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Everything posted by guyser

  1. And the government collects far more than that from taxes paid . Name a business that doesnt get a break from the feds. Tempest in a teacup.
  2. Thelonious , will you PLEASE drill into our resident agitators head that there is in fact a labour shortage in Canada? No names are necessary as I am sure you know who I mean.
  3. Niagara, I am a fan of Buffalo as I travel there quite frequently to see some friends. (Amherst are if asking) I am not so sure that Buffalo was to benefit all that much from NAFTA . It is my impression that the mfg'ing base that historically has been Buff's forte was in serious decline prior to NAFTA. There is a reason it was nicknamed the rust belt as I am sure you know. Do you think there is any truth to that? I have no idea why the wine trade is not better for you guys, as it is essentially the same soil. Probably, and I may be talking out of my hat here, the CDN wine industry blocks local competition on the local level. Does LCBO buy any of your wines?
  4. I will ask again since you continue to use it.....where is the list of people dying whilst on a waiting list?
  5. . First, many professional women do not change their names when they get married in order not to confuse anyone. He is still at the clubbing over the head and dragging them into the cave stage to know that. Come on, you must know by now that is not much critical thinking going on with him.
  6. This will be fun to watch, especially when the coach gets his ass handed to him. Booting a guy off the team for not signing a flag. Getting my popcorn now.
  7. And of course Immigration Canada will review this and make no distinction that the man is injured and looking for health care.....umm ok Actually, I should call BS on your post. But then , perhaps you are unaware that 99% of Guyanese speak English, and the some of them bilingual with French. Seeing as the Brits founded then the french took over.... Yea...I am going to call BS on this one.
  8. Here is a novel idea mikedavid. Shut up , if for no other reason than YOU DID NOT vote. In your world there is not a democracy because YOU didnt vote . Got that ? You did not vote. Let me say again, you did not vote. So if 450G out of 1M get off their ass and vote, the results are invalid? Factual , something you wouldnt know if it jumped up and grabbed your face. You contradict yourself with each post , well other than your standard rant about immigrants have ruined this country. Tell ya what, since you are an immigrant.....leave.
  9. We. Have. Canadian. Citizens. Dying. on. Wiating. Lists. WHAT DON'T YOU UDNERSTAND. Elimate the damn space agency. Unless they want to talke themselves down to hell where they can rot and we can put monies where it rightfully belongs. Get RID of them!!! Show me the list of people dying please. Because I don't "udnerstand" what you are talking about.
  10. $100 an acre?? Where the H do you live? What I would have if land at my cottage was worth $100 an acre , instead of $100 a sq centimetre. Funny, I would be poorer , yet have more land.
  11. Keep your money. Go buy a clue on how the immigrant is needed in Canada. At the very least, the immigrant balances all the homegrown ignoramus' that inhabit this country.
  12. Yup, no one in Ontario wants separation. They whine because they are the hand that rocks the cradle.Pay the most, want to get the most.
  13. Might just be the death knell of this country if that ever came to fruition.It would in fact split our country in two and would create an isolation problem for Maritimers.Imagine what Quebec might want to do with the border and the scenario can be frightening. Lets keep it all together and happy !
  14. Exactly how does our health care system deny freedom of choice?
  15. Some form of subsidies goes on in everything. Why not debate instead of being a wiseass? The OP was merely suggesting a good topic to look at. Maybe he has a dog in this fight, like maybe a farmer in the family, either way it is a an interesting topic. Besides that, she is trying to get elected so she concentrates on home turf. Why bring in something taht affects none of her constituents.
  16. To quote you " .....you only need to use logic" I stopped there. Why go on....if one should use logic then there is no way in Hades that any of it is true. To whit... the burning bush Noahs ark and 40 days of rain Moses split the Red Sea Somebody rose from the dead somebody got knocked up and nobody boinked her ...Jesus was a 40 yr old man living at home....and this is our messiah? No thanks, I'll stick with Vernon Wells signing his new contract. I know I know....I will go to hell is what you want to say. Fine with me.
  17. You're not amused? Who are you, the friggin' Queen of England? Put a Corgi in it, jbg. Frankly, neither am I. Wilkins based his on a US investigation. That is their perogative. I have no qualms.
  18. I like it ! Celine and Pamela are enough to keep anyone away, and honestly, can't you just make them citizens of the US...pleeeeeeease ? They pay a lot of taxes. But the beer thing is a misnomer. Anyone that knows beer knows great beer can be had in any province or state. Its just those national brands we think about. Coors sucks here and there, as does Blue, Pabst, Canadian, Schlitz......
  19. Very interesting. Thank you for bringing that to my attn. I will have to read the whole report to understand the opinions . The only one I smiled at was the milk, and of course that is controlled by Quebec,and that province if I recall correctly, takes care of 60% of the market. Some ontarians are paid to dump their milk. That must be frustrating to see that huge market over the water and get restricted from it.
  20. Its a shame he had to repeat that diatribe again and again. Anti-americanism is NOT rampant in any way where I am concerned. Perhaps anti Govt , but not American.
  21. WOO HOO! You finally get it !!! I am so proud of you. Now don't backtrack.
  22. I agree. Some will realize that they need to lay off quite a bit of white collar welfare workers in order for it to function. And yet just last week you opined that there are no "good white collar jobs paying $52,000+ " for you to move and take. So which is it? Lay them off and keep your current or open it up so you can have one?
  23. That's. Because. There. Are. Too. Many. Nurses. And. Not. Enough. Positions. To. Give. A. Job. To. Everyone. Who. Has. That. Particular. Qualification. Same. Applies. To. Immigrant. Credentials. Google nursing shortage and you will get your answers. Its the lack of money, not too many with credentials. And I see you manage to throw in more insults towards the immigrants. Wonderful! On the hour, do you come out and say something?
  24. Bravo !! Do all these and this country will be in a dump on no time. And then, you will have some real fun trying to blame the immigrants for the downfall of our country. Beautiful. You want to strip people of their rights, bring in people and give them NO rights, create more services all the while ranting about the ones we have,and if people that we bring start to get sick at the airport we pack 'em up before they die. What a wonderful country. "Welfare provinces"....so nice that you think so highly of some of our provinces. Hey go stand at the border of some of these welfare provinces and tease them with a steak. Tell them to quit drinking at the govt teat, of course when they try and explain why this is (mismanaged resources by those outside the welfare province etc etc) you can just go nyah nyah nyah to them. And of course lets have equality. But first, we have to UN-equal tons of thing...oh I dunno...oh yeah, give tax breaks to Canadian co's, charge no prop taxes to some industries but not others, boot the savage american firms that canucks line up to support (and we can have third rate Canuck co's look after our needs) treat immigrants like chattel ...shall I go on? You actually had some germs of ideas, but , well let me just say , after digging in manure all day, I am not happy to find a quarter.
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