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Posts posted by Moonbox

  1. You obviously have no knowledge of Canadian History and are using the "Diefenbaker Argument" at this point in TIME as a defence FOR buying the UNPROVEN F-35, that's actually quite laughable... :lol:

    I'm going to ignore your complete lack of understanding when it comes to the budget numbers you posted. You're totally clueless, but explaining it all to you appears hopeless so I'll hone in on your Avro Arrow argument instead.

    The Avro Arrow was an obsolete design as soon as it came on the market. It was designed as an interceptor. Its intended use was to fly really fast and really straight to catch up to long range Soviet bombers before they had a chance to drop nukes on us. It wasn't agile. It wasn't robust. It was a very fast and very straight flying plane.

    With the advent of ICBMs (Inter Continental Ballistic Missiles), long range bombers were no longer the main nuclear threat. Nuclear Missiles launched from Russia were. The Avro was useless in countering this threat.

    Continuing with the Avro would have been a waste of money and continuing to fund a tiny military aerospace industry was equally wasteful. We shared continental defence with the world's biggest military manufacturer and the scale at which they were able to operate, and our common defensive interests, made Avro redundant.

    You don't seem to have any idea what the Arrow was tbh.

  2. Perhaps I misinterpreted what you meant when you stated the following... and as you can read, the EU ETS appears to be "flying" reasonably well, on some levels, during it's relatively early period(s).

    I'm not sure if you misinterpreted. I said carbon taxes, cap and trades or whatever you like to use makes your industry less competitive and simply outsources pollution. If all the world's major polluters would get on board with something I wouldn't have a single argument against it. I do, on the other hand, strongly protest extra costs on our manufacturers in the form of carbon taxes when the world's biggest polluters have no similar costs to deal with. Emission reductions in Canada wouldn't even be noticed in the world. It'd be like a fart in the wind.

    you will need to elaborate on your connection between outsourcing and cap & trade market systems. In any case, I certainly don't hesitate to highlight that very outsourcing aspect, per the previous linked study reference I have previously offered, several times now, across various MLW threads... the outsourcing of emissions by developed countries to China/India.

    No rudeness intended but I didn't understand this statement at all the way it was written. I can't figure out what you're saying here.

  3. in spite of all the difficulties associated with a market start-up, in spite of all the problems encountered within the initial phase (designed or not), that first phase of the EU ETS resulted in reduced emissions. It is surely your prerogative to attempt to counter that study with something other than your personal opinion...

    I'm not really sure how remarkable it is that a carbon tax, or cap and trade or whatever you want to try reduces emissions. That's what they're designed to do. The question that I get back to is how many dirty polluting jobs were sent to China and how much does the system cost your economy?

  4. now, again... FWIW, I personally favour a "fee and dividend" approach over "cap & trade". However, per the above, per the referenced comprehensive and reputable study, the EU Emissions Trading System, through all the startup problems, over allocations, 'giveaways', etc., within it's Phase 1 deployment... still... resulted in reduced emissions.

    How much of the reduced emissions were a result of business shutting down and moving to Asia and record oil prices, not to mention the onset of the recession?

    A 3 year snapshot isn't exactly a reliable sample size.

  5. Analogies are bad arguments, except when comparing dictators to travelling road clowns.

    It's the negative analogies to the Western nations that are simply not suitable, I take it?

    Um...with that comment I'm not really sure you understand what an analogy even is.

    My reference wasn't really even an analogy. Using rhetoric =/ 'analogy'. All I did was explain why your analogy was bad by supporting what jbg was trying to say.

    The fact that you missed all that, and the meaning of analogy, is troubling to me.

  6. Firstly, I don't consider myself a Harper hater, I just don't think he makes a good PM for Canada. That being said, Harper himself, is the reason canada's international reputation took a nose dive. He doesn't stand up for Canadians outside of the country when in trouble, unless he can benefit from it. In 2007, was the worse year for Canada's reputation because he didn't stand up for Khadr or the other Canadian man, who had to live in the Canadians Embassy. The Canadians who the US called terrorist and tortured, where was the PM, no were.

    I don't really think it matters what you consider yourself. You're one of the most die-hard Harper critics on this forum. If Harper dived in front of a train to save a dozen orphan children you'd still find an angle to criticize him for it.

  7. already done/happening... Developed countries outsource emissions - "Developed countries are "outsourcing" more than a third of their carbon emissions associated with products and services to other countries..... some countries in Western Europe have more than half of their total carbon dioxide emissions occurring elsewhere, especially in developing countries such as China".

    Well if you don't say. A CBC article supports my viewpoint. Amazing.

    What possible environmental benefit is there to outsourcing our pollution in the grand scheme of things?

  8. And perhaps Lucky Luciano was preferable to the gangster that Luciano and Lansky replaced. It's not especially soothing.

    (And on the other hand, Luciano and Lansky ushered in the era of nationwide murderous crime syndicates.)

    Analogies are bad arguments, particularly this one.

    Saddam was a murderous mad man who had the authority and the power to utterly suppress his people. In his case only outside force could remove him.

    Gadhafi, on the other hand, is a travelling road clown and his army is the joke of Africa. His people have the power, and will, to get rid of him themselves and that's exactly what's happening.

  9. It also needs to be noted that political parties should serve higher purposes than getting candidates elected. If carbon taxation is a hard sell (no thanks to oil industry propaganda here) then candidates with principles need to work harder to promote it; rather than trying to tell people what they want to hear.

    Carbon taxation is a dumb sell, not a hard sell. That's why it's not flying. It's almost impossible to justify imposing taxes and increased costs to manufacturers in Canada when they account for barely a fraction of the world's emissions, when the world's largest emitters have no similar restrictions. All you'd be doing is moving your manufacturers to China/India, where with the cost of labour they don't exactly need any other competitive advantages. Sounds like a great idea to me!!!

  10. Some of the adults are trying to have a conversation... if you have a rebuttal, or something to add, please do so... You look very immature with this kind of nonsense post.

    Wait was I supposed to take WIP's post seriously? That environmental issues are the #1 most important issue in all of Canadian politics, surpassing health care, taxes, the economy etc etc etc? How do you respond to that other than with laughter?

    Dumb posts get dumb answers.

  11. As for the dismissal of the Olympics as a factor, it just so happens that the country whose opinion climbed the most from 2010 to 2011 was South Africa... You know, the host country of the World Cup?

    It's not exactly remarkable that a third world country known for nothing other than apartheid and HIV/AIDS gets a publicity boost when someone sees something other than that.

    As for Harper's international reputation, I'm proud of what he's done. SHAME ON US for being net energy producers and for clubbing baby seals. SHAAAAME.

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