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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. I think Harper and the rest of the world is worried about a violent revolution. That doesn't help anyone. If Mubarak is going to going to commit to stepping down in the next few months to the entire world, let him do that. There are countless examples of dangerous government transitions where people are not only hurt, but completely ripped off. Look at the end of the USSR to see what happened there.

  2. The rates have gone up several times in the last two years only to fall back down again. The banks are speculating with rates. They have to borrow money to lend it out a lot of the time and if the spreads aren't big enough they increase the rates.

    As the rates go up housing prices will go down. The low rates are one of the reasons why houses are so expensive right now. There's also enough competition with brokers and lenders that people can still buy houses. 3.6% - 3.9% aren't exactly bad for 5 year rates. Don't you worry Topaz.

  3. Is there any actual evidence that kids who spend time in day care are worse off than those raised at home? Let's see it.

    What sort of evidence do you need? Do you not feel that having a loving parent at home devoting one-on-one attention to a child is beneficial for both mental and emotional growth???

    Also: is there any basis to your claim that dual income families are only pursuing that lifestyle to accumulate extraneous possessions and not, say, provide a better quality of life for their kids? I find it hard to believe that more than 80 per cent of families are adopting the two-income model out of lust for new iPads.

    You're likely right but I'm sure there are plenty of parents who ARE guilty of that.

  4. Yeah, the only excuse was that it was the Liberals and Ignatieff. When in reality it was Harper's loser of a foreign affairs minister and Harper himself skipping his speech 2 years ago for Timmy's and only showing up last year to praise it and hand out maple syrup.

    No, if anything it was European favoritism, shifting aid from Africa to the the Caribbean and not following along with retarded environmental policies. Only shifting aid from Africa was really Harper's decision.

    I'm full of crap? I'm not the on the side that's predicting Air Canada to be destroyed over this.

    Nobody is. That's just a red herring you introduced because you're not a very smart person.

    Actually, that's exactly what diplomacy would be.

    Well then under those terms anything is justifiable for the sake of 'diplomacy'. Diplomacy is nothing but a word. There is a right and wrong for every situation and using the word 'diplomacy' doesn't really change that. I'm not surprised you think so, but you're not that bright

    Oh please that's exactly what he did.

    No that's really not what he did. The worst thing Smallc has ever really done on this forum is mock and condescend. The assumption that he's attacking your patriotism can be completely chalked up to your spazz tendencies.

    Notice how no one here is willing to tell us what the true damage to Air Canada is. Notice how no one here will admit that these negotiations have been going on for 5 years only for the government to come back with a deal for even less traffic than Emirates gets now - essentially that Harper negotiated in bad faith. Notice how no one will admit that the "fussy UAE princes" drastically reduced what they were asking for. Notice how no one has acknowledged that, as with the census, that pretty much every group and several provincial governments - except of course Air Canada - actually wanted the deal. Notice how people can coldly scoff at 1.5 billion in lost trade per year.

    We're not losing 1.5 billion in trade per year. We'll hardly lose a fraction of that. Compare our trade with the UAE in 2010 to trade in 2011. Nobody will notice the difference. At worst, maybe a few million. Again, this is just you spazzing out and exaggerating numbers. You think the UAE will shut out Candian business altogether over a few landing rights? LOL. I suppose they'll do the same to Germany and anyone else that won't give them their own way?

    Not only will your worst case scenario never happen, but even if it did nobody would notice.

    Now, again, please tell me in comparison to that sum, how much Air Canada is going to lose in jobs and money and investment into Canada? That's right, no one can. Airlines have come in before and Air Canada has survived and expanded.

    Kind of like how Canada has had trade disputes with other countries before and survived and expanded their economy right? Yeah. You're a dumb kid. I think we're done here.

    The world doesn't work on pride. We need to swallow ours and move on.

    Ironic comment. :lol:

  5. whaaa! The best any of the die-hard partisan Harper Conservative hacks can do is a... "B-"... a "C+"!!! :lol: Low expectations... or what! Dagnabit, they say - if only he had a majority, you'd see the real Harper shine!!!

    LoL. If I'm a die-hard Harper partisan, what does that make you? I mean...I don't even like the guy. In comparison I don't even know what we'd call you. A frothing lefty pogie glutton?

  6. Harper has a stance on the environment? Who knew! As for your other misinformed commentary... despite the obstructiveness, despite the numerous fossil awards, Canada was a signatory to the Copenhagen Accord. Hey now... you must have meant Cancun... no wait, Canada was also a signatory to Cancun's COP16/CMP6 agreements. What was it you actually meant to say again?

    Harper's stance on the environment is that he's not going to sign on to any retarded treaty that will impose restrictions on Canada but not on the world's biggest polluters like India and China. Why would we put ourselves into a position where all we would be doing is making our manufacturers less competitive and ship even more jobs to China, where they don't have the same restrictions?? How does that make sense??? All you're doing is shipping your pollution and jobs to the third world.

    At any rate, Canada and the US refused to sign a binding accord at Copenhagen which left it as just another toothless and worthless piece of paper. In effect, Copenhagen accomplished nothing. I hope you realize that.

  7. I'd give him a B-, possibly a C+. Most of the credit goes to him not rocking the boat too much and managing a minority. I like his stance on the environment and not signing onto idiotic treaties like Copenhagen. I like his immigration policies. I like his steady hand on the economy and I approve of his arctic ambitions.

    There is, however, a LOT of room for improvement and I think and I eagerly look forward to the Liberals actually fielding a contender eventually.....

  8. Right. Which is why for the first time in our history we lost a seat at the UN.

    Nicky look into why we lost the seat and get back to us on that. It wasn't anything Harper did.

    It's 3 billion and 3 billion is still a LOT of money and provides quite a few jobs. It's nice you can just laugh that off.

    Of course you take the high-end estimate. It's AT MOST (but more likely a LOT less) $3B in trade BOTH ways. Consider the fact that we're at worse only going to lose a small fraction of that (the UAE is not scrapping trade with Canada) and we get right down to how full of crap you are and how much you're exaggerating how much this will impact Canadians.

    They didn't extort anything out of us. It's called diplomacy. To get something, we have to give something. That's the way it has worked since statecraft began. To expect anything different is absolutely ridiculous.

    Keep hiding behind that word --- diplomacy. I guess if you label anything as 'diplomacy' it's fair then right? Like...if the US closed its borders to us because we didn't go to war along with them when they asked that would be perfectly reasonable right? I mean...it would be diplomacy right??? Get real. :rolleyes:

    No, that's not it at all. I don't have a problem at all with people disagreeing with me. What I have a problem with are fucking morons who just because I don't agree with THEM like to throw around things like me getting into bed with dictators. It's a slap in the face. It's disgusting and I won't stand for it.

    No nicky. That's exactly what's going on. You're getting your underwear twisted, blowing things way out of proportion, freaking and then cussing someone out because they said something you didn't like. You are supporting the position of a bunch of Arab princes who are fussing with Canada. That's what Smallc said. You went apeshit and decided that he was attacking your patriotism. That's comedy.

  9. If it wasn't for your last comment, I would've left it at there. However, considering about how you're linking me and my party to what you call tribal dictators implies that we love them more than we do our country..........However, the fact that you stooped that low to get in a shot at me, questioning my patriotism, my stance on human rights and any other smear that is associated with these people shows how low and shallow you really are.

    He's not questioning your patriotism. Grow up. Don't be such a baby. He's questioning how you support the position of a backwards bunch of Arab princes who are trying to extort economic favors from us.

    Maybe people don't like the way Canada has acted because maybe we don't want our reputation ruined abroad?

    Our reputation is fine abroad. I don't think many people are terribly worried about our relations with the UAE.

    Maybe we want to see trade with a country increase. In case you aren't aware, in recent years the UAE has been a giant boon for Canadian investment and the UAE has become our 12th largest trading partner which provides far more jobs and much more economic benefit than the effect of a few landing rights for airplanes at a Toronto airport.

    The question is how much trade will we lose from this really and how much would it cost us? Considering we do 80-90% of our trade with our top 10 trading partners, and number 10 is about 1% of our total trade, you're HUGELY exaggerating the effect this is going to have on us. Even if the UAE were to forbid ALL business with Canada (not going to happen) you'd be looking at perhaps $1-3 billion in trade both ways, which is next to nothing.

    we sacrificed so much...for what? For lousy landing rights that no one has even come close to proving that would harm our economy?

    Oh please. We sacrificed $300,000,000 (peanuts) and relations with a so-called friend who tried to extort economic favours out of us at the end of our Afghan mission, at the most inconvenient time possible, and who are trying to do the same thing to other countries with similar results.

    What a precedent that would set.

    So, really, when it comes down to it: be the little bitch you are. Go fuck yourself.

    and here you show your true colours. If you're going to fuss and wet your pants every time someone disagrees with you (which is going to be often because you're an idiot) then you'll probably be happier not visiting these forums.

    Grow up.

  10. Yes, the infrastructure is less due to them not being a domestic airline, but we already have one. Like I've said many times before, they DON'T FLY TO THE UAE! So how much service is going to drain

    It's not UAE/Canadian traffic anyone is worried about. It's granting favourable landing rights to a carrier trying to turn Dubai into a regional hub and drain traffic to Europe and Asia. There's also nothing in it for the Canadian government.

    Air Canada is doing fine.

    Air Canada hasn't been doing fine since I've been alive.

    The funniest thing about this is even Air Canada admitted that there should be increased capacity between Toronto and Dubai. Take a look.

    Perhaps, but why offer it if there's no benefit to us?

    It's funny enough that you're quoting a Toronto Star article, but what's even funnier is the sources it quotes:

    "But I have a 2006 document in which Air Canada proposed a partnership with Emirates. It called for a coordinated schedule between Canada and Dubai, starting with a daily Dubai-Toronto flight and expanding to other cities. It asked Emirates to operate its own aircraft on the routes. It even suggested flight times to maximize connections with Air Canada"

    So this guy has a 'document' that proposes a partnership which the UAE declined and which we really don't see the terms to...


    "In fact, additional airline traffic always creates more jobs. An Emirates study shows its new flights would add 1,900 jobs and $26 million in taxes."

    we're relying on an EMIRATES study...I'd love to see how scientific it was :rolleyes:

    As usual we're assuming that Harper would sink a deal that would create 1900 jobs, generate tax revenues of $26 million, cost us nothing AND ruin an international relationship, purely out of spite and because he's an egotistical jerk.

    That's generally the position you guys take so I'm not sure how to reason with it.

  11. Because how is a question that has yet to be answered. American Woman is quite right. AC is in no trouble from a few extra flights to Dubai.

    You're right, but what reason do we have for granting it to them? What benefit does it provide us? Why would we put a domestic airline at a disadvantage to a foreign one? It makes no sense.

  12. I couldn't agree more. The funny thing is, that despite claims to the contrary, these ads simply do not work. For either side. They have a greater potential to hurt yourself instead of the other guy, but they still do it.

    They work. They work very well. Harper succesfully branded Dion as a wimp and an out of touch leader before Dion even had a chance. Paul Martin did the same thing to Harper in his first election, although to a lesser extent.

    They work because the electorate is largely stupid and ignorant about politics. It's a lot easier to lie to a moron or to someone who knows nothing about what they're talking about. Think about how many times you've been fleeced by some scumbag on commission at a bank, car dealership, electronics store, insurance brokerage etc...It's the same with politics.

  13. yes I can understand from your perspective my level of intellect must be intimidating but no I'm not a genius B) ...but when compared to your idols shady, lukin and saipan I can appreciate how you would make such an error in judgment :lol: ...

    My idols? If you say so. Regardless, I do consider all three of them infinetly more intelligent than yourself and a heck of a lot more witty than you THINK you are.

    :lol: if AC disappears you actually believe canada will left without air service?...what idiocy, another international or west jet will step in and hire the same canadians that worked for AC...are you so naive to believe that all those people working at canadian offices and service counters of Delta, AA, KLM and Air France, Lufthansa, British Airways, United, and all the technical crews servicing the planes aren't canadian? merely because their planes don't have "canada" plastered on the side of their plane?

    wyly you're missing a LOT of points here. First off, nobody is talking about Air Canada disappearing because of the UAE airlines. All the UAE wants is to be given unfair competitive advantages. They want landing slots that cannot be justified by Canada-UAE traffic, and they are unwilling to offer similar rights to Canadian carriers. It WOULD cost us jobs because the majority of the infrastructure in place to support UAE planes flying people to Dubai and then from Dubai to Europe etc would be working in Dubai, instead of Canada. Sure, you might have a smattering of service people here and there in Canada, but nowhere near what a domestic airline would have.

    oh ya where the stocks are traded and where the head office is located must mean it's canadian :lol: ya tell that to the The Bay/Zellers or Potashcorp...I bet you still believe in santa and the easter bunny too...

    Well what makes a company Canadian. You tell me please. :rolleyes:

  14. AC is an international company

    Headquartered, operating from and serving Canada...so a Canadian airline....

    what do I care if another international carrier pushes it out of international flight market with a better product?

    First of all, I highly doubt anyone in the government is concerned whether or not know-nothings are on board with their decision or whether or not they care about Air Canada. Second, Air Canada wouldn't be getting additional landing rights in the UAE, thus the competition wouldn't be fair, thus there'd be no real benefit for Canada. All you'd be doing is stepping on your domestically operated carrier and possibly killing Canadian jobs.

    why should my spending dollars be reserved for a corporation because it slaps Canada on it's planes?...AC is no more canadian than Delta, AC is using phony patriotism to have a protected market at my(and your) expense...if AC was a crown corporation it would be another matter totally but it isn't, it's a corporation with a captive(hostage) market...

    Right...let's see now....Air Canada and its parent company ACE are both traded publicly on the TSX, are both headquarted in Canada and all of their hubs (thus their employees) are in Canada. Delta...not so much. Try again genius.

  15. I still don't get it. It seems our entire environmental policy is being drafted in the US but Ignatieff can't be Prime Minister because he lived there for a while? At least he isn't selling out our policy process directly to the US. Saying anything else is absolutely ludicrous. It's the height of hypocrisy.

    Harper's environment policy is practically non-existent and he's not making it a priority. This is him passing the buck off to the Americans, who also don't really have a policy and will do nothing. This is all fine and good with me. The #1 concern for Canadians is not the environment. It's the economy. Harper killed the Liberals in the last election over this, and will do so again if it comes up a second time.

    Does it matter? Why is it that the current government lacks the imagination to impose as strict standards in a way that suits the Canadian economy better?

    Duh...because imposing unilateral carbon emission policies on the Canadian economy would put us at a huge disadvantage and would have about the same impact as a fart in a hurricane.

  16. Micheal has spent more time INSIDE Canada then the Tories want you to believe. Fact, he was born in 1947 and didn't leave under he was 31 years old. He then went to England, France and other countries working. In 2000, he went to Harvard and in 2005 he came back to Canada. So total he been in Canada for 31+6=37 years. Last time I checked 37 is more than 27!

    Igniatieff has spent the vast majority of his adult life outside of Canada. He CHOSE to live outside of Canada as soon as he had the means to do so, and he didn't come back for 27 years. It's hardly coincidence that he came back only when the possibility of leading the country came up.

    Michael has seen and knows more about the world than Harper could ever learn, it called life experiences.

    He was a university professor and a journalist. How does that make him any more wordly than so many other MPs? Because he worked in the UK and the USA? I'm not knocking his credentials, but living in the UK and especially the USA doesn't exactly make someone wordly.

    Harper has only worked for an oil company and a coalition before coming to Ottawa. How about the half truths.

    What's half truth about it?

    Tories say that the Liberal would raise the GST. Michael said AFTER the economy is back to normal and times were good, they would raise the GST BUT would reduce INCOME tax.

    Ignatief hasn't defined himself or his policies. He's done little other than BS and change his mind since becoming Liberal Leader so you could say almost anything about him at this point.

    Attack ads are a way of life for the Tories because they haven't done anything to pound their chest about so they go on the attack. It would be so bad if they left out the PERSONAL attacks but again they have nothing to boost about their years in government. Harper has done more harm than good to Canada and Canadians.

    Attack ads aren't exclusive to the Tories. The Liberals are all about them as well.

    As for things to boast about, they have plenty to boast about. The CPC led the country through probably the mildest recession of the developed world and we also look like we're headed for a boom. It's held the longest running minority government in Canadian history and it's largely kept itself squeaky clean. That's a lot more than Ignatieff can say.

  17. What bullshit. God forbid we have a PM with a modicum of international experience and perish the thought of someone who may be a little smarter than the average mail room boy.

    Ignatieff is as Canadian as you or I, and the childish attempts to define him as not by the CPC show their true colours, power at any and all costs.

    Sure, I guess his passport says he's Canadian. I won't argue that. I also can't argue he grew up here. On the other hand, the fact that he chose to spend 27 of the last 32 years outside of the country would suggest he's about as far removed from the beating heart of Canada, and about as out of touch with its people, as a Canadian can be. I won't knock him for his education or intellecualism, but only an idiot wouldn't raise an eyebrow at the fact that he came back to Canada ONLY when the possibility of becoming PM came up.

    The ads may just backfire, and I for one hope they do if only to show the buffoons that the discourse ought to be truthful and honest.

    Oh please. Grow up. You and I might prefer the discourse be truthful and honest, but this is politics, and neither side is going to be honest. People as interested in politics as MLW in Canada probably account for 5% of the population. Maybe another 10-15% care enough to read the news and stay informed. The other 80-85% are either too dumb or don't care enough to know wtf is going on anyways, and they're the ones the ads target.

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