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Everything posted by SirSpanky

  1. The nest isn't on your property, its in the forest. (forest = place where you have zero jurasdiction)
  2. Dunno. I wonder what she thinks the soldiers who get shot at do? Load up some rubber bullets and chase them back into the mountains?
  3. Good luck. I hope you're learning something important like politics or web design, and not "Introduction to spamming"
  4. What are you basing Martin's Conservative-ness on? Certainly not his social philosophy.
  5. Short of living in a right-ist country, there is not much you can do to avoid the left influence on the younger generation. People have this crazy notion that whatever way they are brought up or do things, is the best way.
  6. Interesting point. I guess it would depend on where the $$ amount is taken from. Whether from the doctors bill, or the patients cost. I don't really see it jacking up the figure that much though.
  7. Please define "true Canadian" so I know how to behave in the future.
  8. Oleg, how does this relate to the thread? I've not seen a side of mr. O'reilly where he wasn't being absolutely closed minded. I'm interested that some of you say he's quite reasonable, and impartial. I'll definately check into it.
  9. Too general a guide for such a diverse thing. Micheal Jordan would be considered overweight, simply because of his muscle mass. I don't think anyone would be able to call him obese with a straight face.
  10. Let the government make available the research and resources to make good decisions, but don't force it on us.
  11. I wonder what the mental health effects are? Example; when I leave the house at 7am to go to school, I get a little bit depressed when its so dark out. Something about waiting for a bus when its -30 outside puts me in a foul mood.
  12. The only way Israel would initiate, would be if something drastic happens. They're tough, but that would send the mid-east into a tailspin.
  13. Link? I've heard nothing about this.
  14. As I understand, it has to do with the fact that people use more electricity after work as opposed to before work. By letting them finish work when its still light out, they don't use so much. Correct?
  15. I have no doubt that the US has good intentions in establishing a democracy (I assume thats what you meant) I also have no doubt that the Americans are in Iraq to stay, to sell their agenda to a grateful new government.
  16. I've heard solar power mentioned a few times. Its not as neat and clean as is generally accepted. Extremely toxic chemicals are needed to produce the cells. Not to mention that you need a whole lot of them to get any kind of substantial current.
  17. Although you'll still need those big trucks in the urban areas to do the runs from the rail station to the recipiant, which is where they cause the most problems IMO. And it takes alot of freight to make moving goods by rail pay. You'd probably need some tax incentives or the like to get it going.
  18. Well, the front line beaurocrats seem to be a whole lot wiser than the 3rd line. I do hope they're able to stand their ground and create a solid precident for the rest of us.
  19. I'll only add I know a few people in the "bible belt" around Winnipeg. I find most of the youths reject the religion thats been forced down their throats for so many years.
  20. Wowsers. This makes me wanna bone up on my understanding of Europe. I have friends who are on a temp job (temp so far's been 4 years) over there, and they have only good things to say about the economy.
  21. I am suspect of anything that promises as much as this does, with so very little substance and / or methods of achieving said promises. Granted the site is relatively new. I'll stop by it once in awhile to see whats going on.
  22. Unless they're going to reform the whole system for the lumber industry, it doesn't really matter. I'd rather give our forests away (essentially for free) to the local economy, than to multinationals.
  23. I would argue the 2 billion people + in China and India who will be using a whole lotta coal in the coming years is the biggest problem.
  24. Well do you know exactly what went down? By all means share share.
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