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Sir Bandelot

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Everything posted by Sir Bandelot

  1. Right, now your telling us the Lancet has an agenda to make drugs freely available to addicts. Ridiculous. I'll go with scientists and doctors, not the opinion of Barbara Kay in her blog. Here's the Lancet study.- http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lancet/article/PIIS0140-6736(10)62353-7/fulltext By the way, "The Journal of Global Drug Policy and Practice" that posted your information is run by the Drug Free America Foundation, which received its initial funding in a $1.5 million grant from a U.S. Department of Justice agency, and is now under investigation for corruption.
  2. Your attitude is the same as all the prohibitionists, and history has proven you to be wrong. That is why we must change things. Drug users are just people who are oppressed by the wealthy elite. They are the enemy, not drug users. That is why we must begin by teaching the young ones. So that the next generation will understand the real problem of drug users, and who the enemy is truly. Here in my city we have begun such a campaign, and it is being promoted in all the schools. Right from kindergarten...
  3. I understand, and agree your rights are not being protected. Prohibition has only exacerbated the problem by giving power to organized crime, rather than letting junkies get clean dope through some other, legitimate means. Technically speaking we do not want them to continue using dope, so that in itself would not be enough, to just provide them drugs. We need to provide some meaningful avenue to escaping what they have done to themselves. Let us begin by separating them from the criminals who take advantage of their addiction, those we seek to keep them addicted for their own material gain. Once they come out of the alley and into the light, and not hated or condemned by society, we have the first step. Then there is a chance. At the moment what we have is an epidemic, which has become a health emergency (it was declared so in BC). Prohibition has accomplished nothing. The drug war is lost, and only fools continue to believe in it. Fools, and callous manipulators. That is why Harper's ideology on punitive measures for drug abusers must be stopped.
  4. I do get that, and am looking forward to the benefits it will provide, our society. One that is based on love, compassion, understanding and healing. Not hate, apathy, fear and punishment.
  5. Cause I believe Karma is a bitch. Ask Bernie Madoff. He lost way more than money
  6. Well good night boys and girls. This man has to go do an honest days work tomorrow. No, I don't clean urine, but nor do I disrespect those that have to do things like that. You will see one day when your sitting in your own filth, that will be the day when the great maker reminds you to be a bit more humble, and appreciate even the little people. For now, sweet dreams. May visions of dollar signs fill your little heads.
  7. We all know you are incapable of feeling anything for anyone, Bob. You've made that clear time and again. Your claim that I despise success is baseless. It is yet another one of your broad, absurd assertions. You really should avoid making sweeping generalizations like that, because it makes you look like a jackass. I am successful myself, and believe a person has the right to achieve whatever success they're capable of. But I do not respect anyone who's ruthless, or callous. That is the difference.
  8. What you are is a bunch of slavering dogs who want to be like him, and step on anyone who gets in the way to power and success. That is where your feigned admiration and respect comes from. And it is demonstrated.
  9. It's nice to watch all the barn animals jump in and start crowing, when one of their celebrities bites it. As though that person was somehow special. And they were, to people like you who want what they have. Unbridled ambition... steal from people... and admire others who do likewise. It's your network
  10. Lies. I won't bother to go back and pick out all the posts. I can read, Bob. And I was watching to see how long it takes for you people to start talk about the value of his stock. The body wasn't even cold yet, and some were already checking it. What a bunch of animals. Sickening, really sickening. Actually the PBS comment was made up, to give you clowns a rise. There is no PBS documentary.
  11. No, not boo frikkin hoo. It's you people who are making a big deal out of it. Oh so sorry he passed away...hat a great guy... blah blah blah. Why, because he's a star? Well, boo friggin hoo on all you.
  12. Not a leftist, not partisan. I try to decide things on their merits, and always defer to the rights of individuals. Not governments, businesses or those who hold absolute power. Just couldn't stand the fawning, simpering over someone who dies, because he's a rich celebrity. In my work I see people who are dying of cancer every day. Many of them are good, decent upstanding folks. They do good things for their community. Nobody writes them a tearful eulogy when they die. We all go to the same place, rich or poor, good or bad. Sorry if I farted at the funeral...
  13. No matter what though, majority or not, Hudak lost. He's still sitting on the same side of the room as he was before. I'm glad in a way cause Hudak said some pretty stupid things. Overall the province is doing alright under the Liberals, no need to change anything. Of course, as the saying goes, pobodies nerfect...
  14. Well, you can argue with the loser "expert" who made their allegations in the link I also provided. See the next post down. They will be able to answer you right away. You people have convinced yourselves that one man stealing from another is fine, in order to procure wealth, and you admire them for having done it and you express condolences now that they're dead. That's your thing. It's not my job to judge you for what you are. But I would never do it. Not even if you gave me a million dollars. It doesn't matter how much money...
  15. You don't understand how difficult it is to be a social worker, to try and make friends with someone who is an addict and in desperate trouble. They need to find a way to persuade them, make them believe that they have the will to quit. To simply condemn or admonish the user in that moment would have been useless. They would stop seeing the social worker, and carry on using the drugs, alone. No social worker would grant "official approval", but they may have avoided being judgmental at that moment. They would have known how bad it is for the partly-destroyed crack addict to get more crack. Their job is not to condemn but to convince the addict to get help.
  16. The neighborhood they're in is right where drug users are at, taking drugs on the street and lying in alleyways, passed out. So the centre actually takes them off the street, helping clean up the neightbourhood so kids don't have to see that. And they collect the syringes for proper disposal. That gets rid of a lot of otherwise potentially harmful used syringes.
  17. Well far be it from me to speak ill of the dead, but it seems to me that you people admire someone who did unethical things to become rich. He stole ideas from others to make the Mac OS a viable product. All his success stems from this act of thievery. I don't find that admirable at all.
  18. Well, a lack of scientific evidence on the governments part does not invalidate science presented on Insites part. Simply put, you have no evidence. And yet you say, I am the one who is assuming. You have nothing.
  19. If I am being obtuse, then you think you are smarter than teams of government lawyers. Maybe you should consider offering them your professional services?
  20. Here's what Warren Buffet said: Stop coddling the super-rich
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