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Everything posted by guyser

  1. Wow....I am stunned that someone still believes that. Suffice to say I will let other blow your ideas out of the water.
  2. Wilkins is a diplomat. He gets a free pass on all of this, and no he is not putting money over rights of our citizens. What crime could we attach to put him on a wtach list?
  3. I am not saying that at all, they do use health care. It is my belief that they in no way are responsible for any percieved mess that health care is in. Abuses to our health care should be looked at and stopped. This would put a lot of Canadians in trouble.
  4. There already is an "age group exclusion " based on being within two years of each other.
  5. Should we ban Americans from our shores too? Think about your answer before you reply.
  6. Touchy subject WV , but sadly I could not disagree any less. Do we really want our boys and girls going to jail for the same things we did at that age? I certainly don't. Teen sex is going to happen, we do NOT need a law to try and change that and frankly that is what they are trying to do. Eighteen years old and under for charges...?....no way that can happen. As it is now, under 18 sex does have restrictions , such as authority status over the minor, a person in a position of authority cannot engage a minor in sex , and the age difference can all lead to charges. Pedophiles get off on your average advert flyer coming into your home depicting ads of underwear and such . A sickness is a sickness and charges are relevant where warranted, but my daughter and/or her boyfriend (or vice versa) do not deserve criminal charges. There are plenty of creepy men out there, and it is the parents responsibility to ensure they teach their kids the warning signs to keep them safe.
  7. Argus you are right on the Mtl CDN's paying as mucha s the rest of the US teams, but the US teams are not subsidized to any great extent. They do not pay near the level of taxes as the Canuck temas do so thats is where the saving s are. As for the Sens, they could have built it nearer the city but they thought that a whole community would rise up around it. Taken a while but it is happening out there.
  8. And how much would a bed to sleep in cost if I could find one? www.sleepcountrycanada.ca The roof over it is a little more expensive though.
  9. So Chretien ...er ....mikedavid, here you go again. So now you dont think there is a job shortage , but yesterday there was a shortage, and the day before that there wasn't. Of course living in Ont allows you free reign to tell someone , obviously in some position to report on the need for jobs, that he is wrong. My guess is you take that track as you cannot see fit to admit you are wrong. And of course once again you compare blue pills to the price of bacon.If nothing else you are consistent, consistently wrong mind you but your record is stellar. Again, get back on the hookah
  10. You are absolutely correct, but that has not nor ever will , stop the Churches from trying to keep the sheeple in line.
  11. Correct sir , I made a spelling mistake. Thank you for that . Now onto more important things, such as how this country would be better off if they separate.Do tell us. And a word of advice, ignore minor spelling mistakes (but not entire posts of poor grammar and spelling) and keep to the heart of the question. That is of course if you can answer the question. But from your reply, I have already seen that you cannot. Thanks for coming out....next !
  12. Hydraboss...you saw his reply? He only wants in excess of $52000+ and a white collar job. And he holds out is the immigrant that is causing this country grief. So tell me hydra , who would you hire , some guy who comes in off the street and asks for a job as he is new to the country, and says give me any job, OR some guy from Ontario who comes in and says "hey boss, got any $52,000+ jobs AND a desk where I can keep clean?
  13. You sir are one strange enigma. You constantly hype about no labour shortage , yet post in other threads that there is. Please make up your mind. As for Stats Can and their massaging the numbers, you counter with the Canadian Labour Congress which is merely an umbrella group for most of canadas unions. Nice , I would imagine that any union organization would NEVER spin numbers to aid their targets.No No, never. Everyone of your points in the above post are countered with your "truth" , yet you make no connections whatsoever.For instance, people feel satisfied with their jobs and you counter that they feel stress. Hey guess what, there is no connect there. I feel stress in my job too, AND I am happy with it. You counter blue pills with the price of bacon. It continues with skilled labour shortage whereby you post that more skilled is needed , then counter with "jobs being increased yet mostly part time" . Yeah...whats your point. Perhaps the people not getting skilled labour jobs cannot do them , but do qualify for PT work. Wow what a concept! It goes on and on with disconnects that boggle my mind considering just how smart you hold yourself, and only yourself agrees, to be. You make point after point and back them up with totally unrelated info and then stand on the roof tops and yell "see I proved to you guys" . Well, let me say this, you prove to us day in and day out , but what I will leave alone. And then of course there is that idea of yours to eliminate businesses' from paying any tax. Cuckoo cuckoo goes the birdy. Even you should see the folly in that idea. What will we do to pay the bills, or replace the hundreds of billions that would not be collected. And then there are the loans you want to make to business, but make sure you recall shagging Rod Briden and the Ottawa Senators for getting a loan.Talk out of your right side and something different from the left. Maybe we can call you Chretien now. I think I will . And lastly, of course the old standy.....its the immigrants fault. Get back on the hookah.
  14. And I will bet that 99% of people polled (of course AFTER they have answered the Senate poll) have no idea what the Senate does. That does not invalidate the poll, but what use could it be.
  15. That is your reply? You are shown to be spreading falsehoods, or lies, your call , and the best you come back with is "Big deal?" Well, perhaps a few others and I will refrain from debating you on anything.
  16. Well since people who live here are loathe to donate , what makes that so different from immigrants? http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/nr-cp...01_36bk1_e.html So nice of you to flick off the immigrant as one who wants to leave it to Canadians to donate. They may be coming from a country that does not do donations, may have cultural or religious reasons for not wanting to donate or a myriad of other reasons. Ahh ...but it is all selfishness isnt it ? Oh please.........
  17. Now saturn, what the heck are you doing bringing facts into this discussion? It wrecks, no wait, totally blows all of mikedavids assertions out of the water. Of course he will try and spin this another way, or totally ignore the link and continue spouting hateful diatribes against immigrants. Sheesh...facts whodathunkit !
  18. I sure hope the pay was worth it ? Glad you are back and safe and sound.
  19. Really ? I would think that I could not be fired for refusing to agree to support a political notion presented by my boss when in fact no politcal affiliation is deemed necessary as a condition of employment.
  20. Obviously you have spent zero time considering the consequences.
  21. I am not so sure Niagara that commerc would flow as before. There would surely be barriers put up to many transfers of goods. Because a separate nation would not have the Fed umbrella to work under , or provincial agreements in place if you will, some things could come to a screeching halt. Maybe Que wants tax money on good shipped thru the province. Maybe not. But the idea that all would be good I dont fell is valid. When they or if, separate, then the feds have to get their share of real property paid (of which there is tons) get their share of transfers stopped or paid back. Put it this way, I would easily envision a tit for tat mentality coming out. And the separation of our maritime brothers would be disastrous.
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