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Everything posted by DangerMouse

  1. I actually went thru grade 6 twice so that equals 12 ...if you believe that then your a.......
  2. Thanks for the good laugh! If it doesnt matter then why do governments spend money trying to prove otherwise? Even if they did come from Asia it still will not change the fact that they were the first ones here..the original--the first Canadians...furthermore the natives were not "conquered." And that is why these claims are still valid....finally mr Lightbulb....they're your laws You freakin rightwingers are all out right "DUMB."
  3. Jerry Fartin jibberish! Ever hear of precedence? Where did you learn your law? From a crackerjack box? In purely legal terms, if you look at it, you'll see that the governments are the real lawbreakers. The provincial government are a bunch of squatters? I can't make you feel guilty...you're the one with the dirty conscience as well as ANgus etc. Why? What a history you can be proud of...come over in boats; kill the indians after they saved your arses from the St Lawerence; rape their kids and women; spread your diseases (bioterrorism); commit acts of arson, then squat your squattin butt, and whine about what you got No wonder your busy trying to justify everything on here...get a life and most of all "DON'T BELIEVE EVERYTHING YOU THINK!" It's poisin thinking at it's best
  4. Let me get this straight, you can hurl insults about natives, all propagande crap and I speak the truth and it's called an insult? Do't believe everything you think Angus, Jerry, Dogonporch...I think you've got wetbrain....get a life
  5. Why it's my home? I am the Real Canadian! The rest of you originated from cranky old farts from Europe
  6. Yep aboriginal veterans fought all you cranky bald headed farts freedom...my uncles went overseas....Angus with a high IQ what an arrogant statement.... you pulled all your information from a crackerjack box as all the right wing doorknobs with their law degrees...if not you read it on the toilet walls and base all your information on gossip You, Dogon porch, Borg, Drea, JPCAn etc need to get a life instead of being in these forums all the time while sipping your whiskey Didnt the natives rescue a bunch of boat people from Europe who were stuck in ice on the St LAwerence? It was later discovered that they had scurvy and basically the natives saved their arses. The next time the cranky old farts came a cross they loaded down with lemons and limes hence the name limies These boat people came ashore and reproduced, and now we're stuck with the likes of Angus and all the other whiners in this society If you don't like it, please jump on that boat and head back to Europe! We have enough problems and can do without a bunch of grown men crying like babies
  7. Hockey is not what it use to be. Money has spoiled the game. It was better when it ended in mid-May. The playoffs are too long and nobody seems to care after the first round.
  8. I don't see why you are all worried? You all know that the cops go after the natives and nail them first before the will hand a non-native an impaired charge. I've had non-natives joke to me about this. As one example, there was road block some time ago....the cops were nailing some of the natives and when a certain non-native came through--the cop said get home and park it now, if I see you out again, then you'll get an impaired...I think it's that hidden benefit called "white privilege."
  9. If it is pointless why did you answer? It is not fabricated it is the truth...our country is full over full grown men who act worse then little kids....if you can't grasp that then you are in denial...simple as that....
  10. Why would I fabricate it as it was my aunt who told me about this? It happened last week. Do you honestly think these people would make this event up? Ever watch the show "Conspiracy of Silence?" This was about the young native girl killed in the 1970 in Manitoba. It is interesting what some of the non-native locals in that community were saying when the truth started to surface. So you say that , "anybody who deliberately propagandizes with lies should be held up to scorn and ridicule!" Does this mean that the whole Conservative Party should be scorned and ridiculed? After all, they're type are all just living one great big lie. You are saying that this doesn't happen? Why are you trying to justify or deny that this happens? Probably because you've pulled the saem stunt before...so go back to your "big tough man gossiping" in the restaurant
  11. No to demonizing, no to an Indian Restaurant...just a bunch of cranky old racist A$&holes being jerks to an aboriginal elderly couple....they seem to get some sort of cheap thrill out of pulling stunts like that when they have "lots of backup." ANy other time, especially if they're on their own, they act innocent and will even smile and say hi....I think Ive used the term ,shallow, narrow minded (lil kids) right wing phonies before
  12. Hey at least charter is up front about it...all you other bimbos don't even see the true picture...the majority of tht cash falls elsewhere and not directly to natives--this is what I meant about a "lightbulb" moment...needless to say, one day nothinaryan may see the light
  13. No, my point is there are old men out there--50s and 60s--who are worse than kids who are of the rightwing element...their lil kid antics transmit to their boyz (sons), and the cycle of intolerance and dysfunction starts all over again
  14. None of the above! I don't buy this left wing /rightwing crap. Im just a straightforward person who tells it like it is..you all can't respond to this because you know that there arses in our society like that--big tough men who have to target elders and girls....
  15. You probably pull those kinds of stunts in restaurants...grow up lil boy redneck rightwinger
  16. The term varies but some know them as people who hate natives. I forgot to mention that these so called men in the restaurant were in there 50s and 60s. I asked the elderly couple how they had felt, and they said it pi$$ed them off and ruined an evening out, however, they mentioned that one of the guys in the group just got up and walked out once the other little boy rightwingers started their childish rant
  17. Last evening I spent some time with a aboriginal women and her husband, both in there lates 60s. They explained that they went to eat dinner at a small restaurant in a small town near Prince George BC. They entered the restaurant and there was a group of about 1/2 dozen rednecks sitting there having coffee in the heat of gossip. (Imagine that big tough men gossiping like little kids ) The couple sat down and within minutes, the little kid rednecks started yapping loud about indians, using the word indians to get their cheap rightwing thrill out of it. Will these little boy rightwingers ever grow up? Is this an isolated incident or does it happen alot? I can see these A-holes perhaps doing that to people a little younger but to an elderly couple minding thier own business...Is Canada that bad? Idiots giving natives crap over laws and policies written by non-natives? I think the cops should investigate the sons of all these rednecks who are full of hatred as they are probably all the ones behind the "Highway of Tears."
  18. Last evening I spent some time with a aboriginal women and her husband, both in there lates 60s. They explained that they went to eat dinner at a small restaurant in a small town near Prince George BC. They entered the restaurant and there was a group of about 1/2 dozen rednecks sitting there having coffee in the heat of gossip. (Imagine that big tough men gossiping like little kids ) The couple sat down and within minutes, the little kid rednecks started yapping loud about indians, using the word indians to get their cheap rightwing thrill out of it. Will these little boy rightwingers ever grow up? Is this an isolated incident or does it happen alot? I can see these A-holes perhaps doing that to people a little younger but to an elderly couple minding thier own business...Is Canada that bad? Idiots giving natives crap over laws and policies written by non-natives? I think the cops should investigate the sons of all these rednecks who are full of hatred as they are probably all the ones behind the "Highway of Tears."
  19. The Begin hit was the nail in the coffin. Why was this guy taking runs at players with 5 minutes left in a tie game? What an idiot....
  20. Nothinarian uses Flannagan as a resource? Thanks for your info CR, which is something many whites don't even see. The Min of Indian Affairs, all the Deputy Ministers, all the INAC buildings in big cities like Vancouver and Edmonton; who all employ non-aboriginal people with that huge billion dollar budget. SOme of the freakin dorks think the indians have it good and are rich are idiots...just look on some of the reserves...Third World conditions....The Right Wingers are a bunch of fools
  21. Nothinarian uses Flannagan as a resource? Thanks for your info CR, which is something many whites don't even see. The Min of Indian Affairs, all the Deputy Ministers, all the INAC buildings in big cities like Vancouver and Edmonton; who all employ non-aboriginal people with that huge billion dollar budget. SOme of the freakin dorks think the indians have it good and are rich are idiots...just look on some of the reserves...Third World conditions....The Right Wingers are a bunch of fools
  22. Yikes! You have kids? OH OH! Another scott peterson in the making..how does your wife even trust living with the likes of you?
  23. We will really miss you! Im sure that once you've crawled under your rock another snake will surface....you in ignore because you are defeated
  24. OPPS I meant Angus "THROWUPANDMAKEAPILE-WITH-YOUR-BS!" You right-wingers are indeed, worse than kids....
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