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Everything posted by Wilber

  1. I have a problem with that attitude. Regardless of the worthiness of the cause, Trudeau used his personal twitter account to announce Canadian government spending on a US political talk show in a manner that made out like he and Trevor were saving the world. Trevor maybe but Trudeau was just using your money to try and increase his own popularity. The man's ego is becoming an expensive problem. It is borrowed money after all that Canadians will pay interest on in perpetuity because it will never be paid back, but that is another issue. Unfortunately, the only thing most politicians really excel at is dreaming up new ways to spend money. We have become a can we afford the payment country, when we used to be a can we live within our means country.
  2. Well I don't belong to any US forums so my obsession can't be that bad.
  3. 1) Surely you know the origins of the phrase. 2) I'm OK with that.
  4. Where else would you satisfy your obsession with Canada.
  5. No it's not my country but that doesn't prevent you from passing judgement on mine on this forum.
  6. But not to restrict the powers of the incoming representatives. Not between an election and the new members are seated. Not in our country. As a former admirer of your system, the more I've seen it in action these past few years, the more I appreciate ours, with all its warts.
  7. Of course not but there is no way they should be allowed to pass laws that restrict the powers of the newly elected. Dumb! Deceitful! Undemocratic! Sleazy!
  8. If that flaw allows it to be governed like a banana republic?
  9. No it isn't perfect but it doesn't allow people who have lost their mandate to make or pass legislation. That at least is democracy.
  10. A PM may be able to prorogue Parliament but that just prevents legislation from being passed.
  11. OK, how about some states act like Banana Republics.
  12. Legislatures aren't constantly in session, they do take breaks. I can see outgoing legislatures as watchdogs until the new group is in place, but to pass legislation that restricts the powers of the newly elected is one of the most undemocratic things I have ever heard of in a supposed democracy.
  13. It amazes me that outgoing governments can get away with this shit. In Canada, if you lose an election you start cleaning out your desk the next day, you aren't entitled to legislate anything.
  14. This is the United States Politics Forum is it not? There are 215 pages of topics on this particular forum, I have started maybe two or three in over ten years.
  15. It's electoral fraud, not voter fraud that is being investigated. The board has four democrats and four republicans, the vote not to certify was 6 to 2.
  16. North Carolina electoral fraud Board of Electors refuses to certify election
  17. Outgoing Michigan and Wisconsin lame duck legislatures vote to hamstring incoming governors and attorney generals. https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2018/12/4/18123784/gop-legislature-wisconsin-michigan-power-grab-lame-duck American democracy in action.
  18. The existing TM pipeline made $300 million last year. Companies build pipelines because they make money. The new one will too if it ever gets built.
  19. As far as this place is concerned they came from you.
  20. True but if Trump is going to take everyone down a hole, it's only right that he leads the way.
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