? And remember that disintegration probability increases every day they remain in power.

    Please clarify one more time even if you say you have done so already, and with a very direct response. WHAT YOU PROPOSE IS BEST TO HAPPEN? since you are opposing everything I suggetsed. Are you saying it is best that mullahs remain in power? Since you already acknowledged they are not reformable?

    The nation of Iran don't have bread (a desparate need for growing economy NOW). Please do not suggest that they should eat cake (wait for democracy) instead

    The analogy of bread and cake to democracy is not applicable and has flaws. 

    Iran will never become a democracy post Ayatollahs if it involves US military action or MEK....I cannot be more vocal about this...It seems to me that you are advocating MEK.

    My solution was in this post right at the bottom.



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