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Jack Weber

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Posts posted by Jack Weber

  1. Irrelevant wether its union or not, you still have to know what you are doing to have a job. Being in a union does not necessarily protect idiots who can't do their job.

    Precisely..I'm a proud union member...But,being as my job description requires me to evaluate those who are not so good..It's NOT in my best interest to "pass" those who cannot do thier job....Which I don't...

  2. OH MY GOD...I MEAN DAMN FUNNIEST REPLY OF THE MILLENNIA. I am in shock... With a reply like that one would think you shouldn't be able to type seeing as you cannot formulate a thought.

    Good call,Signals...Nothing like kids who haven't lived in the real world...

  3. how come china made environmental concessions at the cancun cliamte conference yet western countries did nothing. bet you cant answer that one can you sigmund.

    China made those concessions because they are growing at 6 to 8% economic growth ( not necessarily because of their economic system)..

    The excessively capitalistic systems couldn't because they are beholden to neoliberal economic pinciples of growth...

    That doesn't mean that the Chinese have stayed true to the Maoist ideas of economics,because they haven't...

  4. Look at the steps china has taken to protect the global environment and help end global warming while the capitalist countries who commit 99% of the pollution do nothing. how do you explain that one.


    You mean the environmental responsibility during the Olympics where they told folks to stop working because it might look bad to international audiences because the sky was a wonderful hue of orange??

    That's called a cover up,kiddo...

    This is not to say that the "capitalist" countries have no corporate interst in changing things...But to think "Authoritarian Capitalism" China wants to do anything different to stifle economic growth within China is naive at best...

  5. who told you that trash. cmon jack think for yourself.

    I guess the real question is:

    Who told you Communism is a good thing?..Your "nutty" professor?

    The Chinese have eschewed your Leninist/Stalinist leanings under the theories of Mussolini's Italy or Franco's Spain...

    Meet the new (authoritarian) boss..Same as the old boss...

  6. Have you ever met anyone who has lived under communism? Or did you just read this in a book?

    The Chinese aren't "Communist" anymore...

    They have embraced a form of Capitalism under authoritarian means over the last 20 (or so) years because the top down leftism of the Soviet Union failed...

    The issue is how this is being sold in "The West"...Many "leftist" co-opt China as thier pet project because they are under the midguided impression that they are carrying on the "Maoist" tradition...

    They are not, at all...

    This is now the embodiment of Mussolini's theories on corporate and public power...The embodiment of Fascism come to light...

    Why else would many free market Capitalists be in favour of this form of government?...

  7. your against china. the last beackon of hope. so your a mulcair fan then? maybe you and me are more alike than i think.


    Being against China isn't abad thing..The very thing that allows you to speak out wouldn't be allowed in China...

    China is no beacon of hope..It's nothing but authoritarian crap dressed up as "freedom"...

    At the moment,I'm ambivalent about Mr. Mulcair...

  8. china is a successful communist empire. obama is doing all he can to bring the usa back to prominence but he was left a mess by bush.


    China embraced Capitalism after the Soviet empire collapsed...

    No authoritarian economic theory had ever worked...

    The Chinese version of Mussolini's Fascism (see Authoritarian Capitalism) won't work long term either...

  9. the state needs to be in control of 95%. otherwise you have exploitation which is happening now. maybe you like that kinda thing. but i dont. i llok after my fellow citizens who werent born with the silverspoon.

    I have no interest in elitism,but,I take from this you are a huge fan of Authoritarian Leftism under the guise of "sticking up for the little guy"?

    Um...Yeah...History tells us that turned out well for the little guy...

  10. Well stated Claudius.

    That's the issue though, Harper and his acolytes don't want to address the real issue. Their primary concern is enabling their corporate friends with measures to lower wages while giving them more and more tax breaks...at the working class's expense.

    Of course it is...This is by design...

    "We must emulate the Chinese model of Authoritarian Capitalism to compete with the pathetic standard of living they have!"...

  11. i asked you to define it. if you cant no problem. just dont pretend to be an expert on the subject. i take classes on sj.

    The reason that I ask is because 'social justice" means different things to different people..I'm happy you take classes on the subject,however,that doesn't make you an expert...

    If you ask a free marketeer,many will say that "the market" will sort all things out...Others may say that "the state" needs to intervene,on occasssion, to re-balance thngs...

  12. i see you have no clue about history if you think socialism is bad. i have a few university profs who would wipe the floor with you in an argument about the merits of true socialism.

    i'll test you jack. what is your definition of social justice? your answer will tell me wheter or not you are capable of debating the issue intelligently or not.

    Well...Define "Social Justice"?

    And if you have "no clue about history",why are you entertaining this arguement?

  13. Are you still wanking on about your strawman?

    Are you pretending to teach me something I know, common knowledge for anybody over 14?

    How wonderful for me, I am not forced to join the union! But I am required to pay the dues and abide by terms of employment negotiated by some asshole you love.

    In your world, I enjoy the benefits negotiated by your brothers and sisters. In mine, I am forced to be underpaid for my services and denied any negotiating options due to your actions.

    We can all get laid off together, somehting to look forward to.

    I don't need or want your heavyhanded paternalism.

    Nope...You still don't get it...

    If one does not want to be a member of a union under Agency Shop provisions,they don't have to...

    They can have their dues redirected to,for example,a charity of their choice (and get the resulting tax break for a charitable donation),but,this is done under the express knowledge that that person is declining representation....

    In otherwords,they are on their own if they get into trouble with management...

    What you really want is legislated union busting,under the obvious provisions in RTW legislation,under the guise of "personal freedom"...

    Of course,the NAM,The National Right To Work Committeee,The Koch Bros. etc. thank you for your corporate sycophancy and you corporate rhetoric in support of their artificial wage and benny suppression plan...All under the guise of "personal freedom"...

    Hey,enjoy the self induced poverty and your submission to authority complex...

  14. with due respect you are wrong. capitalism like what is going on in canada right now is hurting many people. all people care about are the tarsands that are causing global warming which is destroying our planet all in the name of the capitalism that you so much admire.

    I suggest you read what I've previously talked about.Capitalism,IN A CONTROLLED ENVIRONMENT,works quite well...

    You need only look at the Post War Social Contract from approx. 1945 to approx. 1979 to see how the general standard of living rose through that period...

    The problem is that since that time,we have seen a systematic whittling away of that social contract under the guise of "personal freedom" through things like tax cuts (mostly coporate tax cuts and tax cuts for those who least require a tax cut!) and allowing an accendancy of a veritable "corporatocracy" that essentially pays for it's ostensibly "freely" elected legislative partners...

    This has allowed for an "unfettering" of Capitalism and allowed the ugly side of Capitalism to show itself...

    It should be noted that if we had allowed the other side to gain unnecessary strength,namely Socialism,we would have just as bad societal problems that would have equally nightmarish consequences...

  15. capitalism is evil no doubt about it. the little guy like me is frowned upon by capitalists thats why i support the brave protesters in quebec. they are fighting for all us little guys who have been kicked around because we werent born with a silver spoon.

    Capitalism isn't "evil"...It is an extreme just like Marxism and Fascism are an extreme...In their extreme states they are all evil...

    Capitalism ,in a controlled environment,works quite well.There's lots of recent historical evidence for this that irrefutable.

  16. I guess you don't understand what is required to establish a business.

    Hint: it takes capital investment, not just ongoing operating costs like labour and materials.

    Oh, and the return on your labout investment is called a salary or wages.

    If you also want a big chunk of the profits on top of that, you'll have to do more than just work for 40 hours a week and you'll have to do more than just complain. You'll have to cough up a proportionate chunk of the capital, and there is no return guaranteed.

    Have you looked up Agency Shop yet,or are you still forwarding the free marketeer's canard of compulsary union membership???

    I say looked up because it's clear you didn't understand what the framework really is...

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