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Everything posted by BubberMiley

  1. Is this the first time the tyranny of a dictator is voted on and approved by a minority Parliament? 

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. BubberMiley


      It's amazing you keep coming back after getting humiliated so consistently.

      From the act: "AND WHEREAS the Governor in Council, in taking such special temporary measures, would be subject to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms and the Canadian Bill of Rights and must have regard to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, particularly with respect to those fundamental rights that are not to be limited or abridged even in a national emergency"

    3. BubberMiley


      It's amazing you keep coming back and trying again, but I guess if you're too dumb to know how little you know, you aren't so easily discouraged. 


    4. Shady


      But rights are being violated during this so-called emergency.

  2. I like the parenthetical white victimhood at the end. Hilarious.
  3. It's not a crime and you're just making a stupid lie only idiots really believe anyway, so it's kind of irrelevant. But setting up economic blockades, terrorizing neighborhoods and now physically assaulting reporters is not peaceful. You have been dealt with as you deserve and Canadians overwhelmingly support that.
  4. I support forceful reopening of all supply lines, including oil and gas, no matter who is doing it. We need to keep supply lines open. That's just common sense. I also have no patience for protests that devolve into occupations that terrorize neighborhoods. Fortunately we haven't had this problem much, so it's wise to nip it in the bud.
  5. You don't think trying to cut off a country's main supply lines is an act of terror? I bet you would if it were done in the name of Allah (peace be upon him).
  6. Then he shouldn't advocate overthrowing parliamentary democracy, obviously. Nothing pro-west about that.
  7. Imagine spamming a website with photos of late-term abortions and then feeling like a victim because you're unwelcome there.

  8. It didn't sound like an anti-west blog cut-and-paste to you? I wonder why.
  9. They assembled, crossed the country and got lots of attention for their protest from the media over a period of weeks. Then they were emboldened and decided to block supply lines and terrorize neighborhoods. That's when they rightfully got shut down.
  10. Did you just copy and paste that from a pro-Putin blog, traitor?
  11. Yes, I asked because I knew you had nothing.
  12. I have a feeling you don't know what "insurrection " means.
  13. Which part is the lie?
  14. Given that 90% of truckers are vaccinated and working, they're still calling you that. Cutting off supply lines is particularly crazy.
  15. Wow. Are all of you such cowards that you can't own up to what you are clearly saying? Do you think you're fooling anyone?
  16. Uh...you know we can still read your earlier posts, don't you?
  17. Uh ..no. The government has the authority to use the act. The debate today in the House is just to confirm the democratic will to do so. But calling for violent insurrection is a crime. Even for anonymous halfwits on an obscure internet forum.
  18. At least I don't support violent insurrections and then whine about being insulted for it.
  19. That would make sense if the vote today was against the use of the act. Let's see if your theory holds weight once the votes are counted.
  20. Blocking supply lines is extreme. They lost the right to claim they were peaceful protesters as soon as they did that.
  21. Then it's a bill and not an act? ...or you have no clue how parliamentary democracy works? They are debating the use of the act in Parliament today, not its existence. If its use is rejected in our parliamentary democracy, they'll scrap it. But a vast majority of Parliament is expected to support its continued implementation. This is how a parliamentary democracy works.
  22. There is nothing peaceful about attempting to block supply lines. And the only example of someone being "crushed" was a lie from your Putin-worshiping overlords. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-contributor-sara-carter-admits-to-creating-fake-story-about-canadian-woman-being-trampled
  23. You just did. You are rejecting parliamentary democracy and advocating violently overthrowing it. Although it's not unusual for you cowards to then immediately deny you said what you just said.
  24. What a surprise. Foxnews lied. https://www.thedailybeast.com/fox-news-contributor-sara-carter-admits-to-creating-fake-story-about-canadian-woman-being-trampled
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