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About searchingforaformerclearity

  • Birthday 07/10/1977

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  1. That's kinda nit-picky don't you think? I mean, if you wanna be THAT critical is anybody truly one hundred percent consistant in every move they make in life? I think, fat people can be leaders of environmental crusades just like masturbating males can be pastors, or even faithful husbands for that matter.
  2. Diplomacy, training and reconstruction... that's a noble focus, yet for some reason we need a combat role??
  3. The "no seat no spot" rule is ridiculous. People need choices in a democracy and therefore the media spotlight needs to be shared amoung all party leaders, even the fringe ones.
  4. His hypocrisy baffles me, I really can't understand how he can sleep at night. http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?con...&articleId=5165 "According to a former CIA official, funding for armed separatist groups operating in Iran is paid from the CIA’s classified budget. The aim, claims Fred Burton, an ex-State Department counter-terrorism agent, is “to supply and train” these groups “to destabilize the Iranian regime.” (1) The largest and most well known of the anti-government organizations is Mujahedin-e Khalq (MEK), operating out of Iraq. For years MEK had launched cross-border attacks and terrorist acts against Iran with the support of Saddam Hussein. Officially designated a terrorist organization by the U.S. State Department in 1997, and disarmed of heavy weaponry by the U.S. military six years later, Washington has since come to view MEK in a different light." "Accusing MEK of past involvement in repressive measures by former president Saddam Hussein, the current Iraqi government wants to close down Camp Ashraf, located well outside of Baghdad, where many of the MEK fighters are stationed. But the camp operates under the protection of the U.S. military, and American soldiers chauffeur MEK leaders."
  5. So how is it 'sanitized for political correctness'? The manual 'prepares our soldiers for counterinsurgency warfare nothing more' then what would be the logical point of identifying 'mohawk warriors'? Would there be specific tactics to deal with 'mohawk warriors' as opposed to ...say, Cree warriors? Its not sanitization; Its sensibility. Because niether the military nor the government give a shit if its Mowhawk warriors that will be on the recieving end of any counterinsurgency warfare. The military is not PC, it is just that we have to deal with some unpleasent truths that weak kneed people cannot handle. We, the military and society cave into these people, why, I have no idea.... As for the scenario you described, it could happen, hope it does not. The situation would have to become extremly drastic before the CF was ordered to retore order with all means avil. The last time we did that was in 1885 out west. I don't think the gov't/military would be too unpopular just with the folks "sorted out". I think Canadians are slowly waking up and realize, enough is enough with the crazies..... What's so crazy about the "crazies"? Are you saying if you were aboriginal you wouldn't fight for your rights? Isn't this manual just a tool so us white folks can fight for our rights? There's no difference between us and them.
  6. Well it seems people in the know (ie scientists) would disagree with you, apparently their confidence level in their projected effects is "high" to "very high" as in 80 to 90 percent. And yes, they could be wrong but that still doesn't negate the fact that C02 is causing the globe to be warmer (among other problems) and that in itself should be enough motivation for a person to minimize their ecological footprint.
  7. We have ice core samples showing that in the last 650 000 yrs the globe's temp correlates with CO2 levels, and we also know CO2 traps heat in our atmosphere... how can anyone reasonably believe we aren't accelerating global warming??
  8. I don't think it's about people's inability to connect the dots as much as it's about political apathy and lack of self-efficacy... and maybe even more so about people's media intake. Get your points mentioned on the 5 o'clock news and we'll definately have a few more people holding our mp's feet to the fire.
  9. Link ABOUT FREAKING TIME!!!! "the actions of a minority group within a state who are intent on forcing political change by means of a mixture of subversion, propaganda and military pressure, aiming to persuade or intimidate the broad mass of people to accept such a change." That can be used to pretty much stifle any protest the government wants. Are you against protest too??
  10. Layton makes a good point: "There's no powers on the part of the inquiring individual to compel people to tell the truth, so we believe that it's a half measure and half measures are not good enough when it comes to ensuring that our RCMP, our national police force, has the kind of respect and confidence that the hardworking members deserve to have from the public."
  11. I used to be a fan of George b/c of his tendency toward the left and his honesty in driving home his points, but he's nothing like the George we saw on Muchmusic... he's watered himself down so much so it makes me wanna puke just watching him speak. It's like he's talking to his grandmother... he doesn't even use his normal tone of voice anymore, just too concerned with being too polite, and thus loosing his edge. Also, I do not understand why he mixes entertainment with news. Since when should we care what Britney Spears or Anna Nicole does?? I would continue watching the hour but I simply cannot stand all the BS my eyes recieve untill I get a fragment of realness. I hope people get sick of the new George soon and he can go back to being himself instead of what he thinks others think he should be.
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