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  1. What about broom sticks as a man was charged for possession of a dangerous weapon when chasing off raccoon's in his backyard. IT is a joke that anything can be considered a dangerous weapon in the right context and to suit the police for arresting you. If the RCMP were seizing the weapons due to unsafe storage how did they find out without being in the house without a warrant. I understand the argument about safety but innocent untill proven guilty is a much more important factor.
  2. Its really nothing new. He spent so long blaming the past government he simply did it again out of habit. The issue being that he was the last one this time. The Dalton Legacy is growing
  3. The Big Move has many flaws but the one question I have yet to find an answer to is how will this get people out of their cars? What if you build a transit system and nobody uses it? This giant political scandal in the making is 100% based on getting the people that drive now out of their cars and into public transit.
  4. Can anybody tell me they believe that the price will stay at 50 billion? Taking 25 years of construction, all the people that are pushing this will be dead or might as well be. If they manage to stay on schedule. We have a sitting government that has a proven track record of not being able to keep their word or being able to handle a project of a tenth of the size. We are once again dealing with estimates on the cost. How many roads will have to be moved to appease Liberal riding's after they have started? How many unions will have to bought off too stop a strike? How many billions from the "revenue tools" will make its way into the general revenue? The Liberals may have the best intentions but lack the ability to deliver and after 9 years of failures and scandals seem to be only getting worse. I am of the mind that the liberals want out of power more than the people of this province do and are doing their very best to be forced from office so somebody else can screw this up and they can blame them.
  5. Adrian Dix has to feel like Hudak right now. To blow a lead like that with all the ammo in the world to cripple the Liberals and He blew it. Of course the thought of an NDP in power scares the hell out of me too.
  6. I would love a Harris light. Shock the system and scare the hell out of the unions. It was a Chretien that cut the transfer to the provinces but history has left that out.
  7. The problem is that we are stuck with Hudak till he loses the next election. But only if the Liberals get a majority THAN get ready to pay huge. Rates wil jump across the board and with nothing to stop them we will all be screwed equally. Welcome to socialism. The Ontario PC cannot change leaders while in a minority situation with an election anytime. So all hopes are on Hudak. Sucks to live in Ontario right now
  8. I have never seen a statement more true. If they cannot control it they do not want it to exist. The only reason the LCBO is not privatized is pure money. This argument about public safety is just a cover for the pure money grab that the LCBO has become. Do I agree that two hour shifts are wrong. You bet. But a part time job paying what they do is a loss of money for the public coffers. We have the nerve to talk about the money that teachers,doctors and nurses make but saying a stock boy need to make 18 bucks an hour is ok. Nope sorry. Keep grabbing your union dues because thats all you care about.Unions are just another form of a greedy corporation
  9. Somebody once said "Choosing who to vote for is like going into a sex shop and trying to figure out which dildo will hurt the least" Enough has been said about the Liberals. They are tired and incompetent. The NDP will do all these wonderful things and raise taxes on anybody they feel can afford it and that is everybody NOT on welfare. I disagree with the wind turbine contract issue because I live in a town in the middle of anti wind turbine movement and they have a really good argument against it. Truth be told if this was not a government project it would have been shut down with all the arguments of animal rights and health complaints. I do not like Hudak and he needs replaced as much as the Liberals do but I fear he is the less of the evils and that is a terriable state of affairs for the people of this province. We deserve better
  10. So does anybody think this will be the 50 Billion that has been stated? Can anyone name a government in the last 20 years that can be trusted to oversee such a task? The Ontario Liberals are so busy spending our money that we do not have and will have to hike taxes for more of our money that we do not have. The NDP would give contracts to the highest paid union employee's and than raise taxes even more as the businesses leave or go bankrupt. The PC will not start the "Big Move" They will complain about it after it is passed and blame it on the last government much like our last Premier did his entire time in office. We the people of Ontario are the ones that will suffer. Hudak can not even do the right thing and step down so a new leader can take over due to an election could be anytime. We are screwed
  11. Define " Home grown Terrorists" For some it could be the First Nations blocking roads for a protest. Perhaps the PQ for their endless demands. What is the line? I despise any form of racism but am guilty of it as I feel we all are. I personally don't care about your colour or religious beliefs but I do feel that if you think its ok to stone or behead women for adultery after they have been raped or molested than I think I am a more civilized human being. I don't hate those that believe it is right I despise the crime but I think these people are of the same mind as the prosecutors of the Salem witch trails or the Spanish inquisition. As to the treason question. Protesting a government is a right. Preaching a different opinion is called a free society. Plotting to blow up innocent people in the name of a cause is terrorism and yes treason.
  12. Socialistic you amuse me. You ask for an opinion then criticize them for their past experiences. Personally I had amazing public school teachers who were for the most part great role models and helped us grow up. High school was a different story. I found more of the teachers were just waiting out the clock or shooting for promotion. To be fair I had a few that were a major influence on me but I do remember during contract talks a majority of them openly criticized any student that dare disagree with the union line. It was not open to discussion but they very much loved teaching us about why they should always be agreed with. Reading your Socialists posts I laughed when he talked about how the Liberals gave in to the teachers union and how HE had that going for him. Not a very socialist attitude. More of a conservative greedy mantra,
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