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Everything posted by willy

  1. Wow, the CBC this morning. http://westernstandard.blogs.com/shotgun/
  2. Hey who was the Treasury Board chair? Martin Hey what province does the PM hold his seat? Quebec As one of the most senior ministers Martin would have had many interactions with all the folks implicated. They were the movers and shakers in the Liberal Party. They would of had to have been to deliver on the promises. Did he know I don't know, but he should have?
  3. The Conservatives will gain support in Ontario where they currently have 25 seats. The Conservatives also have a strong presence in Atlantic Canada. The challenge will be to gain representation in Quebec. The one issue the Conservatives may be able to grow some support around is federal transfer payments. They are the one party in a position to address the fiscal imbalance. This is a winning issue in Quebec and the Bloc will never be able to achieve change for the constituents. The Conservatives still have a Senator from Quebec. I am not suggesting that the Conservatives will have a major breakthrough in Quebec but they may be able to steal a seat or two around Montreal. The strong federalist ridings may just be angry enough at the liberals to vote for their only alternative.
  4. This is the strategy that the public system is causing now. If you were ill would you wait or travel.
  5. Ya, the Conservatives went out of our way to create a Judicial inquiry so they could then have baseless accusations to lay against the Liberal Party. Does that sound ridiculous yet. This started with a government audit, then more info came out in committee, and now under judicial. It just gets worse and worse. What will we find out when the individual trials start. I don't think every Liberal is a criminal, but I do know enough of them did wrong to get tossed. They have lost the moral authority to govern. :angry:
  6. They did not follow the donation rules and were delivered the donations in cash so they could not be tracked if you believe the testimony. As with OJ they may not of proved it but he doesn't get much work anymore. Even if this does not end up in conviction and I will be surprised if it doesn't will the Liberals have anymore work after the judgment of the public is laid upon them. I will put a shinny Looney that the public won’t wait for 100% certainty to through the bums out.
  7. I didn't miss the point. I was referring to Volpe specifically. He was making statements to obfuscate the facts and make it appear as something it was not. This is slander and he should be careful or he will be sued.
  8. I was not going this far. I was merely suggesting that government bureaucracies are the least efficient mode of delivery. Where it makes sense we should use the accountability of investors and the need to maintain contracts as leavers to improve service and access to patients. As long as the government has a monopoly on health insurance and regulates prices the equality issue becomes a side note. Cagerattler, I have done my research. Check the Kirby Report or the Mazinkowski report. Other case studies can be pointed out. Primary care initiatives in Alberta right now are working on this model. The most important factor to good healthcare from their research was access and an advocate in the system. They are enabling this by breaking away from a hospital model and setting up more private clinics that have teams of specialist with GP's. In the same day you can get from your GP to the specialist you need with the test done. Focused surgeries like sports and work injuries can best be handled by private clinics that do just these services. Cagerattler what makes you an expert on governance models for the delivery of healthcare.
  9. Hey smart guy, the key is falsely accused. Volpe is making allegations and spinning. The warning was against slanderous comments. Yes, the great Liberal defense. Yelling from the mountain tops that everyone else is corrupt as well so it is okay that they are thieves.
  10. Hey smart guy, the key is falsely accused. Volpe is making allegations and spinning. The warning was against slanderous comments. Yes, the great Liberal defense. Yelling from the mountain tops that everyone else is corrupt as well so it is okay that they are thieves.
  11. Cagerattler and Caesar, A bond or in another term a promissory note. That is what Grewal was receiving. Just to be clear, he was not getting money. He wanted assurance the people he would help get a visa, would go home again. This was not for his private gain. He also disclosed this openly and is trying to make it policy. This is much different from the criminal allegations of cash pay offs to the Liberal party.
  12. Cagerattler, How much did it cost to register long guns then? 1.8 billion and how many have they registered and how many are still not registered. Better has the registry accomplished anything for what ever it cost. The HRDC was an accounting night mare. They may not have lost it so much as miss placed it. This is just as disconcerting. Personally as a Conservative I don't need to through mud at you. The quality of your statements does enough to discredit them.
  13. eureka, there you have it. Two different views of the world. I am a little Ayn Rand and you are a little Carl Marx. I would suggest to you that quality and quantity are not apposing forces.
  14. This is completely off topic but in a mature way I must say ceasar started it. caesar, how can I slow this down enough for you to figure it out. Private clinic increases the number of procedures being done (they are more efficient and effective) More patients have been treated. Fewer people need to be on a wait list Shorter wait list will speed service Quick service in healthcare means better patient outcomes Better patient outcomes reduces costs Reduced costs provides more resources to patient care The private clinics in BC do more with less. This is good when you have limited resources and exploding demand. (i.e. the aging population) Side benefits, the employees at these clinics report higher work satisfaction levels. Patients also report better service. So if the government pays for you to receive this service what is your problem? The issue is more complex than this but some of the delivery is this simple. Example of a mixed system: Knee surgeries done by specialist private clinics Complex cancer case would best be placed in a public facility (Multiple problems where fee for service does not make sense and I have not seen an economic model that accommodates for expensive complex procedures.) Global budgets should be a thing of the past and all health institutions should receive resources for providing more care not less.
  15. This is so simple. If these physicians in a private systems treat more patients they will be reducing the demand on the public system. Example here in BC the private orthopedic clinics are able to do 4 times the number of procedures with the same human resources as the public sector. Think about that for a while.
  16. The Liberal Brand is on the way out. Here is a story to the first name change. http://www.canada.com/fortstjohn/story.htm...25-84782eab7c25
  17. \He will get that quick service from the province with the most private options for healthcare in Canada. Would you argue that Quebec is a right wing province? The PCs got tossed for good reason and now it is time to toss the Liberals.
  18. This is why we have the largest export surplus in the G8.
  19. caesar, have a little sensitivity for someone who is seriously ill. Like Trudeau, Mulroney led this country. I didn't like Trudeau direction but I do afford him the respect of his efforts. Mulroney attempted to unify this country under one constitution. He failed, but at least he had the courage and vision to try. This is much different than trying to buy elections for the purpose of staying in power and then not steering the ship. What has been the Liberal agenda for the last 15 years? The only thing that comes to mind is staying in power. They consistently went to early elections to catch the opposition in change. They never had a mandate or agenda and have only allowed a slow degeneration of our quality of life. They did achieve undermining international confidence in the credibility of our political systems. Shame. I do separate individuals with different views but are in government to serve and the corrupt power brokers in the Liberal party. It is the intention to defraud us the taxpayers that angers me and should anger people of all political stripes. I cheer on the NDP to become a credible party. I think we would be better served having a left of center and right of center principled party system. The Liberals brokerage politics undermines any confidence. They run on the polls and they stay in power by influence peddling. Does that not make even there own members sick. Rant done but after reflecting on the serious nature of the charges being laid at the Gomery Commission the current government is making Nixon look like a good leader.
  20. The governor general is a former reporter. Our representative in New York is also a former reporter. Much of the government’s communication team are former reporters. The Liberals look to the media scrums for appointments. You are right this must just be a coincidence. Another view would be that writers as a demographic tend to be more liberal in attitude. Just like the average business student would be more likely to be a conservative. Ah, I miss the old national post.
  21. Fortunata, what personal experience do you have to verify your allegation? The fact that the Conservatives will form the next government and the NDP will never be in that position must hurt too much to be rational in your debate. Check the Conservative Party constitution. We have more checks and balances than any other party in Canada. Our national council has real power and they must report back to the EDAs. This is not some blind political bent as our caucus must does have the ability to lead on emerging issues. The fact we respect nomination meetings in choosing our candidates must be lost on you. If you do not see much descent in the Conservative Party it is because our leader has chosen a popular path within the party. Good luck with the angry bent. I am also optimistic about our party because I have experienced our inclusion and respectful debates.
  22. A Conservative Government would make the government smaller, and give more money back to the provinces to meet the primary services they deliver. NDP government would centralize control, grow the government and increase taxes. Who's the pig? Black Dog, I am a Conservative and I want my party to win because I think they will do a better job. Don't let me put words in your mouth but you would vote NDP. Correct me if I am wrong. My guess is you think they would do a better job. You don't need to vilify me to like your own position. I am comfortable with you having your position. I think we are both democrats. So shall we just let the voters sort it out? The voting part I am excited about because I think we will win. Don't you think so as well? This is what makes you angry. More people agree with the Conservatives than the NDP. An aside: IMO, The foundation of the Conservative Party provides for member input that neither the NDP nor the Liberals can claim this level of involvement. Our policy matters and our party is accountable back to the grass roots in the EDA's. This will provide a government that will be more accountable for its actions.
  23. The none confidence motion will come this week. The election will be this spring. Nobody wants it but with the Block looking at a clean sweep they will push the issue now while it is hot.
  24. This is my last response in this tread as if I were to say the sky were blue you would likely tell me that it is smoggy out. Our policy platform is what it is: We believe that we need to see a plan on BMS before you say no. We believe that parents should have choices on how they bring up their children. We believe while extending benefits to same sex couple who enter unions the definition of marriage should remain one man and one women. We believe that Senators should be elected. Minimum sentences for violent offenders. How we do things has more to do with facilitation through tax incentives and reducing barriers. _______________________________________ The Liberals would like to build a national child care program for all people who have children. The Liberals pick winners and losers in business by subsidizing their friends. The Liberals would have us legalize drugs and prostitution. Ann McClellan said it when she pointed out that Liberal politicians do not have to follow their policy. ________________________________________ ect. I do think you are prejudging our policy, when the newly compiled document comes out give it a thumb through.
  25. I was not afraid and I voted they way I wanted. What came out of the convention was what the members wanted to come out of it with. A strong party that can win an election that still represents the principals of its members. I am no apologist for why the Liberals didn't follow the promise of the red book. You have very little foundation for your view of Harper, at least I have met the man and had a chance to experience how he operates. Preston by the way was at the convention and he was indorsing Harper.
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