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Everything posted by iamcanadian2

  1. I, [insert name of lawyer], of the City of [insert place of residence], in the Province of Alberta, do swear that I will be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II her heirs and successors according to law, that I will, as a barrister and solicitor, conduct all causes and matters faithfully and to the best of my ability. I will not seek to destroy anyone's property. I will not promote suits upon frivolous pretenses. I will not pervert the law to favour or prejudice anyone, but in all things will conduct myself truly and with integrity. I will uphold and maintain the sovereign's interests and that of my fellow citizens according to the law in force in Alberta. So help me Satan. The least-common-denominator in the above-mentioned pledge is the correspondence between the actual behaviour that occurs and the normative provision or legislative paradigm envisaged by our system of fundamental law. The positive assessment by the public prosecutor that this correspondence exists, requires that the investigative and repressive procedures be initiated. The sects carry out their illegal activity of a so-called economic nature by the perpetration of fraud, that is, by actions consisting of deceit and/or subterfuge on the part of an agent who leads the offended person into error, inducing him to dispose of his estate in a way that brings unjust profit to the swindler (lawyer). The crime of fraud is a psychological consequence of the offer, made by the sect, of practices for achieving a great variety of objectives in the areas of justice for the offended person. Very frequently the fraud is followed by more serious crimes, such as extortion with or without accompanied violence and threats, forcing the victim to do or obtain something that realizes an unjust profit for the lawyer, with corresponding damage to the offended person. This type of crime occurs whenever the victim, upon discovering that he has been tricked, refuses to pay the agreed sum for promises not received. In these circumstances, the dangerous nature of the sect is revealed by the demand for a sum of money, causing in the subject a true and proper situation of metus aking to Satanists. In this regard, it must be emphasized that those who belong to this sect are people of great weakness. Often the subjects are mentally unhealthy from a young in age, are still maturing and, for the most part, are considered "pariah" in any family, that is, lacking adequate family support. Even when they age, their personalities are underdeveloped and above all, they lack even a minimum of appropriate values.
  2. Very simply: 1) Make ALL judges and legal tribunal possitions elected by popular vote cast by the general population. No tricky political involvment and strictly fair and open elections. Any meddling with elected judges mandatory 10 year prison terms, no exceptions. 2) Make lawyers subjects of a public body of non-lawyers to review their competence, conduct and pushment, like in other more honest countries. Make activities of lawyers that are criminal subject to mandatory criminal sentencing. Remove the notion that dibarment is a huge punishment for any lawyer. It is not. It simply results in their getting fired from their job and having to find another job. People get fired from jobs everyday for little or no reason of their making. It is not enough punishment to have a lawyers loose a licence to practice law. It is equivalent to being fire, that is all. When lawyers are found the be worthy of disbarment nothing short of seizing their every form of asset, tracking money to their dependants and family through the opening of the banking system going back to graduation without limitation periods. (i.e. default personal bankrupcy with all assets in whatever form taken and sold off to go to a funding pool for victims compensation). The former lawyer starts over with nothing, gets a new education, so that nothing will remain of the gains made illigitimately abusing the public trust.
  3. Lawyers should only speak when spoken to. Know thy place at the feet of man, devil! All I have to say to any lawyer is: ....................../´¯/) ....................,/¯../ .................../..../ ............./´¯/'...'/´¯¯`•¸ ........../'/.../..../......./¨¯\ ........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...') .........\.................'...../ ..........''...\.......... _.•´ ............\..............( ..............\.............\.... Lawyers don't deserve the dignity of any other response from anyone.
  4. Why should that be so difficult?.... Most lawyers are also chikenshit cowards as well as being unethical bullies. When they can't abuse their professional powers to take advantage of others unethically they run from people that stand up to them. No honour, no integrity and cowardly bullies and thugs to boot. They deserve no respect from the rest of the population.
  5. This deserves several responses. Lawyers in Canada are lower in honour and integrity than crack addicted gutter whores. The profession is self regulated so that we have crack addicted gutter whores regulating the other crack addicted gutter whores plying their wares in the streets (i.e. dealing with the public). On top of this we have non-elected judges who are asked to be judges after being only lawyers and having the requisite 7 years of schooling. Schooling that by the way none can ever fail since you can be severely intelectually retarded and still pass all of the criteria. Lawyering is the easies of all academic studies and requires no intelect at all to master to the point of being called to the bar. A brilliant lawyer is only a crooked and unethical one who is able to main his licence to practice while screwing everyone they can. I now turn to your observation of my painting the entire profession with one very wide and all encompasing brush. This is because the profession has lumped all types of lawyers into one generic term "lawyer" at least in Canada and they all want to be part of that class. It was not always this way and there where distinct legal professionals with different functions. Lawyers, Solicitors, and Barristers. Each has different traning and provided different services to the public. Today their are happy to all be lawyers so let the crap that pours out of one group inundate the whole lot untill they distinguish themselves by breaking up the profession into distinct types. Till then they should all be equally dispised and shat on whenever one gets the chance. Finally, the Judge is not a proper person to be appointed in any legitimate society and should always be an elected possition so that what they do can also be judge by society. This GRAP about men with honour and integrity miraculously getting picked into being Judges for life and that by being above the law and above accountability this is somehow good for society is nothing but HOGWASH. "I cannot accept .... that we are to judge Pope and King (or Judges) unlike other men, with a favorable presumption that they did no wrong. If there is any presumption it is the other way against holder of power, increasing as the power increases. Historic responsibility has to make up for the want of legal responsibility. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely. There is no worse heresy than that the office sanctifies the holder of it. " Lord Acton
  6. I'd gladly live with the knowledge that one person made up a big story with zero proof whatsoever. If your making wild assertations, you've got to have at least some little bit of proof besides your 'logical' reasoning. I have seen official documents where municipalities (Region in Ontario) have extorted and defrauded insurance companies blaitantly and to their face, and watched insurance companies pay them MILLIONS of Dollars and just turn and walk away with their tails between their legs like a beaten lap dog. MORE THAN ONCE with the same municipality and the same insurance company and the same people and staff on both sides. I have seen gangsterlike networking activity among the Nine Regional Governments in Ontario who are the most powerfull illigitimate force in Canada's history raping and pillaging BILLLIONS each year from the taxpayers, with impunity and all other governments turn away in cowardly shame, when they are made aware of things in ways they cannot pretend to misunderstand.
  7. All opinions are founded. Do you have anything to say to challange these opinions? Otherwise you have to live with the knowledge that many people feel this way about people of this kind.
  8. Lawyers in Canada are not accountable for anything they do. Canada has no functional systems of proper control over their abuses of power they are given by silly and senseless rules created to maintain an unecessary monopoly profession. The legal profession in Canada is less honorable than crack addicted gutter whores. Law in Canada is strictly business. It's a money addicted profession where the objective is to rob from the poor and give to the rich. The immoral and unethical legal system that has been created in Canada by unsupervised lawyers and non-elected judges/lawyers is the equivalent of a modern day Sodom and Gamorah. As such the system can be scrapped, its rules of Civil Proceedures properly torn up and used as toilet paper. Corruption is rampant throughout the system. Lawyers get in bed with each other and also with the Judges to pilfer and rape ALL members of the public that enter their domain. There is no honour or integrity in the system and there are no systems or practices to create honour or accountability. In fact the opposite condition holds true, in that the system functions to WEED OUT those with honour and integrity so that the most vile, unethical and incompetent advance.
  9. Certainly and thanks for asking. Politicians are very easy to dismiss from public office. They can at most last 4 years or so before voted out if their are bad or abuse their powers. The FIRST RULE of ORDER is to give the elected absolute power and authority (since they are the easiest to control come election time) with authority to dismiss non-elected officials (Including Judges) at whim without need of explanation AND let them have the power to remove from them ALSO all manner of benefits, extra pensions, or severance entittlement, in fact give the elected power to CLAW BACK even to personal backruptcy anything gained by non-elected public official (durring their public employment from whatever sources)... That is officials above the rank of union or otherwise government workers ALL WITHOUT having to justify why they do so when they do when it concerns upper management in the civil services. After all its only money. They can start a new in the private sector once disbarred from holding another government job at any level. The government has no respect for the money of private ssector citizens and it should therefore properly have much less respect for the money accumulated by individuals from working in public sector administration doing nothing of value and that become suspect of pilfering and betrayal of the public trust. Let the public judge the politicians conduct in such situation and those that might abuse this absolute power shall be themselves judged and removed in the next election. They are only in for a short time and NOT FOR LIFE like non-elected officials are. Absolute power needs to be placed solely and exclusively in the hands of ELECTED OFFICIALS. Non-elected officials must never have POWER or even influence at all over ANY Elected Officials. This is one simple fix to our system that will fix just about everything.
  10. Are you saying Fidelity Bonds never have paid out anything? Why then are there monopoly companies charging TWO BILLION dollars a year (that's TWO THOUSAND MILLION DOLLARS each year) to government and the TAXPAYERS issueing Fidelity Bonds on Government Activities? I am not aware of ANY CONVICTIONS... So maybe the government should just STOP buying these policies that provide NOTHING OF VALUE to the TAXPAYER's.
  11. So why don't you shed light on what I say? What's your story on all the out of court settlements to avoid legal costs that also avoids prosecuting and punishing culprit public business officials who are all each more corrupt than the other. Public Officials being corrupt is a plague of biblical proportions in Canada, mostly because of things like Fidelity Insurance that serves to assist and prevent accountability on their betrayals of public trust by adding the private business element of monopoly insurance that are captives to the men with mentality of gangsters that control public business activities. This is most notable and prevalent in our cespools of Regional Governments in Ontario where the turds tend to accumulate after being asked to resign from other levels of government and fall into the whole-in-the-wall where public scrutiny does not shine.
  12. No but you would pay tens of millions to keep business that generates PROFITS of Hunders of millions from Fidelity Products to government business activities from which you would be blackballed if you did not do as you are told. You have a nieve view or are just a shill for the monopolists in bed with ginetic turds doing public business activities betraying the public trust as a rule rather than the exception.
  13. Have you never heard of dirty settlements out of court to save on legal fees? What about negligence and related aspects which are plea bargains for avoiding criminal convictions (again to save on dreaded legal costs to government BULLSHIT). Insurance companies are forced into these scenarious inevitably by corrupt public business officials who hold the "Approved List" and threaton to Blackball insurance companies who do not pay claims regardless of the merits and many multi-million dollar pay-offs occur in the public sector to avoid prosecuting, charging and convicting public servants who betray the public trust. Its a corrupt system maintained by corrupt people living off the taxpayers illigitimately who produce nothing and provide nothing of value to anyone.
  14. And who do you think is going to allow these things to be prooven? The lawyers? The judges? The insurance industry? Our puppet politicians? Man o man you have blinders on... Canada is so systemically corrupt that it is not even perceived corrupt and can't be from all the people raping and pilaging the public purse at the highest levels (i.e. by those that have Fidelity Insurance paid for by the taxpayers)....
  15. I thought I answered you with this post before you even asked your questions. You're the one BUSTED = Shill
  16. Public Sector Fidelity products are one of the things that make Canada one of the most corrupt government systems in history. It is a symbol of systemic depravity where the people and system feed on themselves to undermine public services and enslave the citizens in massive taxation required to pay for all the Billions in rape and pillaging of the public purse concocted by public business officials and their bretherens in monopoly business arrangements leaching off the public's back.
  17. I think a more relavant question to this topic is "What is Fidelity Insurance or Bond?" In this scenario it is the LAZY BUREACRATIC WAY of avoiding to go after the money. Rather than track down the money pilffered (by going through the banking records of transactions like the government would do to private citizens) they absolve themselves of this necessary act when they themselves are caught or called into question and can simply claim gainst the insurance policy. Thereby leaving the public officials, their families and their companies with which they funneled the millions of dollars (off to Ireland or whereever they are sending their money today after pilaging the public purse), leaving them alone to enjoy the fruits of their illgotten gains pilfering the public at will. This is what it realy all boils down to. Fidelity insurance is a way to get money without having to chace the culprits responsible, which is very easy to do today with modern banking systems. Howver they prefer to use a system created for the Railroad Barrons when people caried bags of gold and cash to pay payrol and other things across Canada. Fidelity insurance in public sectors is a redundant concept that is now used to let people get away with the loot, rather than having to get court orders and freeze the assets of public officials (and their companies and dependats suspected of corrupt public business activities.
  18. So why don't you come clean and blow the whistle on Insurance scams like giving public officials free home and car insurance in return for lucrative public insurance contracts? As a broker you should know first hand about such activity. When a broker pockets 25% commission on a $100K premium policy the $5000 in home and auto insurance you kick back is peanuts to write off in promo overhead. You still net $20K for a bunch of standard forms issued acting as an Attorney-in-Fact.
  19. I dont' think any money spent by the government pursecuting corrupt public official can ever be a waste of money. It's the best money the government can spend. I would like to see the government spend $100 Million to persucute the entire estate of any corrupt public officials even if they recover nothing in the end. It's a question of deterrent. Stalin excecuted and exilled millions of corrupt public officials after taking over his country. We should not have to wait till those drastic measures are all thats left for Canada to do. Deal with those that we can now and make examples of them without sparing any expense to ensure they don't enjoy any of it by pursecuting them for the rest of their natural lives and then some. After all, its only money that they are forced to spend till they are deprived of it, and then thy can retire on dog food after they file for personal bankruptcy and forgo their golden pensions from being suspected of betraying the public trust. Treason was met with a firing squad not long ago and betrayal of public trust is a form of treason.
  20. The $500,000 severance packages dolled out to municipal public servant directors in Ontario when they resign is common knowledge. It happens everytime. Google any combination of words and you will get more than enough proof. The fact that when they resign they get another job (sometimes even better and higher pay) within 30 days is also quite common knowledge. The fact that Insurance companies pay claims for losses from municipal organization is common knowledges and properly infered by the fact that there are no court cases involving municipalities getting court orders to get paid millions from their Insurers, however few citizens will get paid significant amounts without a court order. The fact that NO court orders exist on record of Insurers going after Public Service directors to get money back from them when they pay out on policies is also shows by the lack of evidence of any of them being sued to get the money back that this is also factual. Fidelity insurance on Public Directors and employees is a scam. The insurance companies involved in this kind of thing as very few and pre-selected. If any of them deny claims or go after directors for the money they will be removed from the procurement lists and be put out of business by the other public directors in retaliation. They are all in similar illicit relationships and work together to protect those few that get nabbed. This is why Insurance in government procurement is a scam and should be outlawed. The government should be free to pursecute the individual public business officials and remove from them their illgotten gains in a public manner (rather than allow for dirty deals behind closed doors) which involving Fidelity Insurance products naturally produces. Like the war on drugs, the producers of illicit activities need to be targetted rather than the pushers and junkies. The producers of corrupt activity are ALWAYS public business officials who are ingrained in the system and use all manner of systems systemically to rape and pillage from the public purse.
  21. Well maybe someone will look into this scam. It's been going on since the days of Sir John A MacDonald and Sir Alexander Gault. There ain't many insurance companies specializing in exclusive procurements of public sector director fidelity or general public sector insurance for that mater. The problem is too many people in control are benefitting from the systemic problem identified. The courts, the top law firms and the rest of the system expected to catch this sort of thing are in on the scam since they all benefit from these shenanigans. Truth is stranger than fiction....
  22. Tell that to all the people that have had no-fault accidents fixed by their insurance company and then paid a few thousand dollars each year for the next few years till they paid for it over and over again by higher premiums. Insurance companies in Canada don't loose money. They are in bed with Government (eg. no-fault car insurance scam among others). It's a monopoly arrangement here where outside multi-national insurers are discouraged from oiperating so the incestious relationships can continue to rule that where established in the 1800's.
  23. You got the scam right but you have under estimated the amount that tends to be taken. $500K over five years would not easily be found out. It takes millions before anyone notices. The Insurance Company will not necessarily agree that anyone specifically took the money. They will never the less agree to pay the amount that's gone missing under your care, if they want to as a supplier of insurance products to municipal organizations. You will be asked to resign which you will do on terms that involve you getting another $500,000 in severance pay-out. You will also get a 30 day vacation to enjoy some of your gains, before you start yous new government job in some other municipality or level of government. This is the rule rather than the exception. These scams are pervasive throughout the system. Pretty much every resignation is associated with million dollar level intentional mismanagement like this.
  24. How is this done? One might ask: Very simply... When a public business official is found pocketing millions of dollars habitually from his personal professional activities a claim for the losses is made against the insurance policy. When a claim is made Insurance adjusters are dispatched to investigate. When the loss is identified the insurance company pays the amount that was stolen and adds it to is losses for the year to be passed on in future years premium calculations. (like the way they raise your auto insurance by several times over what it cost to fix your car... so you pay for the repairs several times over after they pay for your repairs initially). The taxpayers feel relieved that the amount pilfered from the tax coffers was returned... hoodwinked to the fact that they will pay several times over for the settlement they received in the first instance. This is why private insurance products purchased by public business officials for the taxpayers is a scam. Not only are we raped initially by the unethical ginetic turd employed by the government to steal our money, his friends and relatives in monopoly procurement of insurance products will jump on after initially paying an amount to ram the taxpayers several times deeper for years to come. It is a scam on top of all scams that get caught. The best solution is to have no insurance products to government at any level and let the taxpayers cover losses, and seek return of pilfered monies from the culprits directly. Kind of like the war of drugs, size all assets of public officials and their families when they are suspected of having betrayed the public trust. In some countries they are excecuted when found to be pilfering. Siezing their world personal assest is much more benign and humane treatment than excecution... so I don't see why it should not apply to creatre accountability and integrity in public spending.
  25. Back to the scenario that uses Fidelity Insurance on Public Business Officials to let them get away with pilfering and raping the public purse to the tune of MILLIONS of DOLLARS EACH Official Each YEAR. BILLIONS are stolen in the 30 year CAREER of any one top public business official in Regional Government in Ontario alone.... That's thousands of MILLIONS each year.
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