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Jack Weber

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Posts posted by Jack Weber

  1. Count me among those who would not want to work a unionized job. I've done it before (both in public and private sector jobs), and it's always a negative experience. Waste, inefficiency and sloth are rewarded, efficiency and hard work is punished. The last straw for me was when I was working at a hospital, and I was given an official reprimand for cleaning up my own mess when I spilled my coffee. You know, because only the person whose union classification is cleaning is allowed to use a mop.

    Labourwatch may well be a "union busting outfit", but to me that would only enhance their credibility. Anyone who is opposed to unions is OK in my book. It's disgusting how unions are allowed to hold business owners hostage, and they should be 'busted'.

    What's "disgusting" is the polly anna notion the Free Marketeers have that the meritocracy they promote actually exists...

  2. the math does not work on a very big scale.

    I see the EU as being a tradeoff, a giant social engineering gamble.

    On one side the wealthy countries of north and west Europe know they have to somehow compete with global economic juggernauts like China/emerging Asian economies/USA and .... they cannot compete. On the other side are pretty big markets right next door in eastern and souithern Europe who want the deluxe social contract enjoyed by the north/west. The tradeoff: shared social contract vs access to captive markets. But..... the cost of that contract means poorer countries get access to big and very cheap credit lines enjoyed by the rich Euros and of course they borrow far too much and move far too fast.....

    In the end, Germany emerges as the only superpower in Europe and they will dominate the EU in whatever form it takes in the near future.

    Have we seen this movie before?

    Don't mention ze war.

    There's no supremacy like Teutonic supremacy...But for close to 20 EXTREMELY bad years...

    Been that way since 1860...

    Meet the new boss...Same as the old boss!!!

    Vater Deutschland!!!

  3. I checked it out at stormfront (not linking to it here though) and the WS's are distancing themselves from Breivik because he's a supporter of Israel and Jews. At least that's their excuse. <_<

    I suspect doitwell (Lictor) will be along shortly to tell us that there is no such thing as white supremacy...

    There is only right and wrong and Eurocentric advancement is historically (and probably by God Himself) ordained...

    Anyone who is seen as assisting Jews is...well...no...no...NO!!!!

    Not qualified to be an "Ethnosupremacist"!!!

  4. Labourwatch is union busting outfit set up by business to try and get unions de-certified, to lobby for anti-union legislation, and to generally support the view of business that employees should be paid as little as possible, have no rights, and have no benefits. I would question the honesty of anything they say and the integrity of any poll, survey or study commissioned by them.


    Kinda like the National Right To Work Committee,The National Association of Manufacturers,The Cato Institute in the US...

    All fronts for business under the guise of standing up for the individual workers "freedom" in the workplace...

  5. Could be, could be just a tax payer rant. Could be a run for office. Could be pretty much what you want to make it.

    But I resent the 'ham fisted.' I resent the "demand". Just a perspective.

    Maybe just a consideration that Canada's obligatory union membership laws are in need of a change and government needs to be more fiscally responsible.


    No one is obliged to join a union as a condition of employment.As a union steward you should have been knowledgable about the labour laws in Ontario...

    Look up "Agency Shop" because that's what we work under in this province...

    Your mischaracterization of the legal situation re. union membership is,indeed,hamfisted...I'd also add poorly informed...

  6. I have been a union member, a union elected rep, a member of management, and an independent self employed consultant.

    I've never been unemployed. I've never collected EI. and I resent socialist programs that take tax payers hard earned money to provide unrealistic, programs and civic workers union contracts and pensions that cost the rest of us one way or another.

    Every $ the government gives to somebody or something they take from us. Demanding more from the government is only going to result in taking more from the working person.

    Governments that 'give' largesse to get votes are the bane of the tax payer. Seeing the waste as in E. Health, costly Green energy programs, Ornge, closing generating plants for political gain alone make our Liberals the bete noir of the tax paying public AND those not paying taxes who would have more benefits without the waste and mismanagement in government.

    Not just the Liberals. The NDP that would trade an ethical position for a concession. Nor just the NDP, a Conservative government that would allow the Tony Clement pork barrel or an MP that would think a $16.00 glass of juice is her right as our representative.

    But, she won't get fired..not a chance, but she should be.

    I'm sick of Government and unions taking, looking out for only themselves and/or votes, and shitting on the tax payer.


    Is this some hamfisted attempt at a demand for RTW legislation in Ontario/Canada???

  7. Interesting indeed. This was a rejection of Harper-style conservatism, as it was no big secret that they were supporting the WRP. I wonder if this will be inspiration enough for someone to bring back a more progressive conservative party ;) on the federal level.

    That's probably going to take an election OR a whole bunch of events that might...I don't know...Make the federal Conservatives look either:



    3.Combinations of 1 & 2

    I fell asleep before any of the results came in,so....

    I take it the kooks on the right got kicked down a few pegs?

  8. One of your ChiSox Pitchers got a Perfecto game. :o

    Not bad ,eh?

    Phil Humber was UNTOUCHABLE...Had just over 80 pitches through 8...It's becoming a reoccurring thing on the South Side because Mark Buehrle pitched the El Perfecto against Tampa Bay in 2008...

    By the way,the last pitch Humber threw was a ball and the Seattle batter DID NOT swing through,however,they weren't going to rob a guy of a perfect game on the potential last pitch...

    3 game sweep of The Mariners and now it's on to Oakland for three and back home to hopefully demolish the Dead Sox...

    By the way,at the same time Humber was pitching the perfect game on Saturday,how 'bout the classic Boston Red Sox collapse against the Yanks at Fenway??

    Love watching Red Sox suffering!!Especially at the hands of the Yankees in their rat infested ball park!!!!


  9. I can't even read the rest of your post after this ridiculous comment. He was a child. How can a child take advantage of "the things this country affords them?"

    He was a citizen and he fought for the other side...He,unfortunately,was indoctrinated into a cluelessly backwards version of his family's faith...A version his mother was all to proud to promote...

    Ya'know...The version that wants us all dead...All the while taking advantage (including sweet wittle Omar)of everything this country affords even low lifes like The Kadr's..

    Send them back to Afghanistan where they truly belong and let them fight their personal "jihad" there....

  10. There were some 20,000 gathered downtown in Vancouver this afternoon. I imagine the cloud of of smoke was probably visible from space given the size of some of the dubes I saw on the news.

    Mind you had it been 20,000 people all drinking, oh lets say...whiskey for example, that smoke would be from burning cop cars and tear gas.


    I see your next NORML bumper sticker slogan coming soon...

  11. Closest thing you could use to describe me is a Monarchist. Her Majesty is a pretty nice girl. My hero is Sir Harry Flashman.


    Some might say that's the standard "submission to authority" complex some have...

    But whatever...


  12. Are you kidding? They're a pack of Rapture endorsing goons. No matter the government, we'd be buying new planes. Granted, new biplanes if it's ever the NDP.

    Well,admittedly there are a few who are classified as "Evangelical Zealots"...

    But that doesn't seem to be the direction of this government...It seems they are taking the pro-military/hang 'em high/hand over the heart direction...

  13. ...and the poor fellow's brain can't wrap around that I didn't vote for Harper.


    Neither did I...Or his representative in my riding...

    That doesn't mean you don't generally agree with the policies of the current gang controlling things in Ottawa...

    That goes for me,by the way,as well...

  14. c'mon DOP... can ya fire up the Sopwith and get after your real Red-Menace enabler, hey? :lol:

    of course, just a follow-up on the recent February Harper embrace!

    That's the thing,and your quote hammers it home...

    These are not marauding Marxist's anymore...

    What type of Marxist involves itself in the "decadence" of market based economies??

    These are the new menace...The Authoritarian Capitalist (see Fascist) menace from the right...

    Black shirts and stick bundled axes...Don't mind the splinters!!!

  15. You are quibbling over minor details. The fact modern day China violates any number of the ideological aims of Communism is irrelevant. The point is it's a huge, brutal, totalitarian regime which has never shrunk from employing force to get its way. It also takes the long view of things. I'm sure its adherents still believe in Communism's aims, but tell themselves that compromises have to be made for now. In the meantime, it gains wealth from those compromises, wealth which has gone into enormous technological improvements in the military.

    I agree with the first part...

    Modern China is a totalitarian/authoritarian state that uses subversive and openly brutal force to crush any and all dissent within it's borders...And it has taken a long view of things (approximately 20 years,to date)...

    Where you,and a few others who should know better because they are knowledgable about history,are wrong is that modern China resembles anything a Maoist "adherent" would blindly follow...

    I'm sure you are correct that some of these "adherent" within China justify the Marxist/Fascist 20 year flipparoo as "comprimises"...

    This simply does not change the facts...

    There are three (3) key components that differentiate a Marxist/extreme leftist state from a Fascist/extreme right wing state:

    1.The private property ownership issue...

    Do citzens of the PRC own homes now??

    Yuppers!! In fact,we have all heared about the potential of a Chinese housing bubble and that causing huge problems for the global economy...

    2.There is some sort of quasi market in terms of the economy of that state...

    Yuppers..Stock exchanges in Hong Kong (inherited) and Shang Hai...

    Market based economies would not be seen under Chairman Mao...The Marxist aversion to the "bourgoisie and the petit bourgoisie"...

    3.Strident nationalism...

    If you don't think this is on the rise,and by that I mean the belief in the superiority of the "Made in China" model for economic growth going forward,you're living in a dream world.

    Why do you think so many "developing countries" look to China instead of the The West for assistance now?

    What this tells me is that modren China has very little in comon with Mao's China or Lenin/Stalin's Soviet Union or anything out of the Communist Manifesto..In fact,all of those things describe:

    Salazar's Portugal

    Franco's Spain

    Mussolini's Italy

    Hitler's Germany

    Not exactly the bastions of Marxism,eh?

    Ask yourself this....

    People like Kevin O'Leary,a hardline Free Market Capitalist if there ever was one,feel that democracy and freedom only come from entrepreneurship and MORE Capitalism,why is it they look to the Authoritarian Capitalism of China as the perfect model for the future?

  16. You don't say the same thing about any other child soldier. The only thing that sets this child soldier apart from the others is his ethnicity and the fact that he killed an American.


    What sets this child soldier apart is that he took advantage all the things this country affords him,took off for Afghanistan with his spectacular father,and,fought for the enemy side...

    I will agree with anyone that says he was probably indoctirnated by his parents with their ill conceived belief system,however.....

    This simply does not change the facts...

    If he is to be repatriated,then fine...It should long enough to have Omar and his admitted "Al Qaeda family" rounded up,citizenship revoked,and,put on the next plane to lovely and scenic Kabul...Where they can play out thier clueless family ideology with impugnity...

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