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Everything posted by Bushmustgo

  1. Why are you so concerned about abolishing AA when it doesn't really affect you? You have the advantage on a job by simply being white, your skin is advantage. AA is trying to take skin away and base it on a more leveled playing field promoting diversity. You know, we all benefit from AA because people who normally wouldn't be excepted into certain colleges and jobs are now able to. With more minorties in the job market, it increases the that groups chance of being successful along with the majority. A strong and educated majority and minority together can only make the country better..... You want to live where white is dominant and blacks do as they're told, what kind of country is that? I know, I know, it's a conservate right wing country who by the way, acted as if they cared about the people in Iraq and their freedom........hypocracy at its finest!
  2. Isn't this similar to Bush on his election in Florida ran by Conservatives and his gov. brother????
  3. No, being white will be leveled to the rest of the population. Hugo, if you were born black, you would be fighting on for Affirmative Action. Some people don't have empathy and he looks to be sitting in your chair just now.
  4. There are many theories and i have read one that beleives the 3%, which sound consistent with what is out there to me. Are you then saying that people DECIDE to be gay and have a more difficult life? Are people born bi-polar or do they decide to be bi-polar? Are people born with Down Syndrome or do they decide to have it? Do you think Gay's should or shouldn't have rights? What two consenting adults do in a bedroom is there business and not the govt's, we're living in the USA, not Iran!
  5. I wish they could sue Pres. Bush for his role in ignoring the warnings from Clinton.
  6. It doesn't seem to matter at this point because the Democrat, Bustamante, is leading in all polls anyway.... so why even bother!
  7. I don't have a strong opinion on this one but, I will say that researches beleive 3% of the population is born gay and not the fault of the individual who some say decide to be gay (just as someone born bi-polar was to decide to be bi-polar). Anyway, I believe marriage is between man and woman as well, it's just hard to no there are laws discriminating against people who were born different. Dick Cheney's daughter and Dick Gephardt's daughters are both lesbians and I know you don't think Cheney's daughter decided to be gay knowing her father is such a radical conservative!
  8. Craig, You can cry all you want about the California-Mexican situation but, if you go back into history, that land was basically robbed from Mexico. Think of it like this, some country like Canada came and took Minnesota and New York from the U.S. after a war and paid us very little for it, than 100 years from now the Canadians were crying and complaining as you are about American living there. I hope you can get the point there and you just can't have everything that suits you. These Mexicans have a poor life with families and no hope in Mexico (some). They here that there are jobs in the U.S., just a few days or weeks journey, DO YOU KNOCK THEM FOR WANTING A BETTER LIFE, OR WOULD YOU PREFER THEY GIVE UP AND JUST DIE A POOR MAN WHO NEVER TRIED FOR A BETTER LIFE!!! They are people like you and I who were born in an unfortunate situation, you have taken your situation for granted!
  9. Patriotism is great but, learn from the Germans under Nazi control who took a low time and in the name of patriotism, turned against those "supposedly" causing them from excelling. People followed under the blanket of patriotism and millions died because of it. I was called unpatriotic for not supporting the war and had people telling me that I should move to Iraq because I was voicing my opinion against it, which by the way, is patriotism in a smarter way and uses my constitutional right through the 1st Amendment, "Freedom of Speech."
  10. It goes like this: The Black man complains that he didn't get it because of the white man. The Fat man complains that he didn't get it because of the skinny man. The Woman complains that she didn't get it because of the man. The Handicapped man complains that he didn't get it because of the abled man. We then help these people who are less fortunate in the eyes of the employer and now of ALL people, the white man complains that the black, fat, handicapped or woman took his job! Come on people, let's put it into perspective, Affirmative Action is needed to help those seen as less by an employer to find jobs and education. Be happy that you are WHITE in this country because it is a priveledge!!! There are many studies showing that an exact resume except for the name, one black and one white, sent to hundreds of employers advertising EOE and over 400% of the ones with White names are called back over those with black names........it's obvious discrimination because people want to hire other people who talk like them and look like them and the majority of employers are white!
  11. I still don't understand how some people think that Bush is such a wonderful president and believe he is a leader. In comparison to the 4 Star General, Rhodes Scholar, and top place finisher of his class at West Point, Bush cannot touch the accolades. He has a last name that brought him in the lime light, father's supporters, a Yale education that never mentions him as a top or even average student, a draft dodger, etc. Bush also waged an "illegal" war and now we're suffering the consequences, insulted the U.N. on their incompetence to find WMD, which haven't found either but knew "exactly" where they were before the war, insulted our allies and now ask for their help in order to pursuade congress to spend a phenominal amount of money in $87billion. I mean, this outrageous and on top of that, this president has choked on a freaking pretzel and suffered a blackout, fell off of the segway scooter and recently dropped his dog......It's time for someone like Gen. Wesley Clark to come in a clean house and restore respect to that position and this country, whether he's Vice President or top dog! Gen. Wesley Clark for President!
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