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Everything posted by BubberMiley

  1. Were you angry in 1919 when they rode in on horses and killed strikers in the street in Winnipeg? That was some real violence. Not an old lady posing for photographs pretending she was hurt.
  2. Please don't attack the police.
  3. I think I was clear. The one where he says the Zionists are the root of all our problems.
  4. I think your world view has, again, been affected by the Internet and how debates are presented there. In the real world, it's not nearly so partisan. Although I will grant that there is less respect among the right for science and healthcare workers.
  5. He may have. But that's completely unrelated to his racist rant (where he does explicitly claim he isn't racist and loves all "culturals").
  6. Yeah, I was just showing how he is racist. I wasn't saying you don't agree with him. You gave up on that "quoting a globalist handbook" diversion pretty quick. You should have kept at it. I bet you could have convinced yourself.
  7. So Trudeau wasn't out of line when he said there are racist elements in the convoy organization after all. He never called all anti-vaxxers racist. Just Pat King. And you admit now that was totally justified.
  8. How stupid of a liar does one have to be to think people would believe this guy is actually just quoting from a "globalist handbook". No wonder you guys are so easily manipulated.
  9. I did. You're lying
  10. Got my second of the year surprise $150 rebate cheque for my already dirt-cheap auto insurance. Public insurance is a wonderful thing.

  11. Who do you think you're fooling?
  12. We don't want to
  13. Don't forget you are at the mercy of internet algorithms that particularly target you because you identify as a "devout Christian". Don't kill yourself before considering you may have been played like a fiddle.
  14. https://twitter.com/VestsCanada/status/1165787555880734726?s=20&t=fMFv_tSXroAqBd2EvUX5vw
  15. Whatabout...whatabout...Halloween costume!
  16. You're a mess.
  17. He is one of the most prominant organizers of the convoy. His arrest was livestreamed. He's hoping for bail today.
  18. Are you defending your leader no matter what he says now?
  19. Pat King, a leader of your movement.
  20. How do you propose to deal with "the root of the problem"?
  21. Pat King.
  22. Even if you weren't a pathetic liar, you would still look like a stupid hypocrite for not saying anything against the G20 police action. But this just seems to be an attempt to divert the topic from Maxwell and her ties to your people.
  23. I guess you have to provide the cite where I said I supported them or admit you're a lying coward who can't make an argument without lying.
  24. Poking the bear by not bending over completely? Sounds like you've got your talking points all ready.
  25. Seems the Republicans are using this to distract from the invasion of Ukraine they have planned.
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